How To Dress For A First Date

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How to Dress for a First Date

Every relationship is based on a first impression. What did you wear? How did your hair look? Here's a
guide on how to dress for a first date.


1. Don't go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. Whatever you have hanging around in your closet
should work just fine.

2. Don't be afraid to be different. You'll want to stand out from all the other girls or guys to catch your
date's attention, but if you aren't completely comfortable in it then maybe save it for the second date.

3. Be casual. You want to look nice, but not try too hard.

4. Don't be too cautious. Wear something that shows off those muscles you worked for, and girls, don't
be afraid to show a little skin!

5. Don't be slutty. Guys: no one wants to see your chest hair, and Girls: don't come off as easy by what
clothes you decide to wear.

6. Make sure you're comfortable and feel good about yourself and what you're wearing. The worst thing
you can do is go out feeling ugly. All night you'll be self-conscious, and the date will be over before it

7. Be considerate to his/her tastes and ideas without changing for her. For example, if you're dating a
"nice" girl, maybe your "Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of The Mutilated" t-shirt isn't the best idea.

8. Wear something comfortable that you won't regret. Also, try it on an hour or so beforehand and check
it w/ a friend. (Tunics are NOT suggested).

9. Guys: wear a jacket that fastens at the front, because when she gets cold you can give it to her and
she will like you more.


• Having friends around to help you get ready is a good idea. They will tell you if you look good or not
and give you advice.

• Try to also talk to some of the friends of your date. Ask them what she/he is interested in, and more
importantly, what she/he doesn't like. Remember, you can always ask her what she/he likes and
do/wear that, but if /he/she hates hip-hop and you're wearing full on gangsta rap gear, first impression
isn't going to be too good.
• Keep your outfit simple and don't overdress for the occasion. If you're going out to see a movie, then
maybe girls wear jeans or a skirt and a nice top, and guys wear jeans and a clean button up shirt.
Stay as simple as the date.

• Wear something versatile in case you extend the date. Remember to wear comfortable shoes!

• Also if you happen to have a shirt from a brand she likes, say American Eagle, wear that shirt, it
shows another common interest.

• Wear what you would choose for the first day of school.

• Wear nothing too formal you will look like you are going to the office!

• Don't wear your badges. This may seem cool when your at school (which it is) but on a date,
especially a first date, wear something neutral.

• Always bring a jacket, especially if it is cold, you will be her hero when she starts to shiver

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