4 - Robotics

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ROBOTICS • Controller: It is the brain of the robot.

It is
responsible for processing sensor data, making
A robot is a machine that can perform tasks decisions, and sending commands to the
automatically and without human intervention. actuators. The controller can be a simple
Robots are typically programmed to follow a set of microcontroller or a complex computer system,
instructions, but they can also be equipped with depending on the complexity of the robot.
sensors that allow them to respond to their
environment. Robots are used in a wide variety of Applications
applications, including manufacturing, healthcare, o Industrial robots are primarily used in
space exploration, and entertainment. manufacturing, where they perform repetitive
tasks such as welding, painting, and assembly.
The word "robot" was first used in 1920 by the Czech They are able to work with high precision and
playwright Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R. (Rossum's accuracy, and they can operate in hazardous
Universal Robots). In the play, robots are artificial environments that would be dangerous for
workers that are created to replace humans in humans.
factories. The word "robot" is derived from the Czech
Example industries: automotive, aerospace,
word "robota," which means "forced labor."
electronics, and food
Today, robots are no longer just the stuff of science They have helped to improve productivity and
fiction. They are a part of our everyday lives. Robots quality control in these industries.
are used to weld cars, perform surgery, and even
deliver pizzas. As robotics technology continues to o Household robots are designed to help with
develop, we can expect to see robots playing an tasks around the house, such as vacuuming,
even greater role in our lives. cleaning, and cooking. They are becoming
increasingly popular as they can save time and
Components effort for busy homeowners.
• Power Supply: It provides the robot with the Example: vacuum cleaners, lawnmowers, and
electrical energy it needs to operate. This can be robotic chefs.
done in a variety of ways, such as with batteries,
AC or DC power, or solar panels. o Medical robots are used in a variety of surgical
procedures, where they can provide greater
• Actuators: It converts the robot's electrical precision and accuracy than human hands. They
energy into movement. They can be in the form are also used for rehabilitation therapy and to
of motors, servos, or pneumatic or hydraulic assist people with disabilities.
o Electric Motors: The most common type of Example: surgical robots, rehabilitation robots,
actuator. They convert electrical energy into and exoskeletons
mechanical energy, which can be used to These robots are helping to improve patient
rotate a shaft or move a linear actuator. outcomes and reduce the risk of complications.
o Piezo and Ultrasonic Motors: Piezo and
ultrasonic motors are specialized types of o Service robots are used in a variety of settings,
motors that use vibrations to generate such as restaurants, hotels, and hospitals, to
movement. They are often used in robotics provide services to customers or patients. They
for their high precision and quiet operation. can be used for tasks such as greeting guests,
taking orders, and delivering food or supplies.
• Muscle Wires: These are thin wires that contract
when they are heated with electricity. They are Example: waiters, bartenders, and concierge
often used in robotics for their lightweight and robots.
flexible properties. These robots are helping to improve customer
• Sensors: It allows the robot to gather service and reduce costs.
information about its surroundings. This
o Military robots are used for a variety of tasks,
information can be used to control the robot's
such as reconnaissance, surveillance, and bomb
movements, make decisions, and avoid
disposal. They are also used for combat, where
obstacles. There are many different types of
they can reduce the risk of casualties to human
sensors, such as cameras, lasers, touch
sensors, and accelerometers.
Example: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),
unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), and robots 2. Augmentation of Human Performance:
that can defuse bombs. Robots can complement and augment human
capabilities, allowing humans to work more
These robots are helping to improve the
effectively and efficiently.
effectiveness of military operations and reduce
the risk of human casualties. This can be achieved through various means,
such as:
o Entertainment robots are used to provide
entertainment to people. They can be used for o Assistance with Tasks: Robots can assist
tasks such as playing games, dancing, and humans with tasks, such as carrying heavy
telling jokes. objects, performing complex calculations, or
providing information. This can reduce the
Example: companion robots, humanoid robots, physical strain on humans and improve their
and robots that can perform tricks. productivity.
These robots are becoming increasingly popular o Providing Additional Information: Robots
as they can provide companionship and can gather data and provide real-time
entertainment to people of all ages. information to humans, allowing them to
make better decisions and optimize their
o Space robots are used to explore space and to
performance. For example, robots can
conduct scientific research. They can be used to
monitor manufacturing processes and
collect data about planets, moons, and
provide feedback to operators, helping them
asteroids. They can also be used to repair
identify potential problems and maintain
satellites and build space stations.
quality control.
Example: rovers, landers, and robotic arms.
o Handling Dangerous or Delicate Tasks:
These robots are helping to expand our Robots can safely handle tasks that are
knowledge of the universe and to develop new dangerous or delicate for humans, such as
technologies. working in hazardous environments,
operating with precise tools, or interacting
o Hobby and Competition with sensitive materials.
Hobby robots are built by enthusiasts for fun
and learning. They can be used for a variety of 3. Exploration and Extension of Human
tasks, such as racing, solving puzzles, and Capabilities: Robots can explore environments
exploring environments. that are inaccessible or dangerous for humans,
such as deep oceans, remote locations, or
Competition robots are built by teams of
hazardous environments. They can also extend
students and professionals to compete in
human capabilities beyond our physical
robotics competitions. These competitions help
limitations, such as operating at extreme
to develop new technologies and to promote the
temperatures, performing delicate tasks, or
field of robotics.
enduring harsh conditions.
Different Purposes of a Robot
The general objectives of robots can be broadly
Robots are becoming increasingly versatile and are
categorized into three main areas:
being used for a variety of purposes. Here are some
1. Automation and Efficiency: Robots are of its different purposes:
primarily designed to automate tasks that are
▪ Dirty Tasks: Robots are often used to clean up
repetitive, dangerous, or difficult for humans to
dirty or hazardous environments.
perform. By automating these tasks, robots can
improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase For example, robots are used to clean up nuclear
safety. waste sites, oil spills, and other contaminated
areas. Robots are also used to clean up sewers,
For instance, robots are widely used in factories, and other industrial spaces.
manufacturing to perform areas such as welding, ▪ Repetitive Tasks: Robots are often used to
painting, and assembly. Their ability to work perform repetitive tasks.
tirelessly and with high precision has
revolutionized manufacturing processes.
For example, robots are used to assemble cars, learning, perception, problem-solving, language-
weld metal, and package products. Robots are understanding and/or logical reasoning.
also used to perform repetitive tasks in the
medical field, such as performing surgery and Artificially intelligent robots are the bridge between robotics
dispensing medications. and AI. These are robots that are controlled by AI programs.
▪ Dangerous Tasks: Robots are often used to The combination of robotics and AI has the potential
perform dangerous tasks. to revolutionize many industries and aspects of our
lives. For example, robots powered by AI could be
For example, robots are used to dispose of
used to perform complex surgical procedures,
bombs, fight fires, and explore hazardous
provide personalized education, and care for the
environments. Robots are also used to perform
dangerous tasks in the military, such as
disarming land mines and clearing battlefields.
Here are some of the specific ways that AI is being
▪ Impossible Tasks: Robots are often used to used to advance robotics:
perform tasks that are impossible for humans.
For example, robots are used to explore space, ▪ Computer vision: AI is being used to give robots
study the deep ocean, and perform surgery on the ability to see and understand the world
delicate organs. Robots are also used to perform around them. This is allowing robots to perform
impossible tasks in the manufacturing industry, tasks that were previously impossible, such as
such as welding together tiny components and picking up objects from cluttered environments
assembling complex machines. and navigating through complex terrain.
▪ Natural language processing (NLP): AI is
▪ Assisting Tasks: Robots are often used to being used to give robots the ability to
assist humans with tasks. understand and respond to human language.
For example, robots are used to assist people This is allowing robots to interact with humans
with disabilities, provide companionship to the more naturally and to provide more personalized
elderly, and perform tasks in the home, such as services.
vacuuming and mowing the lawn. Robots are ▪ Machine learning: AI is being used to give
also used to assist humans in the workplace, robots the ability to learn from data and improve
such as providing customer service and their performance over time. This is allowing
performing data entry. robots to adapt to new situations and to perform
tasks more efficiently.
As robots continue to develop, they will be used for
an even wider range of purposes. Robots have the The combination of robotics and AI is still in its early
potential to make our lives easier, safer, and more stages, but it has the potential to have a profound
productive. impact on our world. As these technologies continue
to develop, we can expect to see robots that are
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence even more intelligent, autonomous, and capable of
performing tasks that were previously impossible.

Potential benefits of combining robotics and AI:

• Increased productivity
• Improved safety
• Reduced costs
• Enhanced quality
• New products and services

Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with It has the potential to make our lives easier, safer,
physical robots. Robots are programmable and more productive.
machines that are usually able to carry out a series
of actions autonomously, or semi-autonomously. Robot Locomotion
Robot locomotion is the collective name for the
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer various methods that robots use to transport
science. It involves developing computer programs themselves from place to place.
to complete tasks that would otherwise require
human intelligence. AI algorithms can tackle
There are many different types of robot locomotion, The type of robot locomotion that is used depends
each with its own advantages and disadvantages: on the specific application of the robot. For example,
a robot that is used to clean floors will typically use
• Wheeled locomotion: This is the most
wheeled locomotion, while a robot that is used to
common type of robot locomotion. Wheeled
explore space will typically use flying locomotion.
robots are simple to design and control, and
they are very efficient on smooth surfaces.
Robot locomotion is a rapidly evolving field, and new
However, wheeled robots can have difficulty
types of locomotion are being developed all the time.
navigating over obstacles or in rough terrain.
For example, researchers are developing robots that
can walk on walls and robots that can swim
underwater. These new types of locomotion have
the potential to revolutionize the way that robots are

Robot locomotion is an important field of study

• Legged locomotion: They are more because it enables robots to move around and
versatile than wheeled robots, and they can interact with the world around them. Robots that can
navigate over obstacles and in rough move are more versatile and capable than robots
terrain. However, legged robots are more that cannot, and they have a wider range of
complex to design and control than wheeled applications. As robot locomotion continues to
robots. develop, we can expect to see even more innovative
and transformative applications of robots.

• Tracked locomotion: They are similar to

wheeled robots, but they have tracks
instead of wheels. Tracks provide better
traction than wheels, and they can help
robots navigate over rough terrain.
However, tracked robots can be more
difficult to maneuver than wheeled robots.

• Flying locomotion: They are the most

versatile type of robot locomotion. They can
move in any direction, and they are not
limited by terrain. However, flying robots are
more complex to design and control than
wheeled, legged, or tracked robots.

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