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United Nations [UN]]

Date of Publication: 03/07/2024

Sole Author: Shawn Dexter John

Last four digits of Shawn Dexter John's United States Social Security Number (from the Social
Security Administration provided in 1999): 6640

Citizenship and Nationality of Shawn Dexter John: United States (USA) and American

Home State of Shawn Dexter John: the state of Florida

Birthplace (and former place of residence [1997]) of Shawn Dexter John: Portsmouth, the
Commonwealth of Dominica (Caribbean Community [CARICOM])


Work Paper on the establishment of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Center and
Office in the United States and Canada, respectively, and the establishment of the Supreme
Tribunal of the Americas in two (2) to three (3) years as fundamental to the [Free Trade and]
Economic Area of the Americas (EAA) and the subsequent Union of the Americas (UA)

*No Work Paper or Report or other published literary Work of Shawn Dexter John, whether the
respective Work is declassified or conventionally communicated, constitute, by intent or reality,
mere prophecy, mere prediction, or of any level of conjecture. They are nominal in effect and
factual. The publications are comprehensive decisions authorized for being communicated by
Shawn Dexter John and authorized and mandated as employed by the United States
Government and INTERPOL (alongside their networks)

The related Legal Tenets are as follows:

(1) The establishment of NATO offices in North America, in prioritizing the United States and
Canada however the evolution of the alliance, shall not communicate any plight of the
United States to monger war, war-like conflicts, and to induce aggression by others,
(2) The United States and the Monroe Doctrine shall allow the U.S. Government to refute,
rebuke, preclude, and abort all war activities in the Americas asserted by countr(ies)
outside the hemisphere without detrimenting the global peace plan and shall not serve to
allow NATO inductees the prerogative of aborting the Monroe Doctrine toward any end
(per diplomacy and the effects of the Associate State of the United States stature of the
Commonwealth of Dominica (though established without war or conflict),
(3) There shall be no harsh imposition placed onto the United States for leading NATO until
its predicted dissolution in a century with United Nations Peacekeeping forces,
continental security systems (in accordance), and the United States Armed Forces
allowing for clarity and global safety and trust (without defeating the plight of any
sovereign State to maintain ethical defense),
(4) There shall be no refutation asserted against the movement of NATO agents to help
regulate the competency and ethics of NATO Member States as patient, non-instigative,
and seasoned at diplomacy absent, during, or succeeding war activity,
(5) There shall be no war prerogative asserted by the Americas as an evolving union; the
Supreme Tribunal of the Americas, initially authorized for serving as supreme and
superseding in addressing commercial, economic, trade, niche hemispheric, and special
judicial cases and trials shall be established with the inception of the EAA in two (2) to
three (3) years and it shall serve to offset the absurd conservative makeup of the
Supreme Court of the United States in having condemned integrationism and globalism
with the United Nations (UN), INTERPOL, and the CIA having captured an asserted and
deciphered plan of relation; NATO agents are being contracted to dissolve this plan of
isolationism and to allow the future Union of the Americas (UA) and the European Union
(EU) to remain separate in jurisdiction and in actuality with NATO's General Assembly
only attending to policy-making procedures and consequent enacted policies on NATO
military codes and regulations submissive to United Nations (UN) founding documents
and the right of every nation to remain of sovereign and independent competencies,
(6) Shawn Dexter John will author the Constitution of Europe toward, aside other logical and
ethical purposes, reforming the European Parliament into an equality of state and
representation design (with regard to an equal count of representatives concerning each
Member State at all times); the Supreme Tribunal of the Americas will welcome Shawn
Dexter John in authoring, within a decade or so, under his asserted alias, the
Constitution of the Americas toward preserving the hemispheric General Assembly's
plight and custom of an equal count of representatives in law and design,
(7) The OAS General Assembly shall be identified formally as the General Assembly of the
Americas upon the ratification of the Free Trade and Economic Agreement of the
Americas within two (2) to three (3) years,
(8) African-Americans, American-born and immigrant, multi-generational and first
generation, will be prioritized as being tutored by INTERPOL, AMERIPOL, and
developing CARIPOL agents (under CIA intelligence regimen) toward enabling the
effectiveness of the nominal Americas in protecting the welcomed hemispheric policy of
redemption and forgiveness in political (including judicial), economic, and social
relations, and
(9) Amerindians, meaning the indigenous peoples of the Americas, including Native
Americans, the peoples of the First Nations of Canada, and the Taino community
peculiarly led by the Carib (Kalinago) Territory of the still undeclared Associate State of
the United States (the Commonwealth of Dominica), shall be adivisorial, participatory,
and prioritized by the Supreme Tribunal which shall be seated by one licensed and
standard Justice from each Member State of the Americas (meaning each OAS Member
State until and succeeding Unionization) in perpetuum, at all instances of duly conducted

*(10) There shall be no conduct made detrimental to the Asia-Pacific in removing itself from
asserting the conquest or gained membership of countries of the Americas within its respective
integrationist scheme. ASEAN will serve as the most profound caucus within the future
Asia-Pacific Union's legislature in serving as the protective ally of the Australian and Melanesian
(Australesian) Aborigines toward clarity, redemption, and forgiveness as the most affluent
community in the Asia-Pacific's future. The government of the state of California will maintain a
diplomatic office in Sydney (uniquely) and the co-American state of Hawaii will serve as a
protocol member of the future Union of the Asia-Pacific (UPA or AP). California and all other
states of the United States, with Hawaii the perpetual exception, are barred from Asia-Pacific
membership for purposes of organization and order.

INTERPOL-CIA Partnership File Number: 784BWY172C

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