Third Quarterly Examination in English 8 With Answer Key and Tos

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Blk 2 Lot 1 Brgy. Diezmo, City of Cabuyao, Laguna


S.Y. 2022-2024

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully and write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


Directions: Analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. This refers to an author’s expression of his/her own opinion on a particular issue without examining and
presenting enough evidence.

A. bias B. judgment C. objective D. subjective

2. Which of the following factors influences a person to be biased?

A. evidence B. experiences C. facts D. reality

3. Below are true about bias, EXCEPT:

A. presenting both sides of the issue

B. telling only a part of the issue at hand
C. putting across an unfair or one-sided opinion
D. being subjective as opposed to being objective

4. “Fathers are always responsible in making decisions than mothers.” Which of the words below makes the
statement biased?

A. always B. decision C. making D. responsible

5. “Pageants are amazing platforms that promote different advocacies such as women empowerment, child
protection, and environmental conservation.” Which of the words below makes the statement biased?

A. amazing B. conservation C. different D. protection

6. Which of the statements below helps a person determine the author’s biases?

A. Use of diction and evidence

B. Use of credentials
C. Use of personal thoughts
D. Use of words

7.Which of the following statements does NOT manifest bias?

A. Filipinos are considered the best English speakers in the world.

B. Women leaders are better than men when handling a health crisis.
C. Research studies are undertaken to help improve the human condition.
D. Online games are the main cause of mental health problems among teenagers nowadays.


Directions: Identify the propaganda technique used in each commercial tagline/poster.

8. What propaganda technique is intended to damage the image of the competitor by using names that evoke
fear or hatred such as, “racist, dictator, and communist”?
A. card stacking B. glittering generalities C. name-calling D. plain folks
9. What propaganda technique is used in the statement, “Things go better with Coke”?
A. card stacking B. glittering generalities C. name-calling D. plain folks

10. a. Glittering generalities

b. bandwagon

c. name calling

d. card stacking

11. a. Glittering generalities

b. bandwagon

c. name calling

d. card stacking

a. Glittering generalities
b. bandwagon

c. name calling

d. card stacking

a. Glittering generalities

b. bandwagon

c. name calling

d. card stacking


Direction: Choose your answer on the box. Write the letter of the correct answer.

A. Social B. Moral C. Economic D. Issue

15. It is a subject or problem that people are experiencing or talking about?

16. It involves actions that have the potential to harm other people or themselves.
17. An issue that involves people in society.
18. It involves the increase of the price of basic commodities and services affecting many people.
19. It is an issue that is against the value, beliefs, and preferences of the people in society.
20. 70% of North Korean women teenage girls are being victimized, sometimes sold for as little as $200.
21. Children die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth because the families cannot afford medical
Directions: Analyze the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on the
answer sheet provided.

22. What part of a plot refers to the conclusion or ending of a story?

A. climax B. falling action C. rising action D. resolution

23. Setting is one of the elements of a short story. It refers to the time and location in which a story takes
place. It may also be the following EXCEPT __________.
A. mood B. climax C. atmosphere D. social condition

24. What element of the story shows the logical arrangement of events, with a beginning, middle, and end?
A. exposition B. character C. plot D. conflict

25. “Ravana abducted Sita and forced her to be his wife. Rama came to rescue Sita. He fought and confronted
Ravana and his evil brothers. Finally, Rama killed Ravana and freed Sita.” What type of conflict is used by the
A. man vs. man B. man vs. society C. man vs. self D. man vs. supernatural

26. “Long ago, the kingdom of Ayodhya was ruled by a wise king. Ayodhya is part of the Ancient Sarayu in
India.” What literary element is emphasized in this statement?
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme

27. “While it is true that Rama’s stepmother, the second wife, is against Rama to be crowned as the next king,
Ravana is considered as the main antagonist of the story Ramayana.” What literary element is emphasized in
the text?
A. character B. plot C. setting D. theme

28. Literature reflects the culture of a certain place. In Ramayana, Rama shows his undying love to Sita by
risking his life just to protect her. Which of the following Filipino culture mirrors this value?
A. A husband remains loyal to his wife no matter what trials come along.
B. A husband remembers the wedding anniversary of his wife.
C. A husband works hard to provide food for his family.
D. A Filipino family loves gathering especially during special occasions.

29. How does the story of Ramayana illustrate the significance of human conduct and ethical responsibilities,
reminding readers to reflect on their own moral obligations?
A. By highlighting the pursuit of personal happiness.
B. Through the portrayal of duty and obligation.
C. By emphasizing the power of forgiveness and reconciliation.
D. Through the cultural importance placed on weddings.


Directions: Choose the best cohesive device that will complete each sentence.

30. Africa was once a great continent________ it was divided into five regions.
A. before B. hence C. similarly D. therefore

31. At the end of World War II, decolonization of Africa took place , drastic changes of government
occurred as independent states were being implemented and established.
A. as a result B. but C. likewise D. whereas

6. Africa was once a great


continent it was divided into five

a. before
b. hence
c. similarly
d. therefore
32. These changes in Africa brought massive confusion among people, _____there were prevalent conflicts
organized by revolutionists in the areas of the northern and sub-Saharan colonies.
A. From then on B. Likewise C. Once again D. Similarly

33. Cuisine in Africa is a combination of fruits, milk, and meat products. _______, the five
regions of the continent have the same recipes for African food which were handed down
through the generations, long before it was divided.
A. Although B. Presently C. Similarly D. Therefore

34. Which of the following cohesive devices is used to signal similarity?

A. also B. however C. now D. yet

35. Which of the following cohesive devices is used to signal consequences?

A. shortly B. as a result C. also D. equally
36. Which of the following is NOT an example of a cohesive device?
A. accordingly B. consequently C. gracefully D.


Directions: Choose the correct verb form that agrees with the subject in each
37. The team of players (practices/practiced) hard every day.
A. practices B. practiced

38. Neither the cat nor the dogs (is/are) allowed inside the house.
A. are B. is

39. The book, along with the pen and pencil, (belong/belongs) to Sarah.
A. belong B. belongs

40. The lady in a white and dress (dances/ dance) for us every Tuesday.
A. dances B. dance

41. A policeman at the intersection (keeps/keep) the movement of vehicles

under control.
A. keeps B. keep

42. The players, as well as the coach, (was/were) disappointed with the
game yesterday.
A. was B. were


Directions : Choose the option that maintains parallel structure with the given sentence.

43. Stacia was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and
A. to play cards B. a game of cards C. playing a game of cards

44.Jenalyn has always enjoyed reading the book more than __________.
A. to watch the movie
B. watching the movie
C. he watched the movie version

45. The weather is getting hot and __________.

A. humid B. getting humid C. starting to get humid

B. Direction: Select the word or phrase that needs to be changed to make

the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.

46. Being a prolific artist, he was able to compose a song, writing a poem,
and paint portraits.
A. a prolific artist C. compose a song E. No error
B. he was able D. writing a poem

47. The heavy rainfall caused severe flooding and landslide.

A. heavy rainfall C. severe flooding E. No error
B. cause D. landslide

48. Glenn wanted either soup or vegetable for dinner.

A. wanted C. vegetable E. No error
B. soup D. dinner

49. Cacao beans are roasted on low temperature to become cacao powder
and make cacao nibs.
A. are roasted C. cacao powder E. No error
B. low temperature D. make cacao nibs

50. Filipino Fiesta is characterized not only by colorful parades but also by
delicious meals.
A. Filipino Fiesta C. colorful parades E. No error
B. characterized D. delicious meals
Substitute Teacher

Validated by: ROWENA D. SAMPAGA

Principal 1

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