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NIHIL OBSTAT example, the book promotes these ideas: What were Les Dossiers Secretes?

I have concluded that the materials presented in this · Jesus is not God; he was only a man. They are documents found in the
work are free of doctrinal or moral errors.
· Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. Bibliothèque Nationale that ostensibly
Bernadeane M. Carr, STL · She is to be worshiped as a goddess. established the historical pedigree of the
Priory of Sion. They were popularized in
18 April 2006
· Jesus got her pregnant, and the two
had a daughter. the 1970s and formed the basis of the
IMPRIMATUR books Holy Blood, Holy Grail, The
In accord with 1983 CIC 827 § 3, permission to
· That daughter gave rise to a prominent
family line that is still present in Europe Messianic Legacy, and, later, The Da Vinci
publish this work is hereby granted. today. Code. The documents were created by a
group headed by a convicted confidence
+ Robert H. Brom · Jesus was viewed as a man and not as
God until the fourth century, when he trickster named Pierre Plantard and then
Bishop of San Diego placed in the Bibliothèque Nationale for
was deified by the Emperor Constantine.
18 April 2006 others to discover.
· The Gospels have been edited to
support the claims of later Christians. What is the real story
1. The Da Vinci Code: · In the original Gospels, Mary
Magdalene rather than Peter was
on the Priory of Sion?
Fact or Fiction? directed to establish the Church.
The Priory of Sion was a club founded in
1956 by four young Frenchmen. Two of its
What is The Da Vinci Code? · There is a secret society known as the
Priory of Sion that still worships Mary
members were André Bonhomme (who
The Da Vinci Code is a novel. Its publisher, was president of the club when it was
Doubleday, released it with much fanfare Magdalene as a goddess and is trying founded) and Pierre Plantard (who previ-
in March 2003 and heavily promoted it. It to keep the truth alive. ously had been sentenced to six months in
prison for fraud and embezzlement).
was made into a motion picture in 2006. · The Catholic Church is aware of all this
and has been fighting for centuries to The group’s name is based on a French
What is The Da Vinci keep it suppressed. It often has commit- mountain (Col du Mont Sion), not Mount
Code about? ted murder to do so. Zion in Jerusalem. It has no connection
It is a story involving secret societies, with the Crusaders, the Templars, or
conspiracies, the Catholic Church, and Should other Christians be previous movements incorporating “Sion”
the fictional “truth” about Jesus Christ. concerned about the book? into their names.
Here is the author’s own summary: Definitely. Only some of the offensive The organization broke up after a short
A renowned Harvard symbologist is claims of The Da Vinci Code pertain time, but in later years Pierre Plantard
summoned to the Louvre Museum to directly to the Catholic Church. The revived it, claimed he was the “grand
examine a series of cryptic symbols remainder strike at the Christian faith master” of the organization, and began
relating to Da Vinci’s artwork. In decrypting itself. If the book’s claims were true, then making claims regarding its antiquity,
the code, he uncovers the key to one of all forms of Christianity would be false. prior membership, and true purposes. It
the greatest mysteries of all time . . . and was he who claimed that the organization
he becomes a hunted man.1 stemmed from the Crusades, he (in con-
junction with later associates) who com-
What does Leonardo da Vinci posed and salted Les Dossiers Secretes in
have to do with the story? 2. What The the Bibliothèque Nationale, and he who
Da Vinci is portrayed as a former head of Da Vinci Code Claims created the story that the organization was
the conspiracy guarding the “truth” about guarding a secret royal bloodline that one
Jesus Christ. In the novel he is said to have What specific claims does the day could return to political power.
planted various codes and secret symbols book make on its “fact” page? After Plantard’s claims regarding the Priory
in his work, particularly in his painting of The “fact” page asserts factuality for came to public attention, his former asso-
the Last Supper. According certain claims regarding the Priory of ciates contradicted him. In a 1996 state-
to the novel, this painting depicts Jesus’ Sion, Opus Dei (a major focus of the ment made to the BBC by the Priory of
alleged wife, Mary Magdalene, next to book), and the descriptions found in the Sion’s original president, André
him as a symbol of her prominence in book of art, architecture, and rituals. Bonhomme stated:
his true teaching. In reality, the figure In addition to the “fact” page, the book
that Dan Brown identifies as Mary
The Priory of Sion doesn’t exist anymore.
is written in a way that suggests that its’ We were never involved in any activities of
Magdalene is John the Evangelist, who claims regarding the Priory of Sion, the
traditionally has been regarded as the
a political nature. It was four friends who
Catholic Church, and Christ are to be came together to have fun. We called our-
youngest of the apostles and so is taken seriously.
often pictured in Renaissance art without
selves the Priory of Sion because there was
a mountain by the same name close by. I
a beard. What does the book claim haven’t seen Pierre Plantard in over twenty
regarding the Priory of Sion? years and I don’t know what he’s up to but
Why should a Catholic be
concerned about the novel? According to the “fact” page, the Priory he always had a great imagination. 2
of Sion is a real organization. In 1975,
Although a work of fiction, the book Paris’ Bibliothèque Nationale discovered What does The Da Vinci Code
claims to be meticulously researched, and parchments known as Les Dossiers Secretes, claim regarding Opus Dei?
it goes to great lengths to convey the identifying numerous members of the Priory
impression that it is based on fact. It even According to the “fact” page: The Vatican
of Sion, including Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, prelature known as Opus Dei is a deeply
has a “fact” page at the front underscoring Victor Hugo, and Leonardo da Vinci.
the claim of factuality for particular ideas devout Catholic sect that has been the
within the book. As a result, many read- The novel depicts the Priory of Sion topic of recent controversy due to reports
ers_both Catholic and non-Catholic_are as a secret society defending the bloodline of brainwashing, coercion, and a danger-
taking the book’s ideas seriously. of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. ous practice known as “corporal mortifi-
Many of the ideas that the book promotes Because it allegedly holds the secret of cation.”
are anything but fact, and they go directly this bloodline, it is persecuted by the The novel describes Opus Dei as “a
to the heart of the Catholic faith. For Catholic Church. Catholic Church” and portrays it as an
order of monks with members serving as What does The Da Vinci Code the controversy between the Arians and
assassins, one of whom (a “hulking albino” claim regarding the origin traditional Christians grew so sharp that
named Silas) is a key character in the book. of the Bible? the emperor called the Council to settle
the matter. The bishops of the Council
What is the history of The book states: “The Bible is a product
reaffirmed the traditional Christian
the real-world Opus Dei? of man, my dear. Not of God. . . . The
teaching that Jesus was fully divine.
Bible, as we know it today, was collated
According to Opus Dei’s U.S. communica-
by the pagan Roman emperor Constantine What evidence is there that
tions director, Brian Finnerty:
the Great.”5 Christians regarded Christ as
The real Opus Dei was founded in Spain This is false. The process by which the God before the Council of Nicaea?
in 1928 by a Catholic priest, St. Josemaría Bible formed was one that took time; it
Escrivá, with the purpose of promoting lay Christ’s divinity is stressed repeatedly in
was not collated at any one time. Nor did the New Testament. For example, we are
holiness. It began to grow with the support Constantine have anything to do with the
of the local bishops there and was approved told that Jesus’ opponents sought to kill him
process, either before or after he converted because he “called God his Father, making
as a secular institute of pontifical right by to Christianity.
the Holy See in 1950. Opus Dei’s work has himself equal with God” (John 5:18).
been blessed and encouraged by Popes John What evidence is there that When quizzed about how he had spe-
XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, and John Paul II. the Bible formed independently cial knowledge of Abraham, Jesus replied,
In 1982, John Paul II established it as a per- of Constantine? “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham
sonal prelature of the Catholic Church after was, I am” (John 8:58), invoking and
The Old Testament canon had been form-
careful study of its role in the Church’s mis- applying to himself the personal name of
ing for centuries. Jesus and the apostles
sion. The culmination of the Church’s sup- God-”I Am” (Ex. 3:14). His audience
already recognized the authority of the
port for Opus Dei and its message came understood exactly what he was claiming
Old Testament writings that existed in
with the 2002 canonization of its founder.3 about himself. “So they took up stones to
their time.
throw at him; but Jesus hid himself, and
How does the real-world In the first century the apostles and went out of the temple” (John 8:59).
Opus Dei compare to the their associates wrote the books of the
one in The Da Vinci Code? New Testament, which were passed down The Da Vinci Code asserts
There is a large number of inaccuracies in to succeeding generations of Christians that the canon of Scripture
the picture of Opus Dei painted by the and read in the churches. In the second was altered at the order of
novel. Some of the most significant are and third centuries, Gnostic heretics began Constantine to support his
catalogued and critiqued by Finnerty: to manufacture writings that falsely new doctrine. How do you
claimed to be from the apostles, but since answer this?
The author evinces a remarkable lack
they had not been passed down in the
of understanding of the structure of Brown is asserting this in order to
churches from the beginning, they were
the Catholic Church and its various deny the evidence that exists against his
rejected. In response to these new, false
component institutions. Besides his position. He cannot back this claim up,
writings the churches drew up lists of the
mischaracterization of Opus Dei as “a for there is no evidence for it whatsoever.
authentic books that had been handed
sect,” he variously calls it “a Catholic No Scripture scholar_Christian or non-
down from the apostles.
Church,” a “congregation,” a “personal Christian_supports this position. One
Prelature of the Pope himself,” and a The process by which the canon of reason is that the writings of the Church
“Personal Prelature of Vatican City.” Scripture was formed was largely Fathers (and even non-Christian historians)
complete by the time of Constantine before the time of Constantine show that
Calling Opus Dei “a Catholic Church” (the early fourth century), and he made Christians regarded Jesus as God.
makes no sense. Opus Dei provides no contribution to it.
supplemental spiritual formation rather What does The Da Vinci Code
than ordinary diocesan functions, except What does The Da Vinci Code claim regarding Jesus’ relationship
in a few isolated cases in which the claim regarding the early Church’s to Mary Magdalene?
Pope or a bishop has asked Opus Dei recognition of Christ’s divinity? The book claims that the two were
to take care of some task. Moreover, it Referring to the First Council of Nicaea,
is intrinsic to the concept ‘catholic’ that married and had a daughter together:
which took place in A.D. 325, The Da Vinci
there can be only one Catholic Church, Code states: Mary Magdalene was pregnant at the time
the Catholic Church, and Opus Dei is a of the crucifixion. For the safety of Christ’s
fully integrated part of it. Until that moment in history, Jesus was unborn child, she had no choice but to flee
viewed by His followers as a mortal the Holy Land. . . . It was there in France
Congregation is also a term that cannot prophet . . . a great and powerful man, that she gave birth to a daughter. Her name
be applied to Opus Dei, since it refers but a man nonetheless. A mortal. . . . By was Sarah.
to religious. The very raison d’etre of officially endorsing Jesus as the Son of
Opus Dei is to provide a way of holi- Later the book claims that this union
God, Constantine turned Jesus into a deity.6
ness for people who are not called to gave rise to a bloodline that still exists
It is true that Constantine, following in prominent European families. It also
life in a religious order. For the same
his conversion to Christ, presided over the claims that the Catholic Church knows
reason, the depiction of the Opus Dei
First Council of Nicaea, but it is not true about this and has covered it up for cen-
villain as a monk in robes and Opus
that Constantine “turned Jesus into a turies, even resorting to murdering Christ’s
Dei’s centers as cloistered residence
deity” or that Christians had not viewed own descendants to protect the secret.
halls where people withdraw from the
Jesus as God prior to this Council.
world to live a life of prayer is the exact
opposite of reality. Constantine had called the Council What is one to make of The
together to settle a dispute that had arisen Da Vinci Code’s claim that Jesus
Opus Dei places special emphasis on when a priest from Egypt named Arius married Mary Magdalene?
helping lay people seek holiness in their began to deny that Jesus was God, The reason that Brown and a handful
daily lives. It has no monks, nor any causing a scandal by repudiating the of others (chiefly New Age authors) have
members anything like the novel’s faith of Christians everywhere. Arius tried to identify Mary Magdalene as the
creepy albino character named Silas.4 gained followers (known as Arians), and wife of Jesus is obvious: She is one of the
few women disciplines of Christ who is Appealing to prior “unaltered” gospels outraged when the basic historical
prominent, whose name we know, and that had not been doctored by Constantine facts about Christ are falsified.
whom we don’t know was married to or others in the early Church is fatuous. The book takes great pains to create
someone else. Other female disciples of None of the surviving records of the the appearance of factuality, including
Jesus are known to be married to others period_or even the records of later placing the “fact” page at the beginning
(e.g., Joanna the wife of Chuza [Luke 8:3]) centuries_record Constantine or any one of the novel. Brown has stressed the
or are too insignificant (“the other Mary” else attempting to alter the texts of the ostensible accuracy of the book on his
[Matt. 28:1]) or we don’t know their names existing canon to change this or any other web site and in interviews. This is not
(the Syro-Phoenecian woman [Matt. doctrine. It would have been a practical a case where an author and a publisher
15:28]). If one wants a married Jesus, Mary impossibility to change Scripture, because have produced an ordinary novel. They
Magdalene is one of the few women able thousands of copies were in existence all have gone to great lengths to mislead
to be pushed into the role of his wife, but across the Mediterranean world, from people into thinking that the novel has
there is no evidence in the New Testament Europe to North Africa. There was no a historical basis. They deserve especially
or the writings of the Church Fathers that central registry of who had copies of the sharp criticism for this, and when criticism
she was married to Jesus. Bible, so there was no way to track them is made they cannot hypocritically hide
down and edit them. behind the “It’s just fiction” allegation
The early Church was unanimous in
regarding Jesus as unmarried. This is not after having made such extensive efforts
a later doctrine of the Church Fathers but to convince the reader that it is not
something found in the New Testament “just fiction.”
itself. The authors of the New Testament
depict the Church as “the bride of Christ” (2
3. Responding to Fans Where can I go for more
Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:21-33; cf. Rev. 21:9-10). This of The Da Vinci Code information on the subjects
treated in The Da Vinci Code?
metaphor never would have developed if a How can I help others understand
flesh-and-blood “Mrs. Jesus” had existed. For more information about The Da Vinci
how offensive The Da Vinci Code is? Code, including an expanded version of
What does Brown claim Point out the offensive claims made by the this guide, please visit:
regarding Mary Magdalene’s book, particularly the ones regarding Jesus
role in the early Church? and early Christianity. Point out that the
Brown asserts that in the original Gospels claims are false_that Brown does not have
Mary Magdalene rather than Peter was the evidence to support them. In spinning
directed to establish the Church: its conspiracy tale, The Da Vinci Code
relies on information provided by docu-
According to these unaltered gospels, it ments that are established forgeries: Les

was not Peter to whom Christ gave Dossiers Secretes.

2 André Bonhomme, as quoted in Paul Smith,
directions with which to establish the "The Real Historical Origin of the Priory of Sion"
Christian Church. It was Mary Magdalene.9 How can I respond to the 3 Brian Finnerty, Opus Dei in The Da Vinci Code

Again, there is no basis for this claim. charge that The Da Vinci Code (unpublished manuscript).
None of the early manuscripts of the is “just fiction”? 4 Ibid.
5 Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code
Gospels nor any of the quotations of the It isn’t a defense to say that The Da Vinci
(New York: Doubleday, 2003), 231.
Gospels in the writings of the early Code is a work of fiction. Fiction can’t 7 Ibid., 233.
Church Fathers suggest that anything of change the basic facts about major 8 Ibid., 234.
the kind was said at any stage in the historical figures without being subject 9 Ibid., 255.
history of the Gospels. to criticism. Christians have a right to be 10 Ibid., 248.

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