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Group Activity: Building Time

This activity is designed for a group of students to explore the six simple machines through building and testing. It's
suitable for a grade 6 classroom and can be adapted to different group sizes and time constraints.
 Cardboard boxes (various sizes)
 Popsicle sticks
 Straws
 String/yarn
 Tape
 Scissors
 Rulers
 Pencils
 Buttons
 Beads
 Cups
 Other craft materials (optional)
1. Divide into groups: Divide the class into 6 groups
2. Assign simple machines: Assign each group one of the six simple machines: inclined plane, lever, wedge,
wheel and axle, pulley, and screw.
3. Challenge: Present the challenge: Each group needs to design and build a simple model using the provided
materials that demonstrates the principles of their assigned simple machine. Encourage them to be creative
and use their imagination!
4. Building time: Allow groups 20-30 minutes to build their models. They can use the following as
o Inclined plane: Build a ramp using cardboard and popsicle sticks to roll a ball or car up.
o Lever: Create a seesaw using cardboard and popsicle sticks with a fulcrum in the middle.
o Wedge: Design a wedge using cardboard to split a playdough ball or separate two objects.
o Wheel and axle: Build a car or cart with wheels made from cardboard and attach axles using
o Pulley: Construct a simple flagpole using cardboard and string/yarn to raise and lower a small
o Screw: Use a screw and nut or create a model screw using cardboard to demonstrate how it can
hold objects together.
5. Testing and explanation: Once finished, each group presents their model to the class and explains:
o The name of their assigned simple machine
o The materials they used
o How their model demonstrates the characteristics and uses of the simple machine
o Encourage other groups to ask questions and try out their models.
6. Wrap-up discussion: After all presentations, lead a class discussion to recap the key points:
o Briefly review the six simple machines and their characteristics.
o Discuss the different ways simple machines can be used in everyday life.
o Emphasize how simple machines make work easier by changing the direction or size of force.

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