Minutes of The Turners

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Minutes of the Turners’ CDC Benevolent Society held on April 3 rd 2022 at Suttons

Call to Order:

The meeting was officially called to order by the Vice President Miss Marlene Gordon at 5:46 pm


The devotional exercise was conducted by Dianne Sidden where she asked all members to repeat the
23rd Psalms

Reading, Correction and Confirmation of the Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous minutes held on was read by and corrected and confirmed by

Matters Arising from the minutes:

The issue of getting a Justice of the Peace for the community was discussed and it was recommended
that someone volunteered to collected the form at the Custos of May Pen’s Office

Re the Basic School Project:

It was discussed that the project will be placed on hold until we have gotten full confirmation from the
School and the Church Board as to what can be done on the property as it belongs to the church and the
school is still lobbying to get the permission to extend or do renovations on the property

Re Community Cookout:

A date was discussed as to when the cookout will resume it was settled on for the 20 th of May the menu
will include; rice and peas chicken, ackee and soup.


The death of Former MP George Lyn’s wife Mrs Lenna Lyn and the death of our Vice President’s son’s
father was announced we had a moment of silence for the two lives and offered our condolences to the


The motion for adjournment was moved by and seconded by

The motion for adjournment was followed by the singing of the community theme song and the
National Anthem.

Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams

Minutes of the Turners’ CDC Benevolent Society held on May 1st 2022 at Suttons

Call to Order:

The meeting was officially called to order by the Vice President Miss Marlene Gordon


The devotional exercise was conducted by Miss Marlene Gordon. A few lively choruses were song and
the prayer was done by Mrs.Kemoy Mitchell-Orret.

Reading, Correction and Confirmation of the Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous minutes held on was read by and corrected and confirmed by

Matters Arising from the minutes:

There were no matters arising from the previous meeting as all matters were settled.

New Business:

The Member of parliament was in attendance and we discussed the inhumane road conditions and he
pledged to have some minor road works done to provide a temporary relief until permanent road works

Birthdays and Announcements:

Our sports coordinator announced that both her daughter and her husband will be celebrating their
birthday in the month of May


The motion for adjournment was moved by Mrs. Williamson and seconded by Camille Bennett

The motion for adjournment was followed by the singing of the community theme song and the
National Anthem.

Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams

Minutes of the Turners’ CDC Benevolent Society held on June 5th 2022 at Suttons

Call to Order:

The meeting was officially called to order by the Vice President Miss Marlene Gordon at 5:46 pm


The devotional exercise was conducted by Dianne Sidden where she asked all members to repeat the
23rd Psalms while she said the Lord’s prayer

Reading, Correction and Confirmation of the Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous minutes held on was read by and corrected and confirmed by

Matters Arising from the minutes:

We are still awaiting the items for the road repairs from the MP and as soon as it is received we will
commence the repairs

New Business:

We discussed date for another cookout as a fund raising activity as the first one was a success. We
settled for Friday the 17th of June the menu will remain the same.

We discussed the upcoming Father’s day activities where we will be giving out tokens to the father’s in
the club and the community to show them how much we appreciate their efforts

Plans for the summer were discussed and we settled on having a back to school treat for the kids


The motion for adjournment was moved by and seconded by

The motion for adjournment was followed by the singing of the community theme song and the
National Anthem.

Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams

Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams

Minutes of the Turners’ CDC Benevolent Society held on July 3rd 2022 at Suttons

Call to Order:

The meeting was officially called to order by the Vice President Miss Marlene Gordon


The devotional exercise was conducted by Dianne Sidden where she asked all members to repeat the
23rd Psalms while she said the Lord’s prayer she also prayed a special prayer for the community and the
grieving family to overcome the trauma being experienced

Reading, Correction and Confirmation of the Previous minutes

There was no formal reading of the minutes as the time was used to a medium to show our condolences
to the family of the five lives lost in the killing in New Roads. We visited with the grieving family and had
a brief prayer with them to show our condolences as they were members of the club.

The members of the club have suggested that we should purchase flowers for the mother and the
fathers of the kids

Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams


Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams


Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams


Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams

Agenda of the Turners’ CDC Benevolent Society:

Call to Order:


Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams

Reading, Correction and Confirmation of the Previous minutes:

Matters Arising from the minutes:

New business


Interactive Activities


Calendar of events
Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams













Secretary- Lois-Ann Mantock

Assistant Secretary-Yanique Mitchell

President- Marlene Williams

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