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College of Industrial Technology



A Research Study
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Industrial Technology
Batangas State University
Alangilan, Batangas City

In partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Industrial Technology

College of Industrial Technology




There are five principal renewable sources of energy; the sun, the wind, flowing

water, biomass and heat from within the earth. Solar energy is energy that comes directly

from the sun. The sun is a constant natural source of heat and light, and its radiation can

be converted to electricity. Sunlight, being one of the most abundant energy sources in

the planet is widely utilized to prevent the deflation of non- renewable natural resources.

Due to its availability, the use of solar technologies is continuously expanding and

developing from time to time. It is an undeniable fact that these technologies were used to

replace the dependency of most countries to non-renewable energy sources like coal,

natural gas, and fossil fuels. In the Philippines, there are several places which are still not

electrified or is still grasping for continuous electrical supply, hence, the researchers

thought of using this rich source in providing solar energy.

As observed, not all areas in Barangay Maruclap is electrified. It was just now

where there was some electrical connection that electrifies the barangay. Like Verde

Island and Barangay Tingloy, the use of solar photovoltaics as an alternative source of

electricity is being eyed by the researchers. Nowadays, the installation of solar panels in

residential and commercial units are being eyed to lessen the dependency on consumption

of electricity from power grid lines that utilizes non-renewable energy sources like coal,

fossil fuels, and natural gas. Equally, this technologies in return lessens the amount being

paid by household to power distribution companies. The researchers thought of

College of Industrial Technology

developing this study to help the barangay hall of Barangay Maruclap in reducing their

monthly electricity bill. With the installation of this solar panels, it is expected that other

appliances and electronic devices will be operated with renewable energy by using the

energy coming from the sun. In addition, this will prevent the interruption of works of the

government office, since there will be another source of energy which they can use in

times where there is an unavailability of electricity due to brownouts.

Solar energy can convert direct sunlight into useful work or heat by using a

collector to absorb solar radiation, allowing much of the suns radiant energy to be

converted to heat. They can be used directly in residential, industrial and agricultural

operation; converted to electrical power; or applied in chemical reaction for production of

fuel and chemicals. A grid- tied electrical system, also called tied to grid or grid tie

system, is a semi autonomous electrical generation or grid energy storage system which

links to the mains to feed excess capacity back to the local mains electrical grid. When

insufficient electricity is available, electricity drawn for the main grid can make up the

shortfall.conversely when excess electricity is available, it is sent to the main grid.

Photovoltaic system converts light energy directly to electrical energy. Using one

of the most versatile solar technologies, photovoltaic system can, because of their

modularity, be designed for power needs ranging from milliwatts to megawatts. They can

be used to provide power for application as small as a wristwatch to as large as an entire

community. They can be used in centralized system, such as generator in a power plant or

in dispersed app lications, such as in remote areas not readily accessible to utility grid

College of Industrial Technology

The increasing demands for electricity and other energy requirements are mainly

brought about the exponentially growing population of the word. Although the earth is

abundant with renewable sources of energy, it is inevitable that human still often times

rely on the non- renewable sources for energy derivation. This brings about the danger of

putting earth’s remaining sources of energy into society. Consequently, it may pose a

serious threat to humanity on the planet. The solar panels do not cause pollution. The sun

is a source of electricity that reaches far-flung barangays which utilizes renewable

energy. Solar panels are suited to communities where houses are built apart.

The Grid Tie inverter generates more power than an individual is using in their

homes, the excess electricity is sent out into the grid spins your meter backwards,

allowing your neighbors to use clean, quiet solar power. All in all, the initiatives of

different institutions for the promotion of renewable energy paved the way for the

researchers to develop this study.

Objectives of the study

The researchers aimed to design and develop an Installation of Grid Tie Solar

power in Barangay Hall, Barangay Maruclap, Batangas City. Specifically, this study

sought to meet the following objectives:

1. To utilize the following locally available materials in installing the grid tie

solar power in Barangay Hall located at Brgy. Maruclap, Batangas City;

1.1. Solar Panel;

1.2. Grid Tie Inverter;

1.3. Safety Breaker;

College of Industrial Technology

1.4. Surge Protection Device;

1.5. MC4 Cable; and

1.6. MC4 Connector.

2. To test and evaluate the effectiveness of the project in terms of;

2.1. functionality; and

2.2. safety.

3. To provide user manual for the project.

Significance of the study

The study would be beneficial to concerned person with interest in various fields

of technological innovation, learning and developments

To Barangay Hall of Barangay Maruclap, it will help to minimize or to lessen the

electric consumption and will prevent interruption of office works as resulted by

brownouts or power interruptions.

To the students, it will give them an additional knowledge on renewable energy,

especially on solar energy, enhance their intellectual skills, and develop a good attitude

and towards decision making.

To the present researchers who developed the study, they were given the

opportunity to apply their knowledge gained from the university and further explore the

concepts of renewable energy sources.

To the future researchers, this study will serve as a guide that will help those who

will be conducting a similar study for it will save as useful reference to improve the
College of Industrial Technology

understanding of their own research.

Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the study

This study mainly focuses on the installation of grid tie solar power in Barangay

Hall, Barangay Maruclap, Batangas City. The study covers project planning, designing,

and testing. The study covers the determination of different system components such as

system sizing and design, solar panel, grid- tie inverter, and circuit breaker. The

demonstrating set up will be utilized during sunny days and will be positioned to a place

where in there is the largest time of exposure to the sun. The present study is delimited to

other renewable sources of energy like water, wind, geothermal, and tidal sources which

are not covered by the understudy.

The solar panes are mounted on the roof of the barangay hall building to harness

heat directly from the sun and prevent unnecessary movement caused by animal

interferences or natural forces like floods and strong winds. Solar energy is fluctuating in

nature and to maintain stability of power network, supporting energy sources are

required. A rooftop solar PV installation comprises of PV panels assembled in arrays,

mounting frames to support the panels and secure them to the roof, wiring, inverters, and

other components depending on the type of installation. The researchers used 4 pieces of

800 watts solar panels and made of silicon crystal slices called the cells, glass, a polymer

backing and aluminum framing, it consists of 6 x 10 cells.

The energy harnessed by the solar electric system is readily used when required.

An expected input of 80V DC will likely be converted up to 220V AC to supply some

electrical devices and appliances in the barangay hall. In result, this will lessen the
College of Industrial Technology

dependency of the office in non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels, coal, and

natural gas. Solar panel works by absorbing sunlight with photovoltaic cells, generating

Direct Current (DC) energy and then converting it to usable Alternating Current(AC)

energy with the help of inverter technology AC then flows through the Circuit Breaker

and then its output is connected in the main grid to lessen or minimize the energy

consumption of all appliances using in Barangay Hall.

Conceptual Framework

In the design of Installation of Grid Tie Solar Power located at Barangay

Maruclap (Barangay Hall) in Batangas City, the researchers constructed a step-by-step

procedure which was followed to achieve the objectives of the study.

Conceptual paradigm shows that the input box comprise the knowledge skills,

ideas, supplies and materials, tool equipment, man power and labor. The process involves

conceptualizing, planning, canvassing, purchasing, testing, modifying, final testing, and

the output is Installation of Grid Tie Solar Power in Barangay Hall, Barangay Maruclap,

Batangas City. The ideas in schematic lay outing are gathered from books, journals, and

internet. The idea help to construct this project study. Supplies and materials are the

physical components of the gadgets, tools and equipment which are used in constructing

a solar water pump are another input factors. Labor refers to the mental and physical

efforts of the researchers. The process needed in the development of the project such as

cutting, forming and lathe work is the constructing of components. Testing is the process

when in the completed project has its dry run and investigating if it is effective and

functional which is one of the objectives of the study.

College of Industrial Technology


 Knowledge, Skills,
and Ideas
 Conceptualizing
 Supplies and  Installation of Grid
 Planning
Materials Tie Solar Power in
 Canvassing
Barangay Hall,
 Purchasing
 Tools, and Barangay Maruclap,
 Testing, Modifying
Equipment Batangas City
 Final Testing
 Man Power and

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

College of Industrial Technology

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally in this section.

This will help the reader end user to be familiarized with the unfamiliar or technical

words terms used in the study.

Circuit Breaker. A piece of equipment that stop the flow of an electric current,

use to prevent damage to the wire and equipment that are connected to it.(Zachariason,

2011), In this study, this refers to the protective component of the system.

Functionality. The most important factor in the design of a portable electronic

product. To design a successful product, the functionality must be clearly defined,

focused, and not confused with the other design factors which involves the quality of

being suitable to a served purpose. (Haskell, 2014) In this study, it refers to the operation

and performance of the system.

Grid-Tie Inverter. Are inverters that allows the connection of the solar panel

into the national utility grid. These are connected directly to the solar panels, which are

typically wired up in series to increase voltage and minimize power losses. (Boxwell,

2010) In this study, it is one of the components that is connected in the main grid.

Installation. An action when a device or equipment is put into position or made

ready to use. In electrical installation, it must be protected against overload and short-

circuit damage, and the people installing a certain device must be protected against

electric shock. (Linsley, 2013). In this study, it refers to the process of connecting the

devices for them to work in accordance with the plan.

MC4 connector. Cables that come with the panels usually around 30 inches long
College of Industrial Technology

which will need an extension cable to reach the charge controller. This is used to connect

the panels or combiner box, while the bare ends will be stripped and screwed down on

the charged controller connectors. (Fiebig and Fiebig, 2017) In this study, it is one of the

components and materials needed to complete the system.

Power Supply. Device that manage the conversion of power from one level of

form to another. The power may be unreliable or unpredictable, and in those cases the

power supply reaction to losses or reductions in the source of energy may be important.

(Crandall, 2013). In this study, it is used to supply current to the motor that came from to

the inverter.

Safety. This is the state of being “safe” the condition of being protected against

physical, social, educational or other types or consequences of failure, error or accidents.

(Burke, R., et al, 2011) In this study, it is the application of practices in the performance

of any activities to ensure a safe workplace.

Solar Cable. It is designed to ensure safety in the outdoor environment, providing

high resistance to UV and double insulation (also known as double sheathing) It is

designed to carry DC current and voltage and many local standards require it to be

marked so that it can easily be distinguished from other cable wires. (Stapleton and Neill,

2012). In this study, it refers to a cable specifically designed for Solar PV Technologies

which is one of the materials used in the system.

Solar Panel. Devices which have a lot of strong points which is made up of

silicon, as the very common material used. Solar panels are reliable than any other forms

of harnessing solar power. It makes electricity at the place where it is used. (Hantula,
College of Industrial Technology

2014) In this study, the solar panel can be used as a component of a larger photovoltaic

system to generate and supply electricity.

Sunlight. Referred to as the fuel of the solar panels which are freely available in

the atmosphere. It is a renewable resource that will last nearly forever. (Hantula, 2014).

In this study, sunlight can be changed into electricity by the used of solar cells.

Surge Protection Device. A device intended to limit transient over-voltages and

divert surge currents. It contains at least one non-linear component. (Vijaraghavan,

2012). In this study, it refers to the device operated in conformance with the rate of

change of current, voltage, power, etc.

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