2023 - Complete First - Test Unit 1,2,3

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IR SCHOOL OF ENGLISH Name: ____________

Complete First Date: May, 2023

Unit 1 to 3


1. You are going to read an article about things to do in the school holidays. Five sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A–F the one which fits each gap (1–5). There is
one extra sentence which you do not need to use.


School holidays are great … but just what do you do with all that free time? Tony Ackerman has some

Some people have fun-packed holidays. They might be lucky enough to go travelling or to join a course or go
to camp. However, for most of us, school holidays will inevitably involve some time spent at home with little
to do. Perhaps your parents are working and you’re left alone to amuse yourself? Don’t worry – there are
plenty of things for you to do.

Parents (and possibly your teachers) might hate me for this, but my first suggestion is to watch television.
I’m not suggesting that you go back to school after the holiday having watched every episode of every soap
opera there is. What I have in mind is using television to broaden your mind. 1___ Even films can be very
educational – just don’t limit yourself to James Bond films or silly romances. Choose serious directors and
check the programme times in the newspaper, or get down to the DVD club. Then start watching. Television
is a powerful tool if you use it sensibly.

The internet can also be a fantastic way to spend your time. 2___ There is a lot of rubbish on the internet,
but there is a lot of good stuff too if you look. Try doing a search on a person, place or event that interests
you. Keep to the serious sites, though – many of the people who write things really don’t know what they’re
talking about! And, of course, you could use the internet to find out more about the programmes you might
like to watch on television.

Blogging (reading and writing short articles on the internet) is a good way to get in touch with other people.
If you become a blogger, you can write your opinions on the sites you choose, or you can start your own blog.
3___ But the difference is that other people will contact you and you can enjoy internet discussions about
all sorts of things with people from all over the world.

Hobbies are not as fashionable as they used to be, but they’re still great fun. The holidays are a great time
to take up a new hobby. Find something you’re interested in – it could be collecting something, or making
something. Some people like making their own jewellery, for example, or even clothes. 4___ Boys might be
more interested in making model cars or aeroplanes. There are plenty of kits available in the shops – you can
even buy a kit and make your own radio! There’s a world of hobbies out there, and one of them is bound to
suit you. You’ll never know unless you try!

And, of course, there’s always books! In a world full of electronic gadgets, games and instant communication,
it’s easy to forget the enjoyment you can get from a book. 5___ It’s not hard to see why – a well-written
story can be just as entertaining, exciting and enjoyable as any film or video game. Reading books is much
more satisfying than flicking through magazines. It’s shocking how few people read these days. Try it! Just
find a quiet corner and a comfortable chair. Then, if you really are hooked on modern technology, you’re sure
to find a discussion group on the internet, and you can see what other people thought of it. It might sound
old-fashioned, but reading really is a great pastime.

Whatever you decide to do, ask yourself this: what are you going to say when you go back to school and your
friends ask, ‘What did you do in the holidays?’

A If you’re good at it, you might even sell what you make and get some money.
B You can use it like a diary, writing down your thoughts every day.
C It will get you out of the house, and you might make some new friends.
D Documentaries, current affairs programmes and even the news will teach you a lot about the world around you.
E People have been reading stories for pleasure for hundreds of years.
F But, like television, you need to use it wisely.


1. You are going to hear five different people talking about their relationship with somebody. For questions 19-
23, match the speakers 1-5 with the letters A-H. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters
which you do not need to use.

A She/He wants more freedom.

19 Speaker 1: ___________
B She/He has a problem with her/his father.

C Her/His parents are divorced. 20 Speaker 2: ___________

D She/ He has a new baby. 21 Speaker 3: ___________

E She/He has many brothers and sisters.
22 Speaker 4: ___________
F She/He lives with her/his grandparents.

G She/He has problems with the babysitter. 23 Speaker 5: ___________

H She/He has problems with an alcoholic parent


1. Use these verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences.

Go – know – meet – seem – get in – make – forget

1. Melina ________________ to invite Adam and he’s really upset with her now.
2. Stan’s girlfriend’s train ________________ in half an hour so he’s gone to pick her up from the station.
3. I _______________ my uncle and aunt who live in Germany for the first time recently.
4. Sheila ______________ lots of new friends at the party.
5. Dan and I _____________ out very often as we prefer to stay at home.
6. It’s a shame we _____________ you were coming today – the kids would love to see you again.
7. Ollie ______________ to be annoyed with me for some reason at the moment.

2. Use a verb from the box in the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences.

Go – drive – travel – do – look – stay

1. What worried me most was the fact that we _______________ a car which was not suitable for those
2. We _________________ in the Carlton Hotel – come and see us if you get the chance.
3. We ___________________ for four days when Paul fell ill.
4. Martin and I ________________ at brochures and we think we’ve decided where we want to go this

5. What __________________ yesterday evening at around 8 o'clock? I phoned to talk about the school
trip but there was no answer.
6. The bus was going through a tunnel when suddenly the lights ________ out.

3. There are seven mistakes with the tenses in the following text. Find the mistakes and rewrite them correctly.

At my last school, we were going on a summer trip to a campsite by the sea every year. One year,
however, I remember being more excited than usual. I think it was because my best friends, Joanne
and Michelle, were promising that they would meet me there. On the morning of the day we had been
leaving, I looked forward to the trip – and seeing my friends of course – when Joanne came round and
told me that there had been a change of plan and they couldn’t come. She is calling my mobile for
days, but I had changed my phone and I had forgotten to tell her the new number. I was miserable for
the whole week – and all because I was making a stupid mistake.

4. Choose the correct option.

1. I saw that my boss was very ANNOYED / ANNOYING with how I behaved.
2. They were all very IMPRESSED / IMPRESSING by the performance of the actors.
3. The school trip was really EXCITED/EXCITING. I learned a lot of things I hadn't known before .
4. It was THRILLED / THRILLING to have met such a great movie star.
5. We were WORRIED / WORRYING when we found out that his sister was on the plane that went missing.

5. Correct these sentences

1. I had been learning English for about seven years now.

2. When we were on holiday, I was swimming every day.
3. We go on holiday tomorrow.
4. Have you ever been visiting any countries outside Europe?
5. I had a shower when the hotel manager rang so I couldn’t answer the phone.

6. Choose the correct option.

1. When I was younger, we _______ have a tent and we went camping a lot.
a. Used to b. would c. were used to
2. Our neighbours _________ sometimes come with us on holiday
a. Would b. were used to c. got used to
3. My mum _______ going away on business trips
a. Is used to b. used to c. would
4. I _____ like beach holidays, but now I find them a Little boring
a. am used to b. would c. used to
5. ______ you use to go to summer camp when you were a boy, Dad?
a. Did b. would c. were

7. Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.

1. Gary’s one of the best players this year. He (be) _____________ on the football team since he was
very young.
2. I (just-move) ________________ here when I met Susie.
3. (you – ever – have) _____________ an argument that ended a friendship?
4. I (have)_____________ an argument with my best friend Mary when you (see) _________ me crying
this morning.
5. Marcos and I _________________ (just – break up)
6. Luke (only – play) _________ in a couple of games before he was made team Captain .

8. Choose the correct option.

1. I have- had been to Spain several times, so I know a few words of Spanish.
2. As son as she has – had got her results, Gwen phoned her mother.
3. We have – had already finished doing the preparations when Dan arrived.
4. Please will you turn the music down while I drive – am driving.
5. I was packing – packed my suitcases when I suddenly remembered I left – had left my Passport in my
friend’s room.
6. I am hot because I sat – had been sitting on a crowded bus for the last two hours.
7. Sarah only came back from Germany last week and she is already planning – already plans her next trip.
8. When I met Alex, I was staying – have been staying on a campsite for a few days

9. Paraphrasing

1 Carol still has to tell Phil that she can’t go to his party. yet
Carol ___________________________________ that she can’t go to his party.
2 I finished my homework before 7pm. already
I _______________________________ my homework by the time it was 7pm.
3 Perform your dance and I’ll record you with my camera. while
I’ll record you with my camera __________________________ your dance.
4 I finally managed to contact Edward. contacting
I finally _________________________________________Edward.
5 All this work won't seem so unusual after you've been working here a few days. used
After you've been working here a few days, you __________________________
all this work.
6. His sister plays chess better than he does as
He doesn’t play chess ___________________ his sister
7. Thomas felt disappointed not to be chosen for the play for
It _________________________ Thomas not to be chosen for the play.
8. Sue prefers football to tennis much
Sue doesn’t ____________________________ football
9. I think golf is more boring than any other sport least
I think golf ________________________ sport
10. Sharon doesn’t write nearly as clearly as Tom much
Tom writes ________________________ Sharon
11. It's now four years since I started playing hockey. been
I ___________________________________________ four years now.
12. My great-grandmother would sing to me every night. to
My great-grandmother _______________________________ to me every night.
13 How much did you lend to Justin yesterday? borrow

How much _________________________________________ yesterday?

14. the play wasn’t nearly as boring as I’d expected it to be more
The play _______________________________ I’d expected it to be
15. Don’t worry It’s the safest ride in the whole theme park dangerous

Don’t worry. It’s ________________________- ride in the whole theme park


1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of DO and MAKE.

1. "Can you ____________ me a favour?" "No, I'm busy."

2. I couldn't _______________ business with him. I don't trust him.

3. I hate ______________housework because I don't like cleaning.

4. I ____________ my shopping in the local market.

5. If you _______________ a noise, they'll hear us.

6. Wait a minute! I think I’ve ____________ a mistake.

7. Can I use your mobile? I need to _____________ a call.

8. Can you ____________me a favour?

9. I can't come because I’ve got to ______________ the washing-up.

10. Laura’s English is improving. She’s ______________ progress.

2. Complete with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.



1. Yesterday, I ____________ my mother _______ from the airport.

2. They started _____________________ the mess once the party finished.

3. Stop playing around and ___________________ your work.

4. After the marathon, He was completely _________________________.

5. It’s a lovely house, but it needs ___________________ a bit.

6. Even after I apologized, he ________________ being angry for another month.

3. Make sentences using these adjectives of personality. (clear sentences showing the meaning

of the words) Then write the opposite of them

Sensitive – understanding – sensible – concerned – critical – responsible.

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. __________________________________

4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

6. ___________________________________

4. Word Building

1. After deleting unused files, Sarah noticed a(n) ____________ (IMPROVE) in her computer’s
2. The ____________________ (DISCOVER) of antibiotics was a major medical advance.}
3. Landing on the Moon was an incredible ____________________ (ACHIEVE).
4. Travel changed forever with the ____________________ (INVENT) of the aeroplane.
5.What kind of ____________________ (EQUIP) do you need to go rock climbing?
6 .You have to be _______________ (CREATE) if you want to be a computer programmer.
7 . Scientists have announced a major ____________________ (DEVELOP) in the fight against cancer.
8 . The expansion of the internet has been highly ________________ (BENEFIT) for many companies.
9 . With modern means of transport, I think our ideas of _____________ (DISTANT) have completely
10 . A huge crowd of people were waiting at the airport for the pop star’s _____________ (ARRIVE).

5. Complete with at – in – on time phrases.

1. The traffic is irritating especially _____ certain times of the day when the roads are busy.
2. We usually go to the beach _____ the morning or _____ the afternoon _____ normal days.
3. She was born _____ 22th July ___ 2015 _____ Buenos Aires.
4. ____ the weekends ____ summer I usually go out with my friends
5. She prefers shopping ______ weekdays
6. The school starts _____ 7.40
7. ____ night we used to go clubbing
8. _____ rainy days I prefer to stay at home
9. I went on holiday _____ march
10. ____ Sundays ____ fall she prefers to go to the park

6. Complete with trip, travel, journey or way

1. Can you tell me the _______ to the station?

2. Have a good _______ to Madrid. Enjoy your stay there.
3. My _______ to school takes me 10 minutes by car.
4. His dad is on business ________. He comes back in a week.
5. There is a lot of __________ on this road.

7. Write a story about holidays. Your story must include the following words (at least 5
words )
Camping holiday – sightseeing tour – overnight – vogaye – flight – tour – backpacking –
activity holiday

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