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Name: Date: August


1. You are going to read a magazine article about developments in electronics. For questions 1–10, choose from
the items A–D. The items may be chosen more than once.

In which of the paragraphs does the writer say the following:

We’ll be able to carry all our songs, films and photographs with us. 1__

Some people might throw these away! 2__

These will be linked to other things in your home. 3__

They will take up a lot of space in our homes. 4__

They will have very small television screens. 5__

Public demand means the name of these is changing. 6__

You will be able to choose when to watch programmes. 7__

People will be using these to make copies of CDs and DVDs. 8__

Some of these will be extremely cheap. 9__

These will change the way we make phone calls. 10__


Thanks to advances in electronics, some big changes are just around the corner. James White looks at
four exciting developments that we can all look forward to.
A Mobile phones
It’s true that one day we may have implants in our bodies, but that could be a long way off. In the near future,
we will still be carrying phones with us, not in us! And these phones will be very desirable indeed. Mini TVs with
tiny screens, MP3 players and even computers will all be more common in mobile phones (and that means they’ll
be cheaper and affordable to most). But what do you think about disposable phones? You buy them (for less
than the price of a sandwich) and use them until you get bored with them. Then you just put them in the

B Television
The key words for television in the future will be on-demand and big! TV on demand means that we will no
longer have to wait until a programme comes on to watch it. We will be able to watch what we like when we like.
And as for the size, televisions are just going to get bigger and bigger – some of them will take up the whole
wall of a room. Soon, the experience of watching TV at home will be much more like going to the cinema,
complete with high-quality sound coming from all around the room. Along with the computer, the television will
be the main source of entertainment in the home. And we’ll also be using the television to see people that
we’re talking to through video links. So when you speak to your auntie to thank her for that ‘lovely’ pullover she
made you, make sure you’re wearing it (and smiling), because she’ll be looking at you on her living room wall!

C Computers
Already, new computers are being designed more like entertainment centres. In the future, this will continue.
It reflects what we want a computer to do these days. In the past, most PCswere for sending emails and
surfing the internet. Now people want more, so all computers will come with DVD players and copying facilities
for music and video. Digital televisions and radios will be built in too, so we will be able to watch and listen to
programmes from all over the world. And for those of you who play computer games, technology is going to
develop so fast that playing a game on a computer will soon feel like the real thing. The biggest change,
though, is that wireless technology will allow your computer to download, say, a film or a song and then send it
to your TV or stereo – all without wires and cables.

D Portable media player

MP3 players already allow us to carry around a huge number of songs in a tiny device. But this is all going to
change. Researchers have found that people don’t want to just carry around their music – they want video
capabilities and photographs too. So we won’t be calling them MP3 players for much longer, they will be known
as media players and, like mobile phones, they will allow us to watch videos but on a bigger screen. MP4
technology will mean that it will be easy to store large files like films in the memory of small devices. Soon,
you could have your entire music collection, all of your photograph albums, and your DVD library – stored in a
player that fits neatly in your pocket.

Listening: track 4 optimise b2

1. You will hear people talking in 8 different situations. For question 1-8 choose the correct answer (A, B or

1. You hear two Friends talking after a Zuba class. 5. You hear a girl talking about a pet. What
What do they agree to do? was the dog taught to do?

A go swimming after the class A scare away other dogs

B walk home from the gym B wait for his food quietly
C leave the gym immediately C carry things into the house

2. You over hear a boy talking on the phone about a judo 6. You hear two friends talking about a job.
club. Why is he talking to his friend? What do they agree about?

A to convince him to join the club A He will be the boss one day
B to remind him that he likes judo B It takes time to be successful
C to encourage him to get a black belt. C He should join the police

3. You hear two girls talking about a driving lesson. 7. You hear a teacher talking about graffiti.
What do they disagree about? Why will the students remove the graffiti?

A whether the driving lesson was boring A They refused to reveal certain information
B why she shouldn’t drive on public roads B They would rather do it than stay at home
C that she needs to be more confident C They have the necessary equipment.

4. You hear part of an interview with a life coach. 8. You hear two boys talking about a survival
The man’s involvement in the film was as weekend. What so they agree to do?

A a trainer A change their plans

B an adviser B make a decision later
C a life coach C go camping

As I (go) ____________ out my front door last Saturday, I suddenly (realize) __________ that I (leave)
______________ my keys in the house. Immediately I (turn round) ______________ but it (be)
___________ too late. The door (already/close) ______________ behind me. Then I (notice)
__________ something strange: I could hear people (talk) _______________ inside the house. That
(seem) ____________ impossible, because this morning my parents (go out) _____________ half an hour
before me, and my sister (spend) _________________ the weekend with friends. So when I (walk)
_______________ round to the side of the house to look through the window, I couldn’t believe what (go
on) ________________________.

Complete with the present perfect or present perfect continuous

1. My brother’s still in bed. He (sleep) ____________________ all morning.
2. I can’t find my wallet. I think I (lose) ___________________ it.
3. (ever/walk) __________________________ through the forest at night?
4. I don’t want to watch that film. I (already see) _____________________ it.
5. It’s a really long book and I (still/not / finish) ________________________ it.
6. How long (you/learn) _________________ to play the guitar?
7. I’ve bought some fruit and I (not / go) __________________ to the cake shop yet.
8. Pauline and I are old friends, but I (only know) ______________ her sister for a few days.

Choose the correct option

1. They’ve been talking about moving to Australia since / for years.
2. Have you ever been / gone to Argentina?
3. We can’t go out now because it’s eleven o’clock yet / already.
4. We’ve had a pet hamster since / for last October.
5. Have they replied to your message yet / still?
6. I yet / still haven’t had time to do my homework.

Choose the correct alternative

1. I’ll take my umbrella in case / unless it rains.
2. Write down the details in case / if you forget them
3. It’s impossible to open the door unless / in case you have the key
4. You should wear a hat unless / in case you get sunburnt
5. I’ll buy that MP3 player if / unless it’s too expensive
6. She can’t phone you unless / if she doesn’t have your number.

Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition

1. The school does not approve ______ the use of mobile phones in class.
2. People who try to cross the railway line on foot are _____ serious danger.
3. Some people like to take risks _____ pleasure, not because it’s their job.
4. In primary school, I used to take part _____ the Christmas concert every year.
5. Nowadays, my sister works ______ the advertising industry.

Tenses - Conditionals
1. If you are hungry, I (make) _____________ you a sandwich.
2. We wouldn’t take the bus if we (live) __________ nearer the school.
3. I (not wait) _____________ for you in the morning, If you are not ready on time.
4. Which country (you choose) _________________ if you could live anywhere in the world?
5. If I (own) ______________ those supermarkets, I’d reduce the price of food.
6. People wouldn’t spend so much if they (not have) ________________ credit cards

Complete with IN, ON, AT

1. The headquarters of the United Nations is ______ New York.
2. In the most countries people drive _____ the right.
3. I usually buy a newspaper _____ my way to work.
4. Last year we had a lovely skiing holiday ____ the Swiss Alps.
5. San Francisco is _____ the west coast of the United States.
6. She spends most of the day sitting _____the window.
7. The report about the accident was _____ the front page of the newspaper.
8. In the theatre we had seats ______ the front row.
9. It's dangerous to play football _____ the streets.
10. I didn't see her _____the party.
11. They got married _____ Birmingham

1. If you give me your number, I (phone) ____________ you tomorrow.
2. How would you send emails if your computer (stop) _____________ working?
3. If I (not have) ______________ time to write that essay this afternoon, I’ll do it tonight
4. I would have gone to the cinema with you if you (ask) _____________ me
5. If you (not press) ____________ “delete”, you wouldn’t have lost all your data.
6. I (not feel) ____________ so tired every day if I could get up later in the morning
7. If you’d bought your printer in the supermarket, it (cost) ____________ you less
8. We might have missed the plane if we (leave) _______________ the house any later.

Use a word form the box in each gap to complete the sentence.

So – such – too – enough – used – would

1. When I was younger, my parents ________ often take me away with them when they were traveling on
2. Some people find that it’s just ________ hot to do anything in the middle of the day.
3. This tour of Africa is ________ expensive that only very rich people can afford to go on it.
4. It was ________ a frightening experience that I vowed I would never do it again.
5. My parents had told me that they didn’t have _________ money for a summer holiday that year.
6. I _________ to go to sleep imagining what it would be like to live in the exotic places I read about.

Choose the correct option.

1. He accepted the trophy amidst the loud cheers of the audience /spectators.
2. The film is aimed at a very heterogeneous audience/public.
3. Is the exhibition open to the public/spectators.

If a sentence is correct put a tick, if it is incorrect, rewrite it correctly.

1. I love being on holiday but I am not used to have so much free time.
2. The tickets were expensive enough so I couldn’t go.
3. It was so a long and tiring journey that I was asleep when we arrived.
4. I will never get used to flying, however many times I do it.
5. When I was very young, we would live in Portugal.
6. It used to be much harder for people to have foreign holidays.

Complete with the suitable prepositions

If you’re interested ________ helping to save the planet, now is the time to start doing something _________
it. Cars, particularly those that run ________ diesel, can be blamed __________ much of the pollution in this
country. So one thing you can do that can have a big effect _______ the quality of the air is to decide not to
drive. If everyone does this, we will succeed ________ reducing pollution.

Choose the correct option

1. Is there any point in asking/to ask Jack to help, or should we do ourselves?
2. The robbers tried to force the bank manager giving /to give them the money.
3. Do you feel like cooking/to cook tonight?
4. It is not like you being / to be shy. Go up to her and just say hello.
5. Dr. Wilson advised Mrs. Jenkins giving up/to give up smoking

Choose the correct option.

1. You look really tiring/tired. Why don't you go to bed?
2. Can I call you? I've got some very exciting/ excited news for you!
3. My neighbour is always playing loud music. It's very annoying/annoyed.
4. The directions were confusing/confused and we got lost.
5. I was really surprising / surprised that I won the competition.

Rewrite the sentences below using a proper modal verb

1. You are well advise to be here on time or you won’t go out next Saturday
2. It is impossible for that to be Sue. She is abroad
3. It is against the law to drop litter on the street
4. It is not necessary for you to wait, I can go on my own
5. You are now allowed to use a dictionary in the examination room

Rewrite these sentences in reported speech. Choose the most appropriate reporting
verb from the list, using each one only once.

insist - remind - suggest - tell - warn

1. “Don’t speak with your mouth full, John! John’s mother: _________________________
2. “Remember to get your father a birthday present” Laura’s mother__________________
3. “Don’t drink the water, Tom! It’s not clean” The man_____________________________
4. “Let’s try that new Chinese restaurant in King Street” Susie _______________________
5. “You really must let me pay” David __________________________________________

Write these sentences in direct speech:

1. “Hurry up! We are going to be late” Andy told his wife.
2. “Do you think I should wear my long dress or my short stripy one” Silvia asked Andy.
3. “Go for the black dress as it looks better on you”. Andy told his wife
4. “I can’t wear it because it is at the dry-cleaner’s” She said to him.

Word Building
My friend Marilyn is a very ___________ person and she is IDEAL
_______________ to a number of good causes. For instance, COMMIT
she does a lot work associated with animal ____________ CONSERVE
and belongs to an ______________ organization. She is ENVIRONMENT
very _____________ about the problems facing the world, KNOWLEDGE
and is particularly concerned about the effects of ________ GLOBE
warning. She believes that unless we are more ________ CARE
in the way we treat the Earth, we will be ____________ POWER
to prevent the total destruction of life on the planet.

1. I am sure you dropped your wallet at the bus stop. must
You______________________________________ at the bus stop.
2. Maybe Anna missed the bus. might
Anna_______________________________________ the bus.
3. It wasn’t necessary for us to pay to get in. have to
we_________________________________________ to get in.
4. You were wrong to study so late. should
You____________________________ before.
5. I am sure the class enjoyed the lecture. must
The class_____________________________ the lecture
6. It wasn’t necessary to cut the grass. Need
They _______________________________ cut the grass.
7. I couldn’t sleep because the traffic noise was very loud. so
The traffic noise ______________________ I couldn’t sleep.
8. The chair was so uncomfortable that nobody wanted to sit in it. such
It was ________________________ nobody wanted to sit in it.
9. It’s possible that they had an accident on the way here. might
They _______________________ an accident on the way here.
10. “I won’ t tell anyone what you did” George said. promised
George _________________________________ what I had done.
11. “I’ll buy the theatre tickets, Peter said insisted
Peter _________________________________ the theater tickets
12. “Can I have a piece of cake?” Doug asked whether
Doug asked ___________________________ another piece of cake.
13. “You’ve broken my watch, Simon” Alan said accused
Alan _______________________________ watch.
14. “Don’t leave the mountain footpath, Paul”! Patricia said warned
Patricia _____________________________ leave the mountain footpath.
15. “We haven’t reserved you a seat, I’m afraid” the airline representative said. admitted
The airline representative ______________________ reserved me a seat.
16. “I’m sorry about the mistake I made”, John said. Apologized
John _________________________________ a mistake.
17. “let’s go to the cinema” Alice said. suggested
Alice_____________________________________ a film.
18. Mr Jones started teaching when he was twenty-six. been
Mr Jones ________________________________________ was twenty-six.
19. I usually find it very difficult to lose weight. difficulty
I usually ________________________________________ weight.
20. I still play in a rock band from time to time, even though I have a full-time job nowadays.
I still play in a rock band from time to time __________________________________ full-
time nowadays.


Mini television

Scott Newman wouldn’t be without his pocket-size TV, ______ he mainly watches in bed. “I only watch
programmes which last about _____ hour, as any longer strains my eyes. I use the TV for general
entertainment, though it is also really good for keeping ______ with current affairs. The main problem
with the set is that it’s not loud ______, even when you use headphones. The reception is all right ____
long as nothing moves in front of the aerial”. Scott admits that he is a bit of a gadget man, but doesn’t
regret buying the set since he uses _______ nearly every day. Retired engineer Paul Hardcastle, _______
owned a pocket TV for a number _______ years. “I use it mostly in the bathroom. I wanted to use it
outdoors, ______ the trouble is that in bright light you _______ see the picture. I use rechargeable
batteries as ordinaries ones would cost such a lot. Paul believes that this sort of TV could be improved
________ the screen was slightly bigger and it didn’t use up batteries ________ quickly: he can only get
half an hour’s viewing __________ the batteries run out.
Multiple Choice

Beating exam stress

For many (1) ________________ , life can seem like one exam after another. This can be extremely

stressful so we recommend that students are as organised as possible. Firstly, this means giving yourself as

much time as possible to revise – you don’t want to (2) ________________ up revising everything the night

before an exam. The second thing you need to think about is the space where you’ll be working. It’s essential

that you’re able to (3) ________________ on your revision, so make sure it’s comfortable and that there

are no distractions. Apart from revising your notes, we’d also recommend that you practice (4)

________________ old exams under timed conditions. Finally, we suggest that you give yourself plenty of

breaks. You’ll get tired (5) ________________ studying if you spend too long at your desk so take a break

and do something relaxing.

1 a) graduates b) undergraduates c) degrees d) qualifications

2 a) hurry b) catch c) end d) dig

3 a) concentrate b) interested c) pay attention d) decide

4 a) making b) passing c) giving d) taking

5 a) on b) of c) in d) for

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