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1. Use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to discuss the types of need that Maple Leaf
addressed with its introduction of the Natural Selections line.

Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, we can analyze the types of need that Maple Leaf
addressed with its introduction of the Natural Selections line. Maslow's hierarchy suggests
that human needs are arranged in a pyramid, with the most fundamental needs at the base
and higher-level needs at the top. Maple Leaf's Natural Selections line primarily targets
needs in the physiological and safety categories.

Physiological Needs: At the base of Maslow's hierarchy are physiological needs such as
hunger and thirst. Maple Leaf addresses these needs by providing wholesome and
nourishing food options through their Natural Selections line.

Safety Needs: Safety needs involve the desire for security and protection. Introducing the
Natural Selections line without preservatives or artificial ingredients is an attempt to regain
consumer trust and assure them of the safety of their food choices. By addressing safety
concerns associated with processed foods, Maple Leaf seeks to fulfill consumers' need for
food security and protection against potential health risks.

2. At which stage of buying decision process are consumers most likely to pay attention
to the ingredient in the food they buy?

The consumer typically passes through five stages in buying decision process as mentioned

1. Problem recognition
2. Information search
3. Evaluation of alternatives
4. Purchase decision
5. Post-purchase behaviour

In the given scenario consumers are most likely to pay attention to the ingredients in the
foods they buy during the "information search" and "evaluation of alternatives" stages of
the buying decision process.

Information Search: In this phase, customers actively look for information about their
requirements or issues. When a consumer has a need relating to food, such wanting
healthier options or being concerned about particular components, they are probably going
to look up information about what's in different food products. They could seek information
from personal sources like family and friends, commercial sources such as advertising and
packaging, public sources like media and online reviews, and experiential sources such as
product sampling.

Evaluation of Alternatives: Once consumers have gathered information about different

food products, they evaluate the alternatives available to them. This evaluation often
involves comparing the ingredients, nutritional content, and other factors that are important
to them.
Products with identifiable or natural ingredients may be given preference by consumers over
those with artificial preservatives or additions. This phase is essential for figuring out which
product best suits their requirements and preferences.

3. From your understanding of the elaboration likelihood model, discuss how the
consumer's level of involvement while shopping for groceries would affect the
importance they give to the ingredients or nutritional information provided
on food packaging.

Elaboration Likelihood Model:

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) is a theory of persuasion that explains how
cognitive processing and elaboration influence attitude change through two distinct routes,
central and peripheral, which have different effects on persuasion. This understanding is
important for marketers attempting to influence consumer behavior.

In the context of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), the level of involvement of
consumers while shopping for groceries plays a crucial role in determining how they process
information related to ingredients or nutritional information provided on food packaging.
Here's how the consumer's level of involvement can affect the importance they give to such

High Involvement: When consumers are highly involved in the grocery shopping process,
they are more likely to engage in central route processing. This indicates that they are
capable of carefully analyzing the information presented on food packaging and are
motivated to do so. To make well-informed selections regarding the products they buy,
people could carefully examine the nutritional information, ingredients list, and health claims.
People with certain dietary restrictions or those who are health-conscious, for example, are
likely to be quite aware of the contents and nutritional data. In this situation, giving them
accurate and pertinent information about the product's natural ingredients, health
advantages, or lack of additives can have a significant impact on how they feel and what
they decide to buy.

Low Involvement: Conversely, when consumers have low involvement in the grocery
shopping process, they are more likely to rely on peripheral route processing. This implies
that people might not actively look for comprehensive information regarding the nutritional
value or substances. Alternatively, outside cues like packaging design, brand familiarity, or
promotional offers could influence them. For instance, those who are hurried or preoccupied
when shopping could just select well-known brands or goods without giving careful thought
to the ingredients' quality or nutritional value. In this instance, marketers can influence
consumer preferences without always focusing on ingredient details. Alternatively, they may
make use of attention-grabbing packaging or eye-catching images.
2. By offering a wide assortment of products, is Clearly Contacts behaving like a mass
marketer? Justify your answer.
Undifferentiated (mass) marketing:
A market-coverage strategy in which a firm decides to ignore market segment differences
and go after the whole market with one offer.

By offering a wide assortment of products, Clearly Contacts is not behaving like a mass
marketer. Mass marketing involves targeting the entire market with a single offer, focusing on
common needs among consumers rather than catering to specific segments. Clearly
Contacts, on the other hand, is offering a diverse range of products, including both contact
lenses and eyeglasses, and has tailored its offerings to different geographical markets with
unique websites and branding. Instead of providing a one-size-fits-all service, this strategy
enables companies to appeal to a wider spectrum of customers by meeting their unique
wants and preferences.

3. What are some possible niche segments in the vision-care market that the company
could consider serving?
Concentrated (niche) marketing:
A market-coverage strategy in which a firm goes after a large share of one or a few
segments or niches.
Some possible niche segments in the vision-care market that Clearly Contacts could
consider serving include:

Eco-friendly or sustainable eyewear: As consumers' knowledge of environmental issues

grows, there is a market niche for eco-friendly eyewear manufactured from sustainable
materials or through ecologically friendly production methods.

Blue light blocking glasses: Office workers, gamers, and students are the target market
for this expanding business, which is driven by the rising use of digital devices and eyewear
intended to shield against the damaging effects of blue light generated by screens.

Eyewear for sports or outdoor activities: There is a demand for specialized eyewear
designed for activities such as skiing, cycling, or swimming, which offer features like impact
resistance, UV protection, and anti-fog coatings.

Pet eyewear: Addressing the needs of pet owners who seek protective eyewear for their
animals, such as goggles for dogs to shield their eyes during outdoor activities or specialized
lenses for pets with vision impairments.

Customizable eyewear: Providing customers with the option to customize their eyewear
frames, lens coatings, and prescription details to suit their individual preferences and needs.

By identifying and targeting these niche segments, Clearly Contacts can further differentiate
itself from competitors and meet the specific needs of diverse customer groups within the
vision-care market.
1. Which quality defines the Canada Goose brand-performance or conformance quality?

The Canada Goose brand primarily emphasizes performance quality. This is evident from its
focus on creating outerwear that provides extreme weather protection and durability, as
highlighted by its testing processes involving individuals working in harsh conditions such as
Canadian Rangers, oil rig workers in Alaska, and researchers in Antarctica. The brand's
lifetime warranty for repairs or replacements, which expresses trust in the performance and
dependability of its products, further emphasizes its dedication to quality.

2. What is Canada Goose's primary differentiation? Did the company dilute its primary
differentiation by pursuing the fashion segment?

Canada Goose's primary differentiation lies in its focus on creating high-performance,

extreme weather outerwear that is both functional and durable. This emphasis on quality and
functionality initially attracted a loyal following among individuals who work or live in cold
environments. However, the company recognized an opportunity to expand its market by
appealing to the fashion segment without diluting its primary differentiation. By introducing a
new line of fashion-forward outerwear that retains the brand's quality and functionality while
incorporating visually appealing fabrics, finishes, and tailored cuts, Canada Goose
successfully tapped into the fashion-conscious audience without compromising its core
values. Therefore, the company managed to maintain its primary point of differentiation while
expanding into the fashion segment.

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