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Title: Overcoming the Challenges of Writing a Thesis on Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Are you currently navigating the intricate path of crafting a thesis on racial discrimination in the
workplace? If so, you're likely well aware of the complexities and challenges that come with such a
task. Writing a thesis on this topic requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but
also a nuanced approach to addressing the sensitive issues surrounding racial inequality in
professional settings.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a thesis on racial discrimination in the workplace is the vast
amount of research and data analysis required. This topic spans various disciplines, including
sociology, psychology, law, and economics, making it necessary to gather and synthesize information
from a wide range of sources. Additionally, the ever-evolving nature of workplace dynamics and
societal attitudes towards race necessitates staying updated with current research and trends.

Furthermore, crafting a thesis that effectively addresses the complexities of racial discrimination
demands careful consideration of language, tone, and perspective. It's crucial to approach the topic
with sensitivity and empathy while also maintaining academic rigor and objectivity. Balancing these
elements can be challenging, especially when addressing deeply ingrained systemic issues and
personal experiences of discrimination.

Moreover, the process of conducting original research and analyzing data to support your thesis can
be daunting. From designing research methodologies to collecting and interpreting data, each step
requires meticulous attention to detail and critical thinking skills. Moreover, navigating ethical
considerations, particularly when involving human subjects, adds another layer of complexity to the
research process.

In light of these challenges, seeking assistance from professional writing services can be invaluable.
At ⇒ ⇔, we understand the intricacies of writing a thesis on racial discrimination
in the workplace, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Our team of experienced
writers specializes in crafting well-researched, compelling theses on complex social issues, including
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When you choose ⇒ ⇔, you can trust that your thesis will be meticulously
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on racial discrimination in the workplace overwhelm you.
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tackling this important and timely topic.
This process may be similar to filing an EEOC discrimination complaint, although it may be vastly
different. We might, for example, associate a white employee with being competent and reliable
based on our past experiences and familiarity with people of a similar background. In 2002 the
average annual unemployment rate for black workers aged 16 and over (10.3 percent) was nearly
twice the overall unemployment rate (5.8 percent) and just over twice the rate for whites (5.1
percent). The unemployment rate for Hispanics was 7.6 percent that year (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
2003). Examples of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace When a decision related to an
employee’s employment position is made, in part or in whole, based on the person’s race, then race
discrimination has occurred. It is the employer’s duty to mitigate racial discrimination through
actions like diversity training and anti-discriminatory policies. They submitted identical resumes to
employers, differing only in the names—some with “black-sounding” names and others with “white-
sounding” names. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.
Employees working in small companies (both less than 29 and less than 100 employees) were more
likely to report that they had experienced racial harassment (63.2% vs 50.6%). When looking at the
impact this racial harassment had on those experiencing it, researchers found that harassment took a
greater toll on women. Job applications, career progression and even casual office chatter can all be
affected by discrimination. It can make preparing for the workday especially frustrating. Thus, real
estate agents may engage in subtle forms of racial steering (i.e., housing seekers being shown units in
certain neighborhoods and not in others), believing that they are best serving the interests of both
their white and their nonwhite clients and not intending to do racial harm. The protests and policy
issues arising from them have quickly become politicized, and data shows how Republicans’ views
on racial discrimination have shifted in recent years. Solution To Racism And Discrimination in the
Workplace Essay. So, too, is an employer who decides to pay nonwhite workers less than white
workers or to discipline the former more heavily for identical conduct. Contact our team at MM Law
to schedule an initial consultation and gain important legal insight into your case. The likelihood of
students of Asian ancestry being bullied on the internet is three times that of other ethnicities. Sexual
abuse and harassment is a common issue in every firm. The law has played a significant role towards
reducing these behaviors. But in all likelihood, these people don’t make up the main bulk of hirers
and managers - so why is racial discrimination in the workplace so widespread. We pay our respects
to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures; and to Elders past, present and emerging. Racism
and discrimination essay companies do not employ older workers because they might not offer the
required services. After September 11, 2001, an increased number of Arab and Middle Eastern men
and women reported experiencing discriminatory behavior at airports around the nation. However,
they do not constitute a fully adequate description of all forms of racial discrimination. In well-
designed and well-executed experiments, the effects of confounding variables are randomized,
allowing researchers to dismiss competing explanations as unlikely, but they are not entirely
eliminated. As demonstrated by these examples, workplace discrimination isn’t always easy to spot.
An example of a subtle form of discrimination (perhaps unintentional) would be when interviewers
of job applicants more frequently adopt behaviors (e.g., interrupting, asking fewer questions, using a
hectoring tone) that result in poor communication and consequently poorer performance by
disadvantaged minority applicants as compared with other applicants. Propensity score matching is
sometimes used when there are too many relevant characteristics on which to match on every one.
The incidence of discriminatory treatment (defined as the percentage of encounters in which
discrimination occurred) was over 50 percent in both the rental and the sales markets. Researchers
were able to show that all the participants, regardless of race, rated the behaviors as more mean and
threatening when a black child enacted them than when a white child did. Sitemap Disclaimer:
Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
The incidence of discriminatory treatment (defined as the percentage of encounters in which
discrimination occurred) was over 50 percent in both the rental and the sales markets. Why SendGrid
By team size By Function Sub nav item no 1 See how we're helping improve CX. In this chapter, we
review two experimental approaches that have been used by researchers to reach causal conclusions
about racial discrimination: laboratory experiments and field experiments (particularly audit studies).
Such attitudes on the part of ingroup members are a manifestation of indirect prejudice. The culture
made it difficult for minority employees to advance or be promoted. The blacks were only given the
most despised essay racial discrimination and hardest jobs which were available. The article does not
necessarily reflect the views of CGTN. A report showed that conspiracy theories targeting Muslims
had increasingly entered the political mainstream. We focus our discussion on discrimination against
disadvantaged racial minorities. The strategy of matching on all characteristics that vary in
distribution by race—including observed, unobserved, and unobservable character-. They submitted
nearly 5,000 resumes in response to over 1,300 newspaper job ads in Boston and Chicago, targeting
positions in sales, administration, and clerical work. The discrimination that was in existence before
this was nurtured such that its effects were strongly felt Chronicle 1. The protests and policy issues
arising from them have quickly become politicized, and data shows how Republicans’ views on
racial discrimination have shifted in recent years. Job candidates with a Muslim-sounding name are
3x more likely to be overlooked for a job. In certain situations, it is easy to tell that you are being
discriminated against because of your race. There is, however, an exception if the parties can
reasonably expect the conversation to be overheard or recorded. Top Grade Papers Essay the
relevance of basel ii capital adequacy framework in the aftermath o. It can often be difficult to tell
when you are being discriminated against, even if you firmly believe that you are being treated
unfairly at work. Your attorney will make it clear that even if a specific type of harassment or
discrimination is not technically illegal, it may still constitute a hostile work environment, which
could open them up to civil litigation. Researchers who use randomized controlled experiments to
measure discrimination, therefore, can manipulate race by either varying the “apparent” race of a
target person as the experimental treatment or can manipulate “apparent” discrimination by randomly
assigning study participants to being treated with different degrees of discrimination. Flexibility-
Having flexibly work also means flexible income and having to try really hard to sell yourself. The
most common examples include denial of equal education, housing, employment, and health care on
the basis of race. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks.
Interviewers expected to see several applicants; the first applicant always was white, followed by
black and white applicants in a randomly counterbalanced order. The perceived group characteristics
are assumed to apply to the individual. This attitude of superiority can be seen when certain groups
of people are vilified, called criminals, or are perceived as being unable to contribute to society. Fill
out the form below to best decide the course of action for your legal matter.”. Nonetheless, as noted
above, two important doctrinal concepts—disparate treatment and disparate impact
discrimination—are useful in defining the nature of the legal prohibition. Empirically, ingroup
members spontaneously reward the ingroup, allocating discretionary resources to their own kind and
thereby relatively disadvantaging the outgroup (Brewer and Brown, 1998). California law states
workers have the right to be in their workplace without being targeted for discrimination based on
their race.
The fourth type involves discriminatory practices embedded in an organizational culture. In many
data sets, sample sizes are too small for analysis of some groups (such as American Indians), or there
is no separate identification of groups, such as Asian Americans or Native Hawaiians and other
Pacific Islanders, or subgroups, such as Mexican Americans or Puerto Ricans. These behaviors are
also the focus of much of the current discrimination law. Racism is the prejudiced belief of people
that a particular race is superior to others. These ambiguous allocations and attributions constitute
another subtle form of discrimination. Non-Hispanic whites are consistently favored over African
Americans and Hispanics in metropolitan rental and. Sub nav item no 4 Guides, eBooks, factsheets,
and more. In view of the fact that Muslims form the majority of the population in all those countries,
the order was widely interpreted as a “Muslim ban”, and it sparked widespread protests in the U.S.
and many other places across the world. Nonetheless, the courts have held that the burden of
persuading the court that the employment decision was discriminatory remains with the plaintiff.
While providing the generality valued by researchers, these studies also make it possible to observe
the behavior of individual agencies or firms. This approach has been applied to other areas as well
(see the examples in the next section). It’s not uncommon for hiring decisions to be inadvertently
biased, particularly against candidates with names that might seem unfamiliar, gaps in their work
history, or foreign qualifications. They submitted nearly 5,000 resumes in response to over 1,300
newspaper job ads in Boston and Chicago, targeting positions in sales, administration, and clerical
work. Professional, Personal Legal Advice and Documents. However, black individuals did not
experience a similar benefit from residing in such neighborhoods. The essay will also discuss the
effects of racism and how it influences people in the society. Nonetheless, someone from the
bureaucracy may request additional information. In Boxes 6-1 through 6-3, we describe three of the.
There were also slaves from Africa and Native Americans. Sub nav item no 2 See how we're helping
improve CX. An implication of statistical discrimination is that members of a disadvantaged racial
group for whom group averages regarding qualifications are lower. Therefore, although in theory any
nondiscriminatory reason will constitute a defense against a charge of disparate treatment
discrimination, in practice an employer will be more likely to lose the case if the reason does not
appear to be sufficiently linked to the plaintiff’s lack of ability to perform the job or demonstrated
misconduct. Between the late 1970s and 1998, they had significantly lower educational attainment
and higher dropout rates than both blacks and whites (Hauser et al., 2002). In 2000, 57 percent of
Hispanics aged 25 and over had obtained at least a high school degree, compared with 79 percent of
blacks and 85 percent of whites (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002). Are negative attributes being ascribed
to one race or ethnicity. The incidence of discriminatory treatment (defined as the percentage of
encounters in which discrimination occurred) was over 50 percent in both the rental and the sales
markets. While it may be more difficult to prove subtle racial discrimination, the result is the same,
which is illegal unequal treatment. The law and regulations including the measures that the
governments should take will also be included in this essay. Even if the plaintiff establishes that the
employer’s proffered reason for the employment action is not truthful, the employer will prevail if
the plaintiff cannot persuade the court that race was a motivating factor. Fill out the form below to
best decide the course of action for your legal matter.”. Register for a free account to start saving
and receiving special member only perks. In dealing with such cases in the courts (disparate impact
cases; see Chapter 3 ), weighing the benefits to an organization of a long-established set of
procedures against the harm such procedures might induce through their differential racial outcomes
is a complex and difficult process.
Regardless of the advancements we make in our society in terms of race, discrimination is a
prevalent issue Racial discrimination is a deadly virus that affects all, individual, families,
communities and the learning and working environment. These terms describe the social
stratification (rather than the numerical proportions) of different racial groups in the United States.
Although in Part II of our report we do not discuss specific methods applied in each domain in turn,
we do examine the broad approaches used to measure the types of discrimination outlined above.
The US population also used abusive and hatred language referring to the immigrants. However,
there is presently no case law that addresses these broad social effects; the law frequently will not
deem the challenged conduct to be unlawful if it merely transmits, rather than expands, the extent of
racial discrimination. This can help you receive the greatest amount of potential damages. Racism can
also be institutional, when practices or traditions that treat certain groups of people unjustly are
upheld. Participants shown the second video after the first no longer demurred regarding the child’s
academic performance. That’s a big shift from earlier in June, when the same poll showed 54 percent
of Republicans saw racial discrimination as a big problem in the country and just 15 percent believed
it wasn’t a problem at all. As a result, discrimination encountered by averaging over members of a
disadvantaged racial group is not a complete measure of the impact of racial discrimination (Holzer
and Ludwig, 2003). Submit a request online or call us today at (866) 345-6784 to get in touch with
an experienced lawyer in your area. It can seem even more heinous if personality clashes and
personal relationships negatively affect how someone is treated. If the EEOC cannot resolve the
dispute, it may file a lawsuit on your behalf. Interestingly, improving qualifications did not have the
same impact for black candidates as it did for white candidates. Each job opening received two high-
quality and two low-quality resumes. By itself such a practice is racially neutral, but if existing
(white) employees recommend their friends and neighbors, new hires will replicate the racial patterns
in the firm, systematically excluding nonwhites. It is often subtle, but that doesn’t mean that it is any
less harmful. In the case of housing, these studies might involve selecting a random sample of
newspaper advertisements and then investigating the behavior of real estate agencies associated with
these advertisements (Ross and Yinger, 2002). In addition, an efficient job design in criminal justice
agencies should provide employees with a prospect to learn different things in the job setting.
Instead, it applies to severe or frequent occurrences that create an offensive or hostile work
environment. The job design in criminal justice agencies should incorporate the employment part of
the Americans with Disabilities Act when making their employments. Aggregated over many
encounters and units of analysis, audit studies come closer than laboratory experiments to assessing
levels of discrimination in a particular market. When researchers compared their findings from similar
experiments back in 1969, they discovered that this discrimination hadn’t improved in 50 years. 24%
of applicants of white British origin received a positive response from employers, compared with
15% of minority ethnic applicants.Why does racial discrimination in the workplace still happen. We
are called to listen with an open heart,the tragic stories of the many who suffer from racism, given
that empathy is the main promoter ofjustice. The severity of the discrimination was also very high
(severity being the number of units made available to whites but not blacks). Do not use the form
above to submit confidential, time-sensitive, or privileged information. People spontaneously view
their own ingroups (but not the outgroup) in a positive light, attributing its strengths to the essence
of what makes a person part of the ingroup (genes being a major example). However, the social
context in which people encounter an outgroup member can shape such instantaneous responses. A
poll suggested that more than half of American Muslims believed that the government’s counter-
terrorism policies involved additional surveillance and checks targeted solely against them. Many of
the potential biases and artifacts of laboratory experiments also occur at least as often in other kinds
of experiments (e.g., field experiments, which we turn to next), as well as with nonexperimental
methods (natural experiments and observational studies, such as surveys).
Fill out the form below to best decide the course of action for your legal matter.”. Laboratory
measures of discrimination begin with verbal hostility (e.g., in studies of interracial aggression),
which can constitute discrimination, when, for example, negative personal comments result in a
hostile work environment (see Chapter 3 ). Second, the assignments and training provided to testers
may not correspond to qualifications and behaviors of members of racially disadvantaged groups
during actual transactions. But, we can achieve anything if we put our mind to it. An advantage to
using paired tests is that individuals are matched on observed characteristics relevant to a particular
market. They are absolute signs of racial discrimination and can cause serious mental anguish and
damage to those targeted. The discussion of experimental methods in Chapter 6 elaborates on this
point. Contact us today. Give Brockmeier Law Group a call at 310-425-3431. Nearly twice as many
Indian applications had to be sent for the same callbacks as a white-named applications. There is,
however, an exception if the parties can reasonably expect the conversation to be overheard or
recorded. Many ambitious and extremely talented men and women are unable to move past their
current position and status at work, receive promotions or salary raises, or advance in their career to
top management positions due to their race, (or ethnicity or gender). Each year, the EEOC reports
data on its claims and the amount recovered for victims of workplace discrimination. In their study,
the experimenter first showed white participants either black or white young male faces, presented at
a subliminal level. Three of the approaches they identify to address the problem of accuracy are (1)
broaden the sampling frame to encompass methods other than newspaper advertisements (e.g.,
searching neighborhoods for rental or help-wanted signs); (2) examine whether the characteristics of.
If the EEOC cannot resolve the dispute, it may file a lawsuit on your behalf. While these examples
do not illustrate the screaming of racial epithets, the result is the same, which is a consistent negative
stereotype against a particular race. Over the course of the 1990s, various researchers carried out
housing audits in different metropolitan areas using various methods (Galster, 1998; Massey and
Lundy, 2001; Ondrich et al., 2000). Having a name associated with an ethnic minority background
leads to racial discrimination in the hiring process. The race of actors and targets was not specified
verbally, but each incident was accompanied by one of four drawings of the event, identical except
for the depicted race of the actor and target. These kinds of practices and policies—whether
intentionally or unintentionally harmful—are deemed unlawful unless a sufficiently compelling
business reason can be supplied to justify them. Furthermore, discrimination against an individual
may be based on overall assumptions about members of a disadvantaged racial group that are
assumed to apply to that individual (i.e., statistical discrimination or profiling). In most cases, people
do not get to the later steps without receiving support for their behavior in the earlier ones. We
therefore focus our discussion below on a common methodology—audit or paired testing—used
particularly to assess discrimination in housing markets as well as in other areas. Therefore, in our
definition we allow both categories to include a range of behaviors and processes that are either not
explicitly unlawful or not effectively prohibited because of difficulties in measurement or proof (see
Chapter 4 ). Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the
book. In some cases, nonetheless, an organization has been found guilty of intentional discrimination
for failing to compensate for the unconscious, automatic discrimination of its employees. The essay
will also discuss the effects of racism and how it influences people in the society. It is not a lawyer
referral service nor does RequestLegalHelp itself provide any legal services or offer any legal advice.
Finally, the table lists possible actors within each domain who may discriminate on the basis of race.
Moreover, even the 90 percent who report support for equal opportunity laws show less support
when specific remedies are mentioned (see Chapter 8 ).
As we discuss further below, we are particularly interested in discrimination that disadvantages racial
minorities. For example, the mortgage interest deduction for residential housing disproportionately
benefits whites because of their greater housing wealth and possibly dampens investments in other
types of productive capital that might generate more jobs that could disproportionately advantage
blacks. Implicit bias Implicit biases are the biases that we’re unaware of. US reacted towards it, essay
racial discrimination. Doing so would not remove the potential effect of different agents on the
results obtained, but it would allow researchers to assess that effect. The law prohibits any activity or
exercise that will result in discrimination. Respondents working less than 16 hours a week were more
likely to have experienced racial harassment at work than full-time workers(around 7% more likely).
Similar results have been demonstrated for exposure to phenomena related to being. We provide a
selected bibliography of major papers from the theoretical and empirical literature at the end of this
report. Human beings discriminate others based on their social backgrounds and biological
disparities. Discriminatory behaviors and practices may arise from prejudice and stereotyping, but
prejudice need not result in differential treatment or differential effect. However, although this kind
of prejudice is less common than it was, say 50 years (although it obviously hasn’t been eradicated
entirely), this doesn’t mean it no longer exists. Nonetheless, accommodations that are reasonable
should be adopted unless they are expensive or of significant difficulty. The most popular
organization was the Ku Klux Klan. One common method of varying race is for experimenters to
train several experimental confederates—both black and white—to interact with study participants
according to a prepared script, to dress in comparable style, and to represent comparable levels of
baseline physical attractiveness (see, e.g., Cook and Pelfrey, 1985; Dovidio et al., 2002; Henderson-
King and Nisbett, 1996; Stephan and Stephan, 1989). They also encounter numerous abuses from
their caregivers and employers. For example, giving an employee a negative performance evaluation
can be retaliatory or non-retaliatory, depending on the circumstances. For instance, children who do
not learn basic educational skills in elementary school because of discrimination may face future
discrimination in the way they are tracked or the way their test scores are interpreted in secondary
school. This is the sort of bias that leads to racial harassment. This part forbids any form of
employment discrimination against people who are disabled and qualified. Alternatively, the
advertisements themselves can be included in the model, which makes the error terms independent.
There were also slaves from Africa and Native Americans. As discussed above, there may be no
conscious bias or rational calculation that prompts someone to treat whites differently from
nonwhites. It is evident that this industry is particularly male dominant if you were to look at it as a
whole and women are worked harder to get to where they want to be. There was a belief that the
Europeans were going to take over US. Such companies hire younger individuals who do not possess
the required skills, racism and discrimination essay. Answer: Many people are unaware of their
discriminatory behaviour towards their neighbours or peers due to apparent differences in their race.
Laboratory studies often show that very small, subtle alterations in a situation can have substantial
effects on important outcome variables. You can use our samples to gather new ideas, get inspiration,
check out a particular paper's structure, familiarize yourself with a citation style, or collect resources
for research. However, because no preexperiment measure for the outcome is obtained (which is an
option in laboratory experiments), one cannot be altogether sure whether the groups are similar prior
to the experiment.

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