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Name: Sarcia, Judd Michael M

GED107 – B1
M1 Assignment 3

Summary Outline: Nietzsche on the Death of God

Important concepts
 Superman – defined as master race, renewed sense of humanity in a new
world, related to the current ecological and planetary issues, an idea of
self-overcoming. (p.83)
 Nihilism - rejection of moral and religious principles*
 Asceticism - practice of self-discipline and abstinent of human desires*

Main idea / argument of the reading

 The goal of our existence as humans, which are frail, is to overcome this
imperfection but not exactly to become perfect. (p.84-p.85)
 As humans try to idealize and achieve the concept of perfection, it instead
fails and becomes messed up, (p.84) Everything that is within the world is
controlled by us therefore, the author objected the idea of God (p.93)
 Nietzsche's objection to asceticism was displayed in the example of a sick
person wherein the priest treats the discomfort while a doctor treats the
actual cause of it. He regards asceticism as practiced by religions as
investing to a higher power without acknowledging the very nature of its
existence. (p. 99)

 Nietzsche objects the concept of God and that humans should live just as
how the world is and without the idea of perfecting (p.93)

Ansell-Pearson, Keith (2005) How to Read Nietzsche
*Oxford Languages online

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