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The Anaesthetic that is used intravenously is

A. Propofol

B. Halothane

C. Desflurane

D. Nitric Oxide

E. Isoflurane

60. Which of the following is the most common complication of direct laryngoscopy and tracheal

A. Dental trauma

B. Pulmonary aspiration

C. Laryngospasm

D. Oesophageal intubation

E. Subglottic stenosis

What is major extra cellular cation?

A. Potassium



D. Chlorine

E. Iodine

29. Laudanosine is a metabolite of

A. Vecuronium

B. Atracurium

C. Suxamethanium
D. Tubocurare


41. A 11 year old obese girl has undergone tonsillectomy.later that day she was found hypertensive and
pale. She is diagnosed with post tonsillectomy bleeding. Which of these induction agents will you use

a. Induction with sevoflurane and

b. Induction with suxamethane and

c. Induction with pancuronium and desflurane

D. Induction with thiopental

Q33 10 %of a solution in mg/ml

62. Body mass index of a patient is calculated by

a. Height in inches/ weight in Kg

b. Weight in pounds/Height in2

c. Weight in kg/Height in m2

d. Weight kg/ Height cm2

37.Cancelled question...Which of the following muscle relaxants will you use with caution in a

A. Cisatracurium

B. Atracurium

C. Vecuronium

D. Pancuronium

E. Rocuronium
8.Which of the following can be used as an antisialogogue






11.Which of the following inhalational gases decreases methionine syntheses activity and causes
megaloblastic anaemia



C.Nitrous oxide



39. A 4year old boy presents for a herniotomy. In your plan, you decide to use a laryngeal mask airway.
Which of the following is the appropriate size to be used in this patient?

A. 1½

B. 2

C. 2½

D. 3

E. 3½

A 28-year-old primiparous is scheduled for an elective Cacarean section under spinal anesthesia. Which
one of the following associated with the lowest incidence of posidural puncture headache in this

A. Performing the procedure in the lateral position

B. Using a 22-gauge Sprotte noodle instead of a 25-gauge needle

C. Using a 22-gauge Quincke needle

D. Using a 25-gage Whitacre needle

E. Using a 25-gaoge Yale needle.

24.What medication cannot be used as a premedication to alleviate anxiety and calm patients

(Sorry, don't remember the exact words)

A. Lorazepam

B. Khanazepam

C. Midazolam

D. Diazepam

3. Which of the following general anesthetics belongs to inhalants?

A. Thiopentone

B. Desflurane

C. Ketamine

D. Propofol

E. Etomidate

19. According to the ASA fasting guidelines, if a patient ingest food containing fat and meat, whole long
should he fast

A. Two hours

B. Four hours
C. Six hours

D. Eight hours

E Three hours

70. The following are examples of neuroaxial block except

A. Caudal block

B. Epidural anesthesia

C. Femoral nerve block

D. Subarachnoid block

E. Combine spinal and epidural block

8.Which of the ff can be used as an antisialogogue

A. M.....

B. Atropine

C. Ranitidine

D. Neostigmine

E. Fentanyl

47.A newly developed local anesthetic has high lipid solubility. In practical terms, this translate to

More potency

Fast onset of action

Less cardiotoxic effect

59. Transient hypotension and apnoea are likely to occur with the use of:





14. which of the following intravenous anaesthetics has antiemetic effects?






13. Which drug is used in the recovery ward to reverse the actions of benzodiazepines?

A. Naltrexone




E. Naloxone

16. The predominant cation extracellularly is:

A. Potassim

B. Sodium

C. Magnesium

D. Calcium

E. Iodine
Onset of action of LA is enhanced by the ff except




D.Molecular weight

15. The following anesthetic agents have minimal cardiovascular depressant


A. Propofol

B. Etidocaine

C. Thiopental


E. Ketamine

[3/30, 3:39 PM] Adusei: 7. The inhaled anaesthetic agent that causes airway irritation during induction is

A. Nitrous oxide

B. Sevoflurane

C. Halothane

D. Desflurane

E. Xenon

65. A 30 year old male is due to undergo an urgent laparotomy. He has a family history of
suxamethonium apnea. Induction with Propofol and Rocuronium is planned. In the event of an
unanticipated failed intubation, which of the following is the most appropriate reversing the
neuromuscular blockade?

A. Intravenous Neostigmine 0.07mg/kg and Glycopyrrolate 0.01mg/kg

B. Intravenous Neostigmine 0.01mg/kg and Glycopyrrolate 0.05mg/kg

C. Intravenous Sugammadex 16mg/kg

D. Intravenous Sugammadex 4mg/kg

E. Intravenous Edrophonium 0.1mg/kg

18. Which of the following anaesthetic agents does not augment GABA

A. Ketamine

B. Propofol

C. Thiapentone

D. Diazepine

21. Something about structures you will pierce when performing spinal anesthesia through the
paramedian route

I no dey kai the possible answers

53. The laryngeal mask airway used for securing the airway of a patient in all the following conditions

A. In a difficult intubation

B in cardiopulmonary resuscitation a child undergoing elective/routine eye surgery

D. in a patient with a large tumor in the oral cavity

17. The anaesthesia histamine is associated with the following ;

A. Muscle relaxation

B. Reducer Cerebral metabolic rates of oxygen consumption, cerebral blood flow and intracranial

C. Disoriention, sensory and visual illusions, dreams ..

D. Bronchoconstriction and increased air way resistance

E. Vasodilation, increased systemic vascular resistance and reduced cardiac output

65. A 30year old man about to have a laparotomy. Fam hx of succinylcholine apnea so was given
propofol and rocuronium . Reacted to it. What’s the appropriate reversal

A. IV neostime 0.07mg/kg and glycopyrrolate 0.05mg/kg

B. IV neostigmine 0.1mg/kg and glucopyrrolate 0.0 something

C. IV Suggamadex 16mg/kg

D. IV suggamadex 4mg/kg

E. IV edophrodrium

6.A brain-dead organ donor undergoing laparotomy for kidney harvesting is an






23.The most important factor that affects the spread of a spinal local anesthetic is

A. Addition of lidocaine

B. Vertebrae level of injection

C. Height of patient

D. Baricity

E. Weight of patient

36. A patient with a history of poorly controlled hypertension, diabetes can be classified as:





42. A 72 year old man is scheduled for a total hip replacement under a spinal anesthesia. You have
administered 2ml of 0.5% buoivacaine. (You suspect the man has a systemic toxicity of the anesthetic
agent. Symptoms of systemic toxity were mentioned). Which of the following is best for reversing the
toxicity of the anesthetic agent?

A. 1ml/kg of 10% of lipid emulsion

B. 1.5ml/kg of 20% of lipid emulsion

C. 1.5ml/kg of 30% of lipid emulsion

D. 1 mg/kg of 10% of lipid emulsion

E. 1(forgot the unit) of 10% of lipid emulsion

44. Regarding the plasma half life of a drug, which of the following is true?

A. It is half the time taken to eliminate the drug from the body

B. It is the time taken for the initial concentration of the drug to drop by half

C. It is constant in an individual

D. It is used to calculate the minimal infusion rate of the drug

E. It is used to determine dosage

35. The action of succinylcholine at the neuromuscular junction is terminated by which mechanism?

A. Hydrolysis by plasma cholinesterase

B. Diffusion into extracellular fluid

C. Reuptake into nerve tissue

D. Reuptake into muscle tissue

E. Methylation in the liver

In a 8yr old child, who weighs 16kg what length of endotracheal tube must be used for oropharyngeal

a. 10cm

b. 13cm

C. 16cm

d. 18cm

e. 12cm

68. Which of these is false about benefits of regional anesthesia?

A. Patient is awake

B. Less cost and ...........

C Airway complications is enormous


E. Best for postoperative pain relief.

85. The best type of anesthesia to treat post c/s pain is?

A. General anesthesia

B. Spinal anesthesia

C. Epidural anesthesia


95. EMLA cream is a mixture of

A. Procaine and Lidocaine

B. Procaine and Bupivacaine

C. Prilocaine and Lidocaine

D. Prilocaine and Bupivacaine

79. Which of the following complications of general anaesthesia can be prevented with the fasting

A. Guillian Barre syndrome

B. Mendelsons syndrome

C. Simons syndrome

D. Propofol induction. Syndrome

74. What type of anesthesia……incision site (Can’t remember full qtn)

a) Local Anaesthesia

b) General anesthesia

c) Regional anaesthesia

d) Intavenous anesthesia

e) intravenous regional anesthesia

The spinal cord ends at........ in adults

A. L1

B. L2

C. L3

D. L4

E. L5

93. What is the most important first step to take when AED arrives at the victim side:

a. Power on the AED

b. Apply the pad

c. Press the analyzer button

d. Press the shock button

e Clean the Pad

84. which of the following is true

a. epidural is performed only at the lumber spine

b. spinal anaesthesia can be performed at the thoracic spine

c. epidural anaesthesia can be performed at the thoracic spine

d. the spinal cord ends at the L4 in adults

e. the epidural space begins at C5

A 72 year old man is scheduled for total hip replacement under spinal anesthesia. You have
administered 2.6ml of 0.5% bupivacaine. Which of the following is the least important in assessing the
height of block?

A. Peripheral oxygen saturation

B. Bispectral index monitoring

C. Checking for touch sensation

D. Monitoring blood pressure

E. Checking for cold sensation

94. Which of the following is not an indication for endotracheal intubation?

A. Maintenance of a patent airway

B. To provide positive pressure ventilation

C. Pulmonary toilet

D. Pneumothorax

E. Medication
What is the preferred technique for giving rescue breaths to an infant?

a.Mouth –to- mouth b. Mouth to mouth –and- nose c. Mouth-to-nose

d. Any method is acceptable

Preamble question for about 3 questions.

A 53 year old man suddenly collapses and becomes unresponsive. You witness him collapse and are the
first rescuer to arrive at the scene. You find him montionless on the floor

Q88) The man doesn’t respond when you touch his shoulders and shout, “Are you ok?” What is your
best next action?

A. Check his pulse

B. Start high-quality CPR

C. Start providing recue breaths

D shout for nearby help

The spinal cord ends at........ in adults

A. L1

B. L2

C. L3

D. L4

E. L5

80. In the fasting guideline, a child who has taken breast milk is required to fast for?

A. Two (2) hours

B. Four (4) hours

C. Six (6) hours

D. Eight (8) hours

E. One (1) hour

86. The best way to prevent aspiration in a man scheduled for elective lapatatomy is

A. Preoperative gastric lavage

B. Administration of antiemetic before surgery

C. Fasting the patient before surgery

D. Avoidance of general anaesthesia

E. Prevention of a crash intubation

100. The most frequent cause of delayed emergency is

A. Hypomagnesemia

B. Hypoventilation

C. Hypotension

D. Hypertension

70. The ff are all neuraxial blocks except

A) caudal

B) epidural

C) femoral nerve block

D) spinal

100. The most frequent cause of delayed emergence in the PACU is

A. Hypomagnesemia

B. Hypoventilation
C. Hypotension

D. Hypertension

67. Benefits of pre medication

A. Antiemectic

B. Reduce surgical cost and time


D. Antisialogues

72. Complications of regional anesthesia except

A. Aspiration

B. Nerve damage


D. Systemic toxicity

E. Bleeding/hematoma

Preamble for 87-89

Mr. Daniel, 53 year old suddenly collapses and becomes unresponsive, you witness him collapse and you
are the first rescuer to arrive at the scene ,you find him lying motionless on the floor.

87. Which is the first action you should take in this case

A. Activate the emergency response system

B. start High quality CPR, starting with chest compression

C. Start providing rescue breaths

D. Verify scene is safe for you and victim

E. Call for AED

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