ACT Portfolio

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My Strongest Opinion

My strongest opinion that I live by everyday would probably

have to be to be making money. I love money. I'm obsessed but
I also think if I start getting and saving for the things I want now
and when I’m young then my older self can live a good life. I try
to be really strict on myself and say okay no shopping, put this
amount of money in savings and your good. But then
sometimes I do find myself spending a little more than I should,
normally I do pretty good with saving. I work, I’ve wanted my
first job since I was like 12 and finally got it when I was 14. I
worked two jobs when I was 14 actually and I think ever since
then I kinda addicted in a way, like woah all this money for me?
I do love working so I think in the future I will have no problem
making lots of money!

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