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2. Question 1


Gunpowder was first invented by the Ancient Sumerians.

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

3. Question 2


Steam engine technology brought about the creation of: smaller and better engine

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4. Question 3


The year when Sustainable Development Goals are expected to be achieved. 2030

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5. Question 4


In this method, facts are observable, and that theories should be derived from these
facts by observation. Scientific Method

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6. Question 5

Which of the following is the main characteristic of the Bt corn as a GMO?

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7. Question 6


The first application of CRISPR technology was to kill:

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Corona virus


HIV virus

Correct answer


cancer cells

4. Incorrect:

genetic disease

8. Question 7


Which of the following pillars of education is about developing one's personality.

learning to be
Show answer choices

9. Question 8


Which of the following is SDG 11?

Show answer choices sustainable cities and community

10. Question 9


Among the following, what are the primary Goals of Sustainability?

I. End of poverty and hunger
II. Better standards of education and healthcare, particularly as pertains to water quality
and better sanitation
III. To achieve gender equality
IV. Sustainable economic growth while promoting jobs and stronger economies

Show answer choices I, II, IV

11. Question 10


Flvr Savr is a GMO of what agricultural crop?

genetically modified tomato
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12. Question 11


The first mammalian animal clone was called:

dolly the sheep
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13. Question 12


SDG 13 is also known as "Responsible Consumption and Production".

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

14. Question 13

The establishment of factories and tin can pave the way for commercialization and food
preservation. The former was invented by Dorkin and Hall, while the latter was by
the canning process the tin can
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15. Question 14


The wheel was first invented by the ancient Egyptians.

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

16. Question 15


Corn was first cultivated in what country?

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17. Question 16


What refers to the remarkable and sudden emergence of language, consciousness, and
culture in our species?
human revolution (human origin)
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18. Question 17


Quantitative data are categorical variables.

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

19. Question 18


In what period was permanent housing made possible?

Show answer choices neolithic

20. Question 19


This method provides support to the theory of evolution.

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3. Incorrect:

conjecture and refutation



Correct answer

21. Question 20

The paleolithic civilization is the beginning of agricultural progress. People during the
paleolithic era were able to create fine and polished farming materials.

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Both items are correct


Both items are incorrect

Correct answer


The first item is false, and the second item is true.

4. Incorrect:

The first item is true, and the second statement is false.

22. Question 21


Ancient Greek invention used to measure time.Clepsydra


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are alarm clock and ALARM CLOCK

Responses must be an exact match

23. Question 22


The rise of the human empire began during:

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24. Question 23


New Clark City which is the Philippines’ first sustainable city to be built by 2022 is
located in the province of:

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Correct answer



4. Incorrect:


25. Question 24


An insulin produced using genetically engineered E. coli bacteria is called _______.



Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are humulin, HUMULIN, and Humulin

Responses must be an exact match

26. Question 25


The following are technologies during the Paleolithic period, EXCEPT:

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27. Question 26


The process of copying the information from DNA to RNA is called_______. Transcription


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are transcription, TRANSCRIPTION, and Transcription

Responses must be an exact match

28. Question 27


Which of the following is the correct flow of genetic information in the central dogma of
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29. Question 28


The number of years before a plastic bottle biodegrades.

Show answer choices 450

30. Question 29


Global citizenship is a sense of belongingness to a broader community beyond national

boundaries. It supports interconnectedness between local citizens only.
common humanity, interconnectedness
Show answer choices

31. Question 30


Diet of Paleolithic people was around 80% meat.

1. T

Incorrect: True

2. F

FalseCorrect answer

32. Question 31


Which among the following plastics have the longest number of years before it
biodegrades? fishing line

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33. Question 32


The Sustainable Diner project is one solution to this SDG:

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34. Question 33


Socio-emotional skills developed by the GCED and education for sustainable

development (ESD) include the following, except:

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Respecting cultural differences and diversity.


Having a sense of belongingness to the global community.

3. Incorrect:
Exhibiting empathy towards the marginalized sector of society.


Acting effectively and responsibly in the local & global context.

Correct answer

35. Question 34


The creation of fire got improved with the discovery of:

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36. Question 35


Earth day is celebrated every April 21 of the year.

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

37. Question 36


The anthropocene period created a lasting impact on the economies of the world.

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer
38. Question 37


SDG 1 is also known as "Zero hunger".

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

39. Question 38


The following are correct pairs, EXCEPT:

Hide answer choices

1. Incorrect:

automobile: Henry Ford


Cotton gin: Eli Whitney


telephone: Alexander Graham Bell


tin can: John Hall

Correct answer

40. Question 39

Which of the following is NOT a correct pair?

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41. Question 40


Codex is a contribution of Ancient Greek.

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

42. Question 41


The genetic component of a bacterium used in gene cloning is called _________. DNA


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are plasmid, Plasmid, and PLASMID

Responses must be an exact match

43. Question 42


Who said that technology is a way of revealing or bringing forth?Martin Heidegger


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are Martin Heidegger, Heidegger, MARTIN

HEIDEGGER, HEIDEGGER, martin heidegger, and heidegger

Responses must be an exact match

44. Question 43

The following are correct pairs EXCEPT:

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45. Question 44


Which of the following energy resources is the cleanest of all.

green power: solar, wind, biomass and geothermal
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46. Question 45


Which of the following steps in the scientific method comes last.

Show answer choices communicate the results.

47. Question 46


DNA which is the blueprint of the cell stands for Deoxynucleic Acid.

1. T

Incorrect: True

2. F

FalseCorrect answer

48. Question 47


The use of stone as tools by our early ancestor started:

Show answer choices 2.5M years ago

49. Question 48


The oldest war on earth is between bacteria and human.

1. T

Incorrect: True

2. F

FalseCorrect answer

50. Question 49


In the Scientific method, the next step after formulating the hypothesis is to ask a

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

51. Question 50


The first factories were built in:

Show answer choices industrial revolution

52. Question 51


CRISPR Technology is adapted from the natural defense mechanisms of viruses.

1. T
Incorrect: True

2. F

FalseCorrect answer

53. Question 52


Branch of Philosophy which tries to answer the question on the nature of knowledge is:

Show answer choices epistemology

54. Question 53


Philosophy means love of _________. wisdom


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are wisdom, Wisdom, and WISDOM

Responses must be an exact match

55. Question 54


CaS9 in CRISPR Technology which acts as a molecular scissor is a type of :

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2. Incorrect:



Correct answer



56. Question 55


Period when the first mechanical printing press was invented?

Show answer choices the middle “dark” ages

57. Question 56


It deals with the study of human conduct and examines moral values:

Show answer choices ethics

58. Question 57


Which of the following is the direct translation of Laudato Si?

Show answer choices praise be to you

59. Question 58


Branch of Philosophy which tries to answer the question on the nature of reality is:

Show answer choices metaphysics

60. Question 59


System of writing of the Sumerians. Cuneiform


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are cuneiform, Cuneiform, and CUNEIFORM

Responses must be an exact match

61. Question 60


The sword of _________ is an analogy to technology in a dangerous world.Damocles


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are Damocles and damocles, DAMOCLES

Responses must be an exact match

62. Question 61


The book entitled "The Question Concerning Technology" was written by philosopher:

Show answer choices martin heidegger

63. Question 62


GMOs are also called __________ organisms since the process involves the transfer of
genes. transgenic


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are transgenic, Transgenic, and TRANSGENIC

Responses must be an exact match

64. Question 63


The following are products of traditional biotechnology, EXCEPT

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65. Question 64


To make your genome sequence will involve getting blood sample from you.

1. T

TrueCorrect answer

2. F


66. Question 65


It is the most ancient and important branch of philosophy. Metaphysics


Acceptable answers for BLANK-1 are metaphysics, Metaphysics, and METAPHYSICS

Responses must be an exact match

67. Question 66


The reason why we have different types of dogs at present is a result of modern

1. T

Incorrect: True

2. F

FalseCorrect answer

68. Question 67

The following are marks of the Anthropocene era, EXCEPT

Show answer choices internet

69. Question 68


Based on the video, my thesis group is in the look out for bacteria that might eat plastics.

1. T


2. F

FalseCorrect answer

70. Question 69


Research by scientists across the world has found that fertility, pregnancy, and offspring
are unaffected by GMOs.

1. T

TrueCorrect answer

2. F


71. Question 70


The golden rice GMO was created to address vitamin D deficiency.

1. T


2. F

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