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Lolth or Lloth in Menzoberranzan, known as the Queen of Spiders or the Queen of the Demonweb Pits,
was the most influential goddess of the drow, within the pantheon of the Dark Seldarine.

Earning Piety

 Punish those who mistreat an arachnid

 Terrorise a merchant who has Vhaeraun as their patron
 Destroy a place of worship for any of the slime lords
 Ritual sacrifice while reciting the abyssal prayer
 Demonstrate the weakness of Gruumsh to any of their followers

Loosing Piety

 Refusing the command of a superior, especially if they are female

 Kill a spider
 Failing a trial

Rank 1 – Devotee (1 Piety)

Able to communicate with arachnids

Rank 2 – Votary (5 Piety)

Minor boon of Lolth - You gain a magical crown on your head in the shape of a spider. You gain the
following benefits:
 As an action, you can polymorph into a spider or giant spider at will.
 As an action, you can summon 2 giant spiders under your control for 5 hours or until they are
reduced to 0 hit points. You regain the ability to do so after a long rest.
 You can cast fear (DC 18) at will, however it can only affect creatures of a non-evil alignment.

Rank 3 – Disciple (10 Piety)

 While sleeping you choose to create either a dose of random poison or 50ft of spider silk rope
which is immediately disgorged by you upon waking. The poisons produced in this way treat
your immunity as resistance and your resistances as if they did not exist.
 Fang Scarab magical item

Rank 4 – (30 piety)

 1/day able to petition aid from Lolth which could take several forms: typically, large demonic
spiders or a yochlol. Lolth will determine based on her whims if you conjure the creature or
become it for the duration.
 Cloak of the consort magical item

Rank 5 – (50 piety)

 If you were not already, your gender changes to female and all physical changes are made which
represents that. Your other boons from Lolth get stronger as a result of this change.
 +2 charisma, increases maximum or Egg of Lolth

Eilistraee was the chaotic good drow goddess of beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork,
and hunting, within the drow pantheon known as the Dark Seldarine. She was the patroness and
protector of the few dark elves who longed to return to the surface and live there, at peace with other
races, and to abandon the endless conflicts and intrigues that dominated the lives of most drow.

Earning Piety

 Dance naked under the full moon

 Promote harmony and acceptance amongst all races
 Lift someone’s heart through kindness, gaiety, songs, jests, or revelry.
 Encourage a Drow to return to the surface
 Fight against slavery

Loosing Piety

 Permit an interruption of the arts

 Failure to repay violence
 Cause a redeemed Drow to return to the underdark

Rank 1 – Devotee (1 Piety)

Silver sword pendant

Rank 2 – Votary (5 Piety)

 Unique spell: Dark Maiden’s Moonfire

 Gain proficiency in an artform of your choice (instrument, dancing ect)

Rank 3 – Disciple (10 Piety)

 When casting moonfire, you may choose the colour rather than rolling for it & can apply the
pendant buff to any other bladed weapon
 After a long rest you may switch out your channel divinity for Elistraee’s dance, Demonsbane or
Emissary of peace

Rank 4 – (30 piety)

 Unique spell: Blessing of the sword dance

 Wardancer: You can treat longswords as finesse weapons. When you are hit by a weapon or
spell attack, while wearing up to light armor and not using a shield, you can use your reaction to
add your Charisma modifier to your AC against that attack, potentially causing it to miss

Rank 5 – (50 piety)

 +2 dexterity or a singing sword

 Receive training in spellsong at the promenade of the dark maiden.
 Permission to use the greater moonspring network for travel

Vhaeraun, also called the Masked Lord, the Masked God of Night, The Shadow, and, less frequently, the
Shadow Lord, the Masked Mage and the Lord of Shadow was the drow god of drow males, thievery,
territory, shadow magic, spellfilchers, and evil activities on the surface, aimed to further drow goals,
interests, and power there.

Earning Piety

 Present passive opposition to the Drow matriarchy

 End Drow conflict promoted by Lolth
 Increase the power of the Drow through training the weak or acquiring and sharing tangible
 Open up an opportunity for another male Drow to gain power
 Recruit a half-elf or human to Vhaeraun worship through deception

Loosing Piety

 Give in to a female Drow when her wishes go against those of your own
 Impersonating a deity
 Accepting a Dwarf or Gnome as your superior
 Conjure a creature into your service

Rank 1 – Devotee (1 Piety)

Your eyes change colour to reflect your mood, red demonstrates anger, green puzzled, blue when
pleased (you can fill in the rest)

Rank 2 – Votary (5 Piety)

 Gain advantage on saving throws or ability checks versus illusion magic

 1/day: half mask of shadow

Rank 3 – Disciple (10 Piety)

 After a long rest you may switch out your channel divinity for amorphous, spell memory or
sneak attack
 Unique spell: Conceal item

Rank 4 – (30 piety)

 Loose sunlight sensitivity & while in direct sunlight you are considered under the deceive prying
 The shadow mask ability upgrades to a Flitting black shadow

Rank 5 – (50 piety)

 +2 dex, increases maximum or Nightshadow and Shadowflash

 Enter shadow doors

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