Special TWG Meeting Orientation 26feb2021

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DRAFT - As of 8 March 2021


February 26, 2021
St. Francis Xavier Seminary, Liteng, Pacdal, Baguio City


1. Rev. Fr. Mario Tambic - Director, Commission on Environment (COE), Diocese of

Baguio (DOB)

2. Rev. Fr. Raymund Songyap - Rector, St. Francis Xavier Seminary

3. Larson Molitas - Program Facilitator, COE

4. Edgardo Manda - President, Philippine Bamboo Foundation (PBFI)

5. Michael Gomez - Executive Administrative and Training O cer, PBFI

6. Nestor Banagan - Project Support Sta , PBFI


The meeting was called to order at 9:30 AM by Edgardo Manda and facilitated by Mike

1. First item on the agenda: Brie ng and orientation to Fr. Songyap on the history of the
Baguio-Benguet Bamboo Initiative and the St. Francis Bamboo Project.

The project orientation was done by Mr. Manda focusing on the purpose and scope of
the bamboo project in St. Francis Seminary as agreed with and by the late Bishop
Carlito Cenzon, who signed the rst Memorandum of Agresement between the
Diocese of Baguio and the Philippine Bamboo Foundation, Inc.

2. Second item on the agenda: Addressing the arising concerns and issues.

Fr. Tambic raised the major issue on the lack of proper coordination with the DOB or
the St. Francis Seminary on the activities being conducted by PBFI within the
Seminary compound. Some of the issues raised are:

• Opening of the demo farm to the public. According to Rector Fr. Raymund
Songyap, a DepEd o cial has called his attention regarding the visitors coming in
and out of the school compound while classes are ongoing and warned that the
school may be sanctioned if the activities will continue. Mr. Banagan explained that
opening of the bamboo farm to the public was initiated by the previous Rector and
not by the Foundation. The motion of Fr. Songyap to close the bamboo farm to the
public, with exception of visitors for Bench Marking or Lakbay-Aral activities, was
seconded and approved.

• Selling co ee and snacks in the farm by Mr. Banagan without seeking approval
from the management of St. Francis Senior High. The motion of Fr. Tambic to
discontinue the selling of snacks and beverages was seconded and approved.

• Abrupt advisory on Facebook regarding closing of the farm to visitors. Mr. Manda
expressed his apology for his action which, according to him, was triggered by the
reports of concerned citizens on the vandalisms on bamboos done by visitors of
the farm. Apology was accepted by the partners.

It was unanimously agreed that any and all activities in the Seminary relative to the
Bamboo Project must be mutually agreed by both parties.
DRAFT - As of 8 March 2021

3. Third item on the agenda: Project implementation guidelines.

In preparation for the development of an Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) for
the Memorandum of Agreement for the Project “Kawayanihan: Rehabilitating the
Environment and Lives Thru Community Work”, the following items were discussed:

3.1. Management
- The Rector of St. Francis Seminary shall be the Overall In Charge of the entire
facilities. Rev. Fr. Mark Nabe shall assume the role of OIC in the absence of the
Rector or any other iso cer that may be assigned by the Rector with the approval
of the DOB.
- The Philippine Bamboo Foundation, Inc, (PBFI) and its assigned o cer/personnel
shall manage and be in-charge of the bamboo nursery and the demo farm
including but not limited to propagation and maintenance. Mr. Nestor Banagan
was assigned as the Project Coordinator for PBFI.
- Rev. Fr. Mario Tambic shall represent the DOB for the project and Larson Molitas
were assigned the the Project Coordinator the the project.

3.2. Nursery Operation

- PBFI shall set-up the system/mechanics for the nursery operation including
deployment of bamboo planting materials.
- The Commission on Environment shall submit to the TWG their bamboo planting
program for the preparation of a workplan.

3.3. Training
- PBFI shall conduct the necessary trainings for the assigned bamboo workers in
the St. Francis Seminary and all the parishes of the DOB.
- There will be a maximum of 10 trainees per training for each parish and will be
limited to 2 days only.
- The cost of training/s shall be borne by each host parish, but if there is a need,
both parties agreed to help in sourcing out sponsors for the training/s.
- The rst training shall be conducted in San Jose Vicarate.
3.4. General Guidelines
- The incumbent members of the Technical Working Group (TWG) shall be retained,
with the exception of the Rector.
- The regular meeting of the TWG shall be held quarterly, on the rst Monday of the
month. Meeting shall be done via online conferencing if face-to-face is not
- The project shall establish the Operations Coordinating Group (OCG) who will
oversee the implementation of the project and day-to-day operation. The OCG
shall regularly meet on the rst Monday of each month face-to-face or via online
conferencing if necessary.
- The OCG shall be composed of:
1. The Rector of St. Francis Seminary or its designated o cer.

2. The Program Facilitator of the Committee on Environment.

DRAFT - As of 8 March 2021

3. The Executive Administrative O cer of the Philippine Bamboo Foundation or its

designated o cer.
- The project shall establish an online communication system, such as chat group,
to facilitate communications between the members of OCG and TWG. This
system can also be the avenue for issues and concerns that need immediate
action and/or approval.
- Appropriate signage should be prepared and placed strategically in the compound
and bamboo farm. For the general information, the bamboo farm shall be named
“St. Francis Bamboo Educational Demo Farm”.
- The project info board shall be placed in front of the St. Francis main gate.
- Signages and boards for house rules, information, directions and advisories must
be placed in strategic locations for visiting partners and guests.

3.5. Income/Funding/Budget
- To generate income, the project will sell bamboo planting materials. The prices of
each species to be sold shall be approved by the body.
- Encourage partnership with big companies, operating within the jurisdiction of the
Diocese of Baguio such as Aboitiz Power, Le Panto Mining and others, to adopt
bamboo for their CSR program.
- PBFI shall propose other income generating activities for approval of the body.
3.6. Other Matters
- Current set-up/arrangement for the utilities being consumed for the nursery and
farm shall be retained.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM by Mr. Edgardo Manda. The next meeting will be
at 9AM on April 5, 2021 at St. Francis Seminary, Baguio City.

Minutes submitted by:

Executive Admin and Training O cer
Philippine Bamboo Foundation, Inc.

Minutes approved:


President Rector
Philippine Bamboo Foundation, Inc. St. Francis Xavier Seminary


Director - Commission on Environment
Diocese of Baguio

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