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Class 8th Subject : English

Q-No1: Where was the last sermon delivered?
Ans: The last sermon was delivered at mount of Arafat.
Q-No2: What does “Mount of Arafat” mean?
Ans: Mount of Arafat means mount of mercy.
Q-No3: Is it lawful for Muslims to kill each other?
Ans: No, it is un lawful for Muslims to kill each other.
Q-No4: What will preserve Muslims from all problems?
Ans: Quran will preserve Muslims from all problems.
Q-No5: Whom should we fear?
Ans We should fear from Allah Almighty.
Q-No6: What was a great favour to Muslims?
Ans The great favour for all of you, I have chosen ISLAM as the religion which is perfected for you.
Q-No7: What was Prophet’s (S.A.W) question to the people at the end of the sermon?
Ans Prophet’s question to the people at the end of sermon was “O people, have I delivered faithfully into
you my message”.
Q-No8: What can be the last sermon called?
Ans: The last sermon called “It is the best charter of human right”.
❖ Choose the correct answer and write in the blank.

1. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) delivered his last sermon on ………………. Zil Hajjah, 10 A.H.
(a) 6th (b) 7th (c) 8th (d) 9th
2. Arafat is at…………………… miles in the east of Makkah.
(a) three (b) thirteen (c) thirty (d) thirty three
3. The word with correct spelling is:
(a) religion (b) raligion (c) relagion (d) relegoin
4. He…………………..come tomorrow.
(a) can (b) could (c) will (d) should
5. He……………………….. waiting for you since morning.
(a) is (b) was (c)has (d)has been
6. The opposite of "right" is
(a) correct (b) true (c)wrong (d) safe
❖ Write whether the following statements are True or False:
1. "The Last Sermon" was the second Last sermon of the Prophet “f”
2. "Mount Arafat" means the "Valley of Mercy". “f”
3. Muslims are allowed to kill each other. “f”
4. Muslims can snatch each other's property. “f”
5. Allah chose Islam as the religion for the Muslims. “f”

Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Fill in the blanks with correct words

1. A secretary uses typewriter everyday. (use, uses)

2. A teacher Explains lesson (explain, explains
3. Porters …work in hotels (work, works
4. Artists make picture for books. (make, makes)
5. A surgeon operates on sick people. (operate, operate)
6. A business men hire workers to help them. (hire, hires)
7. A musician makes music. (make, makes)
8. A fire man prevents fires. (prevent, prevent)
9. Labourers put building together. (put, puts)
10. A postman delivers mail . (deliver, delivers )

❖ Make the following sentences Negative and Interrogative

S.N Assertive Negative Interrogative

A businessman learns about A businessman does not learn Does a businessman an learn
1. buying and selling. about buying and selling about buying and selling?
2. A writer writes books A writer does not write books Does A writer write books
The doctor does not work in a Does The doctor works in a
3. The doctor works in a hospital.
hospital. hospital?
Artists use pens, pencils and Artists do not use pens, pencils and Do Artists use pens, pencils and
papers. papers. papers?
A chef does not plan meals for Does a chef plan meal for
5. A chef plans meals for hotels
hotels hotels?
6. Teacher corrects papers Teacher does not correct papers Does Teacher correct papers
7. A typist knows typing. A typist does not know typing. Does A typist knows typing?
8. Good students work hard. Good students do not work hard. Do Good students work hard?
Engineers do not make good Do Engineers make good
9 Engineers make good buildings.
buildings. buildings.
10. Lawyers work in courts. Lawyers do not work in courts. Do Lawyers work in courts.

❖ Write the following words in sentence of your own words

i. Disagree : He is tolerant for those who disagree with him

ii. Unfit: They described him as unfit to govern

iii. Unknown : He was Experiencing emotions completely unknown to him

iv. Disconnect : Disconnect the hot wires from the switch.

v. Disable : The virus will disable your computer

vi. Unlock : I heard Umair unlock the front door

Class 8th Subject : English

UNIT # 02

Q-No1: Who was Hazrat Abu Bakar ؓ?

Ans Hazrat Abu Bakar was the first caliph of Islam.
Q-No2: What was Hazrat Abu Bakar’s ؓ business?
Ans Hazrat Abu Bakar ؓ was cloth merchant.
Q-No3: Who selected him as caliph?
Ans The people selected him as caliph.
Q-No4: Where was Hazrat Abu Bakar ؓ going?
Ans Hazrat Abu Bakar ؓ was going to the market.
Q-No5: What did the Incharge of Bait-ul-Mal?
Ans The Incharge of Bait-ul-mal fix some allowance for him
Q-No6: What did his wife want one day?
Ans One day , Hazrat Abu Bakar’s ؓ wife wanted to have sweet dish.
Q-No7: Did she have enough money for the sweet dish?
Ans No, she have not enough money for the sweet dish.
Q-No8: What did Hazrat Abu Bakar ؓ do with the saving?
Ans He deposited his saving money in Bait-ul-mal.
Q-No9: Was his allowance increased or decreased?
Ans His allowance was decreased at the end.
Q-No10: What lesson do we get from this incident?
Ans: We get lesson from this incident help needy.

❖ What word is used for

For Example: i. On Who reads : Reader

ii. One who buys : Purchaser iii. One who sells : Seller
iv. One who plays : Player v. One who sings : singer
vi. One who writes : Writer vii. One who acts : actor
viii. One who teaches : Teacher ix One who operate : Operator

❖ Write “T” for true and “F” for false statement

i. Hazrat Abu Bakar was jeweller “F”
ii. Hazrat Abu Bakar was a cloth merchant “T”
iii. He became the 2 caliph of Islam “F”
iv. He was selected be the people “T”
v. He continued his business after he became caliph “T”
vi. A small monthly allowance was fixed for him “T”
vii. His wife was able to make sweet dishes everyday “F”
viii. In the end his allowance was decreased “T”

Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Find synonyms and antonyms of the following

Words Synonyms Antonyms

Death Perish Birth
Enable Able Disable
Saved Protected Unsaved
Future Coming time Present
Minimum Less Maximum
Prepare Manufacture Un Prepare
❖ Choose the correct answer:
i. Hazrat Abu Bakar was ………………. Caliph of Islam
(a) First (b) Second (c) third (d) Fourth
ii. Hazrat Abu Bakar was a ……………..
(a) Jeweller (b) Teacher (c) Tailor (d) cloth merchant
iii. Where was Hazrat Abu Bakar going?
(a) Home (b) Masjid (c) Factory (d) Market
iv. Who met Hazrat Abu Bakar?
(a) Prophet Muhammad (b) Hazrat Umar (c) Hazrat Ali (d) Hazrat Usman

❖ Fill in the blanks with alphabets taking the help of brackets

i. Bracelet acelet (girls wear on their hands)
ii. Slipper ipper (you wear on your feet)
iii. Amrus us (A fruit)
iv. Space craft ace craft (it goes in space)

❖ Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the brackets:
Example: Rose have a sweet smell. (has, have) useful animals.

1. Horses are useful animals (Is , Are)

2. The school has a big library. (Has , Have)
3. The radio wasn’t on the table. (Wasn’t , weren’t)
4. The students works hard all the year. (works , work)
5. A student work hard all the year. (works , work)
6. Each family member is honest and hard-working. (is , are)
7. Books make a nice present. ( make. makes)
8. A book makes a nice present. (make, makes)
9. Keys are hanging on the wall. (is. are)
10. The bunch of keys is hanging on the wall. (is, are)
11. The teacher asked the students to give the names. of anybody who was absent yesterday.(was, were)
12. Nobody have ever climbed to the top of that mountain. (has, haee)
13. Everyone is Present in class today. (is. are)
14. Either Shama or Naima has the class perfect. (has. have)

Class 8th Subject : English

Unit # 03
Q-No1: What do all the great people love?
Ans The great people love the books.
Q-No2: Is money invested in books a good investment?
Ans Yes, money invested in books a good investment.
Q-No3: What must encourage children to do?
Ans We must encourage children to read the books.
Q-No4: What doe Islam emphasize?
Ans Islam emphasize about learning and education.
Q-No5: Are books precious?
Ans Yes, books are precious.
Q-No6: What some people thinks about books?
Ans Some people thinks that computer will completely replace the books

❖ Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks

i. Book investment is extremely good.
(a) Is (b) are (c) am (d) has
ii. Computers cannot replace books
(a) Cannot (b) am not (c) has not (d) is not
iii. Islam emphasizes the need of learning
(a) Learn (b) learns (c) learned (d) learning
iv. Children must be encouraged to read books
(a) Is (b) be (c) am (d) are

❖ Read he following dialogues carefully and answer the questions:

Uncle: How about your course in science? Have you finished it?
Hammad: We have nearly finished our science course only a few chapters are left. I am not worried so
much about science. My read worry is that I have missed a number of lessons in English and Math’s. I find
these two chapters rather tough and they are important too. But I am glad that my Brother has started
helping me out in these subjects. My brother is teacher. You know and he was taught these subjects for a
number of years.

i. The other forms of worry are

(a) Worry ,worry (b) Worried , worry (c) worried , worried
ii. Hammad is not worried so much about :
(a) Science (b) Math’s (c) English
iii. The real worry of Hammad is :
(a) Psychology (b) Biology (c) Math’s
iv. The opposite of tough is
(a) Plain (b) easy (c) rough
v. What Hammad’s brother:
(a) An accountant (b) A teacher (c) A banker

Class 8th Subject : English

Unit # 04

Q-No1: Who was Hazrat Fatimah ؓ?

Ans Hazrat Fatimah ؓ was the daughter of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W).
Q-No2: Why did she get corns on hand?
Ans Because she grinds the grain with herself.
Q-No3: Why did she get scars on her body?
Ans Because she carried water for her house with leather bag that’s why the scars on her body.
Q-No4: Who cleaned her house?
Ans She cleaned herself her house.
Q-No5: What did she request the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?
Ans She requested the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) for assistant to help her.
Q-No6: Did the Holy Prophet give Fatimah ؓ an assistant?
Ans No, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) does not give an assistant to her.
Q-No7: What did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) ask her to recite?
Ans Holy Prophet (S.A.W) ask to her recite 3 times Subhan Allah , 33 Alhamdulillah and
34 times Allah o Akbar when you go on bed that tasbih is more powerful than assistant.
Q-No8: What did Hazrat Fatimah ؓ remark at the end?
Ans Fatimah ؓ remarked that I am content with Allah and his Prophet (S.A.W).
Q-No9: What did the effect of tasbih?
Ans The Greatest effect of Fatimah ؓ tasbih is that goes content with Allah and his Prophet (.SA.W)
❖ Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks
i. Hazrat Fatimah was the ……………… of Prophet (S.A.W)
(a) Dear (b) Dearer (c) Dearest (d) Dears
ii. She used to grid the grain………………………….
(a) Herself (b) She self (c) Itself (d) himself
iii. Once , some war captives ………… brought to Madina
(a) Is (b) are (c) was (d) were
iv. She …………. an assistant for house work
(a) Wanting (b) wanted (c) want (d) wants
v. I ……………. content with Allah she said
(a) Am (b) is (c) are (d) was
❖ Fill in the blanks
i. Hazrat Fatimah was the daughter of Holy Prophet (S.A.W).
ii. Once, some captives were brought to Madina
iii. He Prophet said to Fatimah fear Allah
iv. Every Muslim has been advised to adopt it and practice it after every prayer
v. This is the reason , the above Tasbih is called Fatimah Tasbih
❖ Uses the correct present tense from verb Number on is one example
i. Jehangir often goes to school with me (go)
ii. Sometimes other friends comes too (come)
iii. The school begins at 9 : 00AM (begin)
iv. One student runs up to the bell switch (run)
v. The other student presses the switch (press)

Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Write the opposite of given words

Word Opposite Word Opposite

Parents Children Sit Stand
Daughter Son Sad Happy
Laugh Cry Thin Fat
Day Night Wife husband

Unit # 05
Q-NO1. Why did the Muslims keep themselves aloof from western education?
Ans. The Muslims keep themselves aloof from western education because the Muslims do not want the
British culture. Because at that time the rules of British Hindu accepted and Muslims rejected western
Q-NO2. Did the Hindus acquire western education?
Ans. Yes, Hindus acquire western education.
Q-NO3. Did the Hindus accept the new culture?
Ans Yes, Hindus accept the new culture.
Q-NO4. Did the Hindus rise to high position?
Ans. Yes , Hindus rise to the high position.
Q-NO5. Where did the safety of the Muslims lie?
Ans. The safety of the Muslims lay in acquisition of western knowledge and education
Q-NO6. Did sir Syed Ahmed Khan take any positive steps?
Ans. Yes, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took positive step and laid the foundation for college at Aligarh to
import education of western lines.

❖ Write “T” for true and “F” for false statement

i. The Muslims acquire western education
ii. The Hindus acquire western education
iii. The Muslims rose to high position
iv. The Hindus rose to high position
v. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan realized the important of western education
vi. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took many steps towards Muslim education
vii. Iqbal laid foundation for Aligarh college
viii. The Aligarh movement have deep impact on Muslims

❖ Choose the correct answers

i. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was Born on
(a) 07 October 1817 (b) 17 October 1817 (c) 27 October 1817
ii. He laid foundation for college at
(a) Delhi (b) Lahore (c) Aligarh
iii. Sir Syed s efforts transformed into the movement called the:
(a) Aligarh movement (b) Tehsil e istehal (c) Quaid movement
iv. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan died on
(a) 27 march 1889 (b) 27 March 1898 (c) 27 march 1988

Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Write the following words in sentence of your own words

Commitment: Do not be away from your commitment

Calculation : In old era the people used finger and stones for calculation
Education: Education is more powerful weapon
Treatment: Do not take treatment from fake doctors
Location : The location of Kumb is good for saint peer Zahir wali
Development : Sir Syed Ahmed Khan took many positives steps for the development of
vii. Achievement: Do not cheat anyone for good achievement
❖ Write the synonyms of the following words
Words Synonyms Words Synonyms
Speak Talk Shop Store
Choose Pick Ill Sick
Tall high

❖ Write the antonyms of the following words

Words Antonyms Words Antonyms
Whisper Shout Narrow Wide
Tall Short Above Over
Inside Outside Smooth Rough
Happy Sad Many Few
Wild Tame Dry wet

❖ Write the plurals of the following singular

Singular Plurals Singular Plurals
Wife Wives Chimney Chimneys
Photo Photos Turkey Turkeys
Dozen Dozens Diary Diaries
Factory Factories Hero Heroes
Potato Potatoes Deer Deer
Goose Geese Ox Oxen
Man Men Mouse Mice
Child Children Thief Thieves
Wolf Wolves Knife knives

Class 8th Subject : English

Unit # 06
Q-NO1. What is the world full of?
Ans. The world full of lovely sights
Q 2. Which is the loveliest of all sights?
Ans. The sky is loveliest sights
Q-NO3. What is the sky full of?
Ans. Sky full of with moon, sun and stars
Q-NO4. What is the rainbow in reality?
Ans. In reality the rainbow is reflection.
Q-NO5. What do clouds look like?
Ans. Clouds look like statue
Q-NO6. When were flying saucer seen?
Ans. Flying saucer seen on 1948 and 1952.
Q-NO 7. Do we look really at sky?
Ans. We do not really look at the sky.

❖ Choose the correct answers

I. The world full of beautiful sights
(a) Is (b) am (c) are (d) was

II. The sky is the ………….of the sights

(a) Lovely (b) lovelier (c) loveliest (d) more lovely
III. The rainbow……..with watcher
(a) Move (b) moves (c) is move (d) are move
IV. Clouds ……… like giant flags in the sky
(a) Look (b) looks (c) is look (d) are look
V. Flying saucers are huge,………. Shapes in the sky
(a) Round (b)rectangular (c) square (d) oval

❖ Write the synonyms of the givem words

Words Synonyms Words Synonyms
Dark Lightless East Sun rise side
Beautiful Attraction Giant Smooth
After Thus, for than Sky Place of stars

❖ Write the following words in sentence of your own words

i. Reflection: The rainbow is reflection

ii. Clouds: Cumulous clouds bring heavy rain
iii. Strange Don’t took any thing from strange
iv. Float The flying saucers float like zigzag
v. Dark Now the peoples believes on dark web

Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Choose the correct from of the verb “be” from the brackets and fill up blanks.

i. I remember when was just starting (was / were)

ii. The other students were afraid (was / were)
iii. All children were hearing fun (was / were)
iv. Now we were learning more than we did last year (are/were)
v. I am enjoying school now (Am / are)
vi. The students are learning how to write (is / are)
vii. Our teacher is very nice (am / is)
viii. My books are interesting (is / are)
ix. I think I am going to be doctor (are / is)
x. My parents are both doctor (are / is)

❖ Change the following present tense sentences into past tense

S.No Present Tense Past Tense
01. Rehana asks us to go on a picnic Rehana asked us to go on a picnic
02. She packs lunch box She packed lunch box
03. It is filled with good food It was fill with good food
04. We drive to the park We drove to the park
05. Rehana makes sure, I enjoy the picnic Rehana made sure, I enjoy the picnic

❖ Change the following past tense sentences into present tense

S.No Past Tense Present Tense
01. We made our cricket team last year We make our cricket team every year
02. We practiced a lot We practice a lot
03. The coach taught us many tricks The coach teaches us many tricks
04. Our team played for our school Our team play for our school
05. We learned more everyday We learn more everyday

❖ Use These antonyms in sentences below.

Sell, at the back of , lose , keep on
i. You don’t understand , I am here to buy gold, not to sell it.
ii. Did you sit in front of the class or at the back of it.
iii. I hope I shall find my pen . I late to lose.
iv. Don’t you stop at red light , no I just keep on going.

❖ Add “ai” or “ial” to the end of the noun in brackets and fill in the blanks
i. She comes from a very musical family (music)
ii. The 4th July is a national holiday in the U.S (national)
iii. India has many raceai problem (race)
iv. They are going to regional (region)
v. Many women use facial cream (face)

10 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Correct the all mistakes in the following sentences

S.No Sentence Correct sentence
01. my uncle jamal is a scientist My uncle Jamal is a scientist
02. he works with Abdul majeed He works with Abdul Majeed
03. they travel all around the saudi Arabia They travel all around the Saudi Arabia
04. aunt amna and my cousing bilal go with them Aunt Amna and my cousin Bilal go with them
05. they travel in a stabin wagon called rover They travel in a Stabin wagon called rover
06. we were three fore the of fourth July We were three fore the of fourth July
07. have you seen the rocky mountains Have you seen the rocky mountains
08. they are rocky and steep They are rocky and steep
09 from Makkah we went to madina From Makkah we went to Madina
10. mother and I enjoyed our trip Mother and I enjoyed our trip

Unit # 07
Q-NO1 Whom do we call saint?
Ans. Yes ,we should call him as saint.
Q-NO2. Where is the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi?
Ans The shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi at Karachi
Q-NO3. What do the Langer shops sell?
Ans. Langer shops sell biryani, haleem and korma.
Q-NO4. Why did people visit the shrine?
Ans. People visit to shrine to peace his soul and get comfort from solace and suffering
Q-NO5. When did this great come to Sindh?
Ans. He came to Sindh in 139 hijra
Q-NO6. What colour is the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi?
Ans. The colour of shrine is green
Q-NO7. What does the shrine offer to the suffering mankind?
Ans. The shrine offer comfort to the suffering people
Q-NO8. In which cities do we find shrine of saints?
Ans We find the shrine of saint at Clifton beach Karachi

❖ Choose the correct answers

I. Karachi has special place ………….the cities of Pakistan.
(a) At (b) in (c) between (d) among
II. The shrine is ,……….the Clifton beach
(a) Near (b) far from (c) next to (d) on
III. The vicinity of the shrine is covered with
(a) Shops (b) schools (c) houses (d) colleges
IV. Saint Abdullah Shah Ghazi is a descendant of…….
(a) Hazrat Umar (b) Hazrat Abu Bakar (c) Hazrat Ali
V. As a result of his preaching people accepted
(a) Christianity (b) Hinduism (c) Islam (d) Buddhism

11 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Write “T” for true and “F” for false statement

I. Karachi is special among the villagers of Pakistan. “F”
II. Karachi has no place for recreation . “F”
III. Karachi has beaches offers a lot of recreation to the people. “T”
IV. On the weekends , people do not visit the shrine . “F”
V. The shrine gives peace and comfort to the people. “T”

❖ Write the following words in sentence of your own words

i. Shrine: The shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi is famous in Sindh

ii. Province: Baba bully Shah is poet of Punjab Province
iii. Saint: A saint sent scent to me .
iv. Caliph: Hazrat Ali is the fourth caliph of Islam
v. Visit: Many people visit the shrine of Abdullah Shah Ghazi.
vi. Fulfilment : On day our dreams can get fulfilment by hardworking

❖ Change the verbs in the brackets according to instruction

1. Waheed help his brother ( help : Present)

2. He plays with his brother (play : Present )
3. His brother cried yesterday (cry :past)
4. Waheed jumps around and makes funny faces (jump , make : present)
5. At last Waheed's smiled brother (smile : Past)
6. Waheed prepare his food (prepare: present)
7. He warms the food (warm: present)
8. The brother slept for one hour (sleep : Past)
9. Waheed watched television for one hour (watch: Past)
10. Then his brother woke up (wake : Past )
11. Waheed hurried into the room (hurry :past)
12. The brother got out of bed. (get: Past )
13. Waheed smiled at his brother. (smile : Past)
14. The brother laughed happily (laugh : Past )

❖ Use these antonyms in sentences below:

Late, Run, Different, Chase, Alive, Hopes.
i. My friend’s father dead now. His mother is still alive
ii. They never on Time they’re late everyday
iii. At my age I have no fears only hopes
iv. In some ways Spain and Mexico are similar, in other ways they’re different
v. Some children crawl until they are three or four others run from the age of two
vi. I’m not going to run away for money, but I’m not going to chase it either.

12 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Put "un" infront of the words in brackets and fill up the blanks
i. It is a very unusual day. Everything is going right (usual)
ii. It was a hand fire, but most of the houses were undamaged (damage)
iii. The movie was unexciting ( exciting )
iv. The country is unsafe for tourists now. (safe)
v. Everything he says is unbelievable (believable )
vi. He is a volunteer, an unpaid worker (paid)

❖ Put "r" Infront of the verbs in brackets. "Re Means again"

Example: The doctor wants to re-join her leg to her body (join)
i. They have to cross the ocean in twelve days and then recross it. (cross)
ii. After a week's rain, I have to reshine my shoes (shine)
iii. Some places changes very fast. We have to remap the area every ten years (map)

❖ Write whether the following sentences are Past or Present and change them into negative

interrogative forms

Example: The stars were above us. (Past)

The stars weren't above us. (negative)
Were the stars above us? (interrogative)

1. We watched the games last year. (Past)

We did not watch games last year. (Negative)
Did we watch the games last year? (Interrogative)

2. We watch the games every year. (Present)

We do not watch games every year. (Negative)
Do we watch games every year? (interrogative)

3. The soldiers slept in tents. (Past)

The soldiers did not sleep in tents (Negative)
Did the soldiers sleep in tents? (Interrogative)

4. The soldiers sleep in tents. (Present)

The soldiers do not sleep in tents. (Negative)
Do the soldiers sleep in tents? (Interrogative)

5. The boys lost the game. (Past)

The boys did not loss the game. (Negative)
Did the boys loss the game? (Interrogative)

6. The boys lose quite often. (Present)

The boys do not lose quite often. (Negative)
Do the boys lose quite often? (Interrogative)

13 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

7. Jack swam in the ocean last summer. (Past)

Jack swam did not in the ocean last summer (Negative)
Did Jack swam in the ocean last summer? (Interrogative)

8. He swims in a pool every summer. (Present)

He does not swim in a pool every summer (Negative)
Does he swims in a pool every summer? (Interrogative)
9. Mother made chocolate cake last summer. (Past)
Mother did not make chocolate cake last summer. (Negative)
Did mother make chocolate cake last summer? (Interrogative)
10. Mother makes cakes every year. (Present)
Mother does not make cakes every year (Negative)
Does mother make cakes every year? (Interrogative)

11. The child climbed the steps. (Past)

The child did not climb the steps. (Negative)
Did the child climb the steps? (Interrogative)

12. The house is white this year (Present)

The house is not white this year (Negative)
Is the house white this year? (Interrogative)

13. The house was brown last year (Past)

The house was not brown last year (Negative)
Was the house brown last year? (Interrogative)

14. The flowers are red and yellow (Present)

The flowers are not red and yellow (Negative)
Are the flowers red and yellow? (Interrogative)

15. The boys play a lot of games (Present)

The boys do not play a lot of games (Negative)
Do the boys play a lot of games? (Interrogative)

❖ Change all sentences into the Past Tense and begin with “Last year”
Example: Rehan plays cricket.
Last year, Rehan played cricket

i. Nadia's dress matches her mother’s dress

Last year, Nadia's dress matched her mother’s dress.
ii. The tree gives hundreds of mangoes
Last year, the tree gave hundreds of mangoes
iii. We see birds in the park
Last year, we saw birds in the park
iv. The baby creeps on the floor
Last year, The baby crept on the floor
v. It rains a lot here
Last year, it rained a lot here

14 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Choose the correct word for each of the sentences below

Example: He …………. it down on the desk, (sit, set)
He set it down on the desk
i. Please ………….. down at the desk, (sit, set)
ii. She will……………….him the lesson. (Learn,teach)
iii. Did the students ……….to do it? (Learn, teach )
iv. He doesn't sing very………… (good, well)
v. This is a …………………..way to begin. (good, well)
vi. …………………………us be quiet now. (let, learn)
vii. …………….her soon (come, go)

❖ Make the opposites by adding “” un” before the word meaning “not”

Aware Unaware
Certain Uncertain
Favourable Unfavourable
Fortune Unfortune
Grateful Ungrateful
Important Unimportant
Kind Unkind
Necessary Unnecessary
Popular Unpopular

❖ Make the opposites by adding “” dis” before the word meaning “not”

Appear Disappear
Approve Disapprove
Like Dislike
Continue Discontinue
Courteous Discourteous
Honest Dishonest
Obedient Disobedient
Orderly Disorderly
Regard Disregard

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Unit # 08
Q-NO1. Who is the founder of Pakistan?
Ans. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the founder of Pakistan
Q-NO2. Who can Quaid e Azam be compared to?
Ans. The Quaid e Azam can compared with greatest man.
Q-NO3. Was he one of the greatest men of his time?
Ans Yes, he was on of the greatest man of his Time
Q-NO4. What did he fight for More than thirty years?
Ans. He fought for the right of Muslims in the sub continent for more than thirty years.
Q-NO5. Did Jinnah die due to his devotion to Pakistan?
Ans Yes, he died due to his devotion to Pakistan
Q-NO 6. What did Quaid e Azam do for Muslims?
Ans. He organized the Muslims on Muslim league platform. The result was that on 23rd march 1940
the Muslims developed the will to live as a nation and finally got independence on 14th August 1947
Q-NO7. What his death a great loss to Muslim world?
Ans. Yes, hi is death was great loss to Muslim world
Q-NO8. Where is the tomb of Quaid e Azam?
Ans. A beautiful tomb has been constructed over his grave and his tomb is at Karachi.

❖ Write “T” for true and “F” for false statement

1. Mohammad Ali Jinnah was the founder of Pakistan. “T”

2. He was one of the greatest man of his time. “T”
3. He cannot be compared to the greatest people of his time. “F”
4. Quaid-e-Azam created a nation. “T”
5. Jinnah fought for the rights of Hindus. “F”
6. Jinnah fought for the rights of Muslims. “T”
7. Pakistan has its own culture and civilization. “T”
8. Jinnah was one of the greatest man in Asia. “F”

❖ Find out antonyms of the following words:

Words Antonyms
Short Long / big
Man Woman
Loss Profit
Years Months
Right Wrong

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Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Which paragraph is more appropriate? Why?

Paragraph 01

Quaid-e-Azam was born on 25th December 1876 in Karachi. Quaid-e-Azam entered in

politics in 1905. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in 1913. Quaid-e-Azam united
Muslims of Indo-Pak subcontinent. Quaid-e-Azam worked day and night to make Pakistan
great and strong. Quaid-e-Azam passed away on 11th September 1948.
Paragraph 02

Quaid-e-Azam was born on 25th December 1876 in Karachi, He entered in politics in 1905. He
joined Muslim League in 1913. He united Muslims of Indo-Pak subcontinent. He worked day and
night to make Pakistan great and strong. He passed away on 11th September 1948.
➢ Paragraph 01 is more appropriate than the second one:

❖ Use the following words in sentences

I. Good. He is a good man
II. Goods. She sells goods in market
III. Sand. The Palace is made up of Sand mud and bricks
IV. Iron. Aslam bought iron costly than Ali
V. Irons. She irons her clothes
VI. Physic. Ali is more powerful than Ahmed in the sir of physic
VII. Physics. Study of matter and energy is called physics

❖ Write comparative degrees of these adjectives

Positive degree Comparative degree

Big Bigger
Old Older
Young Younger
Small Smaller
Beautiful More beautiful
Intelligent More intelligent
Interesting More interesting

❖ Write the Tense of each sentence Present, Past or Prese Perfect and change then into
Negative and Interrogative forms:

i. Momin has one hundred rupees. (Present perfect tense)

Interrogative Has Momin one hundred rupees?
Negative : Momin hasn’t one hundred rupees.

ii. Momin has earned five hundred rupees. (Present perfect tense)
Interrogative Has Momin earned five hundred rupees?
Negative : Momin hasn’t earned five hundred rupees

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Class 8th Subject : English

iii. We have seen that movie before. (Present perfect tense)

Interrogative Have we seen that movie before?
Negative : We have not seen that movie before

iv. We saw it last week (Past tense)

Interrogative Do we see it last week?
Negative : We did not saw it last week.

v. I have finished my work (Present perfect tense)

Interrogative have I finished my work?
Negative : I have not finished my work.

❖ Join the following words into contractions

Is not Isn’t
we will we’ll
did not didn’t
does not doesn’t
I am I’m
are not we’re
your are you’re
he is he’s
He would He
we are we’re

❖ Fill in the blanks with the possessive form of the word:

For singular nouns the apostrophe come before the 's'. For plural nouns the apostrophe
comes after the ‘s’
EXAMPLE: Zaid has a sweater
It is Zaid's sweater
1. Iqbal has a pony. It is Iqbal’s pony.
2. The girls have a party. It was the girls’ party.
3. The monkeys have a cage. It was the monkeys’ cage.
4. My sister has some books. They are my sister’s books.
5. Maria had an accident. It was Maria’s accident

❖ Choose the correct word from the brackets and fill up the blanks.
1. I haven't ever seen a rhinoceros. (ever, never)
2. There are not any tigers in this forest. (no, any)
3. There were not any tigers here last year. (any, not)
4. We did not see ever tigers in this forest, (ever, never)
5. It would not be fun to be any chased by a tiger (no, any)

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Class 8th Subject : English

Unit # 09
Q-NO1. What is our land a symbol of?
Ans. Our land is symbol of high resolve.
Q-NO2 Is Pakistan a citadel of faith?
Ans. Yes, PAKISTAN is a citadel of faith.
Q-NO3. What does the green and white part represent?
Ans. The green represent the majority of Muslims and white represent various religion minorities
such as Hindus , Christians and Sikh etc .
Q-NO4. Is our land blessed by Allah?
Ans. Yes, our land is blessed by Allah.
Q-NO5. What is the order of sacred land?
Ans. The order of our sacred land is live like brotherhood may the nation or country shine is
glory everlasting.
Q-NO6. What is our flag symbol of?
Ans. In the center is white crescent moon and White five pointed star . Which symbolize progress
and light . The symbol of flag is peace and commitment to Islam.
Q-NO7. Is the flag an inspiration for future?
Ans. Yes, the flag is an inspiration for our future.
❖ Write "T" for true and “F”for false statement,
1. Pakistan is a symbol of low resolve. “F”
2. Pakistan is a symbol of high resolve. “T”
3. It is a citadel of faith. “T”
4. We have a strong brotherhood of people. “T”
5. There are no stars on the flag. “F”
6. The flag has a full-moon. “F”
7. The flag will lead us to progress. “T”
8. The flag is an inspiration of our past “T”
❖ Choose the correct word from the brackets and fill in the blanks,
❖ Example: He came to see me yesterday. His brother came too.
i. They had come to see my new car. (come, came)
ii. Have you done your homework?
I had done all of it before I left school, (do, did, done)
iii. Everyone gave Talha a present at his party.
He was gave many nice things (give, gave, given)
iv. The Haleem was eaten Maria's mother asked who eaten it.
Maria hadn't eaten it. (eat, ate, eaten)
v. The girls have went my uncle's house.
They went with grand parents, (go, went, gone)

No, none, nobody, nothing, none, nowhere. Do not use two negatives together. Otherwise, it will
become positive.
EXAMPLE: I didn't do nothing. (wrong)
I didn't do anything (right)

19 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Choose the right word for each sentence and fill in the blanks
Example: Did you find any seashells? (no, any)
1. Could you find no shells? (could, could)
2. Haven't you ever seen the ocean? (ever, never)
3. Have you ever seen the ocean? (ever, never)
4. Nobody was playing (nobody.)
5. Nobody was wating the boats (anything, nobody)

❖ Vocabulary
Example : Add + in = Adding
Glide = Gliding
i. Describe: Describing
ii. Decide: Deciding
iii. Amaze: Amazing
iv. Shine: Shining
v. Come: Coming

❖ Fill in the blanks with prepositions. (over, under, in, on, at)
i. He sleeps in the evening
ii. Salman was born on 6th May
iii. The Muslims are happy at Eid
iv. The sun was over our heads at noon
v. The ball is under the chair

Unit # 10
Q-NO1. Who was Florence nightingale?
Ans. Florence nightingale is the founder of modern nursing.
Q-NO2. Where and when she was born?
Ans. She was born in town of Florence in Italy in 1920.
Q-NO3. Which institute did she establish?
Ans. She established institution for training nurses in London.
Q-NO4. What did Islam say about nursing?
Ans. Nursing is important in Islam. Because Islam emphasis on helping sick and needy.
Q-NO5. What did holy prophet advice?
Ans Holy Prophet advised the Muslims to visit the sick and helping people suffering from disease.
Q-NO6. What does history of Islam show?
Ans. The history of Islam is full examples of brave men and women who took part in battles by helping
and taking care of the wounded.
Q-NO7. Name the great Muslim women?
Ans. The following are great Muslim women
I. Hazrat Ghiforia ii. Hazrat Rufaida iii. Hazrat Fatima iv Hazrat asma
Q-NO8. What does a nurse do?
Ans. Nurse care the patient and nurse helps the doctors .

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Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Choose the correct answer and write in the blank.

1. Florence Nightingale was born in:
(a) 1902 (b) 1920 (c) 1922 (d) 1921
2. She also founded an institution for training ………… in:
(a) New York (b) Washington (c) London (d) Italy
3. Florence felt that she must do something for the suffering humanity when she was:
(a) seventy-seven years (b) seventy years old
(c) seventeen years old (d) seven years old
4. Nursing is a very:
(a) noble profession (b) humble profession
(c) disable profession (d) bad profession

❖ Fill in the blanks with the concrete nouns.

(iron, wood, plastic, silver, milk)
1. These bangles are made up of silver
2. Yogurt is made from milk
3. This table is made up of iron
4. This chair is made up of wood
5. This bucket is made up of plastic.

❖ Complete these sentences using the correct form of the verb in bracket. Number one and
two are Examples
i. We went to our house, when the movie had finished, (finish)
ii. They like to swim when the weather is hot. ( be )
iii. My uncle visits us when he has time (have)
iv. You must go to class as soon as the bell rings (ring)
v. I go shopping when there are fewer people (be)
vi. Please tell me when you have back, (has)
vii. Please tell me when he calls all the work, (call)
viii. He went home after he completed all the works. (complete)
ix. The children are flying kites now (fly)
x. In the future, computers replace human (replace)
xi. My friend received bad news (receive)
xii. When I went home, the children watched TV (watch)

21 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Change the following sentences to negative statements and questions:

Example: My friend can tell the answer.

My friend can't tell the answer.
can my friend tell the answer.
i. They have won many matches
Negative: They have’nt won many matches
Interrogative: Have they won many matches?
ii. We have watched that drama before.
Negative: We have’nt watched that drama before
Interrogative: Have we watched that drama before?
iii. My brother is going to Canada.
Negative: My brother isn’t going to Canada
Interrogative: Is my brother going to Canada?
iv. My sister is getting married next month.
Negative: My sister isn’t getting married next month
Interrogative: Is my sister getting married next month?
v. They brought a lot of presents.
Negative: They did’nt bring a lot of presents
Interrogative: Did they bring a lot of presents?
vi. We play cricket in the evening.
Negative: We don’t play cricket in the evening
Interrogative: Do We play cricket in the evening?
vii. My grand parents eat light food
Negative: My grand parents don’t eat light food
Interrogative: Do my grand parents eat light food?
viii. I talked to him on the telephone.
Negative: I didn’t talk to him on the telephone.
Interrogative: Did I talk to him on the telephone?
❖ Write antonyms of the following
Word Antonyms
Popular Unpopular
Birth Death
Queen King
Rarely Often
Bride Grown
Receive Give
❖ Write synonyms of the following

Word Synonyms
Blossom Flower
Sorrow Unhappiness
Visitor Guest
Vice Fault
Emotions Feelings
Receive Get

22 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Q-NO1. How can we make our lives better?
Ans. Work love and play can make our lives better.
Q-NO2. Does work depend on good use of time?
Ans. Yes, work depends on the good use of time.
Q-NO3. How should we make use of time as young people?
Ans As a young we can use good time like studying well.
Q-NO4. How must we use time as adults?
Ans. As adults we can work hard use good time at home.
Q-NO5. What makes life very dull?
Ans. If we do work everyday and we can’t play that makes our life dull.
Q-NO6. Why must we have free time?
Ans. We have must free time for react on our hobbies.
Q-NO7. How can we preserve health?
Ans. If we done work mentally and physically our health will be looking better.
Q-NO8. How can we exercise our minds?
Ans. By praying we can exercise our minds

❖ Write "T" for true and "F" for false statement.

1. A good life depends on work, love and play. "T"

2. A good life depends on the good use of time. "T"
3. As young people, we must work hard at jobs. "T"
4. As old people we must study well. "T"
5. Work, work and work makes life interesting. "f"
6. We must have a lot of free time every day. "T"

❖ Write antonyms of followings

Word Antonyms Word Antonyms

Love Hate Home Business
Good Bad Better Worse
Adult Baby Free Costly
Hard Soft Action Inaction
Poor Rich Active Lazy / passive

❖ Fill in the blanks with abstract noun (poverty, love, honesty, theft, wisdom)
1. Honesty is the best policy
2. My mother sees me with me love
3. Car poverty is on the increase
4. Idleness leads to the theft
5. Jawad’s wisdom saved him

23 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Change the following verbs (in brackets) to Passive Voice

i. This book (write) in a year's time. (Future)
The book will be write in a year’s time
ii. Urdu (speak) all over Pakistan. (Present)
Urdu speak is all over Pakistan
iii. These pencils must(sharp) (infinitive be)
These pencils must sharped
iv. My money (stolen). (Present perfect)
My money has stolen.
v. The results (announce) yesterday (Past)
The results announced yesterday
vi. No one (see). (Past)
No one saw
vii. These watches (make) in Japan. (Present Perfect)
These watches made in Japan
viii. Who (write) these books? (Present Perfect)
Who has write these books?
ix. All our clothes (keep) in the cupboard. (Present)
All our clothes kept in cupboard
x. My house (build) (present continuous)
My house is building

❖ Change the Passive Sentences of the above exercise into negative and interrogative statements.
This book will be written in a few years time.
This book will not be written in a few years time.
Will this book be written in a few years time?

i. The villagers gave the Prime Minister a warm welcome.

Negative: The villagers did not give the Prime Minister a warm welcome
Interrogative: Did the villagers give the Prime Minister a warm welcome?
ii. Somebody has paid the plumber for repairing the taps.
Negative: Somebody has not paid the plumber for repairing the taps
Interrogative: Has somebody paid the plumber for repairing the taps?
iii. The management will interview the applicants.
Negative: The management will not interview the applicants
Interrogative: will the management interview the applicants?
iv. The guide will show him the historical places.
Negative: The guide will not show him the historical places
Interrogative: Will the guide show him the historical places?
v. This shop has made school uniforms for many years.
Negative: This shop has not made school uniforms for many years
Interrogative: Has this shop made school uniforms for many years?
vi. My mother asked my brother where he had been.
Negative: My mother had not ask my brother where he had been
Interrogative: Had My mother ask my brother where he had been?

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Class 8th Subject : English

vii. Your friends have given you presents on your birthday.

Negative: Your friends have not given you presents on your birthday
Interrogative: Have your friends given you presents on your birthday?
viii. Nobody has inhabited that building for years.
Negative: Nobody has not inhabited that building for years
Interrogative: Has nobody inhabited that building for years?
ix. Someone has to finish this work.
Negative: Someone has not to finish this work
Interrogative: Has someone to finish this work?
x. Open the door
Negative: The door did not open
Interrogative: How did the door open?

Q-NO1. Who are you?
Ans. I’m Muslim.
Q-NO2. Who created everything?
Ans. Allah created everything.
Q-NO3. What things have been mentioned?
Ans. The creation of Allah is mentioned by the poet.
Q-NO4. What does Allah fulfils?
Ans. Allah fulfils the desire wishes and will.
Q-NO5. What is the end of human being?
Ans Human being will die at last steps.
Q 6. Where people have return?
Ans. People will return at the side of creature means Allah.

❖ Write the words in the poem which rhyme with these

Word Rhyme
Health Wealth
Sky Dry
Light Flight
Wills Fulfils
Call all

25 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Make opposites by adding "in" and “im ” before a word, meaning "not".
Example: Considerate inconsiderate
Word Opposite Word Opposite
Efficient In efficient Perfect Imperfect
Equality Ineffective Probable Improbable
Frequent Infrequent Proper Improper
Gratitude Ingratitude Mobile Immobile
Human Inhuman
Material Immaterial
Adequate Inadequate
Effective Ineffective Mature Immature
Sensitive Insensitive Practical Impractical
Patient Inpatient

❖ Learn the following synonyms

Words Sound Synonyms Meaning

Abrupt ‫ايبڊرپٽ‬ Sudden ‫اوچتو‬
Accommodation ‫اڪموڊيشن‬ Room ‫ڪمرو‬
Attitude ‫اٽيٽيوڊ‬ Height ‫واچائي‬
Amiable ‫امائيبل‬ Friendly ‫دوستانو‬
Brief ‫بريف‬ Short ‫ننڍو‬
Comprehend ‫ڪامپريهينڊ‬ Understand ‫سمجهڻ‬
Demonstrate ‫ڊيمونسٽريٽ‬ Show ‫اشارو‬
Disperse ‫ڊسپرس‬ Scatter ‫مختصر‬
Eminent ‫امينينٽ‬ Famous ‫مشهور‬
Endeavour ‫ايڊيور‬ Try ‫ڪوشش ڪرڻ‬
Interior ‫انٽيريئر‬ Inside ‫اندريون‬
Loathe ‫لوئيٿ‬ Hate ‫نفرت‬
Odour ‫اڊور‬ Smell ‫بُو‬
Penetrate ‫پينيٽريٽ‬ Peirce ‫داخل ٿيڻ‬
Prohibited ‫پروهيبيٽيڊ‬ Forbidden ‫منع ڪرڻ‬
Reluctant ‫ريليڪٽنٽ‬ Unwilling ‫بي دليون‬

UNIT 13.
Q-NO1. Who was about Ben Adhem?
Ans. Abou Ben Adhem was pious caliph.
Q-NO2. How did he worship?
Ans. He worshiped at midnight
Q-NO3. What did he see in his room at night?
Ans. He saw an angel in his room at night.
Q-NO4. What did Abou Ben ask the angel?
Ans. He asked to the angel what writing all those people name who love Allah.
Q-NO5. What the reply of angel?
Ans. He replied I was writing all those people name who love Allah.
Q-NO6. What did Abou ask second time?
Ans. He asked second time from angel you can write my name in the list of lovers who loves.
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Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Choose the correct answers

1. Abou Ben adhem was a
(a) accountant (b) pious man (c) politician (d) comissioner
2. Abou Ben adhem saw
(a) angel (b) bird (c) devil (d) horse
3. Angel was writing something in book of
(a) Silver (b) iron (c) Gold (d) Plastic
4. Abou Ben Adhem used to worship
(a) Early morning (b) Midnight (c) Evening (d) Afternoon
v ❖ How to write CV OR bio data
C.V is summary of your personal details, qualification and job experience look at the lay out of CV
Name : Umr
Father’s Name: Ghulam Nabi
Caste: Palh
Address: Kumb
Mobile: 03001234567
Date of birth: 20-06-2002
Qualification: BSC-ii
Skills: Writing, reading, speaking, learning
Remember that all information must be neatly and clearly presented. All information must
be 100% correct. Write your highest qualification first and then give other details about education.
Write your latest job first and then mention your previous job if any.
Objective: On your demand

❖ Fill in the blanks

1. Deserts are usually waterless places
2. The Masai deserts are tree less there are hardly any tree there.
3. I am breathless after walking up all these stairs.
4. Some women like wearing colourless shirts
5. I was sleepless yesterday night I did not sleep well
❖ Write the synonyms of the following

Words Synonyms
Dusty Dirty
Electricity Light
Luggage Suitcase
Hand Give
Speechless Quiet
27 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Q-NO1. Where the Neem tree found?
Ans. Name tree is found everywhere.
Q-NO2. What tree give to man?
Ans. Tree gives following facilities to all.
1. Shelter. 2. Protection from heat. 3. Pure oxygen gas for breathing 4. Fruits
Q-NO3. What trees preserve?
Ans. Trees can preserve whole environment from extreme hotness and weather.
Q-No4. What Neem tree is symbol?
Ans. The Neem tree is symbol of bravery.
Q-NO5. What Neem tree takes and gives?
Ans. The Neem tree take heat upon itself give us shade and shelter.

❖ Fill in the blanks

1. The Neem tree is commonly found everywhere around us
2. Tree gives fuel, food and Medicines to men
3. A fully grown Neem tree is full of glory and majesty
4. It has no covering with which it can protect itself from the sun
5. The Neem tree is also beneficial in a lot of ways

❖ Choose the correct options

1. The Neem tree is found
(a) Only offices (b) Everywhere (c) only gardens (d) only houses
2. Preserve the environment from extreme weather
(a) Trees (b) rain (c) crops (d)books

❖ Write the synonyms and antonyms of the following

Word Synonyms Antonyms

Poverty Pen curry
Everywhere Fore wide here there
Beneficial Helpful
Absolute Completely
Unselfish Affecting
Heat Warmth

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Class 8th Subject : English

❖ Fill in the blanks

1. The office belongs to doctor (Doctor’s office)
2. The bats belongs to children (children’s bats)
3. The room belongs to cook (Cook’s room)
4. The nests of birds (Bird’s nests)
5. The hockey belongs to girls (girl’s hockey )
6. Books for women (women’s books)
7. Toys for children (children’s toys)
8. The hats of soldier (Soldier’s hats)
9. Socks for men (men’s socks)

❖ Write antonyms of the following

Word Antonyms
Famine Feast
Cheap Expensive
Guarded Unguarded
Vice Virtue
Return Go away

❖ Write synonyms of the following

Word Synonyms
Blight Disease
Gift Present
Stole Took
Beginning Start
Starve Die of hunger

❖ Make the adjectives by adding ‘ous’ to the following words

Example prosper prosperous

Adjective Nouns
Poison Poisonous
Continue Continuous
Envy Envious
Glamour Glamours
Injury Injurious
Glory Glorious
Fury Furious
Humour Humourous
Space spacious
Peril Perilous

29 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Q-NO1. Who was Hazrat umme sulaiman?
Ans. Hazrat umme sulaiman was great Muslim woman.
Q-NO2. What happened when she became Muslim?
Ans. When she became Muslim her husband did not accept her and than she go for live alone with her
son Ana’s (R.A).
Q-NO3. Did her husband accept Islam?
Ans. No, her husband did not accept Islam.
Q-NO4. What was umm e sulaiman sons’ name?
Ans. Her sons name was Anas and Umair.
Q-NO5. was she a devoted mother?
Ans. Yes, she was devoted mother.
Q-NO6. Did she take an active part any battle?
Ans. Yes she did take on active part in the Battle of Khyber.
Q-NO7. How did she bear her son’s death?
Ans. When her son was died she bore the suffering in patience she said A child is God’s gift to man . He
can ask us to give back hit gift any time. What ever God does always better for us she was pious and God-
fearing woman that why she bears this.
Q-NO8. Was umm e sulaiman an ideal Muslim?
Ans. Yes umm e sulaiman was an ideal Muslim woman.

❖ Choose the correct answers

1. Umm e sulaiman suffered ,……………. Hardships when she became Muslim
(a) Much (b) Many (c) Some (d) little
2. Her husband did not…………….…….. Islam
(a) Accepts (b) accepting’s (c) accepted (d) accept
3. For many days she lived alone with her ……… Anas (R.A)
(a) Son (b) daughter (c) Father (d) Mother
4. She took an ……………. Part in many battles
(a) Easy (b) active (c) Passive (d) hard
5. She was a model………. Patience
(a) From (b) of (c) with (d) to

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❖ Write the antonyms of the following words

Words Antonyms
Accept Reject , refuse
Alone Incoming , together
True False ,
Battle Peace , truce
Die Born
Migrate Immigration , stay
Many Few , any
Great Worse , minor

❖ Write the feminine of the following masculine

Masculine Feminine
Husband Wife
Woman Man
Son Daughter
Peacock Peahen
Milkman Milk woman
Uncle Aunt
Nephew Niece
Monitor Moniteress

❖ Write the Tense of each sentences Present, Past or Present Perfect and
change them into Negative and Interrogative forms:

Present perfect
1. Maryam has one hundred rupees.
Negative: Maryam has not one hundred rupees
Interrogative: Has Maryam one hundred rupees?

Present Maryam one hundreds rupees Past Maryam one hundred rupees
Negative: Maryam does not one hundred rupees Negative: Maryam did not one hundred rupees
Interrogative: Does Maryam one hundred rupees? Interrogative Did Maryam one hundred rupees?

Present perfect
2. Maryam has earned five hundred rupees.
Negative: Maryam has not earned five hundred rupees
Interrogative: Has Maryam earned five hundred rupees?
Present Maryam earns five hundred rupees Past Maryam earned five hundred rupees
Negative: Maryam does not earn five hundred rupees Negative: Maryam did not earn five hundred rupees
Interrogative: Does Maryam earns five hundred rupees? Interrogative Did Maryam earn five hundred rupees?

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Class 8th Subject : English

Present perfect
3. We have seen that movie before.
Negative: We have not seen that movie before
Interrogative: Have we seen that movie before?
Present We see that movie before Past We saw that movie before
Negative: We do not see that movie before Negative: We did not see that movie before
Interrogative: Do we see that movie before? Interrogative Did we see that movie before?

Present perfect
4. We have saw it last week.
Negative: We have not saw it last week
Interrogative: Have we saw it last week?
Present We see it last week Past We saw it last week
Negative: We do not see it last week Negative: We did not see it last week
Interrogative: Do we see it last week? Interrogative Did we see it last week?

Present perfect
5. I have finished my work
Negative: I have not finished my work
Interrogative: Have I finished my work?
Present I finish my work Past I finished my work
Negative: I do not finish my work Negative: I did not finish my work
Interrogative: DoI finish my work? Interrogative: Did I finish my work?

❖ Fill in the blanks with the words below:

Nothing, test, myself, camp, cent, giant, pond, wing, contest, aunt.
1. don't have another penny. (Money)
2. My mother's sister is my best friend. (aunt)
3. Who will win the game? (contest)
4. We spend the day at the pond. (pond)
5. She wants to try out her new car. (test)
6. A huge insect was coming towards me. (giant)
7. Human beings do not have parts with which they can fly. (wings)
8. Not a thing was seen on the road. (nothing)

9. I decided to go there on my own. (myself)

10. We decided to put up camps near the forest. (camp)

32 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Q-No1 What does the word "mass" means?
Ans. The word mass means a large quantity.
Q-No2 From which different sources do we get ideas and information?
Ans. From the following we get different ideas and information newspaper, magazines, books.
Q-No3 What has been the best source of exchanging ideas and information since ancient times?
Ans. Since ancient time written words (newspaper) have been the source exchanging ideas and
Q-No4 What can the literate people do?
Ans. The newspaper (written words) read by literate people.
Q-No5 What the illiterate people cannot do?
Ans. The illiterate people does not read newspaper and magazine
Q-No6 What is the most modern way of sending a message or information?
Ans. The most modern way sending a message or information is television
Q-No7 What is the most modern way of sending a message or information?
Ans Through a computer we can talk some with the help of typing M S.N google talk.

❖ Choose the correct option.

1. The word "mass" means:
(a) a small number (b) an average quantity (c) a large number (d) a below average number
2. Since ancient times the best source of exchanging ideas is:
(a) newspaper (b) letter (c) written words (d) communication
3. The best means of communication is:
(a) the postal system (b) the computer (c) the television (d) the radio
4. The best method of verbal communication has been
(a) T.V (b) radio (c) telephone (d) fax
5. Telegram is a mean of:
(a) information (b) communication (c) playing games (d) getting a message
❖ Write meaningful sentences using the following words
1. Distance: Media can close the distance
2. Newspaper : Newspaper used in ancient time.
3. Illiterate : illiterate people doesn’t read newspaper
4. Instrument: Telegram is communication instrument.
5. Means: E mail means E message.
Write the following words with correct spellings
Word Correct spell
Fex Fax
Expensave Expensive
Techonology Technology
mathod Method
Commenication Communication
Megazines Magazines
wirealess wireless

33 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Address : Kumb city taluka kotdiji distt Khairpur

Voice 0303-1234567


Working in a professional environment stresses of quality work excellence commitment and the
desire to achieve. Being the ardent in order to utilize my skills.
Personal bio data
F/Name. Ghulam Nabi
Caste . Palh

D.O.B. 20-06-2002

C.N.I.C. 45205-7515578-9

Domicile. Khairpur

Nationality. Pakistani

Religion. Islam

Academic record / Qualification.

• Matriculation A grade Sukkur Board 2017 to 2018

• Intermediate A-1 grade Sukkur Board 2019 to 2021
Computer skills DIT

Languages Sindhi, English, Urdu,Siraiki

Other activities Playing , reading , enjoying lovely moments

Reference .

Provide will be on demand

34 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Q-No1 Define interview and it’s point
Ans Face to face meeting exchanging ideas and information between employment and officer
• .The following are main points of interview
• Dressing the part
• Review the questions the interviewer will ask you
• Be respectfully of the interviewer
• Good non verbal behave
Q-No2. What is interviewer? And it’s points
Ans A person who conducts the interview is called the interviewer
• The following are main points of interviewer
• Able to control emotions
• Ability to recognize the talent
• Conversation skills
• Experiences managing people
Q-No3 What is interviewee? And it’s points
Ans. A person who is interviewed
• The following are main points of interviewee
• Arive 15 minutes early
• Listen carefully to interviewer questions
• Pay attention to your body language
• Don’t be afraid ask questions from. Interviewer

Write an application to the chairman of union council requesting him to issue your residence certificate

The Chairman Of Union Council Kumb
Subject. Request for residence certificate
Most respectfully and honourable chairman of union council Kumb I am……………….
Village…… I am writing this application because I need residential certificate from you for my documents.
I got golden opportunity and I have cleared PST exam with good marks I want residential certificate to
fulfil my whole documents I never wanna missed this chance for that reason I am writing this one
I request you to kindly issue me my residential certificate as soon as possible I enclosing with
application copies of all necessary government documents require for my residential certificate
Name : ___________________

35 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Write an application to the director education of Sukkur requesting him for post of PST
The director education of Sukkur
Subject. Requesting for post primary school teacher
With due respect and humbly submission to state that I want to serve as a primary school teacher
under your authority and observation
I am writing my qualification and enclosed my detail CV
I have passed high school certificate under Sukkur board of secondary education in first division from
college……………. Education board
English was my optional subject and mathematics I have good academic result and good interpersonal skills
my hand writing is quite good , my health is good I am …… years old
Hence I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to appoint me in the said post oblige
Yours faithfully___________________
Contact no:______________________

Write an application to your principal mentioning a reason for not wearing school shoes
The principal
Al Mehran Public Secondary School Kumb
Subject Mentioning reason for not wearing school shoes
With due respect I would like to bring into your kind notice that I am not wearing school shoes due
to my shoes to get were wet . I also tried to get than fixed but unfortunately I was unable to get it done.
Therefore I request you to kindly allow me to attend classes for today as I promise this will never
repeated again. Kindly consider this genuine reason and kindly accept my apology
Date :_______________ Your obediently
Student :_________________

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Class 8th Subject : English

Write an application to your principal for apology for coming late to school.
To ,
The Principal
Al- Mehran Public Secondary School Kumb.
Sub: Apology for coming late in school
Most humbly and respectfully I would like to bring in your kind notice that I am Mehar Bano
studying in class eighth having seat no: 80313 I beg to pardon to state that I reached late in school on
………………. Date……………………the reason is that for heavy traffic I can not reach school on time.
Therefore I request you to kindly to consider my apology for above mentioned reason. I assure
you that I will take care of this in future or coming time.
Thanking You
Date………………….. Your obediently

Write an application to your principal suggesting ways to improve spoken English in your school
The principal
Al Mehran Public Secondary School Kumb
Subject Request to improve spoken English in school
Most respectfully I am writing to put your mind on the poor English spoken by the students of the
school . The students of our school are quite poor in English and they feel shy when they speak in front of a
large crowd
Hence , I am writing this to inform you that if won’t took any important decision in this case the
reputation of the school will be damaged you can organize summer camp , extra classes or some type of
quize to suggest students to improve
Their vocabulary and English
I shall be thankful to if you would look in this case
Date: __________ Your:__________________
Day:___________ Pupit:________________

37 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Deforestation is cutting down of trees . The forest in a large numbers. Deforestation has always been a
threat to our environment, but still many humans are continuing this I’ll practice, moreover deforestation is
causing ecological imbalance yet some selfish people have to fill their pocket . Therefore they do not even
think about it once so the government trying to measures to avert the harm to the environment the main
purpose of deforestation is to increase the land area also this land area is to setup new industries. This all is
because of increase in population. As the population increases the demands for products also increase so
rich business men setup these industries to increase profit . There are many harmful effects of deforestation
some of them are below
Soil Erosion
Soil erosion is the elimination of the upper layer of soil it takes place when there is removing of tress that
bind the soil as a result wind and water carries away the top layer of soil . Moreover disaster like sand slide
take place because of various soil erosion is responsible for the various floods . As tree are not present to
stop the water from heavy rainfall gush directly to the plains this results in damaging of colonies where
people are living
Global warming
Global warming is the main cause of the change in environment. These seasons are new getting delayed
there is an imbalance in their ratios . The temperature are reaching it’s extreme points . This year it 50
degrees in the plains which is. Most of all furthermore, the glaciers in the Himalayas ranges are melting as a
result floods are affecting the hilly regions of our country and the people living there the ratio of water
suitable for drinking is also decreasing
Impact on water cycle
Since through transpiration, trees release soil water into the environment thus cutting of them is decreasing
the rate of water in the atmosphere so clouds are not getting formed as a result the agricultured grounds are
not receiving proper rainfall
A great threat to wildlife
Deforestation is affecting wildlife as well , many animals like dodo , sabre , tothed , cat , Tasmanian tiger
are already extinct some animals are on the very of extinction that’s because they have lost habitat are their
place of living.
How to avert Deforestation
Deforestation can be averted by various count measures . First of all we should afforestation which is
growing of trees in the forest this would help to resolve the loss of the trees cut down the use of plant based
product should increase .

38 | P a g e
Class 8th Subject : English

Punctuality refers to the habit of human being completing their tasks on Time we can say that punctuality is
a great habit which surely results in success . All of the leader have punctuality in common as the habit is
such in other words, when you are on Time you will maintain the discipline and order in your life. It will in
turn you achieve your goals within a set of time period moreover, it also makes you a man of habits this
creates a very good impression in front if others . Punctuality is an etiquette which encourage us to
complete our works in a timely fashion . It also makes us to realize the importance of time a person who is
punctual will always know how to respect their time and others as well as
Importance of punctuality
Punctual is of great importance, it is truly underestimated and must be given utmost
importance when a person becomes punctual everything else fall into place you get discipline in your life
and also earn respect of others . Subsequently a punctual person works on time without any hindrance. The
people who are employed in armies and navies are given rigorous training to become discipline and
punctual play no heed to any circumstances be it rain of thunder they care about their punctuality . further
more , punctuality pushes the person to achieve success at faster rates than others we must develop this
quality in children from early age which will make it easy for everyone to lead a better life when a person
is punctual they get utmost respect and admiration by society and reaches greater heights than unpunctual

Time and Tide waits for none.

Time and tide waits for none this idioms is opts in todays world. As world is moving at a fast pace so no
one has time to waits . Time never stops the clock is always tickling therefore to use our time . We should
work hard every second because time once gone we can not regain it . It is the most precious thing that a
person can have. With time everything is possible it just that you should have a dedication towards utilizing
it . Also many successful people know how to mange their time and that is the reason they are successful .´
You can earn money by using time but you can not earn time by using money ´
Since we all know the story of rabbits and tortoise . This story is perfect for the idiom. But if you do not
know anything about the story let me narrate it :
Once there was a tortoise who was slow in running he was always criticized by other for his slow pace but
instead there was a rabbit in their community who used to run fast everyone praised him for his speed so to
show his skills and to humiliate tortoise the rabbit challenge him for race . The tortoise accepted the
challenge because he never wanted any more humiliation . The race was schedule after two days to win the
race the rabbit practiced hard . He started celebrating race he had never thoughts of winning the race . Yet
he was eager to give his best so race started on the third day of challenge . Everyone knew that rabbit would
win . Therefore rabbit was over confident of himself the rabbit ate a lot before the race thinking if he would
even walk then also he will win the race but the tortoise had determination to give his best . After some
time race started . The tortoise was very slow but he kept on moving on other hand rabbit was running at
very fast pace. Therefore he was able to reach half of distance of race within a few minutes . After reaching
that distance he thought that he should take rest so he lied down under a shady tree to take little bit rest
while he was sleeping the tortoise constantly move with time neither did he stopped nor did he take any rest
. Thus he was able to cross the rabbit while he was sleeping when he was finish the line the rabbit woke up
he rushed towards the finish line but it was too late. While the tortoise was celebrating the victory . After
reading the story you must be sure that ´ Time and Tide waits for none ´ Because tortoise worked hard
and utilize the time so he was able to succussed in the race . Our life like that to achieve success . we must
work hard with time . We should always utilize our time in the best manner only then we will be able to
achieve success in life
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