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Summative #1: Company Letter (essay) Rubric

Criterion B (Organizing) & C (Producing Text)

Students will research a company of their choice that either honors or
violates the rights of a child to be free, safe, healthy, educated, and free
from all forms of child labor.
Students will write a business letter (essay) thanking, challenging,
and/or inquiring about this company about their labor practices.

Grading Criteria: (full rubric in Google Classroom)

B: Organizing
i. Makes sophisticated use of organizational structures that serve the context and
intention effectively.
ii. Effectively organizes opinions and ideas in a coherent and logical manner
with ideas building on each other in a sophisticated way.
C: Producing Text
ii. Makes perceptive stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual
devices, demonstrating clear awareness of impact on an audience.
iii. Selects extensive relevant details and examples to develop ideas with

Reminders for your constructed response (letter) -

1. Should have all of the criteria which a multi-paragraph essay contains

(Introduction, body paragraphs, & conclusion) & should evaluate the public
messaging about Starbucks’s labor practices
2. Should be correctly formatted (written) as a business letter
3. Should have a formal style (formal language which is appropriate since
you’re writing a business letter)

Write your letter below:

David A. Pace, CEO
Jamba Juice
5620 Glenridge Dr
Atlanta, GA 303042

Dear Mr. Pace:

Sipping on my orange cranberry whip smoothie, with yogurt whip, and a decent
orange slice in East Hartford, Connecticut, I do wonder what Jamba Juice's
perspective on ethical labor practices is? Since I’m in my healthy girl eating era
trend, when I’m traveling through Bradley International Airport, I sometimes stop
at Jamba Juice to try their quenching smoothies. While Jamba Juice is doing a well
put together job to maintain its company labor practices, while reading different
online articles I came across some disturbing information that concerns me! In case
I didn’t introduce myself well, I’m a middle school student at Sunset Ridge Middle
School in the state of Connecticut, that acknowledges and sort of questions Jamba
Juices rules and regulations. So without further ado, let's dive into some
information about Jamba to address my judgements. Jamba Juice does have ethical
labor practices due to their acknowledgement of their nutrition, employee benefits,
but lack in educating their customers toward the amount of sugar in beverages.

In terms of nutritional beverages and foods, Jamba Juice has a positive attitude.
Jamba Juice’s intake on nutritional beverages and foods has a positive attitude due
to the different smoothie items on the menu not being equally being the same as
other nutritual options on the menu. Jamba Juice intake on nutritional beverages
and foods has a positive attitude due to the company wanting their customers to
have a variety of nutritional beverages and foods that fit into their own category.
According to the “Verywellfit” article it specifies, “Jamba Juice offers smoothies,
smoothie bowls, oatmeal, snacks-typically with more fiber and protein than Juice.
Some smoothies contain fruit and sherbert, so if you’re eating here often, choose
the option that emphasizes fruit and protein to create a more satisfying meal.”
Jamba Juice is a good company and with all due respect but they are not in
business just for a specific type of healthy nor for one specific diet need. For
instance, there are some types of smoothies that have more protein or fiber than
others available on the menu, this shows that Jamba Juice has a positive
perspective to their nutritional beverages and foods because they want their
customers to have the option to choose between a variety of smoothies that meet
their needs, so that every customer is satisfied, which I love as being a regular
customer myself. From the same source of “ Verywellfit” it explains, “ A treat from
Jamba Juice can be part of a healthy diet as long as you enjoy it in moderation,
choose the healthiest ingredients available, and keep your portion sizes small.
Depending on your dietary needs and goals, you’ll want to be aware of nutrition
facts for the drinks or meals you order.” Jamba Juice is willing to prepare or
advertise any healthy conceptional smoothie or food to meet their customers needs,
but they make it their duty to educate/persuade their customers to eat or drink in
moderation to avoid healthy relating risks, which is something I admire because
some companies lack in that area. Jamba Juice has a positive attitude toward
nutritional beverages and foods because they do everything they are capable of to
make sure that their customers know the risk of getting a drink or food, and advise
them to consume their food or beverage in moderation, to meet their need of a
healthy diet. All in all, Jamba Juice has a positive attitude towards nutritional
beverages and foods due to the fact of ensuring that their customers know the risk
of their consumption, and advise ways of moderation to meet their dietary needs.

To ensure that Jamba Juice employees receive what they deserve, Jamba offers
favorable benefits. Jamba Juice’s perspective on giving their employees the best
benefits is important to their organization to ensure that their employees work in an
attractive environment to attract customers to benefit from staying in business.
Jamba Juice’s benefits to employees include health insurance, flexible schedule,
paid time off, employee discount, retirement plans, and shift meals. According to
Jamba Juice’s website it states,“We offer a 401-k plan to all salaried team
members. Each salaried team member is eligible to participate in this plan at the
beginning of the quarter following 90 days of service.” Jamba Juice is willing to
provide their employees with a 401-k plan, even though some of their employees
are new to the company, to ensure that employees are set for the future, have
something to bend back on if something were to happen but all in all to enhance
their well-being and job content.This is something that I acknowledge because
some important jobs such as teaching, teachers don’t receive a 401-k plan, they do
their job from the heart because they’re passionate about what the to ensure that
students. According to “Verywellfit” it states, “ Yes, Jamba Juice can be an ideal
place for teenagers to work. They offer a fun and engaging work environment with
flexible hours and employee discounts. Jamba Juice can be a great option for those
seeking employment in the food and beverage industry.” Jamba Juice is willing to
get teens at a decent age of sixteen, which is when kids shows should start working
g to get them prepared for a career path in on trade they could extend their
knowledge in for future jobs, which is something that I fully support.The reason
behind this is because, to me as a teen myself, teens tend to get a better
understanding of jobs and trades being offered to teens at the right age group to do
during highschool might open up a new career path for teens. To sum up, Jamba
Juice employees receive favorable benefits to ensure that they are set for the future,
have something to lean back on if something were to happen but all in all to
enhance their well-being and job content and have a future career path.

Jamba Juice is lacking to educate their customers about their sugar filled
beverages. Even though Jamba Juice is a good company despite any accusation,
Jamba Juice does not go the extra mile to inform their customers about the sugar
intake their drinks contain, when placing an order to educate their customers.In the
Jamba Juice local shops they have the amount of fruit serving size and calories in
each drink but lack to announce the sugar each drink contains to keep their
customers sugar consumption in check. Based on an article from “Verywellfit” it
states “Even when a drink is made with mostly healthy ingredients, it doesn’t mean
it will be the right choice for your diet. Some Jamba Juice drinks have more than a
full day's recommended allowance of sugar-not a healthy choice if you have
diabetes.”Jamba Juice is lacking to provide their customers, even loyal ones with
information about their drinks that they are ordering, which may cause a change in
their customers health. Employees failed to do their part to ensure that their
customers' health is not at risk, they should at least inform their customers when
they place their orders about the sugar consumption, whichever drink has and if it
would affect them in any way possible. According to another source the
(healthline) stated “ Although these fruits are healthy fruit juices are concentrated
sources of sugar and calories. Additionally, unlike smoothies, juices don’t have
any pulp, so they don’t contain any of the beneficial fiber found in fruits or
vegetables.” This is disappointing because despite Jamba Juice having delicious
smoothies, they also lack nutritional benefits for the customers. This rule is an
issue because if more customers get to know about the background information
about the beverages, one thing leads to another that customers are lacking certain
nutrients, they may not want to go to Jamba Juice anymore. Which may cause
Jamba Juice to lose their customers and lose sales. To sum up, Jamba Juice is
lacking to educate their customers about their sugar filled beverages, which may
lead to something else because Jamba is lying to the customers and not providing
them with the knowledge they deserve to know about what’s entering their bodies.

In conclusion, Jamba Juice does have ethical labor practices due to their
acknowledgement of their nutrition, employee benefits, but lack in educating their
customers toward the amount of sugar in beverages. I have to say after learning
about Jamba Juices ethical practices, I’m impressed with their company but I’m
still questionable about the fact that this company lacks to inform their customers
about their sugar consumption in drinks and nutritional loss. Jamba Juice has a
positive attitude towards nutritional beverages and foods due to the fact of ensuring
that their customers know the risk of their consumption, and advise ways of
moderation to meet their dietary needs. Jamba Juice employees receive favorable
benefits to ensure that they are set for the future, have something to lean back on if
something were to happen but all in all to enhance their well-being and job content
and have a future career path. Jamba Juice employees receive favorable benefits to
ensure that they are set for the future, have something to lean back on if something
were to happen but all in all to enhance their well-being and job content and have a
future career path. Personally I want to thank Jamba Juice for ethically impacting
the community while trying to promote a healthier lifestyle. A recommendation
that I would suggest for Jamba Juice would be to do better at educating their
customers of the sugar intake in drinks, to prevent a decrease in customers!

Sincerely, Joii Sydney

Joii Seffarha Sydney

Joii S. Sydney
Grade 8 Language Arts Teacher
Ms.Courtemanche, Ms. Girrard
Sunset Ridge Middle School

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