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Course: DSGN6883007 Visual Communication Design III
Method of Assessment: Project
Semester/Academic Year : Odd /2022 - 2023

Name of Lecturer : ………………………

Date : ………………………
Class : ………………………
Topic : ………………………

Student Name : _________________________________

Student ID : _________________________________

Student Outcomes:
SO 4 - Able to communicate DKV prototype alternative solutions independently or groups in verbal form, graphical, written, and
communicative models with analog or digital techniques by selected appropriate communication rules.

Learning Objectives:
LObj 4.1 - Able to design DKV prototype alternative solution with analog and digital techniques considering aesthetic and communication
LObj 4.2 - Able to communicate DKV prototype alternative solutions independently or groups in communicative models with analog or digital
techniques by selected appropriate communication rules.

(Score x
No Assessment criteria Weight Excellent (85 - 100) Good (75-84) Average (65-74) Poor (0 - 64) Score
1.1. Ability to
redesign a visual
Able to translate Able to translate Poorly and unable
identity of Able to translate
keywords and keywords and to translate
company/institution/ keywords and
1 50% concepts into an concepts into an keywords and
entity that has concepts into a
attractive and unique attractive visual concepts into a
innovative and visual identity fairly.
visual identity. identity. visual identity.
unique concepts.

Able to create a Able to create a fair

Able to create a Poorly or unable to
visual identity visual identity
1.2. Ability to design visual identity system create a visual
system that can be system that can be
a visual identity that can be applied to identity system that
2 30% applied to some applied to some
system in a stationery all stationery media couldn’t be applied
stationery media in a stationery media in a
design. in a creative, strong to stationery media.
creative, strong and creative, strong and
and unique way
unique way unique way
1.3 Ability to display Poorly or unable to
Ability to display an Ability to display a Ability to display a
a neat, clean and display
excellent good craftsmanship fair craftsmanship of
professional craftsmanship of
3 20% craftsmanship of final of final artwork final artwork
execution of final final artwork
artwork presentation presentation presentation fairly.
artwork (final presentation
Total Score: ∑(Score x Weight)



Designing a set of stationery designs that show a strong and unique company visual identity system even though it is applied to different media and
formats such as letterheads, envelopes and business cards.

Note for Lecturers:

The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn to design a visual identity system that they have designed, so that identity consistency can be
maintained, can be applied well to company items and is easily remembered by the target audience.
This project is collected before the final exam week through Binus Maya according to the lecturer's instructions.

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