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Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Task 1: ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 12.1.1 .................................................................................................................................................. 3 12.1.2 .................................................................................................................................................. 3 12.1.3 .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Task 2: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 12.2.1 .................................................................................................................................................. 4 12.3.2 .................................................................................................................................................. 4 12.2.2 .................................................................................................................................................. 4 12.2.3 .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Task 3: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 12.3.1 and 12.3.3 ................................................................................................................................ 4 12.4.1 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 12.4.2 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 12.4.3 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Task 4: ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 12.5.1 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 12.5.2 and 12.5.3 ................................................................................................................................ 5 12.5.4 .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Task 5: ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 12.6.1 .................................................................................................................................................. 6 12.6.2 .................................................................................................................................................. 6 12.6.3 .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................ 7

In year 1869 Sainsbury started its operations. (Pederson, 2008)And success stories of this organization has been seen by the world many times and it is example for the business of today. Under the worlds best leadership and management of Sainsburys Justin King (CEO), it has been declare3d the 3rd best super store of the UK market. Sainsbury is the one of the nest HR practicing organization that is rewarding the human resource and staff for their effort to get success and increase the profitability for the company. It also give a chance to develop themselves their abilities.

Task 1:
Every organization of today has to know about the strengths, weakness opportunities and threats that are engaged with the operations and daily routine cycles of the business. 450% was the noted profit that was occurred in year 2007 and right after the subtraction of taxes. Justin King CEO is an energetic, unpredictable and very effective dynamic leader that is continuously adding strengths in Sainsbury. Grand opportunity for Sainsbury was to introduce the online business that enhanced the operations of the business. That has increased the worth of more than 40 million pounds in the worth of Sainsbury. On of the threat faced by the Sainsbury are the corporate social responsibilities as these are the duties and obligations to pay more than you get. And similarly like other markets of international world, Sainsbury is obligated to follow the international rules and regulations in related to social responsibilities, laws of taxations, issues of the employment as well as with the goods and services offered by the organization. (James A. McAlexander, 1999)

Organization must know exactly about the importance of the stakeholders of the organization and must know what the expectation of them from the Sainsbury is? Customers want best quality at cheapest price, suppliers need regular orders at best price and want to develop a relationship with you. Banks and financial organization are interlinked with you to develop their statements want to have some good monetary relationships with the organization (Andrew I. L. Payne, 2008)

Sainsbury has to deal with the promise towards social responsibilities and duties. Now days people around the globe are becoming more aware about the global warming and to protect the environment. All of these factors must be addressed and these must be improved by the quality of the products and saving the environment of the world. As far as demand of the world has been increased, companies have to fulfill the demands of the customers with extra value addition in offers. So these are the challenges that Sainsbury must have to deal with and have to overcome.

Task 2:
With the planning of expansion of the business around the globe, plans of the Sainsbury are to give employment opportunity to more than 20,000 people in the next three years. Furthermore plans of the organization id to deal with the market and have to maintain the environment of the world clean with seriously undertaking the corporate social responsibilities. These are the responsibilities that all firms and organizations like Sainsbury have to address at priority bases..

There are always many factors that effects organization externally. New upcoming growth in the technology and more enhanced online market has been developed to attract the customers towards number of products and substitutes. And as the trend of single parent family is increasing in UK in EU, there must be flexibility in the working hours of the staff as well as part time workers should also be promoted. These are the few activities that can fulfill corporate social responsibility and it helps in getting dynamic effective workforce for the organization.

Tesco is being the first one in UK market leaving behind the Sainsbury on the third. So there might be two factors behind this. Sainsbury has nii strategy to increase the sales out side thw world. And online market of Sainsbury is not well established as competitors have. So Sainsbury is not having this edge where TESCO is having this competitive edge over the Sainsbury.

Sainsbury is not having effective or we can say aggressive strategies to expand its business operation around the world while others are trying to build more and more relationships with external world and has been part of the international market. So Sainsbury must make a call for the expansion of the business with more effective strategies of business and marketing.

Task 3:
12.3.1 and 12.3.3
Price strategies are the strategies in the market that plays a lead role in giving more difficulties to the competitors and in development of the customer relations. If Sainsbury is really want to get a good position in the market over the competitors, it has to offer a price less the offers of the competitors so that they might be attracted. It doesnt mean to reduce the quality but quality of the product also has to maintain. And if the price of the product is lower than the market competitors, it keeps the margins lower, so in such a case sales must be enhanced with more and more targeting the customers.

With a low price and high quality offering Sainsbury can make stakeholder groups including customers, suppliers, retailers, bank and government more satisfied and it can generate more interests of them in the business and in its operations. (Geoffrey Randall, 2011)

If Sainsbury offers the products at lower price authorities will like the organization with this strategy Sainsbury can target all class of the people in UK market. With this strategy of lower profit margins low rate of taxes will be on the Sainsbury. And when all of the forces will be towards quality of the product at lower price customers of the Sainsbury will be more satisfied and will develop loyal relationships with Sainsbury.

There are many factors but major question that Sainsbury will have to face is with the implementation of the low cost strategy and quality increasing what is the cost bears by the organization. So there are many facts that must be addressed to implement this plan. Sainsbury must have considering all the factors in every level of the operations.

Task 4:
Stakeholder groups affects the strategic plans of the organizations as well as they effect the organization internally and externally. The task environment, mega environment and technology all affect the firm. These influences and feedback from the customers helps the organization to understand more about the operations and tells what to do and how to perform operations.

12.5.2 and 12.5.3

Mission Statement of the Sainsbury is To provide the best quality of our products at affordable prices While the Vision Statement of the Sainsbury is To make Sainsbury a dynamic market leader in upcoming years by implementing latest technology and quality standards in the organization.

Main objectives of the Sainsbury are to understand the market and its customer latest trends of the market and accordingly response the market. For the CEO of the Sainsbury customers are the most valued assets and to satisfy the customers by giving them importance. He says that organizations are only developed and well progress is seen in them when customers are given importance and they are provided the offers and product as per their requirement needs and wants.

Task 5:
By kepping the cost lower as much as it can, increasing the market online and targeting online segment, Sainsbury has to make very hard decision with new technology introduction. With effective promotional campaigns and effective relationship building it can expand the market in the international market. With effective international growth, Sainsbury can gain the competitive edge over the competitors like TESCO and ASDA; these organizations can be having tough time from Sainsbury if it targets the online market.

Most effective way to promote the product is the newspaper as many people like to read the newspapers, TV and electronic media advertising are the most effective mediums of communicating the message to the end consumers and this also include the online internet advertising and selling. Advertising on the social networking web sites is also a better option as most of the young community is attached with these webs. While other messenger companies that provides e-mail facilities are better options to advertise the products.

To increase the quality of the product, new innovation in the product, innovation in the process in needed. Furthermore new online advertizing and online selling should be made to increase the sales and revenue of the business and by these means organization can be developed more and more to expand its operation internationally.

(2008). In J. C. Andrew I. L. Payne, Advances in fisheries science: 50 years on from Beverton and Holt (p. 124). (2011). In A. S. Geoffrey Randall, The Grocers: The Rise and Rise of Supermarket Chains (p. 51). (1999). In E. H. James A. McAlexander, J Sainsbury Plc and the Home Depot: Retailers' Impact on Sustainability (pp. 8-2). (2008). In J. P. Pederson, International Directory of Company Histories (p. Volume 95).

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