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I. Define
(a)Electrolysis (b)Cathode (c)Anode (d)Electrolyte (e)Electroplating
(f)Electrorefining (g)Ampere

II. Differentiate between

(a)Conductors and Semi- conductors
(b)Cathode and anode
(c)Open and closed circuit
(d)Electrolyte and non electrolyte
(e)Electrolytic cell and electrochemical cell
(f)Electroplating and electrorefining

III.Multiple Choice questions

1.Which of the following statements is correct?

A)Distilled water is a good conductor of electricity.
B) An LED glows even when a weak electric current flows through it.
C) Only hydrated salt solutions conduct electricity.
D) Zinc plating is done to make the object scratch proof.
2.Rajan wants to deposit a layer of silver metal on a steel spoon then match the
following according to the above statement.
Column A Column B
(i) Silver [A] Cathode
(ii) Steel [B] Electroplating
(iii) Silver [C] Anode
(iv) Process [D] Electrolyte
A) (i-C), (ii-D), (iii-B), (iv-A)
B) (i-C), (ii-A), (iii-D), (iv-B)
C) (i-A), (ii-C), (m-D), (iv-B)
D) (i-A), (ii-B), (iii-C), (iv-D)

3.There are two different solutions in set up P and Q as shown in figure. The
bulb in the set up P glows more brightly as compared to that of the set up Q.
What are the possible causes for this?

(i) The connections of the circuit Q may be loose.

(ii) The liquid in Q may have small conductivity.
(iii) Liquid in P is equivalent to a battery while liquid in Q is equivalent to a cell of the
battery of liquid P.
A) Only (i) and (ii)
B) Only (ii) and (iii)
C) Only (i)
D) Only (ii)

IV. Give reason for the following

(a) A is a metal which is liquid at room temperature and is used in

thermometers. Can we use A as an electrolyte.
(b) Sonali set up an experiment using liquid A in the beaker as shown in figure
14.4 below She observed that the bulb glows. Then she replaced the liquid A
by another liquid B. This time the bulb did not glow. Rahul suggested
replacing the bulb by an LED. They observed that the LED glows. Explain

(c) Observe Figure 14.5

Which of these two circuits A or B shows the correct observation and why?
(d) Is it safe for the electrician to carry out electrical repairs outdoors during
heavy downpour?
(e) A is a metal which is plated on handle bars of cycles and rim of wheels.
Identify A and give reason for plating.
(f) An LED is more efficient device than a bulb.
(g) Does distilled water conduct electricity? What will happen if we add sugar
to it and then salt to it? Explain.
(h) Rishi staying in a coastal region tests the drinking water and also the
seawater with his tester .In which case the compass needle will show more
deflection. Why?
(i) During electrolysis ,why it is important to have the electrodes dipped in the
V. Answer the following
(a) Current does not flow in a circuit if there is a gap between the two wires. Does
it indicate that air is a poor conductor of electricity? Does air never conduct
electricity? Explain.
(b) Yakub made a circuit as shown in the figure. He observed that the bulb did not
glow but on bringing a compass needle near it shows deflection.
He was quite confused that if current is flowing through the circuit then why the
bulb is not glowing. Meanwhile his friend Sourav arrived and suggested him to add
one more cell in the circuit. The bulb, then started glowing.

(i) Define a circuit.

(ii) What does the deflection of a compass needle shows?
(iii) Why the bulb did not glow in the first case but glow in the second case?

(c)In the circuit given as Fig. 14.7, Arnav observed that copper is deposited on the
electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery. Aadhya tried to repeat
the same experiment. But she could find only one copper plate. Therefore she took
a carbon rod as negative electrode. Will copper be still deposited on the carbon
rod? Explain your answer.
(d) Observing that the bulb does not glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 14.11 A,
Priya changed the circuit as shown in Fig 14.11 B. She observed deflection in the
magnetic compass

(i) What does the deflection in magnetic compass indicate?

(ii) Why did the bulb not glow in Fig.14.11 A?
(iii) What would be the effect of increase in the number of turns in the coil wound
around the magnetic compass in Fig. 14.11B?

(e)While demonstrating an experiment to show whether the given liquid conduct

electricity or not to class VIII students, teacher reminded everybody that one
should not conduct experiment with the electric supply from the mains or a
generator or an inverter. They should use electric cells for the activity.
(i) Do liquids conduct electricity?
(ii) Why we should not use electric source from mains generator or an inverter?

(f)Describe the process of electroplating with the help of a diagram.

(g)Explain the electrolysis of acidulated water with the help of a labeled diagram.
What is the benefit of using LED instead of a bulb ?
(h)Connect the three bulbs A, B and C for the two switches given below and make
a complete circuit.
(i)Redraw the above circuit by adding one more bulb D in such a way that Bulb
‘A’ and ‘D’ should be operated using only one switch and Bulb ‘B’ and ‘C’ for
the other switch.
(j)P is process by which the components of water are broken down into its
respective ions on passing electric current through it. Q and R are the gases
produced at cathode and anode in the ratio 2:1.identify P,Q and R
(k)A steady current of 1.75A flows through a conducting material. How many
electrons flow through it in 3s?
(l) How many electrons constitute 16C of charge?
(m)Find the amount of current flowing if 40 C charge flows for 3min.
(n) Calculate the amount of charge flowing in a battery if a) 30 A b) 5µA c)
19mA current flows for 3min.
(o)A beaker contain an acidified copper sulphate solution . A copper plate and a
carbon road are kept in this copper sulphate solution. The copper plate is connected
to the positive terminal of the battery where as the carbon rod is connected to the
negative terminal of the battery. What will you observe when an electric current is
passed through this setup for a considerable time.


(a)Synthetic fibres (b)Polymer (c)Polymerisation (d)Monomer (e)Plastic (f)Biodegredable

(g)Non-biodegredable (h)Thermoplastics (i)Thermosetting plastics

II.Give reasons

(a)Rana wants to buy shirts for summer. Should he buy cotton shirts or shirts made from synthetic

(b)Should the handle and bristles of a tooth brush be made of the same material.

(c)Plastic containers are favoured for storing food.

(d)Even though wires inside electric plug melt, the plug do not melt.

(e)Rayon is a synthetic fibre but smells like burning paper

(f)Why thermoplastics become soft on heating but thermosetting plastics do not become soft on
heating. Draw labelled diagram to illustrate.

(g)Disposal of plastic waste is a major problem.

III.Multiple Choice questions

1.A brief information about three different plastics is given below :

X : Thermoplastic which can be rolled into sheets

Y : Thermoplastic which is used as a covering for electric wires.
Z : Thermosetting which is used for making plugs and switches. Identify X, Y and Z,
Melamine Teflon Bakelite

Bakelite Malamine Polythene
Polythene Polyvinyl chloride Bakelite
Polyvinyl chloride Polythene Melamine

2.Match column I with column II and select the correct answer from the codes given below.

Column I Column II
P. A synthetic fibre also called as artificial silk (i) Spandex
Q. A synthetic fibre also known as lycra (ii) Acrylic
R. A synthetic fibre that closely resembles wool (iii) Rayon
S. The first true synthetic fibre (iv) Nylon
A) P - (iv), Q - (ii), R - (iii), S - (i)

B) P - (iii), Q - (i), R - (ii), S - (iv)

C) P - (ii), Q - (iii), R - (i), S - (iv)

D) P - (iii), Q - (ii), R - (iv), S - (i)

3.Read the following statements carefully.

P. I am extensively used in the healthcare industry but my one disadvantage is that I am non-biodegradable.
Q. I am very familiar form of polyester and used for making bottles, utensils, films, wires, etc.
R. I am artificial silk and mixed with wool to make carpets. P, Q and R are respectively

A) PET, Rayon and Plastic

B) Rayon, Plastic and PET

C) Plastic, Rayon and PET

D) Plastic, PET and Rayon.

IV.Which plastic is used for

(a)making uniforms of fire-men fire resistant

(b)non-stick coating on frying pans

(c)making insulation of electric wires

(d)making electric switches

(e)making flexible water bottles

(f)handles of frying pan

V.Answer the following

1. ‘X’ is a polymer,which burns slowly,forms a bead.The synthetic fibre contains the organic
groups similar to those which give fruits their ‘sweet smell’.
a) Identify the polymer ‘X’.

b) What is its Monomer?

c) What are its uses?
2. ‘Y’ is a fibre which has maximum tensile strength.
a) What is ‘Y’ ?
b) What is its source?
c) What are the other properties of it?
d) Write any two uses of it.
3. Write the full forms of a) PET b) PVC c) PTFE
4. Identify the following and write the names of their polymers and mention two uses of them:
a) b) c) d)

5. Why it is advised not to wear nylon saree while working in kitchen?

6. If we make electric switches with thermoplastics .What would happen?
7. Why rayon is also called regenerated fibre?
8.Observe the picture carefully and answer the following


(a)Identify the monomers of X and Y.

(b)Name the polymer of X and Y.
(c)Write the other uses of polymer X and Y
9. Plastic is a synthetic material which catches fire easily but the fire proof uniforms of firemen
are made of melamine which is a form of plastic. Justify the statement.

10.The synthethic fibre A is chemically a polyamide whereas the synthetic fibre B contains a
large number of ester groups.Another synthetic fibre C is made of a polymer D which consists of
a large number of glucose units one after the other.
(a)Identify the polymer A,B,C and D
(b)Which fibre is prepared from a natural raw material?
(c)Which fibre contains the same type of groups as those in a PET jar?
11. Why recycled plastics should not be used for storage of food?
12. Observe the picture given and answer the following

(a)Identify what kind of plastic is P and Q.
(b)Write the differences between P and Q
(c)Write other examples of these two types of plastics.
(d) With the help of diagram explain the kind of linkage in P and Q
13. What is 4R principle? How does it help in reducing the pollution?
14. A lady went to the market to buy a blanket. The shopkeeper suggested her to buy acrylic
blankets rather than woolen blankets. What can be the suggestions given by shopkeeper?

15. What are blended fibres? What are its advantages?

16. Tina was arguing with her friend that plastics are used in spaceship and air craft. Do you
think she is right? Justify?

17. Fill in the Gaps:

Non –stick pan ,lens coating, lubricants for
brakes of vehicles
Bottles,food containers

Burns slowly ,fabric shrinks from flame,form a bead

Burns with a smell of burning paper.

(a)Pollution (b)Pollutants (c)Air pollution (d)Water pollution (e)SPM
(f)Acid rain (g)Global warming (h)Eutrophication (i)Bioconcentration
(j)Greenhouse effect
(k)Potable water
II.Multiple choice questions

1.Which one of the following statements is correct?

Statement 1: Sulphur dioxide gas in the polluted air causes respiratory

Statement 2: Sulphur dioxide gas in the polluted air produces acid rain.

A) Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect.

B) Statement 2 is correct and statement 1 is incorrect.
C) Both the statements 1 and 2 are correct.
D) Both the statements 1 and 2 are incorrect.

2.Consider the following statements and select the option which correctly
identifies true (T) and false (F) ones.
(i) Scrubbers are used to remove suspended particulate matter from

(ii) Excess carbon monoxide present in the atmosphere traps a lot of heat
and leads to warming of Earth's surface.

(iii) The suspended particulate matter present in the air is known as


(iv) Kyoto protocol was signed to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)


3.How are lead particles released into the air?

A) By burning coal in thermal power stations
B) By burning petrol in automobiles
C) By burning biomass for domestic purpose
D) By burning LPG for cooking

a) It is advised that industries should switch over to cleaner fuels such as CNG
and LPG in the Taj Mahal Zone in Agra?
b) Hot water released by power plants and industries is considered a pollutant.
b) CO2 mainly contributes to Global warming.
c) Increased level of nutrients in water affect the survival of aquatic organisms.
d) The level of air pollution is higher at a busy traffic intersection.
e) Global warming and green house effects are considered to be serious issues.
f) River water is not suitable for drinking although it looks very clean.
g) Sewage water should be treated carefully.
h) Usage of pesticides and weedicides is not suggested.
i) An oil spill is a major problem for aquatic life.
j) Even clear, transparent and odourless water may not always be safe for

IV.Answer the following

(a)The farmers use large amounts of a substance P in the fields to increase the
crop yield. The excess of P dissolves in water and runs into a lake. The
substance P causes rapid growth of tiny green water plants Q in the lake which
cover the whole lake like a green sheet. When the plants Q die, the organisms
called R decompose them by utilizing S dissolved in lake water. The amount of
dissolved S in water decreases too much due to which the fish living in lake
suffocate and die. Identify P,Q,R and S.
(b)What is Ganga Action Plan?When and why was it launched?
(c)Name one source and one harmful effects of each of the following air
(i) Sulhur dioxide (ii) Nitrogen oxides (iii)Carbon monoxide (iv)CFCs
(d) What is smog? How is smog formed?What are its harmful effects?
(e) What is potable water? Name any two methods to make water safe for
(f) State two ways in which you can conserve water at home by preventing its
(g)State one way in which the air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels
in transport and industry can kill the fish living in a lake and one way in which
the water pollution caused by an agricultural activity can kill fish in the same
(h)The incomplete combustion of firewood in homes produces a very poisonous
gas X.When inhaled,gas X combines with the substance Y present in blood and
reduces the capacity of blood to carry gas Z causing respiratory problems and
suffocation.What are X,Yand Z?
(i) What do you mean by Van Mahotsav? When is it celebrated?
(j) What do you mean by marble cancer? How can it be prevented?
(k) A teacher was discussing about of rise of temperatures and melting of
glaciers. Can you guess what topic she is discussing about? And what can be
other effects?

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