Lean Operation

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Introduction: Lean operation is a framework that focuses on maximizing customer value

while minimizing waste in the organization's operations. Walmart is one of the largest
retailers globally, and it has embraced the lean operation approach to improve its
operations continually. In this essay, I will explain the lean operation framework as it
applies to Walmart, identify the constraints, opportunities, and threats facing the
company's operations, and provide relevant citations and references to support my

Explanation of Lean Operations: The lean operation approach is based on the principles
of lean manufacturing, which originated from the Toyota Production System (TPS). The
primary goal of lean operations is to eliminate waste and increase efficiency in all
aspects of the organization's operations. The framework is based on five key principles:
value, value stream, flow, pull, and perfection. In the context of Walmart, the application
of the lean operation framework focuses on increasing the value of the products and
services offered to customers while reducing waste and increasing efficiency in the
organization's operations.

Constraints: Walmart faces several constraints in its operations that affect its ability to
implement the lean operation approach. One of the significant constraints is the
company's size and scale. Walmart operates more than 11,000 stores globally and
employs over 2.2 million people. Managing such a large and complex operation poses
significant challenges, especially in implementing lean operations, which requires a high
degree of coordination and collaboration across the entire organization.

Another constraint facing Walmart is the highly competitive retail industry. The
company faces intense competition from other retailers, including Amazon, Target, and
Costco. This competition puts pressure on Walmart to reduce prices, which can
sometimes lead to a compromise on quality, affecting the implementation of lean

Opportunities: Despite the constraints facing Walmart, there are several opportunities
for the company to implement the lean operation approach successfully. One of the
significant opportunities is the increasing use of technology in the retail industry.
Walmart has invested heavily in technology, including the use of data analytics,
automation, and artificial intelligence, to improve its operations continually. The
application of technology can help Walmart to streamline its operations and reduce
waste, which is a fundamental principle of lean operations.

Another opportunity for Walmart is the increasing focus on sustainability and social
responsibility. Walmart has set ambitious sustainability goals, including becoming a
zero-emission company by 2040. Implementing lean operations can help Walmart to
achieve these sustainability goals by reducing waste and increasing efficiency in its

Threats: Walmart also faces several threats that can affect its ability to implement the
lean operation approach. One of the significant threats is the increasing demand for e-
commerce and online shopping. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift
towards online shopping, which can make it challenging to implement lean operations,
which requires a physical presence.

Another threat facing Walmart is the increasing demand for personalized and
customized products and services. Implementing lean operations can sometimes limit
the ability to offer personalized products and services, which can put Walmart at a
disadvantage compared to other retailers that can offer personalized products and

Conclusion: In conclusion, Walmart has embraced the lean operation framework to

improve its operations continually. The company faces several constraints, opportunities,
and threats that can affect its ability to implement the lean operation approach
successfully. However, by investing in technology and sustainability, Walmart can
overcome these constraints and take advantage of the opportunities presented by the
lean operation framework.


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