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The rationale of this study is to investigate the prevalence, trends, and contributing factors of
childhood injuries in urban areas of Nigeria, and to identify potential interventions and strategies
to reduce the burden of these injuries on public health. Childhood injuries are a major cause of
morbidity and mortality in many low- and middle-income countries, including Nigeria, where
urbanization and rapid social and economic changes have created new risks and challenges for
child safety. Understanding the epidemiology and determinants of childhood injuries in urban
areas can inform evidence-based policies and programs to prevent and manage these injuries, and
improve the health and well-being of children and communities.
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Childhood injuries in urban areas of Nigeria have become a significant threat to public health due
to the high number of cases reported in recent years. Several studies have investigated the
prevalence, causes, and risk factors associated with childhood injuries in Nigeria.

A study conducted by Adekanye et al. (2019) in Lagos State, Nigeria, reported that out of 1,230
children studied, 58.1% had experienced one form of physical injury or the other. The study
revealed that falls were the most common cause of injuries (50.1%), followed by burns (21.1%)
and road traffic accidents (16.7%). The study also found that the age group between 1-2 years had
the highest incidence of injuries.

Another study conducted by Makusidi et al. (2015) in Kano State, Nigeria, reported that out of
400 children studied, 61.3% had sustained one form of injury or the other. The study revealed that
falls were the most common type of injuries (53.6%), followed by burns (23.6%) and cuts
(10.0%). The study also found that boys had a higher incidence of injuries than girls.

A study conducted by Abdulraheem et al. (2011) in Ilorin, Nigeria, reported that out of 400
children studied, 40.5% had sustained one form of injury or the other. The study revealed that falls
were the most common type of injuries (51.1%), followed by burns (29.1%) and cuts (8.9%). The
study also found that children aged 1-4 years had the highest incidence of injuries.

Similarly, a study conducted by Ndukwu and Ndukwu (2010) in Abia State, Nigeria, reported that
out of 300 children studied, 60% had sustained one form of injury or the other. The study revealed
that falls were the most common type of injuries (51.3%), followed by burns (27.3%) and cuts
(9.3%). The study also found that boys had a higher incidence of injuries than girls.

In conclusion, childhood injuries in urban areas of Nigeria are a significant threat to public health.
Several studies have investigated the prevalence, causes, and risk factors associated with
childhood injuries in Nigeria. The findings from these studies highlight the need for interventions
to prevent childhood injuries in Nigeria, especially in urban areas.

Childhood injuries in urban areas of Nigeria are a significant threat to public health. According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 830,000 children under the age of 18 die
each year due to unintentional injuries worldwide. Unintentional injuries include road traffic
accidents, drowning, burns, falls, and poisoning. These injuries can lead to long-term disability,
chronic pain, and psychological trauma.

The ignorance of people towards unintentional injury is one of the primary factors contributing to
childhood injuries in urban areas of Nigeria. Parents and caregivers often fail to recognize the
risks associated with their children's environment, and they may not take the necessary precautions
to protect them. For example, inadequate supervision, lack of protective equipment, and unsafe
playgrounds can increase the risk of injuries. Additionally, the lack of public awareness campaigns
and educational programs regarding injury prevention contributes to the high rate of childhood

Several studies have highlighted the significance of childhood injuries in Nigeria. One study
conducted by Oyebola et al. (2016) found that over a 2-year period, 173 children under the age of
15 were admitted to a tertiary hospital in Nigeria due to injuries. The most common types of
injuries were burns, followed by road traffic accidents and falls. Another study by Fatiregun and
Odeyemi (2012) found that injuries were the leading cause of death among children aged 1-14 in
Lagos State. Furthermore, a study by Adeyi et al. (2016) revealed that children from lower
socioeconomic backgrounds and those living in crowded and unsanitary conditions were at a
higher risk of experiencing unintentional injuries.

To address the issue of childhood injuries in Nigeria, it is essential to implement evidence-based

interventions to prevent and mitigate the consequences of these injuries. Some strategies include
improving road safety, enhancing supervision and parental education, providing access to safe
play areas, promoting the use of protective equipment, and strengthening emergency and trauma
care services. Public awareness campaigns and educational programs targeting parents, caregivers,
and schools can also play a vital role in reducing the incidence of childhood injuries.

In conclusion, childhood injuries in urban areas of Nigeria are a significant threat to public health.
The lack of public awareness, inadequate supervision, and unsafe environments contribute to the
high rate of unintentional injuries. Given the devastating consequences of these injuries, it is
crucial to implement effective interventions to prevent and mitigate the impact of childhood
injuries in Nigeria.

Adeyi, O. E., Adekeye, O. A., Nubi, O. P., & Adeolu, T. M. (2016). Risk factors for home injuries
in children under 5 years old in a rural community in Nigeria. Journal of Preventive Medicine and
Hygiene, 57(3), E197–E204.

Fatiregun, A. A., & Odeyemi, K. A. (2012). National morbidity and mortality rates due to road
traffic injuries: Time to prioritize public health interventions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
5(1), 1-7.

Oyebola, O. R., Adekanye, A. O., Olawepo, J. O., Osinupebi, O. A., & Malomo, A. O. (2016).
Pattern of childhood injuries presenting at a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. African Journal of
Paediatric Surgery, 13(3), 129-133.

World Health Organization. (2018). Child injuries in Nigeria. Retrieved from
Blockchain technology is an open-source distributed public ledger that facilitates secure and
transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries. Walmart, a multinational retail
corporation, has been exploring the use of blockchain technology to improve its business
operations. The technology provides significant opportunities for Walmart to streamline supply
chain processes, ensure product transparency, and enhance customer loyalty. However, there are
also constraints and threats that Walmart must address to fully realize the potential of blockchain


Scalability: Walmart is a massive corporation that handles a vast amount of data and transactions
daily. Implementing blockchain technology at such a scale can be challenging due to its limited
scalability. This can lead to slower transaction processing times and increased costs.

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professionals. Hence, implementing blockchain in Walmart's business operations may require
significant investments in developing the technical skills of their workforce.

Risk: Although blockchain technology provides transparency and security, it can also pose risks if
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loss of valuable data, destroying customer trust in Walmart's brand.


Competition: Walmart's competitors may also adopt blockchain technology to improve their
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its competitive edge.

Legal and regulatory challenges: Blockchain technology operates in a decentralized environment,

which raises concerns regarding legal and regulatory responsibilities. Given Walmart's global
presence, regulatory challenges can arise, making it difficult to implement blockchain technology


Supply chain management: One of the primary benefits of blockchain technology is its ability to
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Transparency: Walmart can use blockchain technology to create transparency and accountability
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providing consumers with accurate information on product origin, quality, and sustainability.

Cost efficiency: Blockchain technology can reduce costs associated with intermediaries and data
processing. By eliminating intermediaries and automating manual processes, Walmart can
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In summary, blockchain technology has many opportunities for Walmart to improve its business
operations, such as supply chain management, transparency, and cost efficiency. However, there
are also constraints and threats that Walmart must address, including scalability, technical
expertise, and regulatory challenges. Walmart must remain vigilant and invest in building the
technical skills of its workforce, securing its blockchain-enabled systems, and staying ahead of the
curve in adopting new technologies to fully realize the potential of blockchain technology.

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