Constraints of Blockchain Technology

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.Blockchain technology is an innovative technology that has the potential to transform various
business models. Walmart, being one of the largest retailers in the world, can
leverage this technology to revolutionize its business operations. However, there
are various constraints, threats, and opportunities related to the incorporation of
blockchain technology in Walmart's business operations.

Constraints to Blockchain technology to Walmart's Business Operation:

One of the significant constraints of implementing Blockchain technology within Walmart's
business operation is the cost involved in the setup and maintenance of the
technology. Walmart is a company that operates on a large scale and has complex
supply chain operations. To implement Blockchain technology within the supply
chain, significant investments are required. Therefore, this technology may not
be financially viable for smaller suppliers or retailers.

Threats to Blockchain technology to Walmart's Business Operation:

The adoption of blockchain technology in the supply chain is still relatively new and untested,
making it vulnerable to threats such as hacking, technical glitches, and outages.
Blockchain technology relies on peer-to-peer networks and consensus
mechanisms that may be vulnerable to malicious attacks. Any potential security
issues with the technology could negatively impact Walmart's supply chain

Opportunities of Blockchain technology to Walmart's Business Operation:

Blockchain technology provides opportunities for Walmart to improve its supply chain
operations. Walmart's supply chain suffers from issues such as inventory
management, product tracking, and quality control. Implementing blockchain
technology into its supply chain operations can help Walmart achieve greater
transparency and traceability, by tracking and recording product movements in
real-time. Blockchain-based databases provide a single, tamper-proof record of
transactions that can be used to track inventory and verify product location,
reducing the risk of inaccuracies and theft.

Blockchain technology can also enhance Walmart's public image by demonstrating transparency
in its practices, including sourcing and supply chains. Walmart's customers and
shareholders are becoming increasingly concerned with corporate social
responsibility, and blockchain technology can help the company demonstrate that
it is acting ethically and with consideration for the environment, social impact,
and labour practices.


In conclusion, Blockchain technology can provide significant opportunities for Walmart to

strengthen its supply chain operations and demonstrate its commitment to
responsible business practices. However, as with any new technology, there are
constraints and threats that must be addressed before implementing the
technology fully. While these challenges can be daunting, Walmart has the
financial resources and technical expertise to overcome them and emerge as a
leader in the adoption of this transformative technology within the retail sector.


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J. Begos, “Blockchain Technology: An Overview,” Journal of Library Technology, vol. 37, no. 2,
pp. 1–15, Mar. 2017.

P. Rosenblatt and M. Neg, “The 5 pitfalls of implementing blockchain for supply chain,” Supply
Chain Dive, 22-May-2020. [Online]. Available:
blockchain-for-supply-chain/578103/. [Accessed: 11-Oct-2021].

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