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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Lesson Plan in ENGLISH IV

Quarter 3- Week 1
Date: February 15, 2023 (Wednesday)
I. Objective:
* Identify and use adjectives in sentences. N4G-IIIa-13
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Adjectives
References: Teacher’s Guide pages 218-219
Learner’s Materials pages 226-228
Materials: Power point, Chart, Real Objects

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Review
- Review on the story of Kabang.
B. Motivation:
 Give some words to describe Kabang.
C. Presentation:
 Read the following sentences.
1 Kabang is a true hero.
2. The two girls saved.
3. They looked frightened.
 What are the underlined words?
 What do they do in each sentence?
D. Discussion:
 Give words that describe the given pictures.
 Facilitate a simple guessing game. Describe a certain object in the classroom. Mention its color,
shape or kind. Make sure it is easily seen in the classroom.
 Discuss what is an adjective.
 Go back to the poem and point out all the adjectives used. Let them read it.
E. Fixing Skills:
 Pick out the adjective in each sentence. Write your answer on your paper.
 Which adjective best describes the picture? Write the answer in your notebook.
F. Generalization:
 What are adjectives?
G. Application:
 Unscramble the words to form a sentence. Write the sentence in your notebook.
IV. Evaluation:
 Identify the adjectives used in the sentences by encircling the letter of the correct answer.
1. The gigantic building looks scary.
a. gigantic b. building c. looks d. the
2. She looks pale.
a. she b. looks c. pale d. all of the above
3. Maria likes sweet ice cream.
a. Maria b. likes c. sweet d. ice cream
4. Linda joins the active club.
a. club b. active c. joins d. Linda
5. I cannot stand that dirty house.
a. cannot b. stand c. house d. dirty
V. Assignment:
Pick five adjectives from the dictionary and use it in a sentence.
VI. Reflection:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. ________________
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for Remediation. ________________
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ________
No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. _________
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation. _________

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