Speaking Sample Answer Q1 23

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118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q.

Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239


118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you like wearing jewellery?

I think it’s a common assumption that all girls like to accessorize themselves with sparkling
items, but I find it bothersome to wear them as they limit my everyday activities, which mostly
involve physical movement, so I just don’t enjoy putting on jewellery.

Have you ever bought jewellery as a gift?

On my mum’s 45th birthday, I gifted her a pair of earrings that were quite expensive, but I only
paid half of the price thanks to my dad’s help. Unlike me, my mom is particularly fond of
jewellery, as she sees some pieces as investments that will increase in value over time.

What type of jewellery would you like to buy?

I’m really into silver necklaces that have simple but cute pendants. I find that they go with all of
my everyday outfits, and they are not too flashy, which is a plus when I’m out and about.

What type of jewellery is most popular in your country?

I’m not sure about this as it varies according to personal preferences. From what I have seen,
many Vietnamese people seem to prefer buying gold necklaces or rings, as these items are
considered good investments and are often passed down to future generations as monetary

Do you have a lot of keys?

Well, I only have two keys, one for my motorbike and one for the front door, I put them together
on a keychain so I don’t forget them.

Do you always take your keys when you go out?

Yes, of course, those are my daily necessities. I always make sure to double-check that I have
my keys before leaving my house or else I will be locked up, you know, it’s better safe than

Have you ever lost a key?

Unfortunately, before learning to double-check everything, I lost my keys several times. Once, I
lost my motorbike key, I believe I must have dropped it while rummaging in my bag. Luckily, I

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

had a spare key that time. But, another time, I accidentally lost my home key and couldn’t get
inside because my parents were out, and I had to wait until nearly midnight.

Do you do anything to avoid losing your keys?

After learning my lessons, I bought a colourful keychain for my keys and always place them in
an easily visible spot so that I see and remember to grab them before going out.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you like art?

Yes, I like all aspects of art, from classical art to modern art. I just love how artists can convey
their ideas through their paintings or sculptures and evoke the emotions of the target audience.

Would you like to be an artist?

Personally speaking, I don’t possess a creative mind or the set of special techniques that most
artists have. That’s why I would rather choose to be an aesthete than become one who creates
wonderful masterpieces.

What artwork do you have on the walls of your home?

My parents are friends with a not-so-famous artist, and he usually gives them his artwork on
special occasions, which are mostly portraits of our family or pictures of the Vietnamese
countryside, all hand-painted. These artworks can be seen hanging on the walls all around my

Have you ever visited an art gallery?

As an art enthusiast, visiting art museums and galleries is therapeutic to me. Whenever I’m
overloaded with school assignments and exams, I usually go to the Fine Arts Museum here in
HCMC where I can immerse myself in various pieces of art that have distinct styles and
comfortably appreciate the beauty of creativity.

How often do you go to the library?

As a bookworm, I love the physical touch of paper books, so I often go to my university library.
However, the frequency of my visits still depends on my schedule - if I'm free that week, I might
only go once or twice, but during exam week, I make sure to go there every day without fail.

When was the last time you went to a library?

I visited the university library last week to do some last-minute research for an assignment that I
needed to submit to my professor. I was searching for a piece of information that was only
available in a particular book that was housed in the library.

Did you go to the library when you were a child?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

When I was 6 years old, I only had access to the library at my primary school as public libraries
were too far from my house, and my parents didn’t have time to take me there. Despite this, the
school library quickly became my favorite place to go because there were many entertaining
comic books that I didn't have at home, so I could read them there.

How popular are our libraries in your country?

As far as I know, public libraries are not very popular in Vietnam. We can just get our hands on
e-books and physical books pretty easily and cheaply. But if you're an undergraduate or a
researcher looking for some top-notch academic resources, then libraries can still be pretty

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Do you like chocolate?

Although I don’t have a sweet tooth, I love the bitter-sweet flavor of chocolate that is highly
concentrated with cocoa. It feels like riding a roller-coaster of flavors in my mouth every time I
savor it.

Did you like chocolate when you were a child?

Chocolate is like every kid’s dream, and it was my favourite dessert when I was much younger.
But, at the time, chocolate was considered a luxury good in my country as most chocolate bars
and confectionery were imported from overseas, so I didn’t have many chances to eat it.

Have you ever given chocolate as a gift to someone?

Yes, of course. These days, there are so many varieties of chocolate available at different price
ranges, and they are usually beautifully gift-wrapped. Chocolate has always been my first
choice when deciding on a gift for someone I love and appreciate.

How popular is chocolate in your country?

Chocolate is one of the most beloved treats in my country because of its wide availability and
varying levels of price and quality. Chocolate products are not uncommon as gifts for various

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

How often do you listen to music?

Music is an integral part of my daily routine. It’s a good way to chill out and relax, and I listen to
music every day and every time I have a chance to do so.

What kind of music do you like most?

It just depends on my mood, you know? If I've had a long day at school and need a pick-me-up,
I'll jam out to some pop-punk. But if I need something soothing to unwind, I'll go with classical

When do you listen to music?

Listening to music is like my personal therapy, so I try to listen to as many songs as possible
every day. Whether I'm taking a shower, commuting, or working out, I always have some tunes
ready to go.

What types of music are most popular in your country?

Vietnamese pop music is the bomb among the young folks here because it's got that Western
pop vibe going on. And then there's this other genre called “Bolero” which is super popular with
the middle-aged and old generations.

What type of noises do you often hear?

Living in the city, I'm used to hearing traffic noise like honking cars and screeching brakes. And
in my neighbourhood, the noise can be even worse because my next-door neighbour often has
late-night karaoke parties, and of course, their dogs bark all night.

Are there any sounds you like?

Finding a calming sound in this bustling city is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but when I
hear the birds chirping, I'm all over it! I always take a moment to soak up that sweet sound of

What kind of noise do you dislike most?

Ugh, the sound of those heavy construction machines grinds my gears. It feels like they never
stop, and it can go on for days, weeks, or even months! And don't even get me started on my

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

neighbour's karaoke parties. Whenever I'm trying to take a nap, their singing always ruins it and
makes me so annoyed.

Is your area becoming noisier?

Yeah, it's a real bummer but my neighbourhood is getting noisier and noisier these days. There
are more new move-ins, which means more motorbikes on the road, and new construction
projects are mushrooming. It feels like there's always something loud and annoying going on,
and it's making it hard to get any peace around here.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Staying up late
How often do you stay up late?

As a uni student, I find it difficult to get a full night's sleep. I usually have to stay up late during
the weekdays to finish my assignments or study for exams. But, I try to make up for the lost
sleep on weekends by taking a good nap or sleeping in a little longer.

When did you last stay up late?

I binge-watched my favourite series on Netflix last night and lost track of time. I guess I went to
bed at around 3 a.m. and woke up this morning feeling tired and regretful, but it was worth it at
the moment.

How do you feel after staying up late?

When I don't get enough sleep, I feel groggy and lack energy throughout the day. It's particularly
hard for me to concentrate during early morning lectures or stay alert for activities. That's why I
make sure to prioritize getting enough sleep whenever possible.

Does anything make it difficult for you to fall asleep?

Technology is the culprit! I found out that if I stare at screens for like 2-3 hours before bed, my
body doesn't make enough of the sleep hormone called melatonin. That means I can't get my
eyes to stay shut and drift off. It usually takes me about half an hour to finally knock out because
of this.

What do you usually do on the weekend?

As a uni student, I try to balance my time between studying and having some fun on the
weekends. Sometimes, I hang out with friends and we explore the city, try new restaurants or
cafes, or catch up on movies we've missed during the week. Other times, I prefer to stay at
home and spend time with my family.

What did you do last weekend?

Last weekend, I spent time with my family and friends. On Saturday, I went out to grab some
lunch with my friends and later in the evening, we watched a movie at home. On Sunday, I had
a family gathering at my grandparent's house where we all had a delicious meal together and
caught up on each other's lives.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

What will you do next weekend?

I'm super excited about next weekend because I'm planning to go on a short trip with my family!
I've been swamped with uni work lately, and I need some chill time with my loved ones. We're
thinking of hitting up Vung Tau Beach - it's a great spot to cool off and soak up some sun.

Do you enjoy your weekends now more than you did when you were a child?

As a kid, weekends were the time to have fun and not worry about homework. I’d hang out with
the kids in my neighbourhood and play games. But now that I’m in university, my schedule is
always packed, so I enjoy my weekends even more. It's the time when I can catch up with my
family and, most importantly, have some me-time to relax and recharge for the upcoming week.

Getting up early
Do you often get up early in the morning?

Ugh, my classes start super early, so I gotta be a morning person every weekday, even though
it's a struggle to wake up before the sun.

What do you usually do when you get up early?

I usually start my day by making a cup of tea to fully wake me up. I try to stick to my breakfast
routine even if I'm running late for class, and then I quickly get dressed and rush out of the
house. That's just my weekday routine though.

Do you get up early on weekends?

Nah, I'm not an early bird on weekends. I like to take advantage of the extra time to sleep in.
Plus, it’s a perfect time to have a lazy brunch to cut the cost of breakfast and enjoy the rest of
the day without any interruptions.

What kinds of professions require people to get up early?

There are lots of jobs where you gotta wake up super early. Like if you work in healthcare, you
gotta start your day before the sun comes up to cover the morning shift. And educators also
have to be up early to get everything ready before the students show up. And I reckon there are
many more who sacrifice their good sleep for their career.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Small Business
How often do you shop at small businesses?

Oh, I love shopping at local businesses! They usually have everything I need and it's way
cheaper than those big chain stores. Plus, in Vietnam, there are so many mom-and-pop shops
around that I don't even have to go far to find one. Like, seriously, I can just step outside my
door and boom, there's a store right across the street!

Do you prefer buying things from small businesses or big businesses?

Honestly, it just depends on what I’m buying. If I'm looking for a high-quality product that's
exclusively available from large corporations, then I'll head over there. But if I'm just picking up
some everyday items, I'll hit up the small ones.

Are there many small businesses where you live?

Oh yeah, there are tons of small businesses where I live. I mean, it seems like there's a new
little shop or restaurant popping up every week! It's awesome because there's always
something new to check out and it gives our neighbourhood a really cool vibe.

Would you prefer to work for a small business or a large business?

I think there are pros and cons to working for big or small companies. At my current age, I’d love
to work for a small business where creativity and innovation are encouraged, even if the
resources and benefits may not be as good as those of larger companies. I enjoy being in an
environment where I can actively contribute and make a difference.

Outer space and stars

Did you learn about outer space and stars at school?

Sadly, the Vietnamese curriculum doesn’t cover much about astronomy in science classes. We
mostly learn general information about planets, and there is little to no mention of the history of
space exploration or the discovery of the Big Bang Theory.

Do you think it’s important to study the stars?

Research on extra-terrestrial life is vital because it helps humankind understand the formation of
the universe and our planet, and provides us with more knowledge about things beyond our
sight and reach.

Would you like to travel to outer space?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

As tempting as it sounds, I would love to broaden my horizons by travelling beyond Earth and
immersing myself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the universe. Although there are risks involved
in space travel, I would not hesitate to embark on such a journey if all necessary safety
protocols are strictly adhered to.

How important is studying the stars considered in your country?

Vietnam is still a developing country, so I believe that the government chooses to invest in
people who can later contribute to the country’s economy rather than spend on astronomical

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

PARTS 2 & 3
1. Describe a historical period you would like to know more about. You should say:
when it was
what you are interested in
what you have known
and why you would like to know more.

This question instantly reminds me of the Industrial Revolution that started around the 18th and
19th centuries in England.

I was watching the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, which was held in London and
there was this impressive performance that caught my eye. I didn’t know what that performance
was meant to represent so I went on Google and found some really interesting historical

Turns out the performance was about the Industrial Revolution in England. As far as I know,
during Queen Victoria’s reign, London experienced dramatic growth and became a leader in
industrialization. Novel machines were invented to replace labour work, and factories
mushroomed all around the city, making mass production of goods faster and more efficient.
This period witnessed an upsurge in the city's population as many individuals migrated from
rural areas in pursuit of work opportunities. I find this era of English history fascinating, as it had
a profound impact on the nation's economy and initiated industrialization in numerous other

One aspect that piques my curiosity is the process of creating new technological innovations in
the context of limited resources and insufficient availability of materials to build advanced
machines suitable for factory work. I yearn to acquire more knowledge about the brilliant minds
who contributed to this golden era of England.


How is history taught in Vietnam?

History is an essential subject in the Vietnamese education system, so all students in Vietnam
are required to study it from primary school until they graduate from high school. However,
history lessons are generally taught in a lecture format, with teachers presenting the material
and students taking notes. This method of teaching is considered outdated, which can lead to
passive learning of history as students only try to memorise timelines and pass exams,
especially in high school where history is often considered an elective subject in the final years.

Is there any difference between teaching history through books and movies?

Yes, of course. Teaching history through textbooks alone may not be enough to stimulate
students' imagination about the past. However, presenting historical information through
movements, special effects, and amazing soundtracks can help students visualise the historical

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

period better and increase their engagement during the lecture. It is also important to note that
some historical events in movies may be distorted, as moviemakers may sacrifice accuracy for
the sake of entertainment value. So, it is important to strive for a balance of accuracy and
engagement when teaching history.

Why are there many children who do not like to learn history?

Well, there could be a few reasons why some children don't enjoy learning history. Firstly, the
way of teaching is not engaging and children can hardly connect to the material. Secondly,
some children may find history to be too focused on memorization of dates and events, without
understanding the context or relevance of those events to their own lives.

Do young people like historical stories in your country?

I'm not entirely sure, but based on recent trends among Vietnamese youngsters, it seems that
historical stories are becoming increasingly popular. Historical dramas, movies, and books are
widely embraced by Vietnamese teenagers and young adults. With greater access to online
resources, they can discover interesting pieces of historical information that were not taught in
schools and gain a better appreciation of the country's past events.

Do you think history matters in a country’s future development?

History lays a solid foundation for the development of a country. Wars and battles from the past
serve as lessons for today's generation by acknowledging the successes and failures of our
ancestors. In Vietnam, for instance, our predecessors bravely fought to defend our country from
Chinese, French, and American foes. These inspiring battles have taught Vietnamese young
generations valuable lessons about perseverance and diligence, which are qualities that can
help them in shaping the future of the country.

Are there other ways people can learn about history, apart from school? How?

There are various other ways to make learning history more enthralling. To get a sense of the
real artefacts and historical events, visiting museums or historical sites is recommended to have
a firsthand experience. Also, the domination of technology allows students to easily access
freely available historical resources online, however, it is important to double-check the source
first for its reliability. Let’s not forget oral history, it’s always more immersive to listen to true
historical stories from your grandparents or your great-grandparents, who can provide a
personal perspective on past events.

Do you think history will still be a school subject in the future? Why?

History is a subject that has been taught in schools for centuries, and yes, it should continue to
be a school subject in the future. It's not the past that is boring, but rather the way it is often
taught that can be tedious for many students. The teaching of history must evolve by
incorporating technological advancements that allow students to experience historical events

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

from a first-person perspective, or by taking them on more field trips where they can interact
with artefacts and gain a deeper sense of their historical significance. Therefore, despite how
uninteresting history is being taught, it’s still essential to study it because it allows us to
understand and value past events, and use that knowledge to make ongoing contributions to

2. Describe an interesting old person you know. You should say:

who this person is
how you know this person
what you do together
and explain why you think this person is interesting.

The first person who comes to mind is Mr. O'Connell, my former English teacher during my
studies in Australia.

In 2019, when I first arrived in Australia, I had to take a 3-month English class before attending
public high school. Mr. O'Connell was the head teacher and gave me a warm welcome to the
class. My first impression of him was that he looked like the headmaster in the Harry Potter
series, with a long white beard but unfortunately, not long white hair. He was the first teacher I
had ever seen who was so devoted to his job. Despite his old age, he took us international
students around the city, showed us around, and taught us common English words used in
Australia. He was also an excellent writing teacher, correcting and recommending grammatical
structures and examples that would be helpful in my essays. I truly appreciated his guidance,
and thanks to him, I passed my entrance English exam with flying colours to get into high
school. Mr. O'Connell even wrote a recommendation letter for me to get into the top class in
high school.

Whenever I attended Mr. O'Connell's class, I felt a sense of excitement as he radiated positivity
throughout the room. He gave me a sense of family bonding, which I needed most when I was
an 8-hour flight far from home. Even though I only studied with him for 3 months, I was fortunate
enough to see him every day after that period as the English centre was located on the high
school campus. I usually went there to seek his advice and watch some movies during breaks. I
will always be grateful for having such an inspiring and dedicated teacher in my academic life.


What are the advantages of having an elderly person at home?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

There are several advantages to having an elderly person at home, namely the sharing of
experience, companionship, and good role modelling. Firstly, elderly individuals have a wealth
of knowledge as they have gone through challenges in life, and can offer younger family
members valuable advice and guidance. Secondly, having an elderly person at home can
provide trustworthy companionship, with someone to listen to and support other family members
during difficult times. Lastly, an elderly person who is recognized for their positive values can
serve as a good role model for younger family members to follow.

Is there anything that older people should learn from the younger generation?

There are several areas in which the older generation can learn from the younger generation.
The world is constantly changing, and younger people are often more adaptable to these
changes. One area in which older people can benefit from the younger generation is
technology. Younger people are generally more proficient at using new technology and can help
elderly people learn how to use devices such as smartphones or tablets to connect with others.
Additionally, younger people often have new perspectives and life experiences that can offer
valuable insights and broaden the minds of the elderly. This is especially important for older
people who may be accustomed to thinking about things in a certain manner.

What can the younger generation learn from the older generation?

The older generation has accumulated wisdom and valuable life experience, having gone
through more of life's ups and downs. They can pass on their knowledge to younger
generations, helping them navigate through their own challenges. Advice on personal or life
situations can guide younger people to make informed decisions and avoid making mistakes.
Furthermore, older individuals often have a strong connection to their cultural heritage, which
can help younger family members appreciate and understand traditions, customs, and values
that have been passed down through generations.

What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

Patience is of paramount importance for caregivers. The elderly usually encounter difficulties
when doing a task or communicating, which takes them more time to complete. Therefore,
caregivers must be patient with them. Compassion is also crucial in understanding and
responding to the emotional needs of the elderly. They should be gently comforted, reassured,
or listened to regarding their concerns. Being physically healthy is also helpful in this kind of job,
where lifting or transferring wheelchairs of elderly people requires a lot of physical strength.

Do you think elderly people should be allowed to work?

As long as they’re capable of the work that they are responsible for, then why not? Having a job
and earning salaries in old age could potentially reduce their reliance on familial assistance and
prevent them from becoming a burden to their loved ones. In addition, old workers have more
vocational experience so the need for extensive training is eliminated, thereby reducing

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

significant costs for employers. Lastly, being able to work gives them a sense of community
engagement, making them feel less lonely when their kids are out working.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

3. Describe a character from a film. You should say:

what character it is
who acted as the character
when you saw the film
and explain whether you like this character.

I must confess that I am a film buff, and I’ve seen so many masterpieces that it’s challenging to
single out just one character to talk about. However, one character that comes to mind first is
the famous Forrest Gump.

The classic American movie features Forrest Gump, a man with an intellectual disability whose
IQ is estimated to be around 75. Despite his difficulties in interacting with others and processing
complex thoughts, Forrest had a happy childhood thanks to his loving mother. He never let his
lack of formal intelligence become a hindrance in his life, and he chose to overcome it. He
joined the military, fought in the Vietnam War, and even met President Kennedy. Though he
was different from the rest of society due to his cognitive challenges, he showed great emotional
depth and perseverance throughout his life.

Frankly speaking, I wasn't that impressed with the movie the first time I saw it, but after I
rewatched it, I found the character of Forrest Gump to be incredibly inspiring. Tom Hanks did an
outstanding job of portraying Forrest and conveying the character's essence to the audience.
Watching this always feels like riding a roller coaster of emotions because I can go through
sadness, compassion, and happiness, and one of the things I love most about this protagonist is
the fact that he was always passionate about whatever he did and he succeeded. Forrest is
unlike any other character I have seen in other films, and he has generated my greatest
appreciation and respect for people with disabilities. This iconic film will always be one of my


What makes a good actor?

I believe that a good actor should possess several key qualities. Firstly, they should be versatile
and able to convincingly portray a range of roles, while also conveying complex emotions with
ease. Secondly, creativity is essential for actors to bring their interpretations and ideas to a role,
making it their own. Lastly, a strong work ethic is crucial for actors, as the job often requires long
hours on set or in rehearsals. Therefore, actors should be committed to their work to ensure the
success of the production.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Are drama series popular in your country? Why?

Yes, they are one of the most popular forms of entertainment among the Vietnamese people.
With the widespread availability of smartphones and other mobile devices, Vietnamese can
easily access drama series through online streaming platforms such as Netflix and YouTube.
However, domestically produced series may not be as appealing to the younger generation as
foreign series, with the top ten most-watched drama series on Netflix Vietnam being mostly from
Korea and America. This is because Vietnamese youngsters often prefer to be exposed to
foreign cultures and may find these series more captivating than local productions.

What is the difference between young people's and old people’s favourite TV dramas? Why?

As far as I am concerned, younger viewers prefer fast-paced dramas that feature young,
charismatic actors with visually appealing special effects, and a storyline that is relatable to their
life. They are usually drawn to themes such as romance, thriller, or sci-fi. Conversely, a different
group of older people who have experienced varying life stages may gravitate towards slower-
paced dramas that deeply analyze every aspect of the characters and uphold societal values.

Do you think TV dramas reflect what happens in the reality of society?

To some extent, yes. TV dramas are often based on real-life events and issues to raise
awareness about society, politics, and culture. For instance, the popular Korean drama
"Juvenile Justice" is based on real criminal cases committed by juvenile delinquents, and it was
aired to deter young potential offenders and highlight weaknesses in the law of South Korea.
While these dramas reflect some aspects of society, they are often exaggerated and distorted to
capture viewers' attention. TV dramas can perpetuate stereotypes, biases, and misconceptions,
which is why it's recommended to seek out alternative sources.

Do you think people will change their preference for TV dramas when getting older?

Although it's a matter of personal taste, I believe that people's preference for TV dramas tends
to change as they age. As people go through different stages of life and gain diverse
experiences, they may be more attracted to dramas that reflect their current life stage. Older
viewers may prioritize dramas that uphold family and societal values or explore personal growth
over dramas that rely solely on the popularity of charismatic actors.

What is the difference between foreign dramas and ones in your country?

There are distinct differences between foreign dramas and dramas produced in Vietnam. Since
Vietnam is a collective society, drama productions here tend to focus more on promoting family
and societal values. Conversely, foreign dramas, usually Western ones, emphasize
individualism and personal freedom. Additionally, they often feature more advanced special
effects and filmmaking techniques due to larger budgets and access to high technology.

What is the influence of foreign tv shows on people in your country?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

The greatest influence of foreign TV shows is on the young generation of Vietnamese. With the
widespread availability of digital media, young Vietnamese viewers now have access to
international TV shows that offer a much wider range of cultures, lifestyles, and societal norms
than domestically-produced shows. This exposure triggers the curiosity of young Vietnamese
viewers, and they become more open-minded and willing to explore new ideas and ways of
thinking. Furthermore, foreign TV shows have raised the bar for the quality of domestic film
production. As young viewers become more discerning in their tastes and expectations, they
demand more diverse programming and better special effects from domestic productions, which
helps improve the overall quality of the industry.
4. Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with. You should
what party it was
how you met this person
what you talked about
and explain why you enjoyed talking with him or her

As an introvert, I usually avoid going to parties and talking to strangers. But this question
reminds me of a girl I met recently at my best friend's birthday party, who immediately became
one of my closest friends.

It was just a month ago when I met Aya at the party. I was running late and, as I tried to make
my way through the crowded hall to greet my friend at the end, I accidentally bumped into Aya
and we both fell. She helped me up and we went to meet my friend, who introduced me to Aya.
At first, I was shy and hesitant to talk to someone I didn't know well, but Aya was friendly and
started the conversation. We talked mainly about uni life and hit it off right away after some
chatting. Aya struck me with her sea of knowledge about solo travelling. It turned out she was a
year older than me and had taken a gap year to travel around Asia. I was fascinated by her
stories and jokes about each country she had visited. She also showed me some self-defense
skills and gave me some tips on how to protect myself when travelling alone. And guess what,
she was also a diehard Harry Potter fan, which made me even more engrossed in our
conversation. It felt like I was completely in my element, and we talked about everything
Hogwarts-related, from magic to wands and beyond, for the entire night. I was so absorbed in
the chat that I almost forgot to talk to the party's host and even gift her a present.

Unfortunately, I had some uni essays to work on, so I couldn't stay long. But I managed to
exchange contact information with Aya and planned to meet up with her again on the weekend.
Thanks to that party, I made a new friend who is outgoing and has a great sense of humour.


What types of people interact easily with each other?

In my view, there are certain qualities that enable people to interact effortlessly. Extroverted
individuals, for instance, are typically social butterflies who thrive off each other's energy during

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

conversations. Additionally, shared interests or passions are crucial for building strong
connections and a sense of camaraderie between two people. Moreover, those who possess
similar personality traits find it natural to understand and empathize with each other's

What kind of people is hard to get along with?

I reckon that we cannot generalize what type of people are hard to get along with, as each
individual's personality is different. However, there are still some factors that can make a person
hesitate to approach another. Differences in values and beliefs, such as those related to religion
or culture, may weaken the bond between two conversational people. Additionally, when it
comes to personality, if one person is too introverted and doesn't readily share their thoughts,
while the other is too talkative, conflicts may arise. There are also other factors to consider, but
ultimately it depends on everyone's preferences to find someone who they feel comfortable
interacting with.

Do people now have enough time for communication?

In today's fast-paced world, people are often tied to their responsibilities such as work or school,
making it difficult to find time for themselves, let alone to communicate with others. The advent
of technology has made communication easier through short and free video chats or calls,
which is helpful for many busy people. However, it may come at the cost of reducing physical
interaction and the time to connect on a deeper level and have meaningful conversations.

Does technology make it easier to communicate with family and friends?

With the pervasion of technology, communication with our loved ones has been made easier.
Through smartphones and tablets, people can connect with their family and friends using social
media platforms, messaging apps, and video calls. This allows for more frequent and
convenient communication, regardless of distance or time constraints. Additionally, technology
has also made it possible to share photos, videos, and other media with family and friends,
which helps to maintain strong relationships and foster a sense of closeness even when
physically apart.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

6. Describe an important text message you received. You should say:

when it was
who sent it to you
what it was about
and explain why the message was important to you.

My phone is bombarded with messages and emails every day. Most of them are scams, and the
rest are from my mum. But there was this one time when I received a message from my dad
that I will always cherish.

I'm not sure if this message sounds important to you or not, but believe me, it completely
changed my perspective. If my memory serves me well, it was back in 2019 when I was
studying abroad in Australia. I had just turned 15 that year and travelled far from home for the
first time. Everything was fine at the beginning, but a sense of homesickness was always
present deep down in my heart. I was afraid to tell my parents because I knew they would worry
about me. That one special night, when I was trying to stay positive and do my homework, my
dad's text message popped up on my phone. My heart skipped a beat as I read through it, and I
immediately burst into tears. The message said: 'Come home with us. We're always here for
you!'. I took a screenshot of the message and kept it in my photo album. I thought I had hidden
my feelings well, but my parents knew me better than anyone else.

It was the most heartwarming thing my dad had ever sent to me. I thought he was always strong
and a bit indifferent to his kids, but the message showed me how much affection and care he
had for me. The message helped me realise that no matter how far away I am from home, my
family will always be there. Every single word in the message was etched in my mind, and
whenever I feel homesick, I remind myself of those words, pack my bags, and get ready to go


Do you think traditional letters are a good way to send messages?

Traditional letters can be an effective way to convey messages, depending on the sender's
intention. Despite the ease of using messaging apps and emails, letters have a unique charm
and provide a more personal and sincere expression of gratitude or emotion to the recipient.
They can also be a suitable choice for communicating with individuals who lack access to digital
devices. However, letters may not be the most suitable option for urgent situations because they
may get lost or intercepted during transit.

In what situations is it better to make a phone call than send a message to someone?

In some urgent situations, such as emergencies, communicating through phone calls is

prioritised as people can address the problem quickly. Also, if the message is intricate and
necessitates a back-and-forth discussion, making calls might be a better option. This allows for
instant clarification and continuous feedback in real time. Moreover, phone calls have been

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

shown to convey more sincerity and respect to the recipient as people can effectively convey
tone and emotion, unlike a written message.

In your country do people prefer to send emails or text messages?

The preferred method of communication in Vietnam may differ among individuals and situations.
Typically, text messaging is more favoured, particularly among younger generations who are
more tech-savvy. This preference stems from the ease, speed, and accessibility of texting,
especially with the widespread use of smartphones. However, emails remain a common mode
of communication in formal and professional settings, such as business and job applications.

Is technology having a negative impact on communication among people?

Besides its widely-recognised positive impact, technology also imposes some negativity on
communication. The over-reliance of many people on smart devices makes them end up
avoiding face-to-face interaction as they have access to messaging apps, video calls, and social
media platforms right at their fingertips. Since people’s engagement in direct interaction is
reduced, there will be fewer meaningful or in-depth conversations, which weakens the bond
between people. One downside of technology is the possibility of cyberbullying or online
harassment. This can be especially troubling because victims often have no idea who is
responsible, which can make the experience of using digital platforms less appealing.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

7. Describe a place you visited that was affected by pollution. You should say: where
the place is - HCM
what the pollution was - HN
why you went there -. metropolis
and explain how you felt about the pollution

This question instantly makes me think about Vung Tau Beach, which has been heavily polluted
with plastic waste.

Several months ago, my family and I took a trip to Vung Tau, which is only a three-hour ride
from HCMC, after a nerve-racking time of studying. I had hoped to spend a few nice days on the
sandy beach, breathe in some fresh air, and soak up some sun. However, the reality in Vung
Tau left me feeling disheartened and disappointed. There were tons of plastic bags, bottles,
straws, dead seashells, and tree branches on the beach, which completely spoiled the natural
beauty of the place. There was literally no space for me to lay out my towel and enjoy
sunbathing. When I went for a swim, I could feel a plastic bag wrapping around my legs and it
ruined my entire experience. And, you know, every wave that crashed onto the shore brought
along countless pieces of man-made plastic debris. This made me feel upset because, in my
childhood memories, Vung Tau was a beautiful and unspoiled destination with tranquil waters
and spotless white sand.

The next morning, while having breakfast near the beach, I saw some people from the waste
treatment team cleaning up the beach. I really appreciated their efforts, as it showed that there
were still responsible people who cared about the marine flora and fauna and the country's
natural places. I ran down and offered to help. Although one morning was not enough to fully
clear the huge amount of plastic waste in the sea, it was an eye-opening experience for me. I
realized the importance of regularly participating in environmental practices and the need for
sustainable growth.


What kinds of pollution are serious in your country?

The types of pollution that Vietnam is facing are varied, but among the most severe are water
pollution and air pollution. The surge of private transport, especially in the number of
motorbikes, is one of the major contributors to air pollution. In urban areas, the average
Vietnamese household owns around 2 to 3 motorbikes, and the massive number of these
vehicles results in the emission of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Water pollution is also a
severe problem in my country, with the increasing number of factories and industries causing a
rise in industrial waste. Many of these facilities release untreated wastewater directly into rivers,
lakes, and oceans, which leads to water contamination and puts both marine life and public
health at risk.

What can individuals do to protect the environment?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

One way individuals can contribute to environmental protection is by adopting daily habits that
align with the 3Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. This involves minimizing the use of single-use
plastics, finding ways to reuse items instead of discarding them, and properly recycling
materials that are marked as recyclable. Eco-friendly products such as grass straws, paper
cups, and reusable bags can be used as alternatives to traditional plastic products. People can
also reduce their carbon footprint through the use of public transportation for their daily
commute, rather than relying on personal vehicles such as motorbikes and cars.

Why should the government be involved in environmental protection?

The government has control over the authority and assets that can greatly motivate individuals
to engage in practices aimed at protecting the environment. The government can impose
regulations and policies to encourage collective environmental protection efforts among
businesses and individuals and penalize those who disregard them. Also, by utilizing
government funding, they can invest in initiatives such as public awareness campaigns for
environmental protection, or developing technologies like improved wastewater treatment
systems, for instance.

Is it important to teach students about environmental protection at school?

It's super important for students to get educated on environmental issues. Schools play a major
role in shaping the attitudes and behaviours of young people, so teaching them about the
challenges that our planet is facing and how to be eco-friendly is key to creating a more
conscious generation. When students understand the importance of conservation and
sustainable practices, they’re equipped with the knowledge and skills to preserve and protect
the environment from further harm. This isn't just good for them, it's good for everyone!

Do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea to relocate factories far from cities?

I believe that relocating factories is neither inherently good nor bad, but rather depends on
various factors. One benefit of this idea is reduced air and water pollution in urban areas. This is
because factories often release significant amounts of pollutants, such as toxic gases like
methane or ammonia, and wastewater, into the surrounding environment. By moving factories
farther away from cities, public health and overall environmental quality could potentially
improve. But there are drawbacks of relocation as well, such as increased transportation costs
and higher carbon footprints due to longer distances between factories and consumers or final
assembly. So that’s why businesses should carefully weigh these factors to find a well-balanced
8. Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy. You should say:
what it is
when you do it
who you do it with
and explain why you think this is important

Exercising, hiking, swimming, walking in a park,

visiting natural places, running, good food habits

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

I'm not a sports enthusiast, but I’ve recently adopted the habit of going for a morning run, so I’d
like to share my experience with this activity.

As a uni student, I’m often stuck behind my desk working on assignments and exams.
Whenever I have some spare time, I usually spend it hanging out with my friends, going to
eateries, or binge-watching my favourite shows on Netflix. However, I have noticed how these
activities have been adversely affecting my health and mood. After discussing this with my
mum, she suggested that I should exercise more, but being a true couch potato, I didn’t want to
take up any serious physical activity. My mum recommended that I start with small morning
runs, which don't take up much time and are great exercise. Since then, I’ve been running early
in the morning every day, and its impact on my health has been amazing. Running hasn’t only
improved my cardiovascular health but also my endurance. I also feel happier and more
positive, as I believe there are more endorphins being released in my brain. Morning runs are a
great solution for me because there is not much traffic, and I get to have some me-time to
reassess myself. Sometimes, I even ask my mum to run with me since she needs to stay fit as

Running has become an essential part of my daily routine, and I make sure to maintain this
practice for at least 30 minutes a day. After every run, I feel so refreshed and start a new day
with a happy mind. I highly recommend this activity, it can be done almost anywhere and at any
time, so it’s suitable for many people, including myself.


How can people improve their health?

There are loads of ways to boost your overall well-being, but the simplest one is to adopt a
healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise is highly recommended to maintain physical fitness and lower
the chances of getting diabetes or other long-term conditions. And, of course, getting enough
sleep is crucial for your overall health. Those who are into things like alcohol or smoking should
steer clear of them altogether. Lastly, a balanced diet can also contribute to better health by
providing the body with sufficient protein and healthy fats.

Do you think that all diseases are preventable?

Nah, I don't believe that all diseases can be prevented. Sure, living a healthy lifestyle can help
prevent many illnesses, but there are some that are caused by factors beyond an individual's
control - like genetics or the environment. Plus, even if we understand a disease, there may still
be limitations in medical tech or doctors' abilities that prevent us from getting fully cured. The
key is to adopt healthy habits and stay on top of regular check-ups to detect any issues early
when they're still manageable. That's the best way to prevent a disease from taking hold.

Do you think that in the future there will be fewer diseases?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

I'm not optimistic that there will be fewer diseases in the future, especially after COVID-19. Even
with ongoing medical research and new treatments being developed, I’m afraid that the threat of
pandemics is being underestimated. There's a good chance that we'll see new infectious
diseases emerge, just like what happened with the latest pandemic. Factors such as climate
change and increased global travel could contribute to this. Additionally, in less developed
countries where medical technology is still limited, there's a higher risk of diseases from wildlife
spreading and causing outbreaks. So, unfortunately, the risk of diseases is still very real and
shouldn't be ignored.

Do you think that medicine should be free?

Wow, that's a really thought-provoking question! But to be honest, I think the answer isn't so
straightforward. In countries where the government pays for healthcare, medical treatments and
services are usually free or very cheap for patients. This is great as it ensures that people from
all social classes have access to medical care, which is an ethical consideration. But the
downside is that if the medicine is free, doctors and other healthcare providers might not make
as much money, which could make them less motivated to do their job well. So, it's a bit of a
tricky question and there might not be one right answer!

What makes a person a good doctor?

Undoubtedly, a good doctor must have exceptional medical expertise to stay updated with the
latest medical research and treatment options, make accurate diagnoses, and create effective
treatment plans for their patients. However, being a good doctor also requires strong
communication skills, not just for working effectively with colleagues, but also for establishing a
relationship of trust by listening to patients' concerns and explaining complex medical concepts
in understandable terms for them and their families. Other important factors that contribute to
being a good doctor include having compassion, empathy, and a strong commitment to
providing the best care possible for their patients.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

9. Describe a city you would like to visit for a short time. You should say:
what city it is
what you would like to do there
who you would go there with
and explain why you would like to go there

Having spent my entire life in a bustling city, I’m eager to go somewhere off the beaten track
and explore a hidden gem like Tam Ky city. Located in the central region of Vietnam, Tam Ky is
one of only two cities in Quang Nam province and happens to be my father's hometown.
Despite this, my family rarely visits due to our busy schedules. However, I fell in love with this
city the first time I visited, and I just can't wait to have a getaway here.

Tam Ky is a small city and not as well-known as metropolises like Da Nang or Hoi An. It’s
situated about a three-hour ride from Da Nang and is located near one of the most breathtaking
coastlines in Vietnam. The beach here is unlike any other I have visited - the water is tranquil
and warm, with no waves crashing, creating a serene atmosphere akin to an immense outdoor
salty pool. The two must-try local delicacies in Tam Ky are com ga, which is turmeric rice with
boiled chicken, and nem nuong, which is grilled seasoned minced pork. I’m also looking forward
to exploring the natural beauty around Phu Ninh Lake, which was formed by the Phu Ninh
irrigation. My grandfather even took part in its formation, making this place even more special to

My future trip to Tam Ky will not only be a way to connect with my roots but also an opportunity
to immerse myself in the beauty of forestry and coastal areas. Ideally, I’d love to explore with my
best friends and share the beauty of my hometown with them. It's a chance to experience things
that a busy city would never be able to offer.


What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?

So, finding a job in a foreign country can depend on different stuff, like where you wanna go,
your skills and experience, how good you are with languages, and what the job market is like
over there. In my opinion, working in the healthcare sector might be comparatively more
accessible in a foreign country. In some developed countries, there’s a shortage of nurses and
doctors, so there’s a higher demand for such professions, and expatriates can easily be part of
this field. But, of course, that's not the only option out there, it’s preferable to understand the
legal requirements of the country before seeking employment there.

Should young adults work abroad?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Working abroad can offer many benefits for young adults, it just depends on whether they want
to do it or not. When they work overseas, they can gain valuable work experience that may not
be available in their home country. It can also offer the opportunity to expand their professional
network by connecting with people from different backgrounds and cultures, while also learning
new languages. And, dealing with challenges like culture shock or prejudice could be tough, but
it's a chance to grow and become a more resilient person in the end.

Do Vietnamese parents encourage their children to work abroad?

The fact that more Vietnamese parents are sending their children abroad for education suggests
that they are increasingly open to the idea of their children pursuing studies and careers
overseas. This is because working abroad can provide many career prospects, higher salaries,
and opportunities for personal growth. Many parents believe that giving their children an
independent life will help them succeed in the long run.

If you had an opportunity to live abroad, which country would you like to settle down in?

As a home-oriented person, I prefer living somewhere near my home country so I can frequently
visit my parents. Currently, I’m considering Singapore as an option. It’s only a 2-hour flight from
Vietnam and is a highly developed country with excellent education systems and job
opportunities. Additionally, Singapore has better air quality than Vietnam, which would benefit
me greatly. Although the living costs in Singapore are high, the culture and lifestyle are similar
to Vietnam, so I wouldn't experience much culture shock and would probably feel less

Why do some people want to go to college far away from home?

Certain colleges provide unique academic programs that aren’t available at nearby universities,
prompting individuals to opt for programs further away from their hometowns. Besides,
attending a college far from home offers a chance to encounter a new lifestyle, become less
dependent on parental support, learn to manage their finances and time, and acquire new life
skills. They can also explore things that they have never been exposed to at home and meet
new people.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

10. Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired. You should

what it is

how it was broken

how you got it repaired

and how you felt about it

The blender in my mum's kitchen is one household item that tends to break down frequently.
Surprisingly, it has been in use for over a decade, and despite numerous repairs, it still works
like magic.

Just last week, my mum brought home a big bag of fresh strawberries, and we were all excited
to make smoothies. She took out her trusty old blender and loaded it with strawberries, ice
cubes, condensed milk, and sugar. The first blend went smoothly, but the blender malfunctioned
during the second blend. My mum had accidentally added too many ingredients, causing large
ice cubes to get stuck on the blades, and, so, the machine stopped working. Given that the
blender had been in use for so long, I wasn't surprised that it had broken down, and my mum
called my dad for help, as usual. He emptied the jar and removed the blades, pulled out some of
his small mechanical tools, and then checked something I couldn't quite see. He put the blades
back in, turned on the blender, and voila, it worked! The blender made us four delicious cups of
smoothie that day, so it was not dumped or replaced.

Although my family is not particularly thrifty, my mum has kept the blender because it still works,
despite not being as efficient as new models. Also, it holds sentimental value as it was a gift
from my grandmother so my mom intends to keep it as a forever keepsake. I believe that it’ll be
passed down to me one day so I’m trying to pick up some tips and tricks from my dad in case I
have to repair it myself in the future.


Would you choose to repair things or buy a new one?

Living with my family has totally made me into a fix-it fanatic! We'll repair something over and
over until it can't be fixed anymore. As long as the item still functions well after repair, we see no
reason to replace it. And instead of using the money to purchase something new, we could use
it for other purposes. However, for certain items, if the cost of repair is comparable to or
exceeds the cost of purchasing a new one, it is more financially sensible to opt for a

Is the quality of products worse these days than before?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

I believe some products have been downgraded these days, but there remain some with really
great functions. Consider household appliances, for instance. My mum has been able to use her
blender for over 10 years, but her newly purchased fridge broke down after only 3 years. I
reckon that businesses in this sector are lowering their quality standards to encourage
customers to repurchase and increase profits because if a household appliance lasts for more
than 10 years, these companies won’t earn as much revenue. Conversely, smart devices have
significantly improved in quality due to advancements in technology and manufacturing

What kind of things do people like to fix themselves?

Generally, people like to repair things themselves that are relatively easy to fix and don’t require
many specialised skills or tools. Replacing a missing button on a piece of clothing or fixing a
leaky faucet is rather simple. These tasks can be easily tackled with the help of instructions
available online or in user manuals. Also, since these issues are common, people can acquire
the experience needed to handle them, which is a good thing to have under their belt.

Why do people prefer to repair their mobile phones in specialised stores?

Most people prefer to trust specialised stores when it comes to repairing their mobile phones
because these devices are something they use for a long time. These stores have skilled
technicians who can fix a wide range of phone problems. Plus, they have access to genuine
replacement parts that are specifically designed for your phone's model. This ensures that your
phone gets fixed properly and runs as it should. Not to mention, if you don't go to a specialized
store, you might end up causing even more damage to your valuable asset.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

11. Describe a creative person whose work you admire. You should say:

who he/she is?

how do you know him/her?

what creative things he/she has done?

and explain why you think he or she is creative.

Throughout my life, I have encountered numerous individuals with incredible artistic skills, but
none have left a stronger impression on me than my best friend, Kathy.

I first met Kathy during the opening ceremony of our high school's new school year. While the
headmaster was delivering his speech, I noticed that Kathy was struggling to untangle her yarn.
Out of curiosity, I approached her to offer my assistance. After a few chats, I discovered that
she was actually crocheting, not knitting, and I watched in awe as she deftly weaved her yarn
from stitch to stitch, creating a beautiful sunflower that she gifted to me as a symbol of our
friendship. Kathy's crocheting skills are exceptional, and her designs are diverse and unique.
Rather than relying on Pinterest or other sources for inspiration, she draws inspiration from her
surroundings, which I find incredibly admirable. I really look up to her creativity and her ability to
create novel crocheted items. In fact, she has even been able to turn her hobby into a
successful business by selling her products on Etsy and has made a killing with it. I think the
reason why Kathy's products are so popular is because of her awesome designs that really
stand out to people.

As someone who has always appreciated handmade products, having Kathy as my friend is
truly a blessing. I get to see with my own eyes how amazing Kathy is at making stunning pieces
of clothing out of yarn, and I've picked up a ton of tips from her meticulousness and attention to


What kind of qualities do people need to run their own businesses?

Setting up a business requires many qualities from the owner. A successful entrepreneur needs
to be visionary and creative to advance in the business and develop innovations. A good owner
should also possess excellent leadership skills to lead and inspire their team and be decisive in
making important decisions. Additionally, they must have strong communication skills to
effectively communicate with their subordinates and negotiate with stakeholders and customers.
But, honestly, I think there are even more qualities that a leader should have to make their
business thrive.

What do you think are the key factors that contribute to business success?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

To thrive in a market crowded with competitors, I believe that a business must differentiate itself
by having a well-defined business strategy and a strong leadership team. Having a clear
strategy in place can help guide the business towards achieving its long-term goals by setting
short-term wins along the way. Additionally, experienced leaders can play a pivotal role in
directing the team towards the right direction and motivating them to work hard towards the

Do businessmen need to continue to work hard after they become successful?

Absolutely yes! When a business achieves success, it attracts competitors who want to benefit
from the same market opportunities. To maintain their success, successful businessmen must
continue to work even harder to outperform the rest. As the business grows, new challenges
and opportunities will arise, and entrepreneurs must remain focused and adaptable to meet the
demands of the market. This may involve investing in new technologies, innovating, or building
stronger relationships with customers to achieve even greater success for the business.

If you had the opportunity to have your own business would it be? Why?

This is a far-fetched one but I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of owning my own skincare
brand. This is a highly promising market, as many people face dermatological issues and could
benefit from effective skincare products. Having personally struggled with severe acne for years,
I feel a personal drive to create formulas and market my products that can help others facing
similar problems. While I have a solid background in chemistry, my business management skills
aren’t as strong, so this remains a dream for now.

What is more important for employment, experience or qualifications?

While both qualifications and experience are highly valued in recruitment, I tend to lean towards
experience. Qualifications are essential for certain roles such as doctors or lawyers, where they
serve as proof that an individual has acquired the prerequisites for the job. However, experience
shows that a person has practical knowledge and skills that can be immediately applied to a
particular job. In many cases, job seekers with several years of experience are more likely to be
recruited than their counterparts as employers prefer candidates who can hit the ground running
without requiring extensive training, which can be costly and time-consuming.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

12. Describe a friend who has played an important part in your life. You should say:

who was he/she

how you two met

how long you two have known each other

and explain what important part he/she has played in your life

If I recall correctly, I've been buddies with this dude for almost six years, and he's always been
the one to give me the best life advice, just like an old philosopher, even though we're the same

His name's Kyle and we met back in middle school. I was new to the school, and everything
was foreign to me, but Kyle helped me break out of my shell and make friends with others in the
class. We were assigned to sit together by the teacher, and that's how we became best friends.
Even though we went to different high schools, we still managed to meet up every weekend and
catch up with each other’s lives. In our friendship, I'm the one who tells the stories, and he's the
one who listens. He knows me better than anyone else, and he's always there for me through
thick and thin. He's a total bookworm, and his love for books has helped me deal with my
mental health. When I was studying abroad and feeling homesick, he cheered me up and gave
me the support I needed to stay positive. And whenever I'm feeling down, he's got a collection
of inspiring quotes from his books to lift my spirits. I call him my therapist because he's so good
at that. Although we're into different things, we're both working towards similar goals. So, we
always motivate each other to keep pushing forward until we reach the final destination.

Now that he's been in my life for so long, I can't imagine what it would be like without him. I
hope we can maintain this friendship for as long as possible because he's been an invaluable
source of support and guidance for me, and I can get free therapy forever. 😄


What is the importance of friends?

Spending time with friends offers us quality time to establish social connections and enjoy each
other’s company. Hanging out or gossiping with them always brings us a sense of connection,
increased happiness, and less stress. Also, friends are reliable companions who offer much-
needed emotional support. Through both challenging and enjoyable times, friends remain by our
side, sharing stories and experiences with us. They offer a listening ear and provide comfort and
empathy to help us feel uplifted.

Do you want to have a few best friends or a lot of friends?

Personally, I value quality over quantity when it comes to friendships. I prefer having a small
group of best friends who share similar interests, rather than having many friends with divergent

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

personalities. Having a few close friends allows me to establish deeper connections and feel
supported. I’m able to confide in them without worrying about my personal stories being leaked.
While having a large network of friends may offer some benefits, I view those relationships as
more of acquaintanceships rather than true friendships.

If you had a problem, would you go to your friends or family? Why?

When I have personal matters to discuss, I usually seek advice from my friends first. I have a
reliable group of friends with whom I'm comfortable sharing my stories. We share similar
perspectives, so they are open-minded and supportive when helping me deal with my problems,
and they provide useful advice. On the other hand, my parents belong to an older generation,
and sometimes they don't understand me very well. Their advice can sometimes make me feel
worse about myself, so I usually avoid having deep conversations with them.

Do you think it's always better to talk to your friends about this issue?

My best friends are my close confidants, but I don't always trust them 100%. They're good at
helping me tackle my issues and providing advice, but when I'm dealing with more significant
difficulties, such as mental health issues, I tend to seek professional advice from online
therapists for more specialized guidance and support. While my friends can help me to some
extent, they’re not always trustworthy advisors to overly rely on.

Is it necessary to have friends from other countries?

Friendships are typically founded on genuine connections and shared interests, rather than a
desire to simply increase diversity. However, having friends from other countries can be a
valuable experience that broadens one's horizons and fosters mutual understanding. Such
friendships provide opportunities to learn about different cultural backgrounds, customs, and
social norms, as well as practice new languages and develop interpersonal skills in a cross-
cultural setting."

13. Describe an unusual meal you had. You should say:

when it was
where you had the meal
what happened during the meal
and explain why it was unusual

I had a pretty unusual meal when I was studying in Australia for a short term. One of my
Australian friends invited me over to her house for dinner and I was excited to try the local
delicacies. However, the meal turned out to be pretty strange because there was this weird dish
that I had never tried before.

I wanted to help my friend with the meal prep but she insisted I relax and enjoy the meal later. I
knew that in Western culture, people start their meal with an appetiser but the Australian one
was quite a strange experience for me. As we sat down to dine, my friend placed a basket of

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

bread on the table along with a small bowl of jam. The jam had a distinct smell of yeast extract
that was pungent and suspiciously dark. Without much thought, I grabbed some bread and
spread the jam on it. When I took the first bite, I couldn’t help but frown as it was neither sweet
nor fruity. Instead, it was oddly salty and sour at the same time, and I couldn't bring myself to
take another bite. It turned out to be Vegemite, a well-known Australian food. Although I was
keen to try all the authentic Australian delicacies, Vegemite didn't make it to my list of must-try
foods. Unfortunately, it spoiled my appetite for the rest of the night, and I couldn't enjoy the
other dishes as much as I usually would.

I don't intend to insult any national food, but Vegemite was not to my liking. My friend felt sorry
for my experience with Vegemite and promised to make up for it by cooking another meal. In
return, I invited her to my apartment for some Vietnamese food.


Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?

Cooking meals at home is a great way to save money compared to eating out. You can buy
groceries in bulk and prepare meals for multiple days at once, making it much more cost-
effective. Also, cooking at home allows us to make healthier choices by giving us more control
over what we eat. We can avoid excess salt, sugar, and fat and create meals that fit our dietary
needs. On top of that, having dinner at home is the opportunity to connect and spend quality
time with family members or roommates.

Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?

Going veggie has been proven to be way healthier and more nutritious than sticking to meat.
Many folks choose to go full plant-based to cut down the risk of health problems like heart
disease or high blood pressure, which are more common among meat-eaters. Plus, some
people just can't stomach the thought of killing animals for food, and think it's way more ethical
to skip animal products altogether. And let's not forget that some religious or cultural beliefs can
also play a role in a person's decision to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle.

What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?

The biggest benefit of having dinner together as a family or with friends is strengthening
relationships. During the meal, everyone can share their stories and connect with each other
through face-to-face interactions after a long day of studying or working. Another benefit that
may be overlooked is that when we eat alone, we are more likely to opt for fast or processed
foods for convenience, which are often less nutritious. However, when we eat together, we are
encouraged to prepare and consume meals that are more balanced and healthy.

Is the food that people eat today different to the food that people used to eat in the past?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Certainly, there have been significant changes in the food that people eat today compared to
the past. Back then, people had fewer food choices and often relied on locally sourced or home-
grown ingredients such as vegetables or livestock raised on small farms. Nowadays, much of
the food we eat is highly processed or canned, which is often more convenient but can be less
healthy. Thanks to globalization, we have access to a wider variety of foods from all over the
world. This has opened up new opportunities to try exotic flavours and ingredients that were
once rare or inaccessible.

Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the

Back in the day, people had more time and fewer options for eating out, so whipping up a home-
cooked meal was the norm. Today, many people are caught up in the daily rat race and find it
difficult to prioritize meal preparation and spend less time cooking for themselves. Most people
find it hard to carve time out of their hectic schedule to stay in the kitchen and spend the effort to
make a meal. Plus, there are so many fast food and takeout options that it's just easier to grab
something on the go, which is definitely more appealing than spending time cooking from

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

14. Describe a website you often visit. You should say:

what the website is

how you first found out about it

how often you visit it

and explain why you like it

I must confess that Youtube has become my latest addiction. I visit the website every day
without fail.

Originally designed for content creators to upload and monetise their videos, Youtube has
become my go-to platform because of its vast library of eye-opening content. Whether it's travel
vlogs for inspiration, educational videos for learning, or foreign shows for entertainment, there's
always something to watch. I've discovered hidden gems in these videos and can't wait to visit
these places someday. Also, I find some YouTubers to be inspirational due to their lifestyles,
which I dream of having. I visit the website so frequently that I've lost count of how many times a
day I access it. I typically browse it on my laptop or open the app on the TV so that my family
can enjoy it with me. Youtube content creators earn money through ads, and while I want to
support them, the frequent ads can be extremely bothersome. As soon as Youtube Premium
became available in Vietnam, I subscribed without hesitation. Now, those interruptions vanish in
an instant. This investment has been worth it because Youtube offers a window into diverse
cultures and experiences that I wouldn't otherwise have access to, as well as useful lectures
and tutorials that support my academic and professional growth.

I know Youtube is not a perfect platform, as some "trash videos” can slip through weak
censorship. I hope that Youtube will become more diligent in its censorship efforts so that
appropriate content can reach the right target audience.


What effect has the Internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?

The advent of the Internet has completely transformed the way we communicate, with
unprecedented opportunities to connect with people regardless of their location. With the
Internet, people can communicate through various means, such as emails, text messages,
phone calls, and video conferencing. In addition, social media platforms like Facebook and
Twitter enable people to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences with audiences across the
globe. While the Internet can certainly be tempting as a means of communication, it can also
lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions. This is because people may become
accustomed to relying solely on digital communication and neglect opportunities for in-person

How do you think communicating by email is different from communicating by text message?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

In general, emails are considered more formal and are typically used for professional
communication, while text messages are seen as more casual and are often used for personal
or informal communication. Emails are more sophisticated because composing an email
requires the use of formal language and careful word choice, making them suitable for
professional settings. On the other hand, text messages are typically shorter and more concise.
When composing a text message, people can use any tone they want and even add emojis to
express their feelings more clearly.

Why do you think the Internet is being used more and more for communication?

The convenience and speed of communication that the Internet provides have made it
increasingly popular among users. The ability to connect with others quickly, regardless of
distance or time zone, is a major factor. Moreover, the Internet offers a variety of communication
options, from making fast phone calls to sending short text messages, giving people more
flexibility in how they communicate. Additionally, the Internet provides easy and quick access to
information, allowing people to stay informed and up-to-date with the latest news and trends.

How can people find reliable information on the internet?

It can be challenging to distinguish reliable information from misleading or distorted information

these days. What I always do is check the source first. Typically, trustworthy information comes
from reputable sources, and credible authors often contribute to such sources. For instance,
government websites or academic institutions where researchers and highly-academic
individuals are the main authors are reliable sources. Also, to ensure the credibility of the
information, cross-checking it with different sources that state and verify the same information,
in the same way, is advisable.

Do you think the internet is safe for children to use unsupervised?

Absolutely not. While the Internet can provide children with valuable learning opportunities and
exposure to the outside world, there are also risks involved. Without supervision from their
parents or guardians, children can easily access inappropriate content that could negatively
impact their development and awareness. In addition, the Internet is rife with scams, and
children may be unaware of these dangers and could become victims of scammers. Therefore,
it's essential to monitor and supervise children's online activities closely.

15. Describe a piece of technology that you feel is difficult to use. You should say:
what it is
what you got it for
how often you use it
and explain how you feel about using it

As someone who is not tech-savvy, it usually takes me quite a long time to get the hang of using
technological gadgets. The pair of AirPods my parents gave me on my birthday a few years ago
was somewhat difficult to use at first.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

About four years ago, as my 15th birthday was around the corner, my parents didn’t know what
to get me. One day, my dad saw me struggling to untangle the wires of my earphones, and I
assumed that was when he came up with the idea of buying me a pair of wireless earphones. I
wasn't surprised, but it was a thoughtful gift anyway. I always bought my earphones with me
because I listened to music every day, everywhere, even on the go. For the first few days, my
experience with the new AirPods was irksome. I typically wear earphones while viewing videos
on Youtube, and whenever I came across an entertaining program that made me burst out
laughing, the earphones would tumble out of my ears and the ear tips weren’t so comfortable.
Despite my efforts to try various ear tip sizes to find a better fit, nothing worked. Also, Airpods
didn’t have buttons for adjusting the volume, so I had to use my phone for it. With my old wired
earphones, I could’ve done that with ease. The biggest advantage they provided me with was
their wireless feature and acceptable noise cancellation.

Although the AirPods were a practical and sentimental present from my parents, I eventually
had to give up on them and purchase a new pair of Sony headphones. The sound quality is top-
notch, and I can adjust them with the touch sensor of the headphones, making them so much
more comfortable and convenient. Although they were more expensive, I believe they were
worth the investment.


In what ways has technology changed your society?

Technology has brought significant positive changes to Vietnamese society, with its impact
being felt in various areas of daily life. For example, in transportation, ride-hailing services like
Grab and Gojek have been adopted for daily commutes, providing greater convenience and
accessibility. Communication has also been revolutionized, with social media platforms such as
Zalo and Facebook becoming ubiquitous, allowing people to connect with each other more
easily and quickly. Moreover, technology provides Vietnamese with access to online shopping
platforms like Shopee and Lazada, allowing us to order goods and have them delivered directly
to our doorstep.

How has technology changed the way we communicate?

Technology has significantly changed the way we communicate. Instead of sending letters,
people now rely on messaging apps and phone calls for instant communication. Technology has
also enabled global communication, allowing people from different backgrounds and cultures to
connect with each other regardless of distance. However, these conveniences have also
reduced the need for face-to-face interactions, as people can now convey their meaning and
emotions through text messages and emojis or instant calls.

How has technology changed the nature of long-distance relationships?

Technology has totally changed the nature of long-distance relationships, enabling couples to
stay connected even when they are far apart. Now, even if you're miles away from your partner,

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

you can stay in touch with them constantly thanks to messaging apps, video calls, and social
media platforms. Additionally, sharing photos and videos of their daily lives has become easier,
helping to bridge the distance gap and maintain a sense of intimacy. Back in the day, poor
communication systems often caused long-distance relationships to break down, leading to
anxiety and uncertainty. Now, with all these tech improvements, couples can exchange feelings
and emotions easily, thus making their relationships more fulfilling.

What are the limitations of technology when it comes to interpersonal relationships?

Technology can only benefit us to some extent, and it definitely has adverse effects on our
personal relationships. We often rely too much on digital communication that we forget to even
say a simple “good morning” to our loved ones, let alone have meaningful conversations with
them. Additionally, technology makes it easier for us to hide our true selves just to fit in with
others, which makes it harder to build genuine connections based on honesty. Technology is
also preventing people from having in-person interactions, which makes our interpersonal
relationships and connections less intimate and significant.

16. Describe a gift you received. You should say:

what it is
how you got it
what you did
and explain how you felt about it

I've been fortunate enough to receive many gifts throughout my life and I truly appreciate all of
them. But there's one gift that stands out above the rest - my beloved puppy.

As an animal lover, I had always dreamed of having a furry companion by my side. However,
due to allergies to animal fur that my mum, brother, and I shared, I thought this dream would
never come true. That was until the end of grade 10 when I got home from school, my parents
surprised me with a present that left me speechless. I couldn't fathom what it could be - maybe
a new bicycle or a study desk? The present was suspiciously big and I felt it moving when I
touched it. Without any more delay, I began to unwrap the gift, and as soon as I laid eyes on
what was inside, tears of happiness flowed down my face. There was a little dog staring back at
me with its charming marble eyes. My new furry friend was a combination of a poodle and a
Beijing dog, and my mum had told me that this particular breed didn't shed its fur. This was a
great relief, as it meant that my family and I would no longer have to deal with constant
sneezing fits in our home. It was the most unforgettable surprise of my life, and it felt like my
dream had finally come true. I named him Bubu after my favourite cartoon character, and I was
overwhelmed with gratitude that my parents knew how to make me truly happy.

Today, Bubu is a hyperactive 3-year-old who always keeps me on my toes. He's not just a pet
but an emotional support, always ready with his warm cuddles and unconditional love. I cherish
every moment with him, and I'm forever grateful to my parents for making my dream a reality.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239


What is the purpose of gift giving?

Gift-giving serves various purposes, including expressing appreciation, gratitude, love, or

respect towards someone. It can also be a means of strengthening social connections and
building new ones. This thoughtful act is often associated with expressing generosity or sharing
one's wealth with others. Sometimes, giving a gift can also be a way of saying sorry or making
up for something you did wrong in the past.

How has gift-giving changed since your grandparents’ time?

Over time, the act of giving gifts has undergone significant changes. In the past, during our
grandparents' time, gifts were typically exchanged only on special occasions such as Christmas,
New Year's, birthdays, you name it. The gifts given were often practical, such as home-grown
vegetables or items that could be used in daily life. However, nowadays, gift-giving has become
more diverse, with people gifting both tangible items and experiences like concert tickets or
cooking classes. Additionally, people no longer limit gift-giving to special occasions but give gifts
when they feel it’s necessary.

How important is gift-giving in a relationship?

Gift-giving is all about keeping your relationships strong and tight, you know? Receiving a gift
from someone you love can make you feel over the moon and valued, which ultimately
strengthens your bond. When you put in the effort to select a unique gift, it shows how much
you care about that person. Therefore, whether you want to impress your significant other or
surprise your bestie, giving them a thoughtful gift can contribute significantly to building a
deeper connection. It's important to note that while gifts can be great, they’re not the only factor
in maintaining a relationship. Communication and spending quality time together are equally
essential components of a healthy relationship.

What is more important when it comes to giving a gift, cost or effort?

Whether the cost or the effort of a gift is more important depends on the recipient's preferences.
Personally speaking, I value the effort put into a gift more than its monetary value. While an
extravagant gift may be flashy and impress the recipient initially, the effort put into selecting or
creating the gift stays with them longer. A thoughtful and personalised gift may not be
expensive, but it can hold more significance and meaning for the recipient than a generic gift. At
the end of the day, what matters most is the sentiment behind the gift.

Do you think it's suitable to give money as a gift?

Giving money as a gift may seem like a simple and down-to-earth option, but it can actually be a
great choice in certain situations. For example, if your friend is going through financial difficulties
or building a nest egg for specific goals, giving them some cash can be helpful. And if you don't

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

really know what the recipient wants or needs, giving them money is always a safe bet. Plus, in
many traditions and religions, giving money as a gift is totally normal. However, some people
might think that giving money is kinda thoughtless compared to a gift that shows more effort and

Do you think it's a good idea for people who are doing business with each other to exchange

Exchanging gifts between business associates is actually a thoughtful way to show appreciation
and respect for each other. However, it is important to consider company policies on the
acceptance and offer of gifts to partners, as such actions may be misconstrued as inappropriate
or unethical. As long as gift-giving is intended to show respect and does not influence business
decisions, it can be regarded as a gesture of camaraderie.

17. Describe something you did with a group of people. You should say:
what it was
where you did it
who you’re with
and explain how you felt about it

During my high school years, I actively participated in various group activities, with rescuing
abandoned cats and dogs being one of my favourites.

At first, I joined a non-profit organisation solely to boost my extracurricular profile for university
applications. Being an animal lover, I decided to join an animal welfare group whose mission
was to advocate for pet welfare. I initially assumed that this group would function like other
organisations I had joined in the past, with online meetings and social media interactions being
the norm. However, it turned out to be the most fulfilling organisation I had ever been a part of.
Before Tet holiday, the group organised a project in which all members met up and rode through
the inner city to help abandoned cats and dogs. I was thrilled at the opportunity to meet
everyone in person and was impressed by how friendly and supportive everyone was. Each
day, we travelled around the city, finding lonely and starving cats and dogs on the streets. Some
were severely injured, and we took them to the nearest vet for medical attention. Despite being
on tight budgets, our team members were committed to the activity and spent our own money to
buy food, drinks, cages, and leashes to make the rescue process easier. By the end of the
week, we were delighted to see that there were fewer lonely cats and dogs wandering around
the city.

We were aware that our joint efforts, as high school students, may have been small, but we
believed that small efforts can make a significant difference. Although the organisation
disbanded later due to schoolwork, we all treasured the experience of working together as a
group to help many cats and dogs find loving homes.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239


Do children collaborate a lot?

Undoubtedly, children have ample opportunity to collaborate with others, particularly in settings
such as school or during playtime. Children have a tendency to form groups and engage in
activities together, ensuring that they always have someone to spend time with. In school
projects, collaboration among children is even more prominent as they work together in teams.
However, they may not get along well with their teammates from time to time, as children can be
stubborn and may not listen to others.

Do you think working alone teaches less than working in groups?

Personally, I'm not a big fan of group work, but I have to admit that it can be a more effective
way to learn than working alone. Working with others enables us to exchange diverse ideas and
perspectives, which can help us gain a more comprehensive understanding of a situation. It also
enhances our communication, interpersonal, and even leadership skills if we get the opportunity
to lead a team. These valuable skills are developed through participating in group projects and
are difficult to acquire through solo work.

18. Describe your first day at school. You should say:

where the school was
what happened
who you talked to
explain how you felt on that day.

My first step into middle school is a vivid memory, but unfortunately, it wasn't a pleasant one.

I had made many friends during my time in elementary school, but my mum insisted that I
attend the middle school that was a stone's throw away from my house for easy drop off and
pick up. I hated that idea because it meant that I would have to say goodbye to my old friends,
and worse yet, start making new friends from scratch. The first day of school was a complete
disaster for me. The new environment of middle school overwhelmed me, and I was intimidated
by the unfamiliar faces. Despite being 11 years old, my mum still accompanied me on my first
day, which was a little embarrassing. All of the students had to endure an hour-long welcome
speech from the principal in the hot sun before we could go to our classrooms. Sadly, my
experience in the classroom was even worse. Everyone already knew each other, and they
quickly formed groups, leaving me alone. One girl even teased me about how childish I was for
having my mum with me on the first day of school. I had no choice but to bear it until the teacher
arrived and assigned seats. The only enjoyable part of that day was talking to my deskmate. We
discovered that we had a lot in common and became friends from that moment onward.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

I know every first day of school should be a memorable experience and yes, this terrible start to
school actually stayed with me, but thankfully, my mum helped me deal with the bullies and
encouraged me to keep my head up for the next two years until our family moved to a new
house. Once again, I had to experience the "first day of school" in a completely new
environment, but at least this time, I was more prepared for the challenge.


Do you think students should be taken to school by their parents or go by themselves?

It’s generally safer for students in kindergarten or primary school to be accompanied by an

adult, like their parents, on their way to school. Plus, it can also help them calm down and get
used to the new environment they're in. For older students, going to school on their own may be
feasible if the school is nearby or reliable transportation options are available. However, if the
school is located far from their home, parental accompaniment may still be necessary to ensure
their safety.

Should children rely on their parents or be independent?

I believe that parents have a responsibility to care for their children until they reach a certain
age. It's natural for young children to need guidance and support from their parents as they
navigate the world around them. However, it's also important to gradually teach them to take on
their own responsibilities and make decisions for themselves. It's important for children to learn
how to strike a balance between independence and having a supportive relationship with their
parents. Of course, relying too much on their parents isn't ideal if they want to avoid being a
"mama's boy" or "daddy's girl" forever.

How can children become more independent?

There are many ways to encourage independence in children, as the methods parents use may
vary. To foster decision-making skills, some parents let their kids make choices between simple
things, such as picking out their own clothes. Additionally, to make children less reliant on their
parents, they need to learn to take on responsibilities, such as making their bed or doing their
own laundry. It's important to provide them with opportunities for independence, like walking to
school alone, to expose them to new things and to face new challenges on their own.

What is the effect if parents interfere with children’s life too much?

While it's important for parents to be involved in their children's lives, over-involvement can have
adverse effects on their development and well-being. Overprotection and excessive control can
lead to children feeling suffocated and unable to showcase their abilities, which can cause
resentment in the short run and negatively affect their mental health in the long run. Intrusive
parenting can also restrict opportunities for children to become independent, leading to poor
decision-making and long-term reliance on their parents.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

How does changing school affect children?

Changing schools can be a significant transition for children and can have a major impact on
their emotions. Switching schools can make children feel overwhelmed in an unfamiliar
environment and may result in a sense of alienation as they are not yet accustomed to the new
pace and culture of the school. Children may also face academic challenges due to changing
schools. They may need time to adjust to the new timetable, curriculum, and teaching methods,
which can lead to children missing out on certain subjects or falling behind in their studies.

19. Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something. You should say:
who you taught
what you taught
how you taught him or her
and explain how you felt about it

I've always enjoyed crocheting and wanted to share my knowledge with others. I remember
teaching my little brother how to crochet and, to be honest, it was a bit annoying, but I managed
to help him finish a project on his own.

Just a few months ago, my brother asked me to teach him how to crochet a hat for his girlfriend
as a Valentine's Day gift. I agreed to teach him on the condition that he bought me a cup of milk
tea. We went to a yarn shop together to choose his favourite colour and texture, and then began
the training. I started by showing him the basic crochet stitches and explaining how they
worked. Then, I taught him how to read a crochet pattern and follow the instructions. We began
with a simple project, making a dishcloth, so he could practise the basic stitches. I demonstrated
each step and had him practise it a few times on his own. At first, he had some difficulty holding
the hook because it was too small for his hand and the yarn was so slippery that it kept slipping
from his hand. Although I can be hot-headed, I tried to stay calm and patient throughout the
process, even when he made mistakes. As he got more comfortable with the stitches, we
moved on to making the hat. I have to admit, my brother was more skilled than I expected as he
carefully weaved through each stitch. A lot of yarn and effort went into crafting the final product,
which was a beautifully crocheted purple hat adorned with tiny flowers.

Even though teaching my brother was sometimes frustrating, I’m proud to have been his
instructor. He said his girlfriend loved the hat, and she even asked me to teach her how to
crochet. It was a rewarding experience to share my passion for crocheting with my family.


What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?

A good teacher must possess various qualities to excel in their profession. Firstly, they must
have a thorough knowledge and passion for the subject they teach. Additionally, they should be

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

patient, approachable, and possess excellent communication skills to effectively engage with
their students and address their queries and worries. It's essential for them to be adaptable in
their teaching methods to suit the unique needs and capabilities of each student. While there
are many other essential qualities, I believe that these are some of the most crucial ones for a
teacher to have.

Who do you think can learn better? Old or young people?

It's hard to say whether young or old people are better at learning because everyone learns
differently. Younger people tend to remember things better and are more likely to take chances
and try new things. Older people have more life experience and are often motivated to learn.
However, it’s possible that younger learners may learn at a faster pace than their older
counterparts because they don't have as much prior knowledge that could interfere with their
understanding of new information and distract them from it.

What do you think is the best age for children to go to school?

I started primary school at the age of 6, so I'll stick with that. Despite the importance of early
childhood education, given that I also attended kindergarten at age 3, I believe that age 6 is the
sweet spot where children can begin formal learning. By this age, most children have developed
enough cognitive abilities to grasp the fundamentals of formal education. Still, this is my
subjective opinion, and the decision of when to start school should depend on the child's
developmental readiness.

What courses/subjects will be helpful in future work?

I'm not sure about whether adding more subjects to the 13 already being taught in the
Vietnamese education system would be beneficial, as it might cause students to feel more
stressed. But, if additional courses were offered as electives, I think that those related to AI or
computer science would be useful for students' future careers. The job market currently faces a
shortage of employees in this field, so even if students aren't particularly interested in these
subjects, being exposed to them could help them in the future.

Do you think students should choose subjects they like?

I strongly believe that students should be given the freedom to choose the subjects they study.
When they get to pick the courses they find interesting, it makes them more motivated and
excited about learning, which can lead to better grades and personal fulfillment. Moreover,
granting students the ability to make their own choices can help them develop a sense of
responsibility and teach them how to treat their choices with care. On top of that, allowing
students to choose their favorite subjects can enable them to explore their passions and
develop the necessary skills for their desired future careers.

20. Describe something you did that made you feel proud. You should say:

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085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

what you did

when you did it
how difficult it was
and explain why it made you feel proud

For an introvert like myself, standing in front of a large crowd and singing required a great deal
of courage. Breaking out of my shell and performing to the best of my ability was something I
took immense pride in.

During my middle school years, I was incredibly introverted, only speaking to my deskmate.
When a talent competition was announced as a means of earning extracurricular points, I
initially shied away from the opportunity due to my fear of being in the public eye. However, my
only friend encouraged me to participate, explaining that my academic performance would
suffer if I did not earn enough points for the excellent student title. After some hesitation, I tried
standing in front of my class to build up confidence before taking the stage. On the day of the
competition, I was so nervous that I couldn't eat breakfast and was shaking with jitters. My
friend helped calm me down and pushed me onto the stage. Looking out at the sea of faces, I
spotted my friend and focused on her, taking a deep breath and delivering a smooth
performance. Although I didn’t win first prize, I earned enough points for being an excellent

Despite my natural lack of confidence, my friend helped me overcome my shyness and believe
in myself, giving me the courage to perform. I felt pleased with myself for stepping out of my
comfort zone and taking risks. At that moment, as I looked out at the cheering crowd, I couldn’t
have been prouder of myself.


What qualities are needed to become successful?

There are many qualities that are essential for achieving success, but I'll focus on three:
perseverance, resilience, and passion. To achieve success, one needs to be persistent and
always keep pushing towards their goals, even when faced with challenges. Resilience is also
important because setbacks and failures are inevitable, but the ability to recover and bounce
back is what separates successful people from those who give up. Finally, having a strong
passion for the work one does can provide the motivation needed to continue working towards
achieving their goals.

Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

Yeah, for sure. In the old days, people used to think that being successful meant being rich,
powerful, or having a high social status. But now, with all the technology and Internet stuff, there
are new ways to achieve success, like starting your own business, becoming a social media
influencer, or selling stuff online. And nowadays, success isn't just about money or status, it's
also about finding personal fulfillment, having a good work-life balance, and making a positive

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

impact on the world. But no matter how you define success, you still gotta have perseverance,
passion, and resilience to get there.

How important is goal-setting to achieve success?

Setting goals is crucial to achieving success. By outlining the steps necessary to achieve their
objectives, individuals can determine which path they should take and what actions they need to
take to succeed. Goals also serve as a guide for individuals to stay focused and motivated on
the right track. They enable people to assess their progress and determine whether they’re on
the right track to achieving their desired outcomes. I believe that those who follow through with
their goals are more likely to achieve success in life.

Is it important for society to celebrate individuals who have achieved success?

Celebrating success can inspire and motivate others, especially young people, to strive for
greatness and create a culture of achievement. It can also recognise the hard work and talent of
successful individuals and show appreciation for their contributions. However, there may be a
downside to this as successful people may feel pressured to continuously succeed and avoid
failure to maintain their status as role models. Moreover, those who have yet to achieve success
may feel disheartened, leading to emotional distress.

21. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young. You
should say:
what it was
where you did it
who you did it with
and explain why you enjoyed it

As a child, I had a great passion for playing "ô ăn quan" or "mandarin square capturing," a
traditional Vietnamese board game for children. Unlike other kids who enjoyed outdoor
activities, I preferred staying indoors and playing this game with my mum, who actually taught
me how to play it.

The game was quite simple. Two players would take turns placing black and white stones on
the grids on the board, similar to chess pieces. The player who managed to distribute the stones
in such a way that the next grid was empty would then slap that empty grid and capture all the
stones of the next grid. As a little girl, playing this game allowed me to make calculations in my
head and use tactics that would be helpful in winning the game. However, my mum was a
master of this game, and no matter how much effort I put into my calculations, she always
seemed to be a step ahead and win the game. Since my mum was the only one in the house
willing to play this game with me, I would always beg her to play with me as soon as I got back
from school. We used to play for hours until my mum almost forgot to make dinner.

What I loved about this game was that it gave me a chance to learn about Vietnamese traditions
and also to spend quality time with my family. At the time, the Internet had not yet taken over

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

our lives, and there were limited entertainment options available. Sadly, these traditional games
are now less popular, as technology has completely transformed the way we spend our leisure
time. I often think back to those days when I was a child, sitting across from my mum and trying
to outsmart her.


What type of leisure activities are popular in your country?

People in Vietnam have a number of leisure activities to choose from, ranging from traditional
folk games to modern recreational activities. Outdoor pastimes are quite popular, such as
playing sports like soccer, badminton, or foot shuttlecock, and working out in public parks. Also,
eating out is a common leisure activity for many people. For those who prefer indoor activities,
watching their favourite TV shows at home or playing video games are also popular leisure

Why is it important for people to have leisure activities?

Leisure activities are crucial for people who have busy lives. They can help us relax, reduce
stress, and enhance our overall mental and physical health. When we take a break from work
and participate in pastimes, it can boost our productivity and creativity. We can come back to
our work feeling refreshed and energised. Recreational activities also allow us to connect with
others who share the same interests, which can help us create friendships, networks, and a
sense of community.

Why are some leisure activities more popular than others?

Some leisure activities may be more popular than others due to factors such as accessibility,
affordability, and familiarity. For instance, in Vietnam, public parks offer free exercise equipment
and walking paths, making outdoor exercise a more accessible and affordable option compared
to expensive gym memberships. Plus, some activities may have been around for a long time
and become familiar and comfortable to people, making them hesitant to try new ones.

Do you think that parents should choose leisure activities for their children? Why/Why not?

Parents are the ones who understand their children's interests and needs the best, so they
should be in charge of selecting their leisure activities. Of course, I don't support parents forcing
their children into activities that aren’t suited for them, but they should be able to know which
activity is right for their children. This allows parents to have control over what their children do
and prevents them from adopting any bad habits or hanging out with bad people. At the end of
the day, the best thing to do is to involve the children in making this decision and choosing the
most suitable activities.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Has free time activities among people in your country changed much more than that of 2
decades ago?

The way Vietnamese people spend their free time has undergone significant changes over the
past 20 years. Although I wasn't around back then, I can envision that people used to enjoy
activities like going to the cinema or hanging out with loved ones. Nowadays, there's a lot more
to do, like hitting the malls, restaurants, or gyms. Additionally, due to the rise of technology,
many people now spend their free time using their phones or engaging in online activities.

What changes do you think technologies have brought in the way people enjoy their leisure

Technologies have definitely brought in new entertainment options for people to enjoy during
their leisure time. In the past, people had a limited number of choices when it came to having
fun. However, thanks to technology, many new types of leisure activities that were once
impossible are now readily available. For instance, people no longer need to go outside to buy
CDs or DVDs to listen to music or watch movies. With streaming services like Spotify and
Netflix, we can easily do these activities while lounging in your cozy home.

22. Describe a time you were late for a meeting. You should say:

what the meeting was for

when the meeting was

where the meeting was

and explain why you were late

I’m a very punctual person and I hate it when people show up late to a meeting or a hangout.
But sadly, I made this horrible mistake at a very important meeting for my uni group project, and
I still feel ashamed when I think back to it.

It was several months ago when our group had to submit our final project to the professor, so
we decided to gather one last time to nitpick every single mistake. We agreed to meet at a
coffee shop near my uni at around 9 a.m. The night before the meeting, I pulled an all-nighter to
finish my part, so everyone could help me fix it the next morning. I went to bed around 2 a.m.,
but my alarm didn’t go off, and I ended up oversleeping. When I finally realised that I was an
hour late for the meeting, my friends had already tried calling me multiple times. I quickly got
dressed and rushed out of the house, but to add insult to injury, I completely lost my way due to
my terrible navigation skills. I had to stop several times to ask for directions from nearby drivers
which was time-consuming and finally showed up at the meeting 2 hours after it started.
Fortunately, my team members were quite forgiving and didn’t hesitate to rediscuss what they
had covered in the time I was absent. I apologised for my mistake and to make up for my
absence, I promised to pay for that day’s lunch.

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

Although I didn’t have to pay too high of a price for my mistake, it was still a foolish one. This
experience reminded me to always be punctual, as making others wait is a terrible thing to do.


What kinds of activities do you consider a waste of time?

Numerous activities are often regarded as frivolous. These activities don't give you any benefit,
but they can eat up a lot of your time. Like when a kid spends hours doing something
unproductive instead of finishing their homework - that's a total waste of time. Or waiting in line
forever only to find out you didn't get what you wanted - that's also a waste of time.

What usually makes people feel pressured?

I'm pretty sure that social criticism, time limits, and competition are the usual suspects that put
people under pressure. Firstly, when friends, family, or society have too many expectations and
judgments, people can feel pressured to conform to certain norms. Secondly, having a limited
amount of time to complete a task can easily stress people out, making it hard to finish on time.
And finally, when surrounded by lots of competitors in life, many find it tough to perform at their
best to stay ahead of others, which eventually leads to pressure.

Do you think young people or old people are better at managing time?

Well, to me, age doesn't necessarily determine whether you're a good time manager or not.
Time management skills can be learned and improved, just like many other skills. Maybe as
people age, they gain more experience and get better at this skill, but overall, it depends on
each individual's schedule, personal interests, and activities. Some younger people are
excellent at managing their time because they’re well aware of what they should do and benefit
from top-notch time management tools on their technologies. On the other hand, some older
people may struggle with this.

Why do young people waste more time than old people?

I don’t know why this question sounds stereotypical to me, probably because I’m a youngster,
but time-wasting behaviours shouldn’t only be limited to young people. Young individuals may
have differing priorities and responsibilities, such as fewer work or family obligations, which can
create the perception of having more free time. But, looking on the bright side, some of the
activities that older individuals may deem wasteful could serve a purpose for young people,
such as making mistakes and learning from them to develop better time-management skills and
gain a deeper appreciation for life.

How can people manage their time better?

Although different people may have different approaches to managing their time, I believe that
the most effective way is to establish a plan and follow through with it. It's important to clearly
identify priorities and tackle them first, before moving on to less critical tasks. Allocating an

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

appropriate amount of time for each task is crucial to avoid excessive time spent on unimportant
activities. This can be achieved manually using planner books or through the use of digital
planners such as Notion, which offer greater efficiency and convenience.

23. Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well. You
should say:
what it was
when you heard it
how you knew it
and explain how you felt about it

Recently, I received some great news from my best friend, Kyle, who has just been accepted
into his dream university in Australia.

I’ve known Kyle since middle school and we have been through many ups and downs together.
And of course, I’m well aware of his dream to attend one of the top 8 universities in Australia,
and I also know how hard he has worked to achieve his goal of being accepted. I have seen him
staying up till 2 or 3 in the morning to study on many occasions, and participating in after-school
activities to bolster his profile for his uni application. Just a week ago, Kyle called me while I was
still in bed to share the good news of his acceptance. I was thrilled for him and jumped out of
bed with excitement. The joy and relief in his voice were palpable, and I knew how much effort
and dedication he had put into his academics and extracurricular activities to make this
achievement possible. The fact that he also received a 50% tuition fee scholarship made me
even more proud of him. That entire morning was one of the greatest moments of my life
because I had the opportunity to witness my best friend take his first step towards success. I
congratulated him, and we made plans to celebrate together. He truly deserves all the
recognition and admiration from everyone.

Hearing about Kyle's success filled me with happiness and pride. He is a fantastic role model for
me to stay focused and work hard to achieve my own goals. While I'm sad that we'll have to say
goodbye soon as he heads off to Australia, I'm looking forward to staying in touch and seeing all
the amazing things he'll achieve in the future.


How do most people get their news in your country?

In Vietnam, the Internet has become a major source of news for most people. They rely on
online news websites and social media platforms accessed through their mobile devices to keep
up with the latest events. However, many other people still prefer traditional news sources such
as TV news programs or print newspapers. These sources are considered more credible, as
they undergo authority approval before publication, and offer 24-hour news coverage.

How do you think people will get their news in the future?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

I reckon that smartphones and mobile devices are taking over, which means digital news
sources are gonna be the main way people get their news in the future. Thanks to
advancements in technology, we’ll be able to customize our news feeds based on what we're
interested in. These digital news sources are also highly accessible, as people can simply turn
on their phones to access the latest news updates without having to wait for a specific TV news
program or purchase a physical newspaper.

Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers?

No, I don’t automatically believe everything I read in newspapers. I tend to approach information
with discernment, regardless of how reliable it is. While newspapers are a legitimate source of
valuable information, I typically verify any claims made in their articles before accepting them as
true. This is because some journalists may distort information to manipulate the public, either to
generate interest or to serve their own interests.

How has social media changed the way we get and share the news?

The advent of social media has dramatically altered how we access and share the news. Back
in the day, we relied on old-school media like newspapers, TV, and radio, or passed information
through word of mouth. Today social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
have become primary sources of news. This shift has made it possible for news to spread
rapidly on social media, reaching more people faster than ever before. But the flip side is that
fake news or misinformation can also run rampant in the media, which can create confusion and
undermine people’s trust in news sources.

Do you think printed newspapers will disappear in the future?

Printed newspapers will definitely become obsolete in the future if the consumption of digital
media continues to thrive. The fact that fewer people are reading and paying for traditional print
newspapers is proof that more and more folks are getting their news online. While some
newspapers have attempted to adapt to the digital age by creating online versions of their
publications, many others have gone out of business due to unaffordable ongoing costs. That's
why it's totally possible that someday we won't have any more physical newspapers left.

24. Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved. You should say:
what it is
why you haven’t achieved it
what you will do
and explain how you feel about it

I have set many ambitions in my life that I have not yet achieved, and one of them is mastering
the use of the Korean language.

I was exposed to Korean culture and language at a young age through K-dramas and K-pop,
and they all piqued my interest in learning more about Korea. When I was in Year 10, Korean

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

was a compulsory subject at school, so I took extra classes to improve my score. However, as
soon as the year ended, I stopped taking Korean classes and paid less effort to learn the
language. Now, as a college freshman, I realise that being multilingual would expand my
network and social circle. Since I already have a basic understanding of Korean, my eagerness
to learn the language has grown even stronger. I’m planning to register for an online Korean
course to have a guide as self-studying would be difficult. Additionally, I will try to allocate
regular time for practice by reading Korean books and articles and conversing with native
speakers in the Korean town in HCMC. I believe that consistent and deliberate practice is the
key to achieving fluency in a new language. However, due to my busy schedule with school
assignments, it's difficult to find time to pursue this ambition.

I regret not continuing my Korean classes since Year 10, but I’m determined to work towards it.
Although I do not have much spare time, I remain optimistic that with my best efforts, I can
achieve my ambition.


What ambitions do children usually have?

It's difficult to make a blanket statement on this topic because every child has unique interests
and experiences that shape their aspirations. However, younger children may dream of
becoming superheroes, princesses, astronauts, or other fantastical roles that seem
extraordinary or unusual. As they mature and gain a better understanding of the world, their
aspirations may shift towards more practical and career-oriented goals.

Why are some people very ambitious in their work?

It's difficult to pinpoint exactly why every individual is highly ambitious in their work as this can
vary greatly. However, I believe that the common goal for most ambitious individuals is to
achieve success. For some, their ambition may stem from a deep desire to reach their full
potential and experience personal fulfilment through their accomplishments at work. Others may
be driven by a strong sense of competition and the desire to outperform their peers in order to
gain recognition.

Why don’t some people have dreams?

There are many reasons why some people may not have dreams or aspirations. They might
have experienced setbacks or failures in the past that caused them to lose confidence and feel
apathetic, making it challenging for them to strive for something greater. Another possible
reason is that they grew up in an environment where pursuing one's dreams and ambitions was
not valued or encouraged, so they learned to become more practical and focus on reality
instead of chasing specific goals.

How do people balance work and life?

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

The human mind is naturally capable of multitasking, but when trying to do too many things at
once, something will often have to give. Similarly, finding a balance between work and personal
life can be difficult. While there are strategies to achieve this, there may be times when we can’t
balance these two things equally and have to give up on one in order to prioritise the other.
Ultimately, it's up to each person to plan their schedule and consider what's most important to
them in order to achieve a balanced lifestyle

25. Describe a house or an apartment that you want to live in. You should say:
what it is like
where it would be
why you would like to live in this house or apartment
and explain how you feel about this house or apartment

Living in the bustling HCMC for so long has prompted me to consider purchasing my dream
house in a more secluded area. I know this is a far-fetched idea but I’m thinking of living in a
house in the mountainous region of Da Lat, a.k.a the “city of thousand flowers.”

Da Lat is renowned for its mild atmosphere, making it the perfect spot to call home as it’s
neither too hot nor too cold. I’m not looking for anything flashy, I simply want my dream house to
be a one-storey detached house with a veranda overlooking the garden. I have a deep
appreciation for the flora and fauna in Da Lat, so having a flower garden where I can admire its
beauty and satisfy my dad's green thumb is a must-have. Imagine how cosy and warm it would
be to sit with my family on the veranda and enjoy a meal in the cool weather of Da Lat. I want
my dream house to be spacious, with only one floor so that my parents don’t have to climb
stairs, and since everyone shares the same floor, we will be more connected. Plus, I need a big
kitchen so our family members can all cook together and bond as a family. And of course, we’ll
have some comfy sofas for the family to chill out while sipping on hot drinks. Da Lat ain't just
about nature, it's got all the conveniences you need, from various eateries to hospitable service.
Literally, everything will be at my fingertips.

HCMC is already plagued by pollution, from bad air quality to unhygienic water sources. I’m not
into the fast-paced lifestyle and polluted environment of this metropolis, so I’m itching to own a
house in Da Lat.


What are the differences between apartments and houses in your country?

Apartments are usually smaller than traditional houses in many countries, including Vietnam.
They often offer shared amenities such as gyms, swimming pools, and parking lots, as well as
better security systems compared to houses. On the other hand, houses are standalone
structures that offer more space and privacy compared to apartments. While houses may come
with higher purchase and maintenance costs, they are generally more spacious than their

118 Nguyễn Xuân Khoát, P. Tân Thành, Q. Tân Phú, HCMC

085.301.8788 – 0965.439.239

What kinds of housing are the most popular in your country?

While both apartments and houses are popular in Vietnam, apartments are becoming
increasingly common. This type of housing is particularly prevalent in large cities where land is
limited, making multi-storey buildings with smaller units a practical solution for densely
populated areas. Additionally, due to their affordability and convenience, apartments are a
popular choice among many Vietnamese families. Moreover, many people buy apartments for
investment purposes, renting them out to generate passive income for instance.

What are the differences between housing that young people and old people like?

Several factors can influence the housing preferences of both young and old people. Generally,
younger people prefer living in urban areas that offer easy access to amenities like public
transportation and entertainment options, which cater to their needs for easy daily commuting
and socialising with friends. Conversely, older people often prefer living in quieter areas with
access to green spaces and outdoor activities. They typically prioritise larger homes with more
living space and privacy.

Do people usually rent or buy a house?

Whether someone chooses to rent or buy a house depends on their individual preferences and
financial circumstances. High-income earners may prefer to buy a house as it offers the benefits
of long-term stability, financial investment, and ownership. Conversely, those who are financially
constrained may choose to rent as they can’t afford the upfront costs associated with buying a
house and may not want to bear the ongoing expenses of maintaining and repairing the
property. Some people who require more flexibility due to frequent moves may prefer to rent a
house rather than buy one. Ultimately, the decision to rent or buy depends on many factors
unique to each individual.


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