The Anniversary

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Q. How does Hughes present his feeling towards his family in the ‘Anniversary’?


"My mother in her feathers of flame," is a phrase from “Anniversary” by Ted Hughes. It
beautifully captures Hughes's emotional attachment and reverence for his mother. Hughes
portrays his mother and her sister, Miriam, as ethereal beings, evoking a sense of spiritual
presence. The poem showcases Hughes's profound love and admiration for his family, as he
navigates the depths of grief and seeks solace in preserving their memories. Within this
introspective journey, Hughes's emotions toward his family resonate with a delicate mixture of
longing, tenderness, and a desire to honor their lives. Hughes has masterfully showcased his
emotions for his family with the use of imagery, theme of family and, form and structure.

Para 1 - Imagery

Ted Hughes's utilization of vivid imagery magnifies his profound emotions and reverence
towards his family. "Their feathers throb softly, iridescent" incorporates vivid imagery that adds a
layer of mystical and ethereal quality to the portrayal of Hughes's family members. The image of
throbbing feathers suggests a pulsating life force within them, emphasizing their vibrant
presence and spiritual essence. The term "iridescent" further intensifies the visual aspect,
evoking a shimmering and ever-changing display of colors. This imagery creates a sense of
awe and wonder, enhancing Hughes's deep emotional connection to his family. Adding to it
Hughes says "her Red Indian hair" which contains vivid imagery that not only describes the
physical appearance of Hughes's mother but also carries symbolic weight. The use of "Red
Indian" evokes a sense of cultural heritage and ancestral roots, suggesting a connection to
Indigenous or Native American heritage. Furthermore, it reflects Hughes's admiration and
reverence for his mother's unique qualities, highlighting her distinctiveness and the impact she
has had on his life. "her voice comes, piping" involves imagery that enhances the portrayal of
Hughes's mother and elicits a specific emotional response. The word choice of "piping"
suggests a high-pitched, melodious sound, evoking the image of a small flute or bird's song.
This imagery adds a sense of delicacy and enchantment to his mother's voice, emphasizing its
ethereal quality and the impact it has on Hughes. The use of "piping" also conveys a feeling of
nostalgia, as it brings to mind the distant echoes of music or a haunting melody. The effect on
Hughes's emotions is one of longing and a deep connection to his family, as the image of his
mother's voice resonates with him on a profound level.

Para 2 - Theme of family

Through the theme of family, Ted Hughes vividly portrays his profound emotions of love, unity,
and admiration for his family members in the poem "Anniversary". "She is now as tall as Miriam"
encompasses the theme of family and elicits a profound emotional response from Hughes. This
line suggests a sense of equality and unity between Hughes's mother and her sister, Miriam. It
highlights the enduring bond and connection shared by family members, emphasizing their
interconnectedness and the profound impact they have on one another's lives. The effect on
Hughes's emotions is one of deep love and admiration for his family, as he witnesses the equal
stature of his mother and Miriam. "every May Thirteenth" encapsulates the theme of family and
elicits a poignant emotional response from Hughes. This specific date suggests its significance
as the birthday of her mother. The mention of a specific date associated with his family
emphasizes the enduring presence and impact of his family members in his life. It evokes a
sense of ritual, remembrance, and the perpetual cycle of familial bonds."I do this for her"
encapsulates the theme of family and elicits a profound emotional response from Hughes. This
line showcases Hughes's selfless devotion and unwavering commitment to his family,
particularly his mother. By saying "I do this for her," he expresses his willingness to carry the
emotional burden of his family's grief and honor their memories. It demonstrates his deep sense
of duty and love for his family, highlighting the profound influence they have on his actions and
emotions. The line reflects the enduring bond and interdependence within the family unit, as
well as Hughes's personal sacrifice for the sake of his loved ones.

Para 3 - Form and structure

The form and structure of the poem intricately mirror and emphasize the depth of Hughes’s
emotions toward his family. The title of the poem, "Anniversary," typically represents a
commemoration of a significant event or milestone. In this context, it suggests that Hughes is
reflecting upon a particular day or occasion related to his family, possibly marking the passing of
a loved one or a significant moment shared among them. Additionally, the repetition of certain
phrases and motifs, such as the recurring references to dates and the imagery of “feathers”,
creates a sense of rhythm and resonance throughout the poem. These repetitions serve to
reinforce the enduring nature of Hughes's emotions, highlighting the timeless and unyielding
love he holds for his family. The poem moves fluidly between moments of nostalgia, joy, grief,
and longing. These shifts in tone, often marked by enjambment and abrupt transitions, mirror
the complex and multi-faceted nature of his feelings toward his family.


"Anniversary" by Ted Hughes is a deeply introspective and emotive poem that encapsulates the
complex and profound emotions he harbors towards his family. Through the interplay of vivid
imagery, reflective narrative, and a fluid structure, Hughes navigates the depths of love, loss,
and longing. The form of the poem allows for an intimate exploration of his emotions, while the
recurring motifs and shifts in tone evoke a sense of timelessness and the enduring nature of
familial bonds. Ultimately, "Anniversary" stands as a testament to the enduring love and
profound impact his family holds in his heart and memory.

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