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Pre K- 2nd grade
Soc󰈎󰇽󰈗 a󰉓󰈀r󰇵󰈝e󰈼s: T󰈊e 󰈎󰈞v󰈏󰈻i󰇻l󰈩 B󰈢󰉘
● This book is important because it allows students to empathize with the main
character Brian
● Brain struggles with being left out which is a concept the students can relate to
● In the book there is a new student Justin who eats Bulgogi with chopsticks and it
made fun of for doing so
● Brian writes him a note in order to make him feel better and accepted
● Shows students the value of respecting and appreciating diversity
● Helps students learn the value of feelings in an accessible way
Sel󰇾-󰈀󰉓󰇽re󰈝󰈩󰈼s: M󰈢󰈝󰈕ey M󰈎󰈚󰈏󰇸
● Monkey Mimic is a similar version of Go fish

● Students will ask if the other players have the card they are looking for by mimicking the emotion in
order to get a pair

● This game is important because students will develop in understanding and recognizing emotions
through a fun way

● This game will not only allow students to visualize what they look like when they feel these emotions
but also help them recognize the emotions other people are feeling

● Helps students become familiar with all emotions which are a part of the human experience (normal)
Sel󰇾-󰈛󰈀n󰇽󰈇e󰈛󰈩n󰉃: S󰇵󰈞so󰈸󰉙 B󰈎n
● Keeping a sensory bin in the back of the classroom will help students work through
their emotions
● If students are feeling upset, stressed, or need a refocuser, they can use the sensory
bin to calm themselves down
● Demonstrates that all emotions are normal to feel and they are not to be ashamed off
● Also stress the importance of self-advocacy
Note: A teacher has to be careful to make sure this doesn’t become a distraction
Rel󰈀󰉃󰈏o󰈞s󰈊󰈎󰈦 Sk󰈏󰈗󰈘s: Ki󰈝󰇶n󰈩󰈻󰈼 󰈢r T󰈸a󰈼h A󰇹󰉄iv󰈎󰉃󰉙
● Students will work in groups to go through different situations and see if they are kind
or not
● If the situation isn’t kind they will put it in the trash can
● You can take it step father by organizing the kind actions into different categories
● Helps students learn social skills by putting themselves in others shoes
● Stresses the value of kindness and teaches the students how to be good classmates
and friends.
Res󰈥󰈡󰈞s󰈏󰇼󰈘e d󰈩󰇹󰈏󰈼i󰈡n 󰈚󰇽󰈕in󰈇: C󰈡󰈞f󰈗󰈏󰇸t
● Students will work in groups or individually
● They will read the scenarios and discuss what they think will happen if this choice was
● They will then draw a picture showing what they think what will happen if the make
that decision
● Help students learn their actions have consequences through a simple activity

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