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Slit Lamp-Based Ocular Scoring Systems in Toxicology and Drug Development: A

Literature Survey

Article in Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics · November 2017

DOI: 10.1089/jop.2017.0021


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5 authors, including:

Joshua Seth Eaton Sara M Thomasy

Ocular Services on Demand University of California, Davis


Christopher J Murphy
University of California, Davis


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Volume 33, Number 10, 2017
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/jop.2017.0021

Slit Lamp-Based Ocular Scoring Systems

in Toxicology and Drug Development:
A Literature Survey

Joshua Seth Eaton,1,2 Paul E. Miller,1,3 Ellison Bentley,1,3 Sara M. Thomasy,1,2 and Christopher J. Murphy1,2,4


Purpose: To present a survey of the features of published slit lamp-based scoring systems and their applicability
in the context of modern ocular toxicology and drug development.
Methods: References describing original or modified slit lamp-based scoring systems for human or veterinary
clinical patients or in investigative or toxicologic research were collected following a comprehensive literature
review using textbooks and online publication searches. Each system’s indications and features were compiled
to facilitate comparison.
Results: Literature review identified 138 original or modified scoring systems. Most (48%) were published for
evaluation of the ocular surface, 34% for the general anterior segment, and 18% for the lens. Most systems were
described for assessment of human patients (50%) and small albino laboratory species such as rabbits (19%),
rats (12%), and mice (8%). Systems described for pigmented laboratory species and for larger species such as
dogs, cats, pigs, and nonhuman primates (NHPs) were comparatively underrepresented. No systems described a
lens scoring scheme specific to the dog, cat, pig, or NHP. Scoring schemes for aqueous and vitreous cells were
infrequently described for laboratory species.
Conclusions: Many slit lamp-based scoring systems have been published, but the features of each differ and
complicate translation of findings between different species. Use and interpretation of any scoring system in
toxicology and drug development must be done with awareness of the limitations of the system being used.

Keywords: slit lamp, scoring, ocular, toxicology, drug development

Introduction of cross-sectional illumination permits clinical examiners

to identify and spatially localize important ocular patholo-
gies of the anterior segment such as corneal opacification,
S lit lamp biomicroscopy is a requisite component of
clinical ophthalmic evaluation in physician-based and
veterinary ophthalmology. Introduced by Nobel Prize
changes in corneal thickness and contour, AC flare, AC cells,
lens opacities, and opacities and cells in the anterior vitreous.
Laureate Allvar Gullstrand in the early 20th century, the slit Since its introduction, Gullstrand’s original table-mounted
lamp biomicroscope provides examiners the magnification instrument has undergone numerous adaptations and modi-
required to evaluate the eye’s anterior structures and optical fications, improving its range of functionalities and versa-
media in detail and to diagnose ocular disease. The slit lamp tility in the evaluation of clinical patients.1 Through these
derives its namesake from its capacity to produce a narrow modifications, today’s instrument delivers superior optics,
‘‘slit’’ beam of illumination. provides clinicians a variety of illumination settings, and can
Transmission of this beam through the precorneal tear enable capture of high-resolution digital images.
film, cornea, anterior chamber (AC), iris, lens, and anterior Furthermore, development of compact, lightweight, por-
vitreous provides the examiner with an in vivo optical sec- table handheld instruments, such as the Kowa SL Series,
tion of the anterior ocular anatomy (Fig. 1). This technique Keeler Classic PSL Portable Slit Lamp, Reichert PSL

Ocular Services On Demand (OSOD), LLC, Madison, Wisconsin.
Department of Surgical & Radiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California–Davis, Davis, California.
Department of Surgical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin.
Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Science, School of Medicine, University of California–Davis, Sacramento, California.


FIG. 1. (a, b, c, d). Representative slit lamp

photographs illustrating slit lamp illumination
of the anterior segment in the normal pig-
mented mouse (a), albino rabbit (b), dog (c),
and cynomolgus macaque (d).

Portable Slit Lamp, Haag-Streit 904 Portable Slit Lamp, The fundamental anatomic features of the anterior seg-
and the Zeiss HSO-10, has provided clinical ophthalmol- ment are similar between humans and other vertebrates,
ogists and vision scientists additional versatility to examine enabling similar biomicroscopic techniques to be used in
a full range of domesticated, laboratory, and wildlife species numerous species.2–7 These parallels also present theoretical
(Fig. 2). Handheld slit lamps are often preferred in animals advantages in comparative and translational investigations
because many species’ skull conformations, temperaments, when comparing ocular responses between laboratory spe-
and frequent movements during unanesthetized examinations cies and human patients. Thus, slit lamp examination and
make table-mounted units cumbersome and unwieldy. semiquantitative slit lamp-based scoring of examination
findings are essential components of toxicologic and pre-
clinical drug safety evaluations for both ocular and systemic
drugs and ocular devices. Together, they enable detailed
characterization and semiquantitative assessment of ocular
inflammation or other adverse effects, precise longitudinal
monitoring of examination findings, and insurance of animal
While no scoring system represents a true ‘‘standard’’ for
use in toxicology and preclinical drug development, systems
like the Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN;
Supplementary Table S1; Supplementary Data are available
online at and those of Draize
(Supplementary Table S2),11 McDonald-Shadduck,12 and
Hackett-McDonald13 are widely used.8,9 However, these sys-
tems were derived through a diversity of methodologies and
for a variety of indications, and each is associated with its own
unique limitations in the preclinical setting.
The SUN system, for example, was developed to stan-
dardize clinical evaluation of human patients with naturally
occurring uveitic disease,10 whose spectrum of ocular in-
FIG. 2. A veterinary ophthalmologist using a handheld flammation may differ from those of laboratory species. Al-
Kowa SL-15 to examine an unanesthetized dog. though the Draize system has been used widely in regulatory

evaluations of industrial products,11 it has frequently been (anterior chamber) cell(s) scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘ocular irri-
criticized for its inconsistent reproducibility and questionable tation scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘ocular inflammation scoring
relevance across all industries, particularly the pharmaceuti- (grading),’’ ‘‘lens scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘lens opacity scoring
cal industry; and some suggest that the numerous modifica- (grading),’’ ‘‘vitreous cell(s) scoring (grading)’’ ‘‘cataract
tions made to this system throughout the late 20th century scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘dry eye scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘ocular
underscore its inherent shortcomings.14 Publication of the surface scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘ocular fluorescein scoring
ocular irritation scoring systems of McDonald–Shadduck and (grading),’’ and ‘‘ocular surface stain scoring (grading).’’
Hackett–McDonald provided expanded criteria for anterior References were included if they cited or described a
segment evaluation, but like the Draize system, the criteria scoring system for use in human or veterinary clinical pa-
comprising each were designed only with respect to albino tients or in investigative or toxicologic research involving
rabbits. Furthermore, none of the aforementioned systems laboratory species. The indications, methodologies, scoring
contains a full complement of the scoring criteria required for parameters and schemes, and techniques associated with
toxicologic studies or safety evaluations in modern drug de- each system were compiled to facilitate comparison.
velopment (Table 1). Scoring systems were subdivided into 3 anatomical cate-
The lack of standardization for ocular scoring systems in gories: (1) general anterior segment, describing scoring criteria
ocular drug and device development, apparent lack of cri- for uveitis/anterior segment inflammation or ocular irritation;
teria developed for laboratory species other than albino (2) lens systems, describing scoring criteria for lens opacities
rabbits, and the limitations of today’s most commonly used and cataracts; and (3) ocular surface systems, indicated pri-
systems prompted our group to survey the available litera- marily for scoring of the adnexa, corneoconjunctival/scleral
ture. Specifically, our goal was to identify, if possible, surface, or tear film. Systems were further stratified according
scoring systems or schemes with applicability to a wider to the species for which they were primarily described, as well
range of species or those with greater pertinence to the as general indication (ie, clinical, investigative, or toxicologic/
needs of modern drug development. Herein we present a preclinical). The ocular anatomical structure(s) and parameters
comparative analysis of the results of this survey. clinically evaluated by each system were analyzed; and, when
specified, the method of validation and slit lamp settings or
Methods specifications were also evaluated.
Original or modified slit lamp-based scoring systems (in- Results
cluding systems using slit lamp-derived photographic stan-
dards or those citing or recommending slit lamp-assisted At the time of the survey, 138 published slit lamp-based
magnification) were identified following a comprehensive scoring systems were identified; 47 (34%) describing criteria for
literature review using textbooks and online publication sear- the general anterior segment, 25 (18%) for the lens, and 66 (48%)
ches, including PubMed, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, and for the ocular surface. Analysis of all systems with respect to
Scopus. Keywords or terms searched included ‘‘slit lamp species and general indication is presented in Table 2. Across all
scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘ocular scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘ocular systems, most were described for human patients (69 [50%]),
scoring (grading) system,’’ ‘‘slit lamp evaluation,’’ ‘‘eyelid followed by rabbits (26 [19%]), rats (16 [12%]), and mice (11
scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘adnexal scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘conjunc- [8%]). Among the systems described for rabbits, rats, and mice,
tival scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘corneal scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘ante- the majority (23/26 [88%], 15/16 [94%], and 6/11 [55%], re-
rior segment scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘uveitis scoring (grading),’’ spectively) specified criteria for evaluation of albino strains.
‘‘aqueous (anterior chamber) scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘aque- Scoring systems designed for evaluation of larger animal species
ous (anterior chamber) flare scoring (grading),’’ ‘‘aqueous were less frequently described, with only 6 for the dog, 2 for the

Table 1. Comparison of Parameters and Species Examined by Common Slit Lamp-Based Scoring
Systems in Toxicology and Drug Development
McDonald– Hackett– Standardization of Uveitis
Shadduck12 McDonald13 Draize11 Nomenclature (SUN)10
Conjunctival congestion X X X
Conjunctival swelling X X X
Conjunctival discharge X X X
Corneal opacity (Severity) X X X
Corneal opacity (Area) X X X
Fluorescein stain (Severity) X X
Fluorescein stain (Area) X X
Pannus (corneal vascularization) X X
AC flare X X X
AC cell X
PLR (Pupillary light reflex) X
Iris involvement/iritis X X X
Lens X
Vitreous cells
Original species described Albino rabbit Albino rabbit Albino rabbit Human patient
A ‘‘X’’ indicates that the above system contains scoring criteria for the corresponding parameter at the left.
AC, anterior chamber.

Table 2. Number of Scoring Systems (According to Anatomical Category)

According to Species Examined and General Indication
General anterior segment Lens/cataract Ocular surface All scoring
systems8,10–13,26,32,34–73 systems74–98 systems99–164 systems
Species examined
Fish 0 1 0 1
Mouse 1 3 7 11
Rat 8 3 5 16
Rabbit 17 1 8 26
Cat 1 0 1 2
Dog 3 0 3 6
Pig 1 0 1 2
Sheep 0 3 0 3
Nonhuman primate 1 0 0 1
Multiple laboratory species 1 0 0 1
Human patient 14 14 41 69
General indication
Clinical—Human 14 14 41 69
Clinical—Veterinary 1 1 4 6
Investigative 16 8 14 38
Toxicology/preclinical 16 2 7 25

cat, 2 for the pig, and 1 for the nonhuman primate (NHP). Of vitreous cells were rarely cited, primarily described for
these systems published for larger species, none were compre- human patients (3/5), and also in the NHP (1/5) and pig (1/
hensive, typically containing only a small number of parameters 5). Scoring schemes for ocular surface vital staining (ie,
for evaluation of the anterior segment, or the ocular surface or fluorescein and Rose Bengal) were most commonly de-
cornea. scribed for human clinical patients.
Among the 47 general anterior segment scoring systems, It is noteworthy that statistical analyses of inter- or in-
17 (36%) were described for the rabbit (16 for albino traobserver variability or reproducibility were only described
strains), 14 (30%) for human patients, and 8 (17%) for the or cited in 18/138 systems (13%; 6 for general anterior seg-
rat (7 for albino strains). However, systems scoring the lens ment, 6 for lens, and 6 for ocular surface). Of these 18 systems,
and ocular surface were much more commonly described for 12 were described for clinical evaluation of human patients
human patients (14/25 [56%] and 41/66 [62%], respective- and 6 for toxicologic/preclinical studies (4 in the albino rabbit
ly). Also of note, no systems were found describing a lens and 2 in the pigmented mouse). Furthermore, slit lamp settings
scoring scheme specific to the dog, cat, pig, or NHP. and/or descriptions of examination technique were only spec-
Clinical assessment of human patients was the most common ified in 24/138 (17%) systems (10 for general anterior segment,
indication for development of a scoring system, accounting for 7 for lens, and 7 for ocular surface).
approximately half of all systems (69/138). Of these, the ma-
jority (41 [59%]) were systems described for evaluation of the Discussion
ocular surface. Scoring systems were also commonly described
for investigative studies (38 [28%]) or toxicologic or preclinical The present survey identifies a large number of published slit
drug evaluations involving small or large laboratory species (25 lamp-based scoring systems, widely distributed across the lit-
[18%]). Among those described for preclinical drug evaluations, erature, describing criteria for evaluation of the anterior seg-
however, only 4 were published for larger species (2 for the pig, ment in humans and animals. Ocular scoring systems, like
1 for the dog, and 1 for the cynomolgus macaque). Six systems those used in other medical fields, are accessible and attractive
were described for clinical evaluation of veterinary patients (3 clinical tools. Specifically in ocular toxicology and drug safety
for the dog, 2 for the cat, and 1 for fish). evaluation, these systems enable investigators and vision sci-
All systems were analyzed according to the ocular entists to accurately identify and reliably assess the magnitude
structure(s) for which they had scoring criteria, with respect and duration of adverse effects, compare examination findings
to primary species and general indication (Table 3). Among between study groups, determine optimal dosing regimens, and
all systems, attributes of the conjunctiva and cornea/sclera swiftly ensure the welfare of animals used in studies.
were most commonly scored (51/138 [37%] and 53/138 Often in question, however, is the precision of published
[38%], respectively), the majority of which were from sys- systems in the context of modern ocular drug and device
tems described for human patients or rabbits (38/51 [75%] development and, therefore, their applicability and trans-
and 33/53 [62%], respectively). latability. Reproducibility of any system in a population
Scoring schemes for AC flare and AC cells were com- other than the one used for its development is modest at
monly described for human patients (9/24 [38%] and 13/21 best15,16; and system’s subjective criteria may also be
[62%], respectively), but only one scheme for AC cells was influenced by study-specific objectives or even institutional
reported in the rabbit. Conversely, systems scoring iritis and bias, complicating applicability in other studies or pro-
general aqueous humor findings such as infiltrate, hypopyon, grams.17 This survey and review of the literature found that
or hyphema were seldom described for human patients, but evaluations of precision, namely intra- and/or interobserver
more commonly reported for the rabbit and rat. Schemes for reproducibility, were rarely reported in slit lamp-based

scoring systems developed for animals. In part, this may
help to explain the industry-wide popularity of the systems



of McDonald–Shadduck and Hackett–McDonald, which
Number of Scoring Systems Containing Parameters for Various Ocular Structures, According to Species and General Indication

were published in tandem with reproducibility assessments.

Despite their importance in preclinical drug development
programs, this review identifies noteworthy limitations of the

most commonly used ocular scoring systems for laboratory




species when applied to studies in modern preclinical drug
and device safety evaluation (summarized in Table 4). A
principal limitation of common systems like those of Draize,

McDonald–Shadduck, and Hackett–McDonald is that their



scoring criteria are designed specifically with respect to ocular




anatomic features of albino rabbits. Current regulatory stipu-
lations, however, require preclinical evaluation in at least 2
nonhuman species18; and for many models of human ocular
disease, larger species like the dog and NHP are considered

more ideal for translating findings to the human condition.19,20



With only a small number of published systems describing
criteria specific to larger species, rabbit-specific systems are
often modified or applied as surrogate systems for species like



NHPs or dogs. This approach, however, fails to account for the
substantive differences in ocular morphology between these
species (ie, lack of distinctly perilimbal conjunctival vascula-




ture in nonrabbit species and presence of iridal pigment) and

the possible effect on scoring precision and accuracy. Fur-
thermore, ocular melanin, present in the eyes of most human




patients, can influence drug pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-

dynamics, distribution, and efficacy.21–23 Therefore, use of
pigmented strains and species as models for drug distribution,

efficacy, and toxicity in human eyes is a requisite consideration





in preclinical drug evaluation and also necessitates accurate


Also lacking from the aforementioned systems (and the





majority of those described for examination of animals) are

standardized instrument settings, critical factors when evalu-
ating the repeatability or reproducibility of any slit lamp-

based scoring system. When using a slit lamp biomicroscope




to examine the eye’s clear media, dimensions such as slit

beam height and width and angle of illumination determine
the optical section volume sampled. Variations in these pa-

rameters will change the volume examined and potentially






confound semiquantitative scoring of findings such as AC or

vitreous cells.
Egress of inflammatory cells into the aqueous humor is a

common clinical feature of anterior uveitis in any species,

and scoring of cell severity aids longitudinal monitoring of




disease and response to therapy. This parameter is not in-

cluded in the aforementioned rabbit-specific systems; so
instead, the human SUN system is commonly utilized as a
surrogate in preclinical studies24 and unlike those systems,

SUN does specify slit lamp settings. However, the cell






scoring (based on total number of cells identified in the

volume of aqueous sampled by the slit beam) specified by
the SUN system’s scoring scheme is not directly transpos-
able to those observed in species with markedly differing
Total number of systems

AC volumes and geometries.

Multiple laboratory
Nonhuman primate

Our group recently published a mathematical analysis

General indication
Species examined

Human patient

demonstrating the consequences of a species’ varying an-

Table 3.


terior segment geometry on AC cell count using, among


others, the SUN system.18 As SUN enumerates the cells



present in the total volume of aqueous sampled by its




1 · 1 mm slit lamp beam, geometric modeling of the AC and

optical section volume of different species yielded widely

Provides standardized slit lamp settings and scoring criteria for human

Widely used in clinical ophthalmology and preclinical ocular drug and

differences in anterior segment geometry and anatomy in laboratory

differing results. In dogs and cats and other species with

Does not include scoring criteria inclusive of hypopyon or hyphema

Exact slit lamp settings, as published, can be difficult to reproduce
deeper AC depths, much larger optical section volumes are

adequate capture of differential responses in laboratory species

Aqueous cell density scoring peaks at values that may not allow
sampled by the slit beam compared to humans. This results

Aqueous cell scoring and slit lamp settings do not account for
in identical SUN cell scores representing very different cell
densities (cells/unit volume). A given score in a dog or cat
with larger volumes of aqueous being optically sampled
would overpredict a score in humans (assuming identical #

Does not specify scoring criteria for vitreous cells

Nomenclature (SUN) system10

cells/unit volume). Conversely, because AC depth is com-

Standardization of Uveitis

paratively much smaller in rodents, SUN’s 1 mm-wide slit

patients with naturally occurring uveitis

beam samples a much smaller aqueous volume, yielding

Key Attributes and Limitations of Commonly Used Slit Lamp-Based Ocular Scoring Systems

counts that would greatly underpredict human values (as-

suming identical # cells/unit volume).18
Of course, contributing to the translatability of scores

using handheld instruments

obtained in any species would be the relative reactivity of
the eye to a given test article or implanted device. Un-
fortunately, there is an appreciable knowledge gap with
device development

regard to this important issue. For example, rabbits represent

for Laboratory Species in Ocular Toxicology and Drug Development

Published in 2005

a terrestrial prey species with prominent and wide-set globes

and are inherently at higher risk of ocular trauma and are
generally held to possess greater sensitivity to ocular injury

characterized by a rapid and dramatic breakdown of the

blood–ocular barriers.25 Conversely, foraging and/or arbo-
real species like the NHP with deeper set eyes and a much
greater requirement for maintaining visual acuity possess
Do not specify scoring criteria for AC or vitreous
Expanded upon the limited scoring criteria offered

comparatively less AC activity.25

Provide ocular scoring criteria specific to ocular

this complicates scoring in pigmented strains

McDonald–Shadduck and Hackett–McDonald

ocular anatomical features of albino rabbits;

Do not specify standardized slit lamp settings

Furthermore, even in laboratory species yielding values

Scoring schemes and criteria are designed to
Validated through evaluation of intra- and

that overpredict human values (eg, dogs), interspecies in-

Published in 1977 and 1996, respectively

and other relevant laboratory species

flammatory reactivity can vary considerably. Therefore, even

SUN scores corresponding to the highest values of AC cell
Scoring systems12,13

number in a human may ‘‘max out’’ at values that do not

interobserver reproducibility

allow adequate capture of differential responses in toxico-

logic investigations using other laboratory species possessing
deeper ACs (and thus sampling larger optical volumes).
by the Draize system
toxicologic studies

We note that semiquantitative schemes for vitreous cells

are rarely described. It needs to be recognized that differ-
ences exist between the AC and vitreous with respect to the
dynamics of inflammatory cells. Vitreous inflammatory cells
tend to migrate more slowly from the uveal tissue, at least

partially due to the more gel-like rheologic properties of the

vitreous. For those same reasons, vitreous cells tend to
persist longer than aqueous cells.26 It also needs to be ac-
preclinical ocular drug and device development

knowledged that the posterior extent of the vitreous volume

this complicates scoring in pigmented strains

Does not specify standardized slit lamp settings

Often criticized for inconsistent reproducibility
ocular anatomical features of albino rabbits;
Used widely as a regulatory and governmental

industrial products and other nontherapeutic

standard for evaluation of ocular toxicity of

sampled by a slit beam cannot be accurately defined, with

Scoring schemes and criteria are designed to

the volume sampled varying with magnification, incident

Scoring criteria are limited to the cornea,
and questionable relevance in modern

angle of the beam, beam height and width, pupil diameter,

and other relevant laboratory species

as well as the plane of focus. Despite these limitations,

Draize scoring system11

scoring of anterior vitreous cell provides valuable infor-

mation at decision nodes in the drug development pathway.
It is noteworthy that compared to scoring systems for the
general anterior segment, those for the lens and ocular
Table 4.

conjunctiva, and iris

surface were less commonly described for laboratory spe-

cies. Systems like the Lens Opacities Classification Systems
Published in 1944

(LOCS) or that of the World Health Organization (WHO)


provide photographic standards of clinically significant pa-

rameters for human lenses, but are less applicable to young
laboratory animals used in toxicologic studies. With the
focus in assessment of laboratory animal lenses being the
identification and characterization of untoward lens toxicity,
Key attributes

previously described schemes for clinical description of lens

in ocular

opacities or other lesions are still preferred.

Unlike lens anatomy which is relatively well conserved
across species, tear film dynamics, ocular surface physiology,
and ocular surface pathology vary widely between species,27–29

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