Ib Form Credit Report Consent Form

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á«fɪàF’G ôjQÉ≤àdG ≈∏Y á≤aGƒŸG êPƒ‰

Credit Report Consent Form

Customer Name: :𫪩dG º°SG

(”Customer”) ("𫪩dG")
Customer’s Nationality: :𫪩dG á«°ùæL

Date: / / / / :ïjQÉàdG

To: Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank - Islamic Banking (the “Bank”). .("∂æÑdG") á«eÓ°SE’G áaÒ°ü∏d - …QÉéàdG »ÑXƒHCG ∂æH
1. The Customer irrevocably and unconditionally authorize and •ô°T hCG ó«b …CG ¿hO É¡æY á©LQ ’ á«FÉ¡f áØ°üH ∂æÑ∏d 𫪩dG íª°ùjh ¢VƒØj -1
permit the Bank to: :»∏j Éà ΩÉ«≤dÉH
(a) Make inquiries with, obtain information from, or supply …CG ≈dEG äÉeƒ∏©e Ëó≤J hCG øe äÉeƒ∏©e ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊Gh ≈dEG äGQÉ°ùØà°S’G Ëó≤J (CG)
information to, any credit bureau or credit reporting ‘ Éà (»FÉ°†b ¢UÉ°üàNG á≤£æe …CG ‘) á«fɪàFG ôjQÉ≤J ádÉch hCG ¿ÉªàFG Öàµe
agency (in any jurisdiction) including Al Etihad Credit Öàµe" »∏j ɪ«a É¡æe …CG ≈∏Y ≥∏£jh) á«fɪàF’G äÉeƒ∏©ª∏d OÉ–’G ∂dP
Bureau (any such entity being a “Credit Bureau”). Such ∞«æ°üàdGh ‹ÉŸG ∞bƒŸÉH äÉeƒ∏©ŸGh äGQÉ°ùØà°S’G ≥∏©àJ ¿CG Rƒéjh .("¿ÉªàF’G
inquiries or information may relate to his/her financial πé°S ô°ü◊G ’ ∫ÉãŸG π«Ñ°S ≈∏Y ∂dP ‘ ÉÃ) 𫪩∏d ÊɪàF’G ôjô≤àdGh ÊɪàF’G
situation, credit reference, credit report (including but ;(𫪩dÉH ¢UÉÿG á«fɪàF’G äÓeÉ©ŸG
not limited to his/her credit history);

(b) Record all telephone conversations with any such Credit äÉeƒ∏©ŸÉH ®ÉØàM’Gh ¿ÉªàFG Öàµe …CG ™e á«ØJÉ¡dG äÉKOÉëŸG áaÉc π«é°ùJ (Ü)
Bureau and retain and share the information received äÉcô°ûdG ™e äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ∂∏J ácQÉ°ûeh ¿ÉªàF’G Öàµe øe É¡eÓà°SG ” »àdG
from the Credit Bureau with the Bank’s affiliates or ;∂æÑ∏d á©HÉàdG á«YôØdG äÉcô°ûdGh áØ«∏◊G

2. The Customer undertakes that the Bank or its directors, ¬«ØXƒe hCG ¬«dhDƒ°ùe hCG ¬JQGOEG ¢ù∏› AÉ°†YCG hCG ∂æÑdG πª– Ωó©H 𫪩dG ó¡©àj -2
officers or employees shall not be liable for any incorrect, ∫ƒ°ü◊G ºàj á≤«bO ÒZ hCG á∏eÉc ÒZ hCG áë«ë°U ÒZ äÉeƒ∏©e …CG øY á«dhDƒ°ùŸG
incomplete or inaccurate information obtained from any Ëó≤àH ≥∏©àj ɪ«a 𫪩dÉH ≥ë∏j Qô°V hCG IQÉ°ùN …CG øY hCG ¿ÉªàF’G Öàµe øe É¡«∏Y
Credit Bureau or for any loss or damage suffered by the äƒÑK áé«àf ô°ü◊G ’ ∫ÉãŸG π«Ñ°S ≈∏Y ∂dP ‘ Éà ¿ÉªàFG Öàµe …CG ≈dEG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG
Customer in connection with the supply of information to ºàj QGôb …CG áë°U ΩóY hCG á∏eÉc ÒZ hCG áë«ë°U ÒZ hCG á≤«bO ÒZ äÉeƒ∏©e …CG ¿CG
any Credit Bureau, including, without limitation, as a result of .äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ∂∏J ≈∏Y AÉæH √PÉîJG
any information proving inaccurate, incorrect or incomplete
or any opinion based on such information proving

The Customer agrees to provide following details and copy of the :∂æÑdG ≈dEG √ÉfOCG IQƒcòŸG äGóæà°ùŸG øe áî°ùfh á«dÉàdG äÉfÉ«ÑdG Ëó≤J ≈∏Y 𫪩dG ≥aGƒj
documents stated below to the Bank:

• Full Name as per passport: :ôØ°ùdG RGƒL Ö°ùM πeɵdG º°S’G •

• Mobile Number: :∑ôëàŸG ∞JÉ¡dG ºbQ •

• EID No.: :äGQÉeE’G ájƒg ábÉ£H ºbQ •
• Passport No.: :ôØ°ùdG RGƒL ºbQ •
• Old Passport No. (optional): :(…QÉ«àNG) Ëó≤dG ôØ°ùdG RGƒL ºbQ •
• Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): / / / / :OÓ«ŸG ïjQÉJ •

The Customer irrevocably undertakes that the information áë«ë°U êPƒªædG Gòg ‘ IQƒcòŸG äÉeƒ∏©ŸG ¿CÉH É¡æY á©LQ ’ á«FÉ¡f áØ°üH 𫪩dG ó¡©àj
provided in this letter are true and accurate. This letter is governed IQÉeEG ‘ ≥Ñ£ŸG Qó≤dÉHh ,»ÑXƒHCG IQÉeEG ÚfGƒb ≈dEG êPƒªædG Gòg ™°†îjh .á≤«bOh á«≤«≤Mh
by the laws of Abu Dhabi, and to the extent applicable in .IóëàŸG á«Hô©dG äGQÉeE’G ádhód ájOÉ–’G ÚfGƒ≤dG ,»ÑXƒHCG

Abu Dhabi, the federal laws of the United Arab Emirates.


Customer Name 𫪩dG º°SG

Signature of Customer 𫪩dG ™«bƒJ

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