Automation of Water Tube Boiler Electrical Thesis

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Automation OF WATER TUBE boiler

In the partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of,
“Bachelor of Technology” Degree






Today, the electronics and industries spans around the automation and dehumanizing the
human efforts from the field operations. The devices are supposed to perform the operations at their
own needing a less help from the human. Engineers are tend to empower the machines so that they
can take the operational decisions, evaluate the problem and fix it moreover to perform error
diagnosis making a record of the operations timing in order to make the future problems
encountering much simple and flexible. The project ‘ automation of water tube boiler’ uses the
concepts of automation and IT to automate a running system to perform secure operations,
implanting the safety peripherals, making the system fault free and proper operation of burner
system. The prototype design here in accomplishes the ‘LG MK 80 S’ for making the operational
decisions i.e. checking of false flame, fault lockout, remote reset/enable implementing safety
interlocks and error diagnosis etc., connecting it with the OPC Server for Data Acquisition and
history managing so that the plant operates in an environment which is safe, secure and free of faults.


This report, Automation of water tube Boiler, outlines the objectives and key ideas of an
undergraduate project work along with elaborating its design and implementation details. The project
was a solution provided to an engineering problem of BYCO Petroleum Pakistan by the
undergraduates of Institute of Industrial Electronic Engineering.

The Project comprised five objectives the first if which was the Designing of the Prototype of
the system, secondly implementing the Burner Management system, thirdly implementing the
electrical and mechanical safeties for the system along with the objective of performing the two –
element control and finally the designing of the HMI for the Data acquisition and data logging by
using OPC server.

Chapter # 1 of this report briefly introduces the project, its importance and achievements.
Chapter # 2 elaborates the nature of problem, the design and implementation issues of the project
discussing the sound knowledge relating to the electronics. Chapter # 3 briefly describes the details
about the given problem by BYCO petroleum is given with all the possible solutions of the given
problem. Chapter # 4 outlines the all the information about the adopted solutions. It is followed by a
Chapter # 5 explaining the plant layout of the prototype system. Chapter # 6 demonstrates the
discrete systems used in the project. In Chapter # 7 the OPC server and HMI of the system are
discussed in details. In final Chapter#8 the future modifications which can be implemented on this
project are discussed.


1. Introduction [7-8]
1.1 The Need of Final Year Project
1.2 Introduction to the Problem
1.3 Importance of the Project
1.4 Key Features of the Project
1.5 Achievements

2. Academic Foundation of the Project [9-20]

2.1 Engineering
2.2 Industrial Electronic Engineering
2.3 Role of Computer in Industrial Electronics
2.4 Embedded Systems
2.5 PLC
2.6 OPC server
2.7 HMI
3. Given Problem and Possible Solutions [21-27]
3.1 Boiler
3.2 Boiler Configurations
3.3 Type Of Boiler in use of BYCO
3.4 Problem Overview
3.5 Possible Solutions

4. Implemented Solution [28-35

4.1 Selected Mechanical Design
4.2 Adopted Control Strategy
4.3 Selected Programmable Device
4.4 Implemented Solution for BMS
4.5 Safeties
4.6 Implemented Control
4.7 HMI Solution

5. Plant Layout [36-40]

5.1 Electrical Layout
5.2 Mechanical Layout

6. Discrete Control [41-44]
6.1 Limit Switches
6.2 Pressure Switch
6.3 Level Electrodes
6.4 Solenoid Valves

7. Implementation of OPC DA and HMI [45-49]

7.1 OPC
7.3 HMI

8. Future Enhancements [50-51]

8.1 Economizer
8.2 Three Element Control




1.1 The Need of Final Year Project

Undergraduate engineering students are commonly asked to demonstrate the understanding of

their field of study by completing a project. These undergraduate projects allow professors to test
their students' understanding of the material and offer students the opportunity to apply their learning
to real life situations. Engaging in relevant projects work contributes toward preparing pupils for
entry into the workforce of the industry. This is crucial for undergraduates to gain as much as
possible from the undergraduate project work.

It is witnessed many a times that the pupils of engineering engage in solving hypothetical
problems as a part of their project. This approach may contribute to the development of new
technological solutions to the problem taken under consideration; however, the research
accompanied by such projects is rarely implemented practically. On the contrary, the projects that
provide solutions to some real engineering problems make their worth due to the contribution they
make for the technological advancement in the respective fields.

1.2 Problem Statement

A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provides a means for combustion heat to be transferred
into water until it becomes heated water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then
usable for transferring the heat to a process. The steam generation facility within any given plant is
frequently referred to as the heart. In the event this system shuts down for unexpected reasons or for
plant turnaround, most processes within the plant will not be operable. For this reason, very
conservative treatment measures are used in the boiler. . The aim of this project is to design an
automatic control system for Boiler by the help of programmable devices (PLC/Microcontroller).

The Automation of Boiler is divided in to following parts:

1. Startup Sequence i.e. burner management system

2. Shutdown Logics i.e. safety interlocks

3. 3 Element Control i.e. ( Pressure, Level, Flow of feed water)

4. HMI designing for data Logging and Monitoring

1.3 Importance of the Project

A boiler could be potential bomb if you do not take care of it sufficiently. Because it is a fired
pressure vessel, it has the potential to be pressurized beyond its designed strength if something goes
wrong with the operating equipment. The prototype of boiler designed during this project is highly
reliable with mechanical and the electrical safeties in it. The uses of PLC for automation reduces the
chance of human error as from startup to shut down all the processes are automatic.

In addition to this, the presence of HMI for Monitoring and Controlling helps operator to control
the system from his/her office using a Computer. It also records the data for future use so one can
determine the cause of system failure easily by the aid of its data logging feature.

1.4 Key Features of the Design

It was possible to redevelop the same boiler mechanical design used by the BYCO petroleum
in this prototype but the design selected in this prototype is modified in order to generate more steam
within short span of time. The design selected for this project is more reliable and cheaper than the
original design of industry.

Another most important feature of this project is use of PLC as an intelligent system
controlling device. The programming of PLC is bit easier than other programming devices like
microcontroller, PLDs etc. If the system is to be modified in future it is much simpler to reprogram

Implementation of HMI using OPC server is another feature of this project. OPC server
enables to fetch real time data from PLC to the Computer operating on Microsoft Windows Platform.
So any data acquisition software which can run on windows platform possibly is used for designing
HMI of this project.

HMI designed for this project provides another feature of data logging. It provide backup of
all the parameters for future use.

1.5 Achievements

The most important achievement of the project under discussion is that it has provided
engineering solution to a real problem of an industry. Furthermore, the confidence of solving real
engineering problem of an industry gained by the undergraduate authors of this report is worthwhile
as well provided they are to join the work force of industry very soon.



2.1 Engineering

The American Engineers' Council for Professional Development (ECPD, the predecessor of
ABET) has defined "engineering" as:

The creative application of scientific principles to design or develop structures, machines,

apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to
construct or operate the same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under
specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics of operation and safety
to life and property [1].

Electronics is the branch of science and technology which makes use of the controlled motion
of electrons through different media and vacuum. The ability to control electron flow is usually
applied to information handling or device control. Electronics is distinct from electrical science and
technology, which deals with the generation, distribution, control and application of electrical power

2.2 Industrial Electronics Engineering

Industrial Electronics Engineering offers valuable services for solutions of industrial

problems. The major driving force for the present day Industrial and Information Technology
revolution is the development in Electronics Engineering, particularly Power Electronics, which
serves as an enabling technology by providing such an interface between utility and load that could
meet all the wattage, voltage and ampere ratings of the load. For this, it is widely used in several
industries to generate valuable solutions to the complex industrial issues.

The importance of this field in industry highlights the need as well as the significance of
conducting industrial projects.

2.2.1 Areas of applications

The major applications of industrial electronics are as follows.


Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies reducing the need for
human intervention. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization.
Whereas mechanization provided human operators with machinery to assist them with the muscular
requirements of work, automation greatly reduces the need for human sensory and mental
requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world economy and in
daily experience [3].

Instrumentation & Control

Instrumentation focuses on the principle and operation of measuring instruments which are
used in design and configuration of automated systems in electrical, pneumatic domains etc. They
typically work for industries with automated manufacturing plants, with the goal of improving
system productivity, reliability, safety, optimization and stability. To control the parameters in a
process or in a particular system, devices such as microprocessors, microcontrollers or PLCs are
used, but their ultimate aim is to control the parameters of a system.

Power Electronics

Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics for the control and conversion
of electric power. Power electronic converters can be found wherever there is a need to modify a
form of electrical energy (i.e. change its voltage, current or frequency). The power range of these
converters is from some milliwatts (as in a mobile phone) to hundreds of megawatts (e.g. in a HVDC
transmission system). With "classical" electronics, electrical currents and voltage are used to carry
information, whereas with power electronics, they carry power. Thus, the main metric of power
electronics becomes the efficiency [4].

In contrast to electronic systems concerned with transmission and processing of signals and
data, in power electronics substantial amounts of electrical energy are processed. An AC/DC
converter (rectifier) is the most typical power electronics device found in many consumer electronic
devices, e.g. television sets, personal computers, battery chargers, etc. The power range is typically
from tens of watts to several hundred watts. In industry the most common application is the variable
speed drive (VSD) that is used to control an induction motor. The power range of VSDs starts from a
few hundred watts.

Machine Drives

Today's industry relies on the electric motor for a source of power for a multitude of
applications from small stepper motors in printers to gigantic motors used in steel mill applications.
For each motor some type of electrical drive is required to properly control the motor. The functions
of this drive include starts, stops, reverses and velocity. During starting, higher than normal current
draw can be expected. This momentary current rise is a function of the static friction within the
motor and associated machine as well as any load the machine may be under at the time of startup. If
starting current exceeds acceptable values, the motor is disconnected from the supply voltage to
prevent damage to both the motor and drive devices. Control of this parameter is usually not seen in
small motor applications, but can be significant on larger machines.

2.3 Role of Computer in Industrial Electronics

The invention of the personal computer in early 1970’s, revolutionized all the manufacturing
industries. It gave a new dimension to the instrumentation and control engineering. Therefore
computer based control and automation solutions were being adopted for better reliability, reduction
in labor thereby improving the cost effectiveness of the solution. One of the most important benefits
of the use of computer these days can be witnessed in SCADA monitoring and controlling of huge
plants with large number of process variables.

2.3.1 Implementation of Computerized Systems

The implementation of any industrial solution on a computer is based on following key


Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

Digital signal processing (DSP) is concerned with the representation of signals by a sequence
of numbers or symbols and the processing of these signals. Digital signal processing and analog
signal processing are subfields of signal processing. DSP includes subfields like: audio and speech
signal processing, sonar and radar signal processing, sensor array processing, spectral estimation,
statistical signal processing, digital image processing, signal processing for communications, control
of systems, biomedical signal processing, seismic data processing, etc [5].

The goal of DSP is usually to measure, filter and/or compress continuous real-world analog
signals. The first step is usually to convert the signal from an analog to a digital form, by sampling it
using an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), which turns the analog signal into a stream of numbers.

However, often, the required output signal is another analog output signal, which requires a digital-
to-analog converter (DAC). Even if this process is more complex than analog processing and has
a discrete value range, the application of computational power to digital signal processing allows for
many advantages over analog processing in many applications, such as error detection and
correction in transmission as well as data compression [6].

DSP algorithms have long been run on standard computers, on specialized processors
called digital signal processors (DSPs), or on purpose-built hardware such as application-specific
integrated circuit (ASICs). Today there are additional technologies used for digital signal processing
including more powerful general purpose microprocessors, field-programmable gate
arrays (FPGAs), digital signal controllers (mostly for industrial apps such as motor control),
and stream processors, among others.

Signal Conditioning

In electronics, signal conditioning means manipulating an analog signal in such a way that it
meets the requirements of the next stage for further processing.

In control engineering-applications, it is common to have a sensing stage (which consists of a

sensor), a signal conditioning stage (where usually amplification of the signal is done) and a
processing stage (normally carried out by an ADC and a micro-controller). Operational amplifiers
(op-amps) are commonly employed to carry out the amplification of the signal in the signal
conditioning stage. The Signal conditioning processes include amplification, filtering, converting,
range matching, isolation and any other processes required to make sensor output suitable for
processing after conditioning.

Modern Drives

A motion controller or drive controls the motion of some object. Frequently motion
controllers are implemented using digital computers, which employ techniques of Digital Signal
Processing to achieve the goal of optimum performance from the machine in contrast to older
version which employ analog components. The basic idea here is that the process variable (for
example, shaft speed of induction motor ) is obtain from the sensor attached to its shaft, this data,
digitalized & sampled by ADC, is then fed into the digital computer which performs all the control
algorithm, and generate a controlled output signal, which after passing through DAC(digital to
Analog Converter) apply to the respective actuator. The use of the digital computers in drives results

in the better performance, efficiency, compact design and reduced cost of the overall solution as
compare to its analog variants.

2.4 Embedded Systems

An embedded system is a computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated

functions often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device
often including hardware and mechanical parts. By contrast, a general-purpose computer, such as a
personal computer (PC), is designed to be flexible and to meet a wide range of end-user needs.
Embedded systems control many devices in common use today. Since the embedded system is
dedicated to specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it to reduce the size and cost of the product
and increase the reliability and performance. Some embedded systems are mass-produced, benefiting
from economies of scale.

2.4.1 Historical Background of Embedded Systems

One of the first recognizably modern embedded systems was the Apollo Guidance
Computer, developed by Charles Stark Draper at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. At the
project's inception, the Apollo guidance computer was considered the riskiest item in the Apollo
project as it employed the then newly developed monolithic integrated circuits to reduce the size and
weight. An early mass-produced embedded system was the Autonetics D-17 guidance computer for
the Minuteman, released in 1961. It was built from transistor logic and had a hard disk for main
memory. When the Minuteman II went into production in 1966, the D-17 was replaced with a new
computer that was the first high-volume use of integrated circuits. This program alone reduced prices
on quad nand gate ICs from $1000/each to $3/each, permitting their use in commercial products.

Since these early applications in the 1960s, embedded systems have come down in price and
there has been a dramatic rise in processing power and functionality. The first microprocessor for
example, the Intel 4004, was designed for calculators and other small systems but still required many
external memory and support chips. In 1978 National Engineering Manufacturers Association
released a "standard" for programmable microcontrollers, including almost any computer-based
controllers, such as single board computers, numerical, and event-based controllers.

2.4.2 Microprocessor Based Systems

A microprocessor incorporates most or all of the functions of a computer's central

processing unit (CPU) on a single integrated circuit (IC, or microchip). Microprocessors were first
emerged in the early 1970s and were used for electronic calculators, using binary-coded decimal
(BCD) arithmetic in 4-bit words. Other uses of 4-bit and 8-bit microprocessors such as terminals,
printers etc. were followed soon after. Affordable 8-bit microprocessors with 16-bit addressing also
led to the first general-purpose microcomputers from the mid-1970s on.

The integration of a whole CPU onto a single chip greatly reduced the cost of processing
power. From these humble beginnings, continued increases in microprocessor capacity have
rendered other forms of computers almost completely obsolete with one or more microprocessors
used in everything from the smallest embedded systems and hand held devices to the largest
mainframes and supercomputers.

2.4.3 Microcontroller Based Systems

A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated µC, uC or MCU) is a small computer on a single

integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals.
Program memory in the form of NOR flash or OTP ROM is also often included on chip, as well as a
typically small amount of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in
contrast to the microprocessors used in personal computers or other general purpose applications.

Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as

automobile engine control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls, office machines,
appliances, power tools, and toys. By reducing the size and cost compared to a design that uses a
separate microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices, microcontrollers make it economical to
digitally control even more devices and processes [9].

As of 2010, there are several dozen microcontroller architectures and vendors. Some of them

 Freescale 68HC11 (8-bit)

 Intel 8051
 Atmel AVR (8-bit), AVR32 (32-bit), and AT91SAM (32-bit)
 Hitachi H8, Hitachi SuperH (32-bit)
 MIPS (32-bit PIC32)
 NEC V850 (32-bit)

 PIC (8-bit PIC16, PIC18, 16-bit dsPIC33 / PIC24)
 Texas Instruments Microcontrollers MSP430 (16-bit), C2000 (32-bit),
 Toshiba TLCS-870 (8-bit/16-bit)

 Zilog eZ8 (16-bit), eZ80 (8-bit)

2.4.4 Applications of embedded systems

Military and aerospace applications

From in-orbit embedded systems to jumbo jets to vital battlefield networks, designers of
mission-critical aerospace and defense systems requiring real-time performance, scalability,
and high-availability facilities consistently turn to the embedded systems for software certification to

Rich in system resources and networking services, embedded systems provide an off-the-
shelf software platform with hard real-time response backed by powerful distributed computing
(CORBA), high reliability, software certification, and long-term support options. The embedded
systems for software certification assist developers in gaining certification for their mission-
and safety-critical systems.

Electronics applications

As the number of powerful embedded processors in consumer devices continues to rise,

newer operating systems provide a highly reliable and royalty-free option for system designers and
as the wireless appliance revolution rolls on, web-enabled navigation systems, radios, personal
communication devices, phones and PDAs all benefit from the cost-effective dependability, proven
stability and full product life-cycle support opportunities associated with embedded systems.

Industrial automation and process control.

Industrial Automation and Process Control

Embedded systems also find their use in control and automation of industrial processes like

 Chemical processes
 Electrical processes like electrolysis etc
 Forming processes
 Casting processes
 Heat treatment processes of ferrous and non-ferrous materials

Industrial Communications

Industrial communications are the heart of automated systems. Numerous defined standards
exist, and these standards continue to grow as new industrial ethernet protocols emerge. The
embedded systems provide the peri-pherals and the internal system architecture required to
efficiently interface products with leading field busses, industrial Ethernet standards, and growing
wireless communications.

Industrial Ethernet

For motion control applications, synchronism and short latency aspects are crucial. Protocols
such as Profinet IRT or Ethernet address these requirements and are suited for systems with a sub-
millisecond PLC times. In this case, specific ASSP or FPGA solutions must be used. The Atmel
AT91SAM9G45, with its dual EBI feature, lets designers integrate the industrial Ethernet
communication module with minimal performance impact. Data transfers between the ASIC or
FPGA can be handled by the DMA unit, in parallel with external RAM access.

Wireless Communications

Wireless communication in the industrial automation is increasingly popular, providing an

easier way to install and connect mobile or inaccessible equipment. Industrial control equipment
such as PLC and DCS IO modules primarily utilizes IEEE802.11 WLAN and Bluetooth standards.
Atmel 32-bit microcontrollers and microprocessors feature an embedded multimedia card interface
that supports connection to an SDIO WLAN or Bluetooth module. Industrial sensors or actuators
have demanding requirements for power consumption, board space, and implementation cost. For
these products, IEEE-802.15.4 technology, such as Zigbee or Wireless-HART is most appropriate.
Atmel offers complete Wireless Solutions based on our low-power microcontroller and RF
transceivers. Benefits include:

 Excellent RF performance enables longer rang and more robust RF link

 Best in class power consumption

 Lowest system cost

2.5 PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a computer used

for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly,
amusement rides, or light fixtures.

The main difference from other computers is that PLCs are armored for severe conditions
(such as dust, moisture, heat, cold) and have the facility for extensive input/output (I/O)

arrangements. These connect the PLC to sensors and actuators. PLCs read limit switches, analog
process variables (such as temperature and pressure), and the positions of complex positioning
systems. Some use machine vision. On the actuator side, PLCs operate electric motors, pneumatic or
hydraulic cylinders, magnetic relays, solenoids, or analog outputs. The input/output arrangements
may be built into a simple PLC, or the PLC may have external I/O modules attached to a computer
network that plugs into the PLC.

PLCs have built in communications ports, usually 9-pin RS-232, but optionally EIA-
485 or Ethernet. Modbus, BACnet or DF1 is usually included as one of the communications
protocols. Other options include various fieldbuses such as DeviceNet or Profibus. Other
communications protocols that may be used are listed in the List of automation protocols.

PLC programs are typically written in a special application on a personal computer, and then
downloaded by a direct-connection cable or over a network to the PLC. The program is stored in the
PLC either in battery-backed-up RAM or some other non-volatile flash memory. Often, a single PLC
can be programmed to replace thousands of relays. Some commonly used programming techniques
for plc programming are

1. Functional Block Diagram

2. Ladder Programming

3. Structural Text Programming

There is a slight difference in programming techniques of PLCs according to their vendors.

While the fundamental concepts of PLC programming are common to all manufacturers, differences
in I/O addressing, memory organization and instruction sets mean that PLC programs are never
perfectly interchangeable between different makers. Even within the same product line of a single
manufacturer, different models may not be directly compatible.

2.5 OPC Server

An OPC Server is a software application that acts as an API (Application Programming

Interface) or protocol converter. An OPC Server will connect to a device such as a PLC, DCS, RTU,
or a data source such as a database or User interface, and translate the data into a standard-based
OPC format. OPC compliant applications such as an HMI (Human Machine Interface), historian,
spreadsheet, trending application, etc. can connect to the OPC Server and use it to read and write
device data. An OPC Server is analogous to the role a printer driver plays to enable a computer to
communicate with an ink jet printer. An OPC Server is based on a Server/Client architecture.

OPC is based on Microsoft Windows technology, OPC now stands for Open Process Control.
Previously it stood for OLE Process Control but today the OLE technology has been replaced by
Active X.

OPC is all about Open Productivity & Connectivity in industrial automation and the
enterprise systems that support industry. Interoperability is assured through the creation and
maintenance of open standards specifications. There are currently seven standards specifications
completed or in development.

Based on fundamental standards and technology of the general computing market, the OPC
Foundation adapts and creates specifications that fill industry-specific needs. OPC will continue to
create new standards as needs arise and to adapt existing standards to utilize new technology.

OPC (originally OLE for process control) is an industry standard created with the
collaboration of a number of leading worldwide automation hardware and software suppliers,
working in cooperation with Microsoft. The standard defines methods for exchanging real-time
automation data between PC-based clients using Microsoft operating systems.

Traditionally, each software or application developer was required to write a custom

interface, or server/driver, to exchange data with hardware field devices. OPC eliminates this
requirement by defining a common, high performance interface that permits this work to be done
once, and then easily reused by HMI, SCADA, Control and custom applications.

The value of OPC is that it is an open standard, which means lower costs for manufacturers and
more options for users. Hardware manufacturers need only provide a single OPC server for their
devices to communicate with any OPC client. Software vendors simply include OPC client
capabilities in their products and they become instantly compatible with thousands of hardware
devices. Users can choose any OPC client software they need, resting assured that it will
communicate seamlessly with their OPC-enabled hardware, and vice-versa.

2.6 HMI (Human Machine Interface)

2.6.1 Introduction
The human machine interface or user interface, in the industrial design field of human–
machine interaction, is the space where interaction between humans and machines occurs. The goal
of interaction between a human and a machine at the user interface is effective operation and control
of the machine, and feedback from the machine which aids the operator in making operational

A user interface is the system by which people (users) interact with a machine. The user interface
includes hardware (physical) and software (logical) components. User interfaces exist for
various systems, and provide a means of:

 Input, allowing the users to manipulate a system

 Output, allowing the system to indicate the effects of the users' manipulation

2.6.2 Practical Example

To work with a system, users have to be able to control and assess the state of the system. For
example, when driving an automobile, the driver uses the steering wheel to control the direction of
the vehicle, and the accelerator pedal, brake pedal and gearstick to control the speed of the vehicle.
The driver perceives the position of the vehicle by looking through the windshield and exact speed of
the vehicle by reading the speedometer. The user interface of the automobile is on the whole
composed of the instruments the driver can use to accomplish the tasks of driving and maintaining
the automobile.

2.6.3 Usability

The design of a user interface affects the amount of effort the user must expend to provide
input for the system and to interpret the output of the system, and how much effort it takes to learn
how to do this. Usability is the degree to which the design of a particular user interface takes into
account the human psychology and physiology of the users, and makes the process of using the
system effective, efficient and satisfying.

Usability is mainly a characteristic of the user interface, but is also associated with the
functionalities of the product and the process to design it. It describes how well a product can be
used for its intended purpose by its target users with efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction, also
taking into account the requirements from its context of use.

2.6.4 Terminologies

There is a difference between a user interface and an operator interface or a human–machine


 The term "user interface" is often used in the context of (personal) computer systems
and electronic devices
 Where a network of equipment or computers is interlinked through an MES (Manufacturing
Execution System)-or Host.

 An HMI is typically local to one machine or piece of equipment, and is the interface method
between the human and the equipment/machine. An Operator interface is the interface
method by which multiple equipment that are linked by a host control system is accessed or
 The system may expose several user interfaces to serve different kinds of users. For example,
a computerized library database might provide two user interfaces, one for library patrons
(limited set of functions, optimized for ease of use) and the other for library personnel (wide
set of functions, optimized for efficiency).

2.6.5 Types of Human Machine Interface

Following types of Human Machine Interfaces are used by the industries

Graphical User Interface

Graphical user interfaces (GUI) accept input via devices such as computer keyboard and mouse and
provide articulated graphical output on the computer monitor.

Touch Screen Interface

Touch screens are displays that accept input by touch of fingers or a stylus. Used in a
growing amount of mobile devices and many types of point, industrial processes and machines, self-
service machines etc.

Command Line Interface

Command line interfaces, where the user provides the input by typing a command string with
the computer keyboard and the system provides output by printing text on the computer monitor.

The invention of personal computers in early 1970’s, revolutionized all the manufacturing
industries. The implementation of any industrial solution on a computer is based on key elements
such as digital signal processing, signal conditioning and modern drives. An embedded system is a
computer system designed to perform one or a few dedicated functions often with real-time
computing constraints. There are some major types of embedded systems being widely used in the
industry namely microprocessor based embedded systems, microcontroller based embedded systems
and PLC or programmable logic controllers also come under the category of embedded systems;
however, PLCs are designed especially for the industrial use so these devices are capable of bearing
industrial environment like high temperature, high pressure, humidity etc. PLC programming is
much easier than other programmable devices.

PLC is providing industrial solution as an intelligent computing device and OPC server
helping the users to fetch real time data from the PLC which is then used by the data acquisition
software. That data acquisition software helps in designing HMIs for monitoring and controlling the



3.1 Boiler

A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated. The heated or vaporized
fluid exits the boiler for use in various processes or heating applications.

3.2 Configurations
With respect to the mechanical design boilers can be classified in to two main types.

3.2.1 Fire Tube Boiler

In this type of Boiler water partially fills a boiler barrel with a small volume left above to
accommodate the steam (steam space). This is the type of boiler used in nearly all steam
locomotives. The heat source is inside a furnace or firebox that has to be kept permanently
surrounded by the water in order to maintain the temperature of the heating surface just
below boiling point. The furnace can be situated at one end of a fire-tube which lengthens the path of

the hot gases, thus augmenting the heating surface which can be further increased by making the
gases reverse direction through a second parallel tube or a bundle of multiple tubes (two-pass or
return flue boiler); alternatively the gases may be taken along the sides and then beneath the boiler
through flues (3-pass boiler). In the case of a locomotive-type boiler, a boiler barrel extends from the
firebox and the hot gases pass through a bundle of fire tubes inside the barrel which greatly increase
the heating surface compared to a single tube and further improve heat transfer. Fire-tube boilers
usually have a comparatively low rate of steam production, but high steam storage capacity. Fire-
tube boilers mostly burn solid fuels, but are readily adaptable to those of the liquid or gas variety.
Given below is the typical design of fire tube boiler.

Fig 3.1 Mechanical Design of a Water Tube Boiler

3.2.2 Water

A water tube boiler is a type of boiler in which water circulates in tubes heated externally by
the fire. Fuel is burned inside the furnace, creating hot gas which heats water in the steam-generating
tubes. In smaller boilers, additional generating tubes are separate in the furnace, while larger utility
boilers rely on the water-filled tubes that make up the walls of the furnace to generate steam. Given
below is the design of typically used water tube boiler.

Fig 3.2 Mechanical Design of a Water Tube Boiler Further Classification of Water Tube Boiler

Water Tube Boiler is further classified in to following types according to design variations

1. D-type Boiler

2. Yarrow Boiler
3. White-Forster Boiler
4. Thorny croft Boiler
5. O-type Boiler etc

3.3 Type of Boiler In Use of BYCO Petroleum

In BYCO Petroleum they are using D-Type Water Tube Boiler. It consists of a large
steam drum vertically connected to a smaller water drum (a.k.a. "mud drum") via multiple steam-
generating tubes. These are surrounded by walls made up of larger water-filled tubes, which
make up the furnace.

The boiler in use of BYCO petroleum Pakistan has capacity to produce 12 ton/hr steam, it
works on a mechanical control system without the help of any electronic control system.

Fig 3.3 Mechanical Design Of the D-type Water Tube Boiler

3.4 Problem Overview

AS the world advances to the modern information age lot of automation solutions
has been introduced in various fields in order to maintain on time, secured and low cost services to
meet the needs of the fast moving society. Automation is the use of control systems and information
technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope
of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization. As automation is vital for the
industries so this project providing a solution that will automate “Boiler” for the process industry

BYCO Petroleum’s Pakistan. In the task given by BYCO the authors should design a prototype
which resembles to the original boiler in use of BYCO and then to automate that prototype.

The steam generation facility within any given plant is frequently referred to as the heart. In the
event this system shuts down for unexpected reasons or for plant turnaround, most processes within
the plant will not be operable. The aim of this project is to design an automatic control system for
Boiler by the help of programmable devices (PLC/Microcontroller).

The Automation of Boiler is divided in to following parts:

5. Startup Sequence i.e. burner management system

6. Shutdown Logics i.e. safety interlocks

7. 3 Element Control i.e. ( Pressure, Level, Flow of feed water)

8. HMI designing for data Logging and Monitoring

3.4.1 Startup Sequence (Burner Management)

1st and most important part in boiler automation is automating its startup or burner management
system. A Burner Management System is defined as the following:

A Control System that is dedicated to boiler safety, operator assistance in the starting and stopping of
fuel preparation and burning equipment, and the prevention of mis-operation of and damage to fuel
preparation and fuel burning equipment. Following are the main objectives of burner management

 Sequence burner through safe start-up

 Insure a complete pre-purge of boiler

 Supervise safety limits during operation

 Supervise the flame presence during operation

 Sequence a safe shutdown at end of cycle

 Integrate with combustion control system for proper fuel and air flows
3.4.2 Shutdown Logics (Safety Interlocks)

The 2nd part of the project is assuring the safety of boiler and plant by implementing proper
safety interlocks .A boiler could be potential bomb if you do not take care of it sufficiently! Because
it is a fired pressure vessel, it has the potential to be pressurized beyond its designed strength if

something goes wrong with the operating equipment. So following interlocks are present in boilers
for safe operations:

3.4.3 Three Element Control

The third part is to control the steam pressure by using any control strategy.

3.4.4 HMI for Monitoring and Data Logging

The 4th part of this project is to develop human machine interface (HMI) which allow operator
to manipulate the system and monitor the status of different process variables (PVs) , moreover it
saves different events of boilers for future use depending upon the capacity of storage device.

3.5 Possible Solutions

The solutions available for the given problem can be divided according to following three
major types on the basis of

1. Mechanical Design
2. Control Strategy
3. Programmable Device

It is mentioned earlier that project is divided into four basic parts and problem solving for each of
these parts could be different mentioned in next chapter.

3.5.1 On the Basis of Mechanical Design

On the basis of mechanical design there are lots of solutions available for this problem. Water
tube boiler can be designed according to different mechanical configurations. Some important of
them are mentioned below.

A-type Boiler

In this type of boiler there are two mud drums at the bottom side and one header steam drum
at the upper side these mud and steam drums are connected with each other via water tubes. Given
below is its mechanical design diagram.

Fig 3.5 Typical Design of A-type Boiler

D-type Boiler

D-type boiler is another choice of mechanical design and most appropriate as it is the same
mechanical configuration in use of BYCO. Given below is the mechanical configuration of D-type

Fig 3.6 Typical design of D-type Boiler

O-type Boiler

O-type boiler is another choice of mechanical design it is used for generating steam at higher
rates. Given below is the mechanical configuration of O-type Boiler.

Fig 3.7 Typical Design of O-type Boiler

3.5.2 On the Basis of Control Strategy

On the basis of control strategy two choices are available either to control the system
using discrete instruments which have only two state operations on/off or by using continuous
control equipments.

There some more choices in control strategies are available. The steam pressure of the
designed prototype can be controlled by using three different techniques

1-Element Control

Steam pressure is controlled by only controlling the level of water within the boiler.

2-Element Control

For controlling steam pressure burner intensity is also controlled along with liquid level.

3-Element Control

In this strategy of controlling steam pressure feed water liquid level and burner intensity
is controlled.

3.5.3 On the Basis of Programmable Device

As mentioned earlier automation of water tube boiler is required by the BYCO petroleum
Pakistan, so for this purpose an intelligent device is required which can control all the sequences of
the system without the help of human. For this purpose there were two choices available

1. PLC based System

2. Micro Controller based system



4.1 Selected Mechanical Design

The mechanical design selected for the prototype is modified form of A-type boiler. Due to
limited budget the curve tubes as in real A-type were not possible so simpler design was selected
during this project. Moreover, the mechanical infrastructure designed by the authors during this
project can produce steam within the short span of time in comparison to other types of boiler
designs. The selection of material was also very critical as prototype have to bear 5 bar pressure and
150 degree Celsius of heat. Therefore, mild steal was selected as the prototype material due to its
hard and tough nature. Given below is the further illustration of mechanical design.

4.1.1 Design of Prototype

Figure represents a water tube boiler

with steam drum, header and a mud drum.
Water tubes are also enclosed in the designs
which will contain the water inside the

tubes. The design closely relates to the actual mighty water tube boilers used in industries and the
also to the one in BYCO petroleum Pakistan. The selection of the prototype design along with the
material is very critical because the design have to support the minimal pressure of 25 psi and a
temperature range of 100- 120 degree Celsius. Mentioned below is the isometric view of the boiler
design utilized in the given project.

Fig 4.1 Isometric view of the design of the water tube boiler

4.1.2 Front View of the Prototype Design

Figure explains the front view of the water tube boiler with steam drum, header and a mud
drum. Water tubes are also enclosed in the designs which will contain the water inside the tubes.

Fig 4.2 Front view of the design of the water tube boiler

4.1.3 Top View of the Prototype Design

Figure explains the front view of the water tube boiler with steam drum, header and a mud
drum. Water tubes are also enclosed in the designs which will contain the water inside the tubes.

Fig 4.3 Top view of the design of the water tube boiler

4.2 Adopted Control Strategy

In this project discrete control strategy was adopted due to its less complication and the
instruments involved in implementing digital control strategy are cheaper and easy to handle.

Further details about the discrete components use in this project are given in the separate

4.3 Selected Programmable Device

PLC is selected in this project is intelligent controlling device due to its rigidness, ease of use,
reprogramming capabilities and tough nature. The PLC used in this project is manufactured by LG
having modeled no LG-MK80S. Further details about the selected PLC are given below.

4.3.1 LG Master-K80S

In LG Master-K 80s, CPU, digital I/O and power part are embedded in block type PLCs,
which is easy to install in whatever area you want for system configuration. In case of module-type
PLCs, system configuration is easily achieved by a variety of modules (CPUs, I/Os, special modules,
network modules). We selected this model of PLC due to following features which are given below.

4.3.2 Features of Master-K80S

(1) Open network by us of communications protocol in compliance with international standard


(2) High speed processing with an operation-dedicated processor included.

(3) Various special modules that enlarge the range of application of the PLC

2) MK80S series is extremely compact, to fit a wide range of applications.

(1) High speed processing of 0.5μs/step with an operation-dedicated processor included.

(2) Various built-in functions

The main unit can perform many functions without using separate modules.

It is possible to construct various systems just using the main unit.

Fast Processing Applications

-Pulse catch: Allows the main unit to read 4 inputs, each having a pulse width as small as 0.2ms

-High speed counter: Support high-speed counting up to 1 phase 16kHz, 2 phase 8kHz.

-External interrupts : Using in applications that have a high-priority event which requires immediate

The input filter function help reduce the possibility of false input conditions from external
noise, such as signal chattering. The filter time can be programmed from 0 to 15 ms.

Using built-in pulse output without separate positioning module, it can control stepping
motor or servo motor. Using RS-232C built-in port, it can connect with external devices, such as
computers or monitoring devices and communicate 1:1 with MK80S or MK200S system.10 points
modules (K7M-DR10S, K7M-DR10S/DC, K7M-DT10S) have both of RS-232C and RS-485 port. It
has PID control function with which it can easily constitute a system without separate module.

(3) It can easily do On/Off of the system, using RUN/STOP switch.

(4) It can constitute various system, using separate Cnet I/F module. (Except 10 points modules)

(5) It can easily save the user program by simple manipulation in KGLWIN.

(6) Strong self-diagnostic functions It can detect the cause of errors with more detailed error codes.

4.3.3 Input/ Output Ports of Master-K80S

The number of input and output modules provided in LG Master-K 80S PLC are also meets the
requirement of our project. There are total (30) thirty I/O ports present in LG Master-K 80 S among
which (18) eighteen can be used for Input and (12) twelve can be used for output purposes.

4.4 Implemented Solution For BMS

BMS or burner management system is the first and most essential part of this project. BMS is
dedicated control system which controls the firing sequence of burners within the boiler. BMS
prevent the system by controlling the starting and stopping of fuel. In this project BMS system is also
implemented on PLC.

BMS system consists of number of sequences and devices to operate properly. The BMS
proceed in the following sequence.

1. Purging
2. Ignition
3. Turning on the fuel supply
4. Flame Detection
5. Transferring Control to main Control

4.4.1 Purging

Purging is the process of removing residual gases from the boiler’s heat chamber to avoid the
possibilities of explosion due to presence of gases, oxygen and flame within a close chamber.

This process is done by using different draught techniques. In this project Force Draught
technique is used in order to control the flow of air within the heating chamber of boiler. For creating
force draught of air Force Draught Fan is utilized in this project. In this purging sequence is run for
30 sec in which FD fan is operated at its maximum capacity.

4.4.2 Ignition

After the completion of purging cycle igniter is turned on in order to provide initial energy to
the fuel which has to be burnt in the system. In this project 11,000 Volts igniter is used in order to
provide initial spark to fuel.

4.4.3 Turning On the Fuel Valves

The third step after turning on the igniter is to turn on the gas supply within the boiler. In this
project the gas supply is turn on by using solenoid valve.

4.4.4 Flame Detection

The next step is to ensure presence of flame within the boiler which means boiler has
completed the first 3 steps safely and now control can be transferred to further process.

In this project the detection of flame is done by using the given circuit.

Fig 4.1 Circuit diagram of flame detector circuit

In the above given circuit the sensing unit is LDR (Light Dependent Resistor). In this circuit
LDR is making a series circuit with a resistor as LDR is also a resistance so voltage drop between R1
and LDR depend upon the resistance of LDR and its resistance changes with intensity of light. The
voltage across LDR is act as an input for ‘+’ pin of OP-Amp 311 which is used in open loop and
work as comparator. The ‘–‘ pin of OP-Amp is connected with an variable resistor which is used to
change sensitivity of this circuit means at which light intensity level this circuit works. Than the
output of OP-Amp is going to a transistor which simply acts as a switch and convert the OP-Amp’s
output voltage level to 24 volt which is than utilized by PLC for detecting Flame.

4.4.5 Transferring Control

Transferring control is the final step of BMS control system. After ensuring the flame
presence the BMS system transfers control to the main control logic of the boiler running in PLC.

4.5 Implemented Solution For Safety

In the past, many accidents have occurred due to improper design of boilers. This led to loss
in life and property so for this reason proper safety interlocks are developed in this project to avoid
any kind of accident. Two main types of safeties are implemented within the project

1. Mechanical Safeties
2. Electrical Safeties

4.5.1Mechanical Safeties

Boiler produces steam at very high temperature and the temperature of the heating chamber
rises up to the 150 degree centigrade that’s why special type of heat resistant paint is applied on the
prototype also 40 kg of insulting material is placed within the heating chamber to confine the heat
and to protect the operator from accidental burning.

Safety pop up valve is present at the top of steam chamber if due to any reason all other
safety interlocks fail and prototype pressure rises up to 5 bar this safety pressure will open to for
releasing the pressure.

Bottom blow down is also present for removing solid participates that condense and lie on the
bottom of the boiler.

4.5.2 Electrical Safeties

Listed are the electrical safeties present in the designed prototype

1. Prototype works on the 220 Volts AC so proper grounding is done to prevent electrical
2. All the relays and other electrical devices are placed within the panel box.
3. At very low level of water systems shutdown to prevent damaging.
4. 1.5 bar is the critical limit of Pressure after which pressure switch sends signal to PLC to
shutdown the boiler.
5. If flame within the heating chamber is not detected within the boiler operation the prototype
4.6 Implemented Solution For Control

In this project 2- element boiler pressure control strategy is utilized. In this strategy following
two process variables are controlled in order to maintain the pressure.

1. Water Level
2. Intensity Of Burner

4.6.1 Water Level

The first thing which is controlled in order to maintain the pressure within the boiler is water
level. The level of water is controlled by using relay logic circuit. In this system water is controlled
between two points. There are two sensors present detect the upper and lower level of water when
water level reaches the lower limit pump starts injecting water in to the boiler through pipe and water
level reaches to the upper level pump stops.

The pump used for feeding the water into boiler is 1.5 HP centrifugal pump.

4.6.2 Intensity Of Burner

Intensity of burner depends upon the two factors the oxygen quantity within the heating
chamber and the supply of the fuel or in other words pressure of the gas.

For controlling the oxygen quantity within the gas chamber a damper is placed at the front of
FD fan, and that damper is controlled by a motor within the two positions one position for high gas
supply and other for lower gas supply. Two limit switches are placed to detect the position of
damper. The motor used to which sets the position of damper is controlled by PLC via following

Fig 4.2 Circuit diagram for damper motor drive

This circuit based on two relays which are used to control the damper motor within two
directions both anti clock wise and clock wise.

The gas supply within prototype is controlled with the aid two solenoid valves which control
the gas supply of 0.5 inch and 0.75 inch natural gas feed pipe.

4.7 Implemented Solution For HMI

Implementation of human machine interface is one of the most important tasks of this project.
For designing HMI for this project data acquisition software by National Instrument s Dasy Lab is

Dasy Lab is selected because of it user friendly environment and lots of options. Dasy Lab is
also much easier to use on student level in comparison to other data acquisition software available.

The detail chapter on HMI is present in this report.



5.1 Plant Layout

A plant layout is an engineering study used to analyze different physical configurations for
an industrial plant

5.1.1 Electrical Layout

Electrical layout here refers to the electrical connection of the various devices like relays ,
lamps, motors etc this diagram in coordination with the mechanical diagram defines he complete
layout of the system.

Following are the legends used in the diagram:

o ***_S = solenoid valve

o ***_L = Lamp
o ***_M = Motor

o ***_SW = Switch
o PWR = Power
o PMP = Water Pump
o BLWR = Blower
o LL = Water Level Low-Low
o I = Igniter
o HI = Water Level High
o LO = Water Level Low
o P = Pilot
o M = Main
o HF = High Fire
o HHI = Steam Pressure High-High
o HI = Steam Pressure High
o LO


Fig 5.1 Level

control diagram

Figure 5.1 shows

contacts for
motors and their
respective lamps
used in the
prototype as well

as the contact of the ignition

Fig 5.2 level control indication and


Figure 5.2 shows the connections of

level electrodes and water level
controlling circuit used to
maintain water level in the
boiler. A switch is given for manual
control. Furthermore the
transformer is used to
provide dc power using a

Fig 5.3 Electrical layout diagram of


Figure 5.3 shows connections of

solenoid valves and their
respective lamps as well as
the connections of the pressure
switches used to energize
respective relays

5.1.2 Mechanical Layout

The mechanical layout

includes various important
parts of the boiler major valves
and supporting connection are
indicated to visualize the
theme of the mechanical work.
Major parts include the gas

provision assembly which includes three valves, various mountings on the boilers top. Given below
is the process flow diagram of our designed prototype.

Fig 5.4 Process flow diagram of Designed Prototype

The process flow diagram shows in Fig 5.4 exhibits a simplified diagram of process flow.
The lines’ captions prefixed with ‘P’ show the pipelines and valves are prefixed with ‘V’ while other
items are mentioned with respective names.



6.1 Discrete Control

The term discrete control here refers to the on-off control system which is implemented for
controlling process variables like pressure and water level. The major involvement in discrete control
is of the following devices

1. Limit Switches
2. Pressure Switches
3. Level Electrodes
4. Solenoid Valves

The detail of these devices is described below.

6.1.1 Limit Switches

A Limit switch, also trademarked and frequently known as a micro switch, is an electric
switch that is actuated by very little physical force, through the use of a tipping-point mechanism,
sometimes called an "over-center" mechanism. Switching happens reliably at specific and repeatable
positions of the actuator, which is not necessarily true of other mechanisms. They are very common
due to their low cost and durability, greater than 1 million cycles and up to 10 million cycles for
heavy duty models. This durability is a natural consequence of the design.

The defining feature of micro switches is that a relatively small movement at the actuator
button produces a relatively large movement at the electrical contacts, which occurs at high speed
(regardless of the speed of actuation). Most successful designs also exhibit hysteresis, meaning that a
small reversal of the actuator is insufficient to reverse the contacts; there must be a significant
movement in the opposite direction. Both of these characteristics help to achieve a clean and reliable
interruption to the switched circuit.

There are two limit switches used in the project there purpose is to control the drafts position
to either open up to 70% or 30% these two conditions are achieved by contact breaking through
mechanical coupling and breaking from circuit behind. Given below are the pictures of typical limit
switch and used limit switch.

Fig 6.1 Typical Limit Switch and Implemented limit switch in Prototype

The use of limit switches is shown in Fig 6.1 the red on is for full damper open and the black
one is for 30% opening of the damper. The figure on the right shown the internal construction of the
Limit Switch

6.1.2 Pressure Switch

A pressure switch is very important little device that enables the safety and control of many
different environments. It functions as a fail-safe device in order to prevent any number of incidents
from occurring by either measuring the amount of pressure applied and reacting or simply by
providing a way to decrease or increase different types of pressure.
There are two pressure used in the system one is for safty and the other is for the controlling
of pressure.

The first pressure switch has only one contact that is used for tripping purpose. If the pressure
reaches to a critical level it signals the PLC to trip the system. In case of the failure of this pressure
switch there is a mechanical steam safety valve, it will pop off if pressure further increases.

The second pressure switch is used for the controlling purpose. The low pressure indicated by
the pressure switch is used to activate the high fire, while a higher contact is associated with the low
fire control. That is if pressure switch indicates high pressure the low fire is engaged.


Typical Pressure switch and us pressure switches

The pressure switches are shown in Fig 6.2. The figure on the right shows a typical pressure
switch while the figure on the left shows the switches used in the prototype

6.1.3 Level Electrodes

Water level electrodes as actually contact makers the are used to detect certain water level.
They are basically to conductive metals in the electrode which, when shorted by water, form a
contact and generates the output signal. They are useful and economic solution for level detection
and they can operate in high temperature and pressure conditions like in boilers.

The basic purpose for the use of level electrodes is to detect water level in the boiler at high
temperature. Due to it robustness it is the well suited solution for water level detection. There are
three of these electrodes used in the boiler.

Fig 6.3 Picture of Typical level electrodes and used


The bottom electrode is used to define the tripping condition of the boiler (Fig 6.3). That is
the level is too low for boiler to work the other two are used for the controlling of the water level.

With the help of the relay logic the water pump is turned on when the low level is detected while the
pump is turned of as the high level is detected.

6.1.4 Solenoid Valves

A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with liquid or gas. The valve is
controlled by an electric current through a solenoid: in the case of a two-port valve the flow is
switched on or off; in the case of a three-port valve, the outflow is switched between the two outlet
ports. Multiple solenoid valves can be placed together on a manifold.

Solenoid valves are the most frequently used control elements in fluidics. Their tasks are to
shut off, release, dose, distribute or mix fluids. They are found in many application areas. Solenoids
offer fast and safe switching, high reliability, long service life, good medium compatibility of the
materials used, low control power and compact design.

Besides the plunger-type actuator which is used most frequently, pivoted-armature actuators
and rocker actuators are also used.

Fig 6.4 Typical Solenoid Valve and used Solenoid Valve

The basic purpose for the use of solenoid valves is to control gas flow for the flame control (Fig
6.4). There are three solenoid valves used.

1. Pilot Valve : it is a quarter inch valve used to control the gas flow throw pilot
2. Main valve : main valve is used to control the gas flow for the main fire
3. High fire : it operates In coordination of the main valve to increase the gas flow for a high



7.1 OPC

OLE for Process Control (OPC), which stands for Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)
for Process Control, is the original name for standards specification developed in 1996 by an
industrial automation industry task force. The standard specifies the communication of real-time
plant data between control devices from different manufacturers.

The OPC Specification was based on the OLE, COM, and DCOM technologies developed
by Microsoft for the Microsoft Windows operating system family. The specification defined a
standard set of objects, interfaces and methods for use in process control and manufacturing
automation applications to facilitate interoperability. The most common OPC specification is OPC
Data Access, which is used to read and write real-time data. When vendors refer to OPC generically,
they typically mean OPC Data Access.

7.1.1 OPC-DA

The OPC Data Access Specification is the first of a group of specifications known as the
OPC Specifications.

OPC Data Access is a group of standards that provides specifications for communicating
real-time data from data acquisition devices such as PLCs to display and interface devices like
Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI). The specifications focus on the continuous communication of

The OPC Data Access specification is also known as OPC DA. OPC DA deals only with
real-time data and not historical data (for historical data you need to use OPC Historical Data
Access, or OPC HDA). There are three attributes associated with OPC DA. These are (1) a value, (2)
the quality of the value, and (3) a timestamp. The OPC DA specification states that these three
attributes have to be returned to an OPC client making a request. Therefore, if the data source is not
capable of providing a timestamp, for example, the OPC DA server must create a timestamp.

7.2 DasyLAB

DASYLab lets you interactively develop PC-based data acquisition applications by simply
attaching functional icons. DASYLab offers real-time analysis, control, and the ability to create

custom graphical user interfaces (GUIs). What’s more, in contrast to other graphical programming
environments, which can require weeks of training to master, DASYLab has a very short user-
learning curve. Many applications can be configured in a few minutes, rather than days or weeks.

There is a wide variety of I/O capabilities to choose from, such as analog, digital,
counter/timer, IEEE 488, RS-232, and DDE, plus any I/O device that is supported by an OPC (OLE
for Process Control) driver.

7.3 HMI

The HMI is built by using the DA server of the OPCTechs. First the server sets up a
connection with the PLC through serial port. The tags are then imported on the windows platform
now any eligible client can access those tags DASYLabs Data Access Client is used to read and
write various parameters in the PLC. Hence, an interactive environment is created between the plant
and operator the layout of the .

Fig7.1 Worksheet of HMI

The worksheet of HMI shown in Fig 7.1 consist of various blocks including control buttons
and display leds and timers it also consist the OPC DA client to access the data server

HMI of the prototype boiler is shown below

Fig 7.2 Layout of HMI

The Layout of the HMI (Fig 7.2) provides the interface between the plant and the operator it has all
the controlling and monitoring features and relevant timers.

7.4 Data Logging

The data logging is done through the file handling feature of DASYLab. It can both read and
write data to the file in various formats. The basic need for file handling is the variable itself needed
to be written and that’s it the software itself generated the file, creates various field and timestamps
of the received data. This proves to be the strong feature of this software.

Following is the configuration box for file handling

Fig 7.3 Configuration Box for file handling

File handling configuration (Fig 7.3) simply need channels that are to be saved a path name
and the file format of file, various other features of file handling like appending and write protecting
are also available. A sample file generated is shown below

Fig 7.4 Generated data logging file

Figure 7.4 shows the data logging file. It shows time specific data variations in 4 variables. Note that
there is a time stamp with each data entry. This proves to be helpful in fault tracing.



8.1 Economizer

Economizers are mechanical devices intended to reduce energy consumption, or to perform

another useful function such as preheating a fluid. The term economizer is used for other purposes as
well. Boiler, power plant, and heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning have economizers. In simple
terms, an economizer is a heat exchanger.

In boilers, economizers are heat exchange devices that heat fluids, usually water, up to but
not normally beyond the boiling point of that fluid. Economizers are so named because they can
make use of the enthalpy in fluid streams that are hot, but not hot enough to be used in a boiler,
thereby recovering more useful enthalpy and improving the boiler's efficiency. They are a device
fitted to a boiler which saves energy by using the exhaust gases from the boiler to preheat the cold
water used to fill it (the feed water). The image below shows the implementation of economizer.

Fig 8.1 Design of Economizer

The typical Economizer design (Fig 8.1) has provision of preheating water using the exhaust
gases to improve the efficiency of the boilers

8.2 Three Element Control

Boilers of medium to high pressure today use a “3-element” boiler control strategy. The term
“3-element control” refers to the number of process variables (PVs) that are measured to effect
control of the boiler feedwater control valve. These measured PVs are:

▪ liquid level in the boiler drum,

▪ flow of feedwater to the boiler drum, and

▪ flow of steam leaving the boiler drum.

Fig 8.2 Typical implementation of three element control

A typical implementation of three element control is shown in Fig 8.2 There is a correlative control
keeping in mind various parameter of the boiler. The use of three element control actually improves
the robustness of set points, hence improving efficiency of the system.

[1] Michael Barr. "Embedded Systems Glossary". Netrino Technical Library Retrieved 2007-04-

[2] Alley, Charles L. (1973). Electronic Engineering. Wiley. ISBN 0471024503. Available at (Accessed: 17th August,


[3] IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. Available at (Accessed: 17th August, 2010)

[4] Issa Batarseh. (2003) Power Electronic Circuits 2nd ed. by John Wiley.

[5] James D. Broesch, Dag Stranneby & William Walker (2006). Digital Signal Processing:
Instant access. Butterworth-Heinemann.

[6] Science, Volume 94, Issue 2446, pp. 456: Engineers' Council for Professional Development

[7] Giovino, Bill. Available at - Embedded Systems supersite. (Accessed at

16th August, 2010)

[8] Heath, Steve (2003). Embedded systems design. EDN series for design engineers (2 edition.).
Newnes. pp. 11–12. ISBN 9780750655460. At (Accessed: 15th


[9] Jack Ganssle & Michael Barr (2007), “Embedded Systems Design Dictionary”, Common
technical baseline, embedded system guide. Available at http://www.embeddedsystems-,-7.html (Accessed: 15th August, 2010).







[16] Report provided by BYCO petroleum Pakistan on Water Tube Boiler in use of the industry
i.e. Gresham Water Tube Boiler.

[17] Several reports on the boiler control system and boiler designs provided by PARCO Oil
Refinery Pakistan.

[18] WOODWARD Application note 83400 on boiler feed water control.

[19] Preferred Utilities Manufacturing Corporation Presentation on Burner management systems.

[20] Manual of LG Master-K80S. Available at

[21] Manual of DASYLAB provided by National Instruments at following link



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