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Name : Leni Nurlela
ID : 1882250064
Class : 3C PBI Weekend
Date : Sunday, January 14, 2024

A. Read each paragraph, write the topic, write the main idea and underline the supporting
facts and ideas.
1. Lake Baikal, the world’s largest lake, is located in southern Siberia, in Russia. It
measures 395 miles (636 km) long by 50 miles (80 km) wide and it has 1,245 miles
(2,100 km) of coastline. The lake’s rocky basin consists of three depressions,
which hold a total volume of 14,656 cubic miles (23,600 cubic km) of water, 20
percent of the freshwater in the world. The lake is also very deep, with its deepest
point at over 1 mile (1,637 meters) and an average depth of 2,066 feet (630 meters).
Furthermore, scientists have determined that Lake Baikal is the oldest lake in
the world. From sediment obtained by drilling deep down below the lake,
researchers estimate it to be at least 25 million years old.
 Topic : Lake Baikal in Southern Siberia, Russia.
 Main Idea : Lake Baikal is the largest and the oldest lake in the world.

2. To scientists, Lake Baikal is of particular interest because of its unique and isolated
ecosystem. More than 1,000 species of plants and animals found at Lake Baikal
exist nowhere else on earth and some can be dated to prehistoric times. Among
its unique fauna is the Baikal freshwater seal. This creature, which local people
call nerpa, is the only mammal which inhabits the lake. Researchers speculate that
these seals, which have been breeding at Lake Baikal for 22 million years, are the
descendents of ocean-dwelling seals which migrated inland in search of food, when
the lake was still connected to the sea. Another creature that is unique to this
Siberian Lake is the omu/, a fish, which is caught by local fisherman and is
considered a great delicacy.
 Topic : Unique and isolated ecosystem in Lake Baikal
 Main Idea : Many unique plant and animals can be found in the isolated
ecosystem in Lake Baikal.

3. For centuries, the water in Lake Baikal was so clear that it was possible to see down
to depths of 40 to 60 feet. Several factors contributed to keeping the water crystal
clear. First, the lake contained certain small zooplankton and small crustaceans
that consumed waterweeds, bacteria, and other material that would otherwise
cloud the water. Furthermore, the water in the lake consisted of rainwater and
melted snow that flowed down from a mountain range in about 300 streams and
through uninhabited forest. Finally, most of the watershed has a rocky surface, so
the water flowing into the lake did not accumulate mud or organic matter and
had little mineral or chemical content.
 Topic :The water in Lake Baikal was so clear.
 Main Idea : Several factors contribited to keeping the water crystal clear.

B. Preview the introduction to a section of a sociology textbook. Then read it carefully and
look for a sentence that states the purpose of the whole section (what it will be about).
Write the statement of purpose on the lines below.
In 1693, William Penn wrote that "the country life is to be preferred for there we see
the works of God, but in cities little else than the work of man." Most people at the
time probably agreed with him. Less than 2 percent of the world's population then
were urban dwellers. But in 1998, about 44 percent of the world's population lived in
urban areas and more than 50 percent will do so by the end of 2010 (Haub, 1999;
Linden, 1993; Fischer, 1984). While urban populations have grown, cities themselves
have changed. We can identify three periods in their history: the preindustrial,
industrial, and metropolitan-megalopolitan stages.

Answer :The development of the population in urban areas is increasing from

time to time.

C. Read the following passages and answer the questions.

Paragraph 1
Smoking in Public Places
In industrialized countries, governments are at last realizing that smoking is harmful to the
health of individuals and an intolerable cost to society. With laws that ban smoking in public
places and high taxes on cigarettes, they are taking concrete measures to discourage people
from this destructive habit. Already there are signs that these measures are having a positive
effect, as recent statistics show an overall decline in the number of smokers.

1. What is the writer's point of view about the topic?

The government’s awareness of smoking in public places resulted in legislation that
had a positive impact because it showed statistics of a decrease in the number of
smokers overall.
2. Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?
Yes of course, because apart from awareness from the community, awareness from
the government is also needed to be able to regulate and discipline irresponsible
elements in society and if the government does not step in by making laws,
irresponsible people will not feel deterred and will continue to do that.
Paragraph 2
Fast Food and Obesity
Can we blame McDonald's and fast food in general for the fact that Americans are
overweight? Many people would say yes, and their lawyers are now trying to force changes
in the way fast food is made. But let's face it—we can't blame the restaurants. They're just
serving what people buy. We should blame ourselves. No one forces us to buy those
hamburgers! We would all be much healthier and thinner if we went to the supermarket
instead and cooked ourselves a healthy meal at home.

1. What is the writer's point of view about the topic?

We can't blame the restaurant. They only serve what people buy. We have
ourselves to blame. Nobody forces us to buy that hamburger! We would all be
healthier and thinner if we went to the supermarket and cooked healthy food at
2. Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not?
Yes, I do. Because it is from self-awareness that everything begins. if we choose to
eat healthy food we will also be healthy and if we eat unhealthy food (junk
food/fast food) we also have to be prepared for possible bad risks such as obesity
or overweight.

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