Classification of Visual Field Abnormalities in Highly Myopic Eyes Without Pathologic Change

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Classification of Visual Field Abnormalities in Highly Myopic Eyes Without

Pathological Change

Fengbin Lin, Shida Chen, Yunhe Song, Fei Li, Wei Wang, Zhenni Zhao, Xinbo Gao,
Peiyuan Wang, Ling Jin, Yuhong Liu, Meiling Chen, Xiaohong Liang, Bin Yang, Guili
Ning, Ching-yu Cheng, Paul R. Healey, Ki Ho Park, Linda M. Zangwill, Tin Aung,
Kyoko Ohno-Matsui, Jost B. Jonas, Robert N. Weinreb, Xiulan Zhang, for the GSHM
study group

PII: S0161-6420(22)00193-2
Reference: OPHTHA 12002

To appear in: Ophthalmology

Received Date: 8 November 2021

Revised Date: 1 March 2022
Accepted Date: 7 March 2022

Please cite this article as: Lin F, Chen S, Song Y, Li F, Wang W, Zhao Z, Gao X, Wang P, Jin L, Liu
Y, Chen M, Liang X, Yang B, Ning G, Cheng C-y, Healey PR, Park KH, Zangwill LM, Aung T, Ohno-
Matsui K, Jonas JB, Weinreb RN, Zhang X, for the GSHM study group, Classification of Visual Field
Abnormalities in Highly Myopic Eyes Without Pathological Change, Ophthalmology (2022), doi: https://

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© 2022 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of Ophthalmology

1 Classification of Visual Field Abnormalities in Highly Myopic Eyes Without
2 Pathological Change
4 Fengbin Lin1#, Shida Chen1#, Yunhe Song1, Fei Li1, Wei Wang1, Zhenni Zhao2, Xinbo Gao1,
5 Peiyuan Wang1, Ling Jin1, Yuhong Liu1, Meiling Chen1, Xiaohong Liang1, Bin Yang3, Guili Ning4,
6 Ching-yu Cheng5,6, Paul R. Healey7, Ki Ho Park8, Linda M. Zangwill9, Tin Aung5, Kyoko Ohno-
7 Matsui10, Jost B. Jonas11,12*, Robert N. Weinreb9*, Xiulan Zhang1*, for the GSHM study group
9 State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University,

10 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Guangdong
11 Provincial Clinical Research Center for Ocular Diseases, Guangzhou 510060, China.

12 Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Guangzhou Children's Hospital and Guangzhou

13 Women and Children's Medical Center, Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China.
14 Zigong Third People’s Hospital, Zigong, China.
15 Guizhou Aerospace Hospital, Zunyi, China.
16 Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore National Eye Center, Singapore.
17 6
Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Program (Eye ACP), Duke-NUS Medical
18 School, Singapore

19 7
Centre for Vision Research & Westmead Clinical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
20 Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University

21 College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea


22 Hamilton Glaucoma Center, Shiley Eye Institute, Viterbi Family Department of Ophthalmology,
23 University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
24 Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo,
25 Japan.
26 Department of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg,
27 Germany.
28 Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel, Switzerland.
30 Fengbin Lin and Shida Chen contributed equally to this study.
31 *Xiulan Zhang, Robert N. Weinreb, and Jost B. Jonas are joint co-corresponding authors.
33 Corresponding authors:
34 Xiulan Zhang, MD, PhD

35 Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Sun Yat-sen University,
36 No.7, Jinsui Road, Guangzhou 510060
37 Email:
39 Robert N. Weinreb, MD
40 Shiley Eye Institute, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-
41 0946.
42 E-mail:
Jost B. Jonas, MD

45 Universita¨ts-Augenklinik, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, 68167 Mannheim, Germany.

46 E-mail:

48 Running title: Visual Field Abnormalities Classification in Highly Myopic


51 VF = visual field, OR = Odds ratios, CI = confidence interval, POAG = primary open-angle


52 glaucoma, OHTS = Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study, MMD = myopic macular degeneration,

BCVA = best corrected visual acuity, SE = equivalent spherical, AL = axial length, META-PM =


54 Meta-Analysis for Pathological Myopia, GEE = generalized estimating equation, GLMM =


55 generalized linear mixed model.


67 Abstract
68 Purpose: To develop a classification system of visual field (VF) abnormalities in highly myopic
69 eyes with and without glaucoma.
70 Design: Secondary analysis of VF data from a longitudinal cohort study.
71 Subjects: One thousand eight hundred and ninety-three VF tests from 1302 eyes (825
72 individuals).
73 Methods: All participants underwent VF testing (Humphrey 24-2 SITA standard program) and
74 detailed ophthalmic examination. A comprehensive set of VF defect patterns was defined via
75 observation of the 1893 VF reports, literature review, and consensus meetings. The classification
system consisted of four major types of VF patterns, including normal, glaucoma-like defects

77 (paracentral defect, nasal step, partial arcuate defect, arcuate defect), high myopia-related

78 defects (enlarged blind spot, vertical step, partial peripheral rim, non-specific defect), and
combined defects (nasal step with enlarged blind spot). A subset (n=1000) of the VFs was used

80 to evaluate the inter- and intra-observer agreement and weighted kappa (κ) values of the
81 classification system by two trained readers. The prevalence of various VF patterns and its
82 associated factors were determined.

83 Main Outcome Measures: The classification of VF in highly myopic eyes and its associated risk
84 factors.

85 Results: We found that normal, glaucoma-like defects, high myopia-related defects, and
86 combined defects accounted for 74.1%, 10.8%, 15.0%, and 0.1% of all VF defects, respectively.

87 The inter- and intra-observer agreement were >89% and the corresponding κ value were ≥0.86

88 between readers. Both glaucoma-like and high myopia-related VF defects were associated with
89 older age (Odds ratios [OR], 1.07; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04-1.10; P <0.001 and OR,
90 1.06; 95% CI, 1.04-1.10; P <0.001) and longer axial length (OR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.32-2.07; P <0.001
91 and OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.11-1.68; P =0.003). Longer axial length had a stronger effect on the
92 prevalence of glaucoma-like VF defects than on the prevalence of high myopia-related VF defects
93 (P =0.036).
94 Conclusions: We propose a new and reproducible classification system of VF abnormalities for
95 non-pathological high myopia. Applying a comprehensive classification system will facilitate
96 communication and comparison of findings among studies.

101 Introduction
102 The prevalence of high myopia has markedly increased worldwide over the last three decades, in
103 particular in East Asia.1-4 Projections estimate that the global prevalence of high myopia will
104 increase from 2.7% in the year 2000 to 9.8% in 2050.1 A recent meta-analysis revealed that in
105 Chinese adolescents aged 16 to 18 years the prevalence of high myopia increased from 10.5%
106 as assessed in the period from 2010 to 2013 to 19.4% as examined from 2014 to 2016.2 Patients
107 with high myopia have an increased risk of visual impairment and legal blindness worldwide.5-8 It
108 has been estimated that the odds ratio (OR) for eyes with high myopia to develop primary open-
109 angle glaucoma (POAG) is about 5.9 as compared with eyes without high myopia,6, 9-11 and that
the prevalence of glaucomatous optic neuropathy can be as high as 27.2% in highly myopic

111 eyes.12

Perimetry is an important tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma.13, 14 Major glaucoma

114 trials such as the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT), the Ocular Hypertension Treatment
115 Study (OHTS), and the United Kingdom Glaucoma Treatment Study (UKTGS) have used
116 perimetry as the primary endpoint method.15-17 However, ophthalmologists frequently face a

117 challenge to distinguish glaucomatous visual field (VF) loss from non-glaucomatous VF defects
118 in highly myopic eyes, due to concurring myopic maculopathy and high myopia-associated optic

119 neuropathy, both of which can mimic glaucomatous perimetric defects.18 It is clinically however
120 important to differentiate between glaucomatous optic nerve damage and non-glaucomatous optic

121 neuropathy, since glaucoma can therapeutically be addressed. In particular, there is no commonly

122 accepted classification of VF abnormalities in high myopia. Although a grading scheme has been
123 previously proposed, the study to assess the classification system had not excluded patients with
124 significant myopic macular degeneration (MMD) and had not examined the repeatability of the VF
125 testing results.19
127 Due to the lack of a common VF classification system to identify VF damage in high myopes, our
128 ability to differentiate between functional damage due to glaucoma and damage due to high
129 myopia is limited. We therefore aimed to develop a classification system to describe VF loss
130 patterns in highly myopic eyes without myopic maculopathy. We assessed the intra- and inter-
131 observer agreement by trained readers. In addition, the frequency and the risk factors that were
132 associated with various patterns of VF defects were assessed.
134 Methods

135 Study Participants
136 Participants were recruited from a longitudinal observational high myopia registry cohort study,
137 which has been designed to explore the natural course of myopic optic neuropathy, initiated in
138 Guangzhou, China in June 2019 (; identifier: NCT04302220).20 The Ethics
139 Committee of the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, approved the protocol,
140 and the methodology adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed
141 consent was obtained from all participants before enrollment.
143 Details of the study protocol and subject eligibility have been described previously. 20 In brief,
inclusion criteria were an age ≥18 years, a best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ≥6/12, the

145 diagnosis of high myopia (defined as equivalent spherical (SE) of ≤-6 diopters [D] or axial length

146 (AL) of ≥26.5 mm), and individuals with and without POAG. Exclusion criteria were a history of
147 ocular surgery, secondary glaucoma, other ocular diseases such as severe cataracts, myopic

148 maculopathy equal to or more serious than “diffuse choroidal atrophy” (category 2 based on the
149 International Meta-Analysis for Pathological Myopia [META-PM] classification system) and/or the
150 presence of a distinct posterior staphyloma as assessed on fundus photos.21, 22
POAG was

151 diagnosed by glaucoma specialists (FLi, XG, and XZ) based on the presence of glaucomatous
152 optic disc changes (i.e. vertical cup-to-disc ratio >0.7, neuroretinal rim notching, wedge-shaped

153 retinal nerve fiber layer defects, or disc hemorrhage) on optic disc photographs, with
154 corresponding glaucomatous VF defects and intraocular pressure ≥21 mmHg.

All participants completed a comprehensive ocular examination, including slit lamp-based

157 biomicroscopy, automatic refractometry (autorefractor, KR-800, Topcon Co, Tokyo, Japan),
158 assessment of BCVA, tonometry using Goldmann applanation tonometry, ocular biometry
159 including measurement of central corneal thickness and AL (IOL Master 700, Carl Zeiss Meditec,
160 Jena, Germany), fundus photography (fundus camera, Nonmyd WX3D, Kowa, Aichi, Japan),
161 swept-source optical coherence tomography (Triton, DRI-OCT 2, Topcon Co, Tokyo, Japan), and
162 standard automated perimetry (Humphrey Field Analyzer 3, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany).
163 We additionally evaluated the medical history, asked the level of education, and performed
164 anthropometric measurements and assessed the blood pressure. The level of education was
165 graded between “low” (primary school or below education) and “high” (secondary school or above
166 education).
168 Visual field testing and fundus assessment

169 The VF examinations were performed using the Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA)
170 standard 24-2 program in a dark room (ambient light <5 lux). A trained technician explained the
171 procedures to each participant before the test. The built-in liquid lens of the Humphrey Field
172 Analyzer 3 was used to correct for myopia to avoid refractive artifacts after participants were
173 evaluated using an autorefractor. Subjects with abnormal VFs had to have a minimum of 2 and a
174 maximum of 3 reliable tests at baseline before they were eligible for inclusion into the study. For
175 subjects with a normal VF at their first test, consecutive repeatable tests were not required. The
176 reproducibility of the first and second VF tests determined the times of testing results. If the first
177 two testing results differed, a third test was required to confirm. For a reliable VF, the rate of false-
positive answers and false-negative answers had to be <15%, and the rate of fixation losses had

179 to be <20%. VF tests not fulfilling these criteria were repeated no more than 5 times, either on the

180 same day after a break of at least 30 minutes or at the following visit within one month.23, 24 From
181 June 2019 to December 2020, a total of 1302 eyes with 1893 VF tests were available. The VF

182 test with the least serious defect (based on the mean deviation of the VF) was chosen for the final
183 analysis if subjects had repeated perimetric testing tests. The study eventually included a total of
184 1302 eyes with 1302 unique VF tests for the final analysis (Figure 1).

186 Two retinal fellows (WW, SC) evaluated the fundus grading based on the META-PM to exclude

187 eyes with C2, C3, and C4 myopic maculopathy. 21


189 Formulating and assessment of the visual field classification system

The detailed procedure of formulating and assessing the classification system is summarized in

191 Supplemental Figure 1. First, all of the VF tests were used to develop an initial draft of a
192 classification system, based on the OHTS classification, which divided the VF defects into nerve
193 fiber bundle abnormalities and non-nerve fiber bundle abnormalities.25 Then, those VF defects
194 which did not meet any of the definitions of the OHTS classification were labeled as novel defect
195 patterns. Discussions about the novel defect patterns were held among experts in the Glaucoma
196 Suspects with High Myopia (GSHM) study group (consisting of 12 international members,
197 including glaucoma and retinal specialists and clinician scientists) in consensus meetings,20,23
198 with additional information obtained from a literature review.19, 26, 27 Finally, a new classification
199 system for highly myopic eyes was formulated. The classification system consisted of four major
200 types: normal, glaucoma-like defects (paracentral defect, nasal step, partial arcuate defect,
201 arcuate defect), high myopia-related defects (enlarged blind spot, vertical step, partial peripheral
202 rim, non-specific defect), and combined defects (nasal step with enlarged blind spot). A VF defect

203 was defined as a reproducible reduction in sensitivity at a cluster of 2 or more contiguous test
204 points with a P-value of <1% or more, or a cluster of 3 or more contiguous test points with a P-
205 value of <5% or more in the pattern deviation plot, located in the superior or inferior arcuate areas;
206 or a 10-dB difference across the nasal horizontal midline at a cluster of two or more adjacent test
207 points in the total deviation plot; in at least two consecutive reliable perimetric examinations.23, 24
208 Definitions and examples of the VF abnormality classification (with the corresponding fundus
209 photo) are presented in Table 1 and Figure 2.
211 Two readers (BY and GN, who were both ophthalmologists with more than 10 years of experience)
were trained to use the new classification system and then asked to apply the classifications to

213 the same set of 1000 VF tests, which included all the patterns in the system. The two readers

214 graded the tests twice with an interval of one month without other clinical information. The
215 disagreement of the VF assessments between the readers was adjudicated by group consensus

216 (FLin, SC, YS, FLi, WW, and XZ). The intra- and inter-observer agreement (agreed between two
217 assessments by the same reader and agreed between the second reading by a different reader)
218 and the weighted kappa statistic (κ) were calculated by SPSS version 27.0 (IBM Corporation,

219 Armonk, NY, USA). A κ value of ≥0.4 is generally considered as “moderate”, ≥0.6 is “good”, and
220 ≥0.8 is “excellent”.21

222 Statistical analysis

223 The normality of the distribution of all variables was examined using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Data
were presented as mean ± standard deviation (range) for normally distributed continuous

225 variables, and frequency (percentage) for categorical variables. Logistic regression models with
226 generalized estimating equation (GEE) were used to investigate the association between VF
227 defects and ocular and systemic parameters with accounting for the correlation between eyes. All
228 variables the associations of which had a P-value of <0.05 in the univariable regression analysis
229 were included in the binary multivariable regression analysis. We used a generalized linear mixed
230 model (GLMM) which is a single model that allows for two dichotomous outcomes (glaucoma-like
231 VF defects and high myopia-related VF defects) and allows to test both the effect of covariates
232 on outcomes (in terms of OR), and whether the OR for a given covariate differ across the two
233 outcomes. GEE and GLMM were performed using the SAS 9.4 software (Cary, NC: SAS Institute
234 Inc.) A P-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
236 Results

237 Demographics
238 A total of 1302 highly myopic eyes from 825 participants were included in the study (Table 2). The
239 mean age was 30.94±9.75 years (range, 18-64 years), the mean AL was 26.87 ± 1.13 mm (range,
240 23.58-33.54 mm), the mean SE was -8.61 ± 2.10 D (range, -20.13 to -3.50 D), and the average
241 BCVA was 0.01 ± 0.05 logMAR units (range, 0.3 to -0.1 logMAR units).
243 Distribution of visual field defects using the classification system
244 Figure 3 demonstrates the number and frequency of the final VF classification in highly myopic
245 eyes. Among the 1302 VF tests, the most frequent result was a normal one, found for 965 eyes
(74.1%). The next most common types of perimetric defects were high myopia-related, grouped

247 together with an enlarged blind spot (123 eyes, 9.5%), non-specific defect (67 eyes, 5.1%),

248 vertical step and partial peripheral rim (5 eyes, 0.4%), totally in 195 eyes (15.0%). The glaucoma-
249 like defects, including paracentral defect (29 eyes, 2.2%), nasal step (49 eyes, 3.8%), partial

250 arcuate defect (48 eyes, 3.7%), and arcuate defect (14 eyes, 1.1%), contributed up to 10.8% (140
251 eyes). The combined defects (nasal step with enlarged blind spot) accounted for 0.1% (2 eyes).
252 Among the 142 eyes of glaucoma-like defects and combined defects, 38 eyes (26.8%) were finally

253 diagnosed as POAG.


255 Intra- and inter-observer agreement of the classification system

256 The intra- and inter-observer agreement (%) and the κ value of the selected VFs graded by two

257 independent readers are shown in Table 3. The intra-observer agreement of the two graders
assessing the same 1000 VFs twice were 92.5% and 91.5%, and the corresponding κ value were

259 0.90 and 0.89, respectively. The inter-observer agreement and the κ value between the second
260 assessment of the two graders were 89.1% and 0.86, respectively. Since the agreement might be
261 higher due to a high proportion of normal VFs, we removed the fields read as normal by both
262 graders, resulting in an intra-observer agreement and a κ value of 87.8%, 86.2%, and 0.85, 0.83,
263 respectively. The inter-observer agreement and the κ value with the normal VFs removed were
264 82.2% and 0.79, respectively.
266 Factors associated with abnormalities visual field defects in non-pathological highly
267 myopic eyes
268 Based on the collective data for abnormal VF defects (335 eyes, including 140 eyes of glaucoma-
269 like and 195 eyes of high myopia-related), a binary multivariable logistic regression analysis
270 showed that the prevalence of the glaucoma-like VF defects and the prevalence of high myopia-

271 related VF defects were positively associated with older age (OR, 1.07; 95% confidence interval
272 [CI], 1.04-1.10; P <0.001 and OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.04-1.10; P <0.001) and longer AL (OR, 1.65;
273 95% CI, 1.32-2.07; P <0.001 and OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.11-1.68; P =0.003) , respectively (Table 4).
274 The differential effect test suggested significantly different effects of AL on glaucoma-like VF
275 defects and high myopia-related VF defects, with a higher effect on the prevalence of glaucoma-
276 like VF defects than on the prevalence of high myopia-related VF defects (P =0.036). In contrast,
277 the effect of age did no differ on both parameters (P =0.575) (Table 4).
279 Discussion
We propose a new and broader VF classification system for high myopia without myopic

281 maculopathy, which includes normal, glaucoma-like defects, high myopia-related defects, and

282 combined defects and has a relatively high intra-observer agreement and inter-observer
agreement. Additionally, we found that 10.8% of highly myopic eyes without myopic maculopathy

284 had glaucoma-like VF defects, the prevalence of which was associated with longer AL. The
285 system may provide a common framework for clinical and epidemiologic studies of high myopia
286 and glaucoma.

288 Standardized classifications have played an important role in promoting clinical and epidemiologic

289 studies. The Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) severity scale for diabetic
290 retinopathy and the META-PM classification for myopic maculopathy have been widely used by

291 researchers and clinicians.21, 28 However, a commonly accepted VF classification system for high

292 myopia, which has become an important sight-threatening disease, has been missing so far.3, 5, 6
293 Based on the OHTS classification and a high number VF tests in high myopia participants,25 we
294 developed this new classification of VF defects in highly myopic eyes.
296 This classification system differentiates between four major VF types: normal, glaucoma-like
297 defects, high myopia-related defects, and combined defects. Some of the identified VF defects
298 were similar to those in OHTS classification,25 such as paracentral defect, arcuate defect, vertical
299 step, and partial peripheral rim. However, we also modified some of them to make them more
300 applicable to high myopia (Supplemental Table 1). For example, we revised “Cannot include more
301 than 1 significant point (on either plot) in the nerve fiber region on the temporal side” in the nasal
302 step of OHTS to “Can include more than 1 abnormal test point in the nerve fiber bundle region on
303 the temporal side, but the abnormal test points on the temporal side cannot be contiguously
304 clustered”. As another example, we also revised “The defect is generally contiguous with either

305 the blind spot or the nasal meridian” in the partial arcuate defect of OHTS to “The defect might
306 not be contiguous with either the blind spot or the nasal meridian”. Moreover, we added some
307 novel myopia specific defect patterns, such as “enlarged blind spot”, “non-specific defect”, and
308 “nasal step with enlarged blind spot”.
310 The validation of our proposed classification system for VF defects showed relatively good
311 agreement. After being trained to use the new classification, the two VF graders obtained an
312 average intra-observer agreement of 87% (κ = 0.84) and inter-observer agreement of 82.2% (κ =
313 0.79) for all abnormal VFs. This was better than the VF classification of high myopia reported by
Ding et al., with a κ value between two readers of 0.56;19 but slightly lower than the values of 88%

315 for superior hemifield inter-observer agreement and 89% for inferior hemifield inter-observer

316 agreement, found in the OHTS.25 A possible reason for the lower inter-observer agreement as
317 compared with the OHTS may be that the OHTS reported the agreement among readers as the

318 percentage of hemifield classification, while we presented the percentage of classification of all
319 categories.25

321 The most common defect in our classification was an enlarged blind spot, which is in line with
322 Ding et al.19 Previous studies indicated that peripapillary atrophy and an optic disc tilt lead to an

323 enlargement of the blind spot and were the most common causes for an enlarged blind spot in
324 static perimetry.29 In support of this hypothesis, our current results indicate that, among the 123

325 eyes with an enlarged blind spot, 120 (97.6%) had peripapillary atrophy and 91 (74.0%) had an
optic disc tilt. “Non-specific defect”, added as a novel pattern in our study, is the next most

327 common VF defect. The irregular stretching and bending during axial elongation due to high
328 myopia might be a cause of atypical damage to the retinal nerve fiber layer, potentially leading to
329 this type of VF defect (Supplemental Figure 2, as examples, shows the repeatability of a non-
330 specific defect).30 Further studies may evaluate the mechanism that caused the VF defects in
331 eyes with high myopia.
333 Classically, paracentral defect, nasal step, partial arcuate defect, and arcuate defect are strongly
334 associated with glaucoma.25 In the present study, we found that 10.8% of highly myopic eyes
335 without myopic maculopathy had these glaucoma-like VF defects. These eyes also tended to
336 have longer AL, consistent with previous studies that longer AL is a risk factor for glaucoma.6, 10,
12, 31, 32
337 The figure of 10.8% in our study was lower than the figure reported by Ding et al, who
338 showed that 16.1% fields with the glaucomatous defect.19 We suggest two possible reasons for

339 the difference. First, they had only one VF to identify an abnormality. In contrast, we repeated
340 those tests and then chose the VF with a less serious defect (based on the mean deviation of the
341 VF) for final analysis. Second, the eyes with significant myopic maculopathy which might mimic
342 glaucomatous VF defects were excluded from our study, but were included in the study of Ding
343 et al.
345 In addition to their use with clinical trials and epidemiologic studies, the classification system
346 provides a tool for clinicians to distinguish glaucoma-like defects from high myopia-related defects
347 at the time of patient encounter. The diagnosis of glaucoma in highly myopic eyes has remained
challenging, especially when intraocular pressure is within the normal range. We therefore,

349 defined in the current study POAG by glaucomatous optic disc changes with corresponding

350 glaucomatous VF defects and an intraocular pressure of ≥21 mmHg. We found that 38 eyes were
351 finally diagnosed as POAG among the 142 eyes with glaucoma-like defects and combined defects.

352 It indicates that even individuals categorized as having glaucoma-like defects or combined defects
353 might also be over-diagnosed. Since progression is a defining feature of glaucoma, follow-up
354 perimetric examinations to confirm progression may offer a clue to determine whether or not the

355 remaining eyes with glaucoma-like defects and combined defects are POAG.31,33

357 The strengths of the proposed classification system include a high number of highly myopic study
358 participants, the good repeatability and reproducibility agreement, having repeated sets of testing

359 for abnormalities VF, and the exclusion of eyes with myopic maculopathy. The limitations of this
study should be noted as well. First, the study participants were mostly recruited at a tertiary

361 hospital, and not from a population-based study. And the participants were relatively younger,
362 owing to the possibility of a referral bias. The ability of this classification system to be directly
363 generalizable to other high myopia groups in the general population has yet to be determined.
364 Second, limited by the prevalence of VF defect in the general population (around 4.8% to 6.5%)
365 and the prevalence of glaucomatous optic neuropathy of 27.2% in highly myopic eyes,12, 25, 34
366 there was a relatively small number of cases of abnormal VFs (25.9%) in the current study. Third,
367 due to the effects of perimetric learning, the reproducibility of the defect classification of the first
368 and second VF tests was 31.2% among the 337 abnormal VF eyes. However, we performed a
369 third VF test to confirm the patterns for these eyes, and the VF test with the least serious defect
370 was chosen for the final analysis, which could minimize the effects. Fourth, previous study have
371 already addressed the topic of a classification of perimetric defects in highly myopic.19 Their study
372 and the current investigation refer to the OHTS classification, explaining some overlap between

373 the classification schemes of both studies.16 The current study differs from the previous
374 investigation in a) in a relatively large clinical sample of 1893 VF reports as the basis of the current
375 study; b) in discussions of the current classification scheme in consensus meetings consisting of
376 12 international members including glaucoma and retinal specialists and clinician-scientists; c) by
377 including perimetric findings obtained from GSHM study group; d) descriptions of novel patterns
378 of perimetric defects and modification of previous definitions; e) exclusion of highly myopic eyes
379 with myopic maculopathy which by itself could have caused VF defects; f) the necessity to have
380 a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 reliable tests in the case of abnormal VFs; and g) a
381 significantly higher intra-observer and inter-observer agreement in the current study. Sixth, we
defined the “partial peripheral rim” defect as “general continuous field loss outside of 15 degrees,

383 showing some curved shape, but not in all quadrants.” However, myopic peripheral rim defects

384 are sometimes located outside the 20-30 degrees region.35 The 24-2 VF testing performed in this
385 study might thus have missed some peripheral rim defects. Finally, as the testing points of

386 program 24-2, as compared to programs 10-2, 24-2C and the G pattern, are less densely
387 arranged in the macular region, identifying central VF defects might have been difficult in the
388 current study.36-38

390 In summary, we propose a new, comprehensive VF classification system for high myopia without

391 myopic maculopathy that is based on results of previously published studies and also on
392 observations made in a prospective, longitudinal high myopia study. This system consisted of four

393 major types: normal, glaucoma-like defects, high myopia-related defects, and combined defects.
There was a relatively high intra- and inter-observer agreement using this classification system.

395 In addition, we showed that glaucoma-like VF defects were present in 10.8% of highly myopic
396 eyes, with their prevalence increasing with longer AL. This system provides a tool for clinician to
397 distinguish glaucomatous VF loss from non-glaucomatous VF defects in highly myopic eyes in
398 their clinical practice and also may facilitate comparison of findings among clinical trials and
399 epidemiologic studies.

407 Author Contributions:
408 Conception and design: Zhang, Weinreb, and Jonas.
409 Data collection: Lin, S. Chen, Song, Li, W. Wang, Zhao, Gao, P. Wang, Liu, M. Chen, Liang, Yang,
410 Ning, and Zhang.
411 Analysis and interpretation: Lin, S. Chen, Song, Jin, Weinreb, Jonas, Zhang, Ohno-Matsui, Aung,
412 Zangwill, Park, Healey, and Cheng.
413 Manuscript drafting and revision: Lin, S. Chen, Zhang, Weinreb, Jonas, Ohno-Matsui, Aung,
414 Zangwill, Park, Healey, and Cheng.
415 Obtained funding: Zhang, Zangwill and Weinreb.

417 Acknowledgments:

418 The authors thank all research assistants who contributed to the practical organization and

419 execution of this study.
421 Competing Interests:
Dr. Weinreb is the recipient of research instruments from Carl Zeiss- Meditec, Heidelberg
423 Engineering, Topcon, Optovue and Centervue. Dr. Zangwill is the recipient of research
424 instruments from Carl Zeiss- Meditec, Heidelberg Engineering, Topcon, and Optovue, and

425 research funding from Heidelberg Engineering. Dr. Zangwill is a consultant for Abbvie Inc. No
426 conflicting relationship exists for other authors.


428 Ethics Approval:

429 Ethics approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center,
430 Sun Yat-sen University.
432 Funding:
433 This research was supported by the High-level Hospital Construction Project, Zhongshan
434 Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University (303020104); the National Natural Science
435 Foundation of China (82070955); the Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou (2021),
436 China; and, in part, by NEI R01EY029058, NEI R01EY027510 and an unrestricted grant from
437 Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY). The funding organizations had no role in the
438 design or conduct of this research.

440 Data availability statements:
441 The study protocol can be accessed at (Registration ID: NCT04302220). The
442 datasets used in this study originated from principal investigator in China. The data could be
443 shared upon reasonable request to the corresponding author, Xiulan Zhang.
445 Appendix
446 The Glaucoma Suspects with High Myopia (GSHM) study group
447 Principal investigators
448 Xiulan Zhang; Yizhi Liu; Lin Lv; David Friedman; Jost B. Jonas; Tin Aung

449 Clinical center
450 Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center: Yizhi Liu; Xiulan Zhang; Lin Lv; Shida Chen; Wei Wang; Fengbin

451 Lin; Yunhe Song; Fei Li; Kai Gao; Bingqian Liu; Yuhong Liu; Meiling Chen

452 Coordinating center
453 Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center: Xiulan Zhang.
454 Steering Committee
455 Neil M. Bressler; Ki Ho Park; Mingguang He; Kyoko Ohno-Matsui, Robert N. Weinreb

456 Data Monitoring Committee

457 Ching-yu Cheng; Paul Healey; Linda M. Zangwill

458 Safety Supervision Committee

459 Xiang Chen; Guangxian Tang

460 Biostatistics and Data Monitoring Center


461 Ling Jin


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Figure legends
Figure 1. Flowchart showing inclusion and exclusion of eyes in this study. META-PM = Meta-
Analysis for Pathological Myopia; VF = visual field.

Figure 2. Examples of the visual field abnormality classification with the corresponding fundus

Figure 3. Pie chart of the frequency distribution of each visual field type in highly myopic eyes.


Table 1. Visual field abnormality classification in non-pathological highly myopic eyes

Type Pattern Definition

Normal Pattern standard deviation (PSD) within normal limits,
and no visual field defects.
Glaucoma-like defects Paracentral defect A relatively small visual field defect in the nerve fiber
bundle region. The defect is generally not contiguous
with the blind spot or the nasal meridian. Does not
involve points located outside of 15° that are adjacent to
the nasal meridian.

Nasal step Limited field loss adjacent to the nasal horizontal

meridian. Includes at least 1 abnormal test point located
at or outside of 15° on the nasal horizontal meridian.

Can include more than 1 abnormal test point in the nerve
fiber bundle region on the temporal side, but the

abnormal test points on the temporal side cannot be
contiguously clustered.

Partial arcuate defect Visual field loss in the nerve fiber bundle region that
extends from the temporal side to the nasal side. Must
include at least 1 abnormal test point in the temporal half
of field. The defect might not be contiguous with either
the blind spot or the nasal meridian.

Arcuate defect Significant visual field loss in the nerve fiber bundle
region, extending across contiguously abnormal test

points from the blind spot to at least 1 point outside of

15° adjacent to the nasal meridian.

High myopia-related defects Enlarged blind spot At least 2 abnormal test points with P < 5% contiguous
with the blind spot and at least one worse than P < 1%
in the pattern deviation plot.

Vertical step Limited visual field loss that respects the vertical
meridian. Includes at least 2 abnormal test points
located at or outside of 15° along the vertical meridian.

Partial peripheral rim General continuous field loss located outside of 15°,
showing some curved shape, but not in all quadrants.

Non-specific defect A visual field defect, that does not belong to another
defect type/classification.

Combined defects Nasal step with enlarged Nasal step paired with enlarged blind spot in the field.
blind spot
Abnormal test point: a point with P<5% loss or more in the pattern deviation plot.
Visual field defect: a reproducible (in at least 2 consecutive reliable tests) reduction in sensitivity at a cluster of 2 or
more contiguous test points with P<1% loss or more, or a cluster of 3 or more contiguous test points with P<5% loss or
more in the pattern deviation plot, in the superior or inferior arcuate areas; or a 10-dB difference across the nasal
horizontal midline at a cluster of two or more adjacent test points in the total deviation plot.
Table 2. Demographic and ocular characteristics of study participants

Characteristics Description
By subject, no 825
Age, years 30.94±9.75 (18.00 to 64.00)
Female, no (%) 511 (61.94)
Male, no (%) 314 (38.06)
Education level
Low (primary/below education), no (%) 61 (7.39)
High (secondary/above education), no (%) 764 (92.61)
Self-reported history of diabetes, no (%) 4 (0.48)
Self-reported history of hypertension, no (%) 9 (1.09)
SBP, mmHg 114.38±13.99 (82.00 to 170.00)

DBP, mmHg 66.59±10.25 (40.00 to 119.00)
By eye, no 1302
BCVA, logMAR 0.01±0.05 (0.30 to -0.10)

Baseline IOP, mmHg 13.89±2.47 (6.00 to 33.60)
Axial length, mm 26.87±1.13 (23.58 to 33.54)

Spherical equivalent, diopter -8.61±2.10 (-20.13 to -3.50)
CCT, um 541.57±33.21 (417.00 to 655.00)
MD of VF, dB -1.92±2.14 (-28.91 to 2.07)
PSD of VF, dB 2.27±1.68 (0.98 to 15.40)
VFI of VF, % 97.99±4.64 (20.00 to 100.00)
Classification of myopic maculopathy
Category 0, no (%) 402 (30.88)
Category 1, no (%) 900 (69.12)
“plus” lesions, no (%) 0 (0)

Posterior staphyloma 0 (0)

Abbreviations: SBP, Systolic blood pressure; DBP, Diastolic blood pressure; BCVA, Best-corrected

visual acuity; IOP, Intraocular pressure; CCT, Central corneal thickness; VF, Visual field; MD, Mean
deviation; PSD, Pattern standard deviation; VFI, Visual field index.

Data presented with mean ± standard deviation (range) if there is not otherwise indicated.
Table 3. Intra- and inter-observer agreement of the visual field classification
system in non-pathological highly myopic eyes

Parameter Number Agreement, % κ (95% CI) Standard Error

All the VFs
Reader 1 1000 92.5 0.90 (0.88, 0.92) 0.010
Reader 2 1000 91.5 0.89 (0.87, 0.91) 0.011
Inter-observer* 1000 89.1 0.86 (0.84, 0.88) 0.012
VFs with abnormality†
Reader 1 608 87.8 0.85 (0.82, 0.88) 0.015
Reader 2 616 86.2 0.83 (0.80, 0.87) 0.017

Inter-observer* 613 82.2 0.79 (0.75, 0.82) 0.018

Abbreviations: κ, Kappa; CI, Confidence interval; VF, visual field.
* Results of the second assessment of the 2 readers.
† The fields both graders read as normal was removed from the 1000 VFs.
P re
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Table 4. Regression analysis of associations between abnormalities visual field defects and ocular and systemic parameters in
non-pathological high myopia eyes

Univariable regression by GEE* Bivariate multivariable logistic regression by GLMM†

Glaucoma-like VFD High myopia-related VFD Glaucoma-like VFD High myopia-related VFD P for
OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P differenti

al effect
Age, per 1 years 1.04 (1.02, 1.06) <0.001 1.03 (1.01, 1.05) 0.002 1.07 (1.04, 1.10) <0.001 1.06 (1.04, 1.10) <0.001 0.575

Sex, female vs. male 1.01 (0.67, 1.51) 0.970 1.39 (0.96, 2.02) 0.083

Education level, high vs low 0.94 (0.44, 1.99) 0.871 0.74 (0.37, 1.45) 0.375

SBP, per 1 mmHg 0.99 (0.98, 1.01) 0.463 0.99 (0.98, 1.00) 0.093
DBP, per 1 mmHg 1.01 (0.99, 1.03) 0.420 0.99 (0.97, 1.01) 0.258

BCVA (logMAR<0.1), per 0.1 0.57 (0.21, 1.58) 0.281 0.49 (0.20, 1.24) 0.134
logMAR unit

Baseline IOP, per 1 mmHg 1.01 (0.93, 1.08) 0.885 0.95 (0.88, 1.02) 0.132
Axial length, per 1 mm 1.33 (1.11, 1.61) 0.002 1.30 (1.11, 1.54) 0.002 1.65 (1.32, 2.07) <0.001 1.37 (1.11, 1.68) 0.003 0.036
CCT, per 1 um 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.617 ur1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.932
Abbreviations: VFD, Visual field defects; SBP, Systolic blood pressure; DBP, Diastolic blood pressure; BCVA, Best-corrected visual acuity; IOP, Intraocular pressure; CCT,
Central corneal thickness; OR, Odds ratios.
*GEE: Generalized estimating equation model adjusted for correlation between eyes.
†All variables with P<0.05 in the univariable regression analysis were included in the bivariate multivariable regression analysis by generalized linear mixed model (GLMM)
which is a single model that allows for two dichotomous outcomes (glaucoma-like VFD and high myopia-related VFD) and allows to test both the effect of covariates on
outcomes (in terms of odds ratios), and whether the odds ratios for a given covariate differ across the two outcomes.

Applying a comprehensive visual field classification system for high myopia without

myopic maculopathy will facilitate comparison of findings from different clinical trials

and epidemiologic studies.

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