2 Identifying The Inquiry and Stating The Problem

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Taloto District, Tagbilaran City

High School Department

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative)

First Quarter (1st Semester) - Week 3-4
Topic: Identifying the Area of Inquiry
Research Problems and Questions
The Value of Research in the Area of Interest

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
a. identify a problem and designs a research useful in daily life;
b. write a research title;
c. describe background of research;
d. state research questions;
e. indicate scope and delimitation of the study;
f. cite benefits and beneficiaries of study; and
g. present written statement of the problem.

Key Concepts


Identifying the Range of Topics in an Area of Inquiry

The basic step in conducting a research is to know what to research and to understand the purpose of the research. Connected
to the question of what to research is a clarification on whether the research:
a) entails the discovery of ideas and insights (exploratory);
b) defines an opinion, attitude or behavior held by a group of people on a given subject(descriptive); and
c) identifies a cause and effect relationship between variables (causal).

Identifying a Research Topic

The first and foremost step in the research is selecting and properly defining a research problem. Before starting a laborious
journey of finding the unknown, you need to know first what it is that you want to find out, where and how you are going to find the
answers to your questions, and what specific qualities are you looking for. A well-defined research topic is essential for a successful
research. When the topic is not well-defined, it becomes unmanageable and may result in some drawbacks during data collection and
analysis that could compromise the strength of your study.

Hence, choosing a topic must undergo proper and thorough planning and designing. The four basic steps in designing a
research topic are the following: (1) choose a broad topic, (2) do preliminary research, (3) define the problem, and (4) refine the
question. Guided with these steps, a student researcher can certainly jumpstart a quantitative research project.

As a student researcher, let us go through these steps to guide us in choosing a quantitative research topic related to our
chosen field.

1. CHOOSE A BROAD TOPIC. The first step is quite simple. As a Senior High School student, these tips will surely guide
you in selecting a broad topic for quantitative research:

a. Choose an interesting topic.

Research is a very challenging task that demands your time and persistence. Your motivation to find the answer to
the problem should keep you going, thus building a momentum along the way. Therefore, your research topic must be
something that you are passionate about. Review your answers in activity 1, and it might lead you to the right path. After all,
nothing is more satisfying than accomplishing something that matters to you.

b. Select a significant topic.

A topic that is worth researching must be able to answer or solve problems in the community. No one will take an
interest in your topic if it is obsolete and does not address any real problem. To be proactive and to take part in solving
problems with socio-economic relevance gives a sense of accomplishment. You do not even have to look far, just take a
look at your household, neighborhood, school, group of friends, or local community for a common problem or difficulty.
Activity 2 will help you identify some main points that can serve as a basis for choosing your research study.

c. Choose a topic relevant to your field.

One of the goals of this course is for you to be able to produce a quantitative research study that is aligned to your
chosen track. A SHS student under ABM must choose a topic related to business and management while students taking
HUMSS may consider choosing a topic about politics, culture, and arts. Choosing a topic that you can relate will
certainly make your research project less challenging.
In the event, that the three tips above do not shed some light on your minds, do not despair; other sources of ideas
like the ones below may be available for you.
i. Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Harmonized National R & D Agenda for 2017-2022. Early in
2017, DOST, together with researchers from the health, agriculture, industry, and academe, released research
priorities for 2017 to 2022 that are relevant for the economic growth of the country. Visit this link
https://bit.ly/3hHTf2Y for a list of suggested studies.

ii. Review of Literature. Some researchers reveal that reading previous studies fueled their minds with tons of
research topics. Reviewing the literature lets them know what has been studied, what is not yet done, and what
other researchers suggest working on. Journals, periodicals, and peer-reviewed articles are a good read.

iii. Field experts. Gather up some guts to approach anyone you know that are experts on the field of your choice
because they may give valuable inputs or may currently be working on a study where you can collaborate. Your
instructor may also give you some advice, especially on the possible obstacles, resource limitations, and
expanse of the study.

iv. Brainstorming. Do not underestimate the ideas from classmates, friends, and family members. You may be
overwhelmed at first by the outpouring of ideas, just build a list, then cross off any topic unrelated to your field
or not so interesting to you. Of course, you must take precautionary measures in doing this by observing
physical distancing. You can use any social media platform to do this.

The second step is much more time-consuming. Once you have chosen a broad topic, you need to have a better
understanding of it by reading some more articles, journals, and related research studies. Find out how other researchers
gathered their data, what research instruments were used, how the data were analyzed, and what important findings they
shared. Take note of every relevant research study for future reference. If you started the topic search (first step) by doing a
literature review, the second step is just a continuation of what you started.


After getting enough information, you may be able to list some questions or problems that you want to research. At
this stage, you should be able to narrow down broad topic into feasible and manageable research questions. A broad topic can
be narrowed down by limiting the population, place, period, or a certain characteristic. However, be very mindful that your
problem may not be too narrow that it becomes very simple and does not need to collect unique data or does not generate
new information. A very narrow research question can be developed by doing a comparative study or expanding the scope of
the study.


This step lets you evaluate the questions formulated. What specific questions should you ask? How should you
gather your data sufficient to answer the questions? Are the questions too narrow, or does it need to be trimmed down? While
evaluating the research question, consider the requirements of the course. How much time are you given to finish the
research? What resources do you need and are they available?

Framing the Title

Basic Guidelines in Making a Research Title

A research study title is the very first thing a reader comes across when searching for scientific literature. It is a concise
description of the content of the research study containing the fewest possible words, yet adequate to describe the contents of the paper
for a simple reason that we do not want to mislead the readers. After conceptualizing a most probable research topic, drafting the title
early in the research process helps in keeping your focus on the subject. The following are the basic guidelines in making a research
study title:
1. Use an accurate description of the subject and scope of the study instead of using general terms.
2. Do not use abbreviations except for commonly known ones like DNA and ICT.
3. Do not include words like “The study of,” “analysis of,” “an investigation of” or similar construction as these would only
lengthen the title.
4. Include the main dependent and independent variables.
5. Be mindful of the proper use of grammar and punctuation.
6. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs as well as the first letter of the first and last words.
7. State in a declarative form, although you may also see titles in question form from time to time.
8. The year the study has been conducted should not be indicated unless it is a historical study.
9. Use current terminology.
10. Depending on the institutional requirements, 5 to15 words are sufficient to describe the research study.
11. Use the common name instead of chemical formula (e.g., NH4)
12. Write and italicize the full scientific names.
13. Must reflect the tone of the paper. An academic research paper has title which is not casual, or informal, or does not contain

The following steps can guide you in writing your research title:
1. Determine what it is that you wish to accomplish or know from your study. Write one to two sentences to state the main
objectives of your research project.
2. Include important keywords and variables. Revise the sentences into one complete sentence that includes important keywords
and variables of the study.
3. Shorten the title by eliminating unnecessary words. You may also shrink a phrase into a simpler phrase or a single word. In
doing this, make sure that the main thought of the research study is retained.
4. Correct grammar and punctuation errors if there is any.
5. Observe proper formatting. The format may vary according to the requirements of the course or school. Please seek guidance
from your professor.

Background of Research

Background of the Study

The background of the study is the part of your paper where you inform the reader of the context of the study. When we say
context, it means the situation or circumstances within which your research topic was conceptualized. Ideally, this part is written when
you have already conducted a literature review and has a good perception of the topic so you can articulate the importance and validity
of the research problem. It is also in this part of the paper where you justify the need to conduct a research study about the topic
selected by establishing the research gap.

Stacy and Alleyne (nd) identified and described some steps in developing a research background.

Steps Description
Conduct preliminary Conducting preliminary research on your area of study and specific topic will help
research your area of study and specific topic will help you to formulate a research question or
thesis statement that will lead to more specific and relevant research.

*Visit the library and check the internet and electronic databases to find preliminary
sources, such as books and scholarly journals.
Read information You will need to take notes and keep accurate track of the sources that you used up to this
and develop a point. You may use notecard and other electronic note taking programs. Use method of
research question recording that you are comfortable with.

*Be sure to cite the source of the information on each note so you don’t forget where
each piece of information came from should you decide to use it in your thesis.
Write a thesis Think about what you’ve read and look for issues, problems or solutions that others
statement of have found and determine your own opinion or stance on the issue. Write your opinion
research question as an authoritative statement on the issue, problem or solution. At this point, you can do
more detailed research and find sources that are more relevant to your thesis or research
Use your thesis Complete your research using your thesis statement and research question as your
statement and guide . You will find relevant sources that will provide insights into your specific thesis
research questions issue or problem. Make sure that your sources provide details on the history and
as a guide past researches related to your research question.
Create relevant Create relevant sections as you write the background study. As you evaluate your
sections as you research and begin to write the background study, create five separate sections that
write the cover the key issues, major findings and controversies surrounding your thesis, as well
background study as sections for evaluation and conclusion.
Identify any further Conclude your background by identifying any further study that needs to be done in
study that needs to that area or provide possible solutions to the issue that haven’t been considered
be done before.
Revise and edit Revise and edit your background study. Complete several drafts of your work, revising
your background and filling in information as you go. Each time that you read over your work, try to leave
study it better than it was before. It’s also a great idea to have someone else look it over.


Nature of Quantitative Research Problem

Once a person encountered uncertainty, being inquisitive, you will find ways for answers or solution. Ignited by interest,
curiosity, or need you will find yourself pondering about the current problem you are facing. When you are thinking and behaving this
way, you are then confronted by a problem that can be a source of a research problem.

A research problem is simple as a problem you would like to research. Quantitative Research Problem dealt more with the
precision and specificity of the problem. Furthermore, the quantitative research problem describes trends and patterns of a

When you have identified your quantitative research problem, you can now state it and make sure to establish its place in
your study. In your written paper, this can be found as Statement of the Problem, where it formally introduces the problem that you
want to investigate or address. Then you will start specifying what you want to answer in your study.

Research Problem and Research Questions

The research questions help to clarify and specify the research problem. Research questions are also considered as sub-
problems of your research problem. These questions are informative in nature. It specifies the method of collecting and analyzing data
and the type of data to be collected since you are exploring a quantitative research problem.
Characteristics of Good Research Questions

Once you have already enumerated your research questions for your study, it is important that you consider its quality to
answer and explain your research problem. The following are good characteristics of research questions, as described by Fraenkel and
Wallen (2020).
Feasible. Consider the amount of time, energy, money, respondents, and even your current situation as a student-researcher.
Is the research problem possible? Will it not spend unreasonable amount? Consider these examples: “How do parents feel about the
blended learning modality for elementary learners?” and “How would giving each learner their own laptop to be used in this blended
learning modality affect their performance tasks?” The first example is definitely a more feasible research question. Considering the
resources, it is more possible to gather the data needed to answer the question.

Clear. The clarity of how the questions stated lead to agreement of meaning of the readers of your study. Since your research
questions are also considered as the main focus in the gathering and analyzing the data, it is therefore very important that these are
stated clearly.

Significant. Ask if your research questions are relevant or important to ask. Will answering these questions provide an
additional contribution to address the given research problem? In other words, are the research questions really worth investigating?

At this point, you do not just consider the time and money that you will spend, but more importantly, the value of what you
are trying to investigate. So aside from the reason that your chosen research problem is within your interest, you should also provide a
sound justification of your choice as a researcher.

Ethical. Always consider the welfare of people, animals or who so ever involve in your study. Look into ways of answering
the research questions without inflicting physical and psychological harm to persons involved.

Categories of Research Questions

Black (2008)

Type Relevant Questions Examples

 What are the reasons given for absences
What events or outcomes are occurring?
among students?
What are the characteristics of a category of
 How prevalent are drug addiction among
Descriptive persons or organizations?
How prevalent or wide-spread are the events or
phenomena?  What do costumers use as criteria for
choosing which supermarket to patronize?
 Is there any relationship between age and
Which characteristics or details relate to perception of quality of music?
observed events, phenomena or reasoning?  What is the nature of preferences as to
fast- food among children?
How will/did a process of procedure work?  Which teaching approach appeal to the
Such a question tends to be more applied than learners?
Evaluative basic, but it still ought to be founded on an  Do the subjects young people study at
established model or theory, or form the basis school differentially increase the
for a new one. probability of subsequent employment?
 If family size increases, is there necessarily
an increase or decrease in family income?
What will happen if one variable changes?  Do people who are good at mathematics
(The intent is to identify the existence and tend to be poor at English?
strength of relationships between variables but  Is there any relationship between
not the causality.) household income and do-it-yourself
(DIY) activities and is there a link to
decline in usage of professionals?
 Which side of the brain is predominantly
What are the causes of an observed outcome? responsible for computer mouse
Here, we are interested in testing proposed manipulation?
Explanatory causal relationships and identifying one or  Do genetic traits or environmental
more potential independent variables and their conditions have the greatest impact on the
effect on the dependent variable. tendency of male children of alcoholics
to become alcoholics themselves?
 Can stress in patients about to undergo
surgery be reduced by specific types of
What will happen to a second proposed
nurse intervention?
Control dependent variable if the suspected
 What night–time medication regime
independent variable is changed?
would enhance the quality of sleep of
patients with insomnia?



Scope and Delimitation

In doing research study, we make sure that we have certainty and reasons for drawing the inclusion and exclusion of research
variables. We do not write for the sake of writing the parts of the research paper; such as setting the scope and delimitation of your
study. It is important because it draws the boundary of your study. Without doing so, research procedures and results will not be
coherent to the goal of your study.

The scope specifies the coverage of your study such as variables, population or participant, and timeline. Delimitation cites
factors of your study that are not included or excluded or those you will not deal in your study.

In this section of your research paper, you may also state the reasons why you did not include the variables. A clearly written scope
and delimitation of the study will make it definitely easier to answer questions which are related or not related to your study.

Components of Scope and Delimitation

In writing the scope and delimitation of your study, you are also asking the basic profile questions of your research. The
following are the components of the scope and delimitation of the study but not limited to:

Topic of the Study. What are the variables to be included and excluded?
Objectives or Problems to be Addressed. Why are you doing this study?
Time Frame. When are you going to conduct this study?
Locale of the Study. Where are you going to gather your data?
Characteristics of the Respondents. Who will be your respondents?
Method and Research Instruments. How are going to collect the data?

Difference between Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

The delimitation of the study describes the various limitations that arose during the design and conduct of the study. Along
the way of conducting your study, you will encounter limitations which you have not drawn before you start – these are the
delimitations of study. Most of the delimitations arose from the applicability or usefulness of the findings of the study to the current

Variables not included in your study are also determined by delimitation of your study. While on the other hand, limitation of
the study are those variables included in your study. Hence, limitation of the study is actually the identified scope of the study.

Example of Scope and Delimitation from Actual Study:

Title of the Study: Consumers’ Response to PETA’s Advocacy advertisements on vegetarianism (Del Mundo, 2009)
The study was conducted to find out the consumers’ responses toward vegetarianism in advocacy advertisements. The
researcher chose vegetarianism among many advocacy issues: the reason for this is that vegetarianism is a growing consumer market.
The aspects studied were the respondents’ feedback to select most popular advertisements of PETA toward vegetarianism, how the
advertisements catch attention and interest, how they affect lifestyles, and how they generate action.


The Value of Research in Your Area of Interest

1. Its contribution in the field of knowledge or literature.
2. Benefits to the users of the knowledge generated.

Multiple Ways in Which Research Achieves Impact and Create Values

1. Increasing the stock of useful knowledge
2. Training skilled people
3. Creating new scientific instrumentation, methodologies and collaboration with users
4. Coproduction of knowledge
5. Knowledge spillover – knowldege created can be used by another without financial compensation
6. Market spillover – market forces cause buyers of new products made with new processes to get some of the
products’ benefits

Tips in Citing Benefits and Beneficiaries

1. List any academic beneficiaries from the research and give details on how they will benefit and how the results of the
proposed research will be disseminated.
2. Specific beneficiaries might be:
 researchers in the investigator’s immediate professional circle carrying out similar or related research
 researchers in other disciplines
 researchers in other academic institution
3. Describe the relevance of the research to its beneficiaries.
 Identify the potential academic impact of the proposed work.
 Show how the research will benefit other researchers.
 Identify whether the research will produce data or materials of benefit to other researchers. Explain how these will
be stored, maintained and made available.
 Explain any collaboration with other researchers and their role in the project.
Source: Johnson (2011), http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/intranet/staff/rfs/docs/RFSF20131121_CJohnson_impacttips.pdf

Study the model:

Research Title:
Trig-Hand Trick: A Technique in Mastering Trigonometric Functions of Special Angles

Celene Faye D. Bulayo and Maris Lorraine C. Daguplo

Statement of the Problem:

The main purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Trig-Hand Trick in mastering the trigonometric functions
of special angles of BEEd II-2 students of Bohol Island State University-Main Campus during the academic year 2016-2017.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the pre-test and post-test performances of students in trigonometric functions of special angles exposed to:
1.1 Conventional Method, and
1.2 Trig-Hand Trick?
2. Is there a significant difference in the performance of the students in mastering the trigonometric functions of special angles
as viewed in:
2.1 pre-tests of the control and experimental groups;
2.2 pre-test and post-test of the control group;
2.3 pre-test and post-test of the experimental group; and
2.4 post-tests of the control and experimental groups?
3. What is the students’ level of acceptance towards Trig-Hand Trick?
4. What plan of action can be proposed based on the result of the study?

Scope and Limitation:

The quasi-experimental design particularly the matching only design was used. This design makes use of matching the
characteristics of the respondents to form two groups. The pretest was administered first and the pretest scores were the basis of the
groupings. The design contained pretest, experimentation, and posttest. The control group was exposed to the conventional way of
teaching while the experimental group used the Trig-Hand Trick.
Environment and Participants
The research was conducted at Bohol Island State University Main Campus, Tagbilaran City. It is the only State University in
Bohol. This school offers both secondary and tertiary courses.
The BEEd II-2 students during the academic year 2016-2017 were the respondents in this study. They were divided into
groups, the control group and experimental group which were subjected to the treatment.
In conducting this research study, the following instruments were utilized:
1. Questionnaire for the Students’ Achievement
2. The Trig-Hand Trick
3. Questionnaire for Level of Acceptance
To gather sufficient data relevant to the study, the researchers followed these procedures:
I. Asking for Permission
II. Administration of the Pretest
III. Grouping of Respondents
IV. Experimentation
V. Administration of the Posttest and Evaluation
VI. Survey for the Level of Acceptance towards Trig-Hand Trick

Significance of the Study:

The researchers believed that the study will be helpful to the following group of people:

Administrators. The outcome of this study will inspire the administrators to provide educational tools, preferably for
Mathematics in order to enhance students’ performance. This will also encourage them to implement the use of Trig-Hand
Trick in teaching trigonometric functions of special angles.
Math Teachers. This study will pave way for teachers to improve their teaching strategies in order to suit with the
students’ learning styles. Thus, making the lesson more interesting and comprehensible.
Students. This study will help them achieve a better performance in Trigonometry, develop deep appreciation for the
subject, and help gain mastery in the said subject matter through the use of visual representations.
Math Club. The proposed learning tool will also serve as their learning aid when conducting tutorial lessons and group study
pertaining to trigonometric functions.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as a reference to the researchers who wish to conduct parallel studies.
Taloto District, Tagbilaran City
High School Department

Practical Research 2 (Quantitative)

First Quarter (1st Semester) - Week 3-4
Topic: Identifying the Area of Inquiry
Research Problems and Questions
The Value of Research in the Area of Interest

Student’s Name: Date: August 17, 2021

Yr. Level: Time Frame: 5 hours
Teacher’s Name: Miss Maris Lorraine C. Daguplo Signature: Date Submitted:
Principal/Asst. Principal’s Signature: Highest Possible Score: 50
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature 35
Target Score (70%):
Over Printed Name: 50

A. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. (10 pts)
_____________1. Inserting humor on the research title makes it more interesting to the reader.
_____________2. Abbreviations are a must to make the research title shorter.
_____________3. Proper punctuation and correct grammar must be observed in writing the title.
_____________4. All types of quantitative research design must include the independent and dependent variables in the title.
_____________5. Jargons make a research title more sophisticated.
_____________6. Only the first letter of nouns and pronouns are capitalized.
_____________7. To minimize the number of characters in the title, only use the chemical formula than generic names.
_____________8. Use declarative format in writing the research title.
_____________9. To make it more specific, the year must be included in the title.
_____________10. Using obsolete terms do not matter in writing the title.
B. Determine the type of questions outlined in the table below. Write your answer on the space provided. (10 pts)

(Descriptive, Explanatory,
Predictive, Evaluative, Control,
1. What is the frequency of the use of different training
methods in industry?
2. Which of several possible programmers had the greatest
impact on reducing long-term unemployment?
3. Do employers have the same perception of aims for schools
as does the general population?
4. Are there any relationships between social class, educational
achievement, and drug among 18-24 year-olds?
5. At which times of the year do people of different age groups
prefer to take overseas holidays?
6. Would an increase in tax allowances for low-income families
or separate payment for the day care of children or retired
parents have the greatest impact on reducing unemployment?
7. During periods of high unemployment, does the perceived
threat of unemployment reduce spending among those
8. Will tranquilizers enhance examination performance of
highly stressed students?
9. Which of several counselling approaches had the greatest
success on reducing the return to drinking among alcoholics?
10. What is the distribution of members of each social class in a
geographic area?
C. The following are broad topics. Choose 3 topics and narrow them down into specific titles. (12 pts)
 Government Incentives and Support for Sports Development
 Theater Arts
 Philippine Teleseryes
 Junk Food and its Effects on Human Health
 Computer Gaming
 A Comparison of the Time Spent on Facebook By Adults and Adolescents
 Philippine Architecture
 Online Selling

1. Broad Topic: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Specific Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Broad Topic: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Specific Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Broad Topic: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Specific Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________

D. Read the sample scope and limitation and identify the boundaries of the study by writing the corresponding components on
the table below. (18 pts)

Sample Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The main objective of this study is to provide information about students’ knowledge and perception
of genetically modified foods and their family health practices. The study also includes the student’s personal
information and occupation of their parents and siblings. This study is limited to the 120 Grade 12 Male and
Female enrolled in the First Semester, School Year 2019-2020 of Gusa Regional Science High School – X.
Each of the respondent is given questionnaire to answer. The students selected came from six different
sections to prevent subjective perceptions.

Components of the Scope and Delimitation

 Topic of the study

 Objective of the study or problems to be


 Time frame in which the study will be


 The locale or area where the study will be


 Characteristics of the participants of the study

 Other parameters

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