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V. Match the following.

2 V» M

1. Aluminium ) puest lom ol w:alcr

2. Chemical changc b) Mclal
3)Comprcsscd c) Bacteria
4) Cholera d) Air
5) Rain watcr c) Ncw Substancc

Observe the diagram and answer the questions givon bolow.
There are thrce glass jear witlh burning candle plNcdl insidc it, ar A hat ozyyrn, Jar B
has Nitrogen. Jar C has Air.


1. In which jar the candle kceps burning for a longer period of timc? IM
2. In which jar the candle burns noderately. IM
3. In which jar the candle flame get extinguished? 1M
4. What can be concluded from the above cxperiment. 2M
Answer any 5 sets:
Question 1:
1. Differentiate between Respiration and Combustion. (2 points) IM
2. Nisha took two glasses (Aand B) with 200 ml of water in cach
In glass A she added 5 gm of Sugar
In glass B she added 5 gm of powderçd sugar
In which case the sugar dissolves faster and why? 2M
3. Write rules to be followed to assign symbol of clements. 2M
Question 2:
1. Write the molecular formula of IM
a) Calcium Oxide b) Water
2: How does aquatic life survive in cold conditions. 2M
3. Write two uses of Carbon Dioxide. 2M
Question 3:
1. Label A and B Reopivie gPlan'o) A( Protes)
Animt? IM
2. What is Nitrogen fixation? 2M
3. Define Latent heat of Vaporization. Where it is uscd? 2M
Question 4:
1.Differentiate between flood and drought 2M
2. Describe the effect of heat on asolid, liquid and gas in terns of cxparnsion. 1 % M
3. What will happen if the amount of carbon dioxide increases in atmosphere. I ½ M
Question 5:
1. Find the odd one out and give reason for it.
Hydrogen, Chloride, Oxygen, Sulphur, Copper IM
2. Air is mixture. Justify with 2 points. 2M
3. How does water on heating changes into vapor. 2M
Question 6:
1. What is 0zonisation. IM
2. Mention 4 ways to prevent Air Pollution. 2M
3. Water treatment plants can reduce water pollution.
Explain the statements. 2M

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