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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Repair of Extensive Apical Root Resorption Associated

with Apical Periodontitis: Radiographic and Histologic
Observations after 25 Years
Domenico Ricucci, MD, DDS,* Jose F. Siqueira, Jr, DDS, MSc, PhD,† Simona Loghin, DDS,*
and Louis M. Lin, BDS, DMD, PhD‡

Introduction: Root resorption is a frequent finding in
teeth with apical periodontitis. In cases of severe apical
periodontitis, root resorption may involve not only
E xternal inflammatory root resorption is a condition associated with periradicular
inflammation. The large majority of teeth with apical periodontitis exhibit a certain
degree of root resorption (1), which often goes undetected on radiographs (2).
cementum but also dentin. Resorbed tooth structures External inflammatory root resorption associated with apical periodontitis is
can only be repaired with cementum because stem cells conceivably initiated by cementum resorption associated with the periradicular
in the periradicular tissues are not capable of differenti- inflammatory response to bacteria or bacterial products leaving the apical or lateral
ating into odontoblasts. This article reports the repair of foramina. Once apical dentin is exposed, the dentinal tubules may permit bacteria
extensive apical root resorption associated with apical and their products to have another established pathway to contact the inflamed
periodontitis 25 years after treatment. Methods: A periradicular tissues, perpetuating inflammation and leading to continued dentin and
51-year-old man presented with pulp necrosis and cementum resorption (3). If left untreated, the resorptive process can lead to extensive
symptomatic apical periodontitis in tooth #7. The destruction of the root. Because inflammatory root resorption is usually caused by
periapical radiograph showed a large radiolucent bacterial infection of the root canal system, the prognosis of treatment is favorable
periradicular lesion and severe root resorption. provided antimicrobial strategies are applied (4, 5).
Nonsurgical root canal therapy was performed. Because of obvious ethical limitations, the repair process of apical periodontitis
Twenty-five years after treatment, a crown fracture lesions and root resorption in humans after root canal treatment is by and large
developed, and the tooth could not be restored. The hypothetical. Knowledge is based mostly on observations of repair after tooth extraction
periapical radiograph revealed complete healing of the or apical surgery, animal studies, and cross-sectional observations in humans whose
previous apical periodontitis lesion and restoration of teeth with healed/healing lesions had to be extracted for reasons such as fracture or
the resorbed root structure. The tooth was removed prosthetic planning. In this article, we intend to contribute to this type of knowledge
and examined histologically. Results: The apical canal by reporting the radiographic and histologic findings of a tooth exhibiting repair of
was almost completely filled with a cementumlike tissue extensive apical root resorption associated with apical periodontitis after successful
with some strands of entrapped vital uninflamed root canal treatment performed 25 years previously.
connective tissue. Areas of cementum and dentin
resorption in the apical third were repaired by a Case Report
combination of cellular and acellular cementum A 51-year-old man presented with the chief complaint of spontaneous pain in the
to which periodontal ligament fibers were attached. anterior maxilla. He also noticed that his maxillary right incisors had become mobile
Conclusions: Root resorption caused by apical and tender to chewing. Signs of advanced periodontal disease associated with plaque
periodontitis can be restored almost to its normal and calculus accumulation were present in all quadrants. Periodontal probing revealed
structure after adequate nonsurgical root canal 6- to 8-mm deep pockets and bleeding associated with the anterior teeth. Grade 1
treatment that succeeded in controlling infection. The mobility was recorded for the anterior teeth, except for the maxillary right lateral
mechanisms behind this process are not clear but incisor, which showed grade 2 mobility. This tooth had well-adapted mesial and distal
probably involve signaling pathways regulating root composite restorations and was tender to percussion and palpation. Sensibility tests
development, cell-cell and cell-matrix interaction, and (cold, heat, and electric pulp test) gave negative responses for the lateral incisor,
morphogens. (J Endod 2014;-:1–7) whereas the neighboring teeth responded normally. No sinus tracts were present on
the buccal or palatal gingiva. A periapical radiograph confirmed periodontal bone
Key Words loss with abundant calculus accumulation. Periapical radiolucency was present on
Apical periodontitis, apical root resorption, cementum tooth #7, measuring 7  8 mm, along with considerable external root resorption
repair, wound healing affecting the apical region, particularly on its distal aspect (Fig. 1A). The diagnosis of

From the *Private Practice, Cetraro, Italy; †Department of Endodontics, Estacio de Sa University, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; and ‡Department of Endodontics, New York
University, New York, New York.
Address requests for reprints to Dr Domenico Ricucci, Piazza Calvario, 7, 87022 Cetraro (CS), Italy. E-mail address:
0099-2399/$ - see front matter
Copyright ª 2014 American Association of Endodontists.

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2014 Repair of Apical Resorption 1

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 1. (A) A diagnostic radiograph showing a large apical periodontitis lesion associated with apical root resorption of tooth #7 (inset). (B) Working length
measurement. (C) A postobturation radiograph. (D) Three-year and (E) 15-year follow-up radiographs. (F) A radiograph taken after 21 years 7 months when a
large distal cervical caries lesion was treated. (G) A follow-up radiograph taken after 24 years 5 months. (H) Fracture of the crown occurred after 25 years.
Note thickening of the distal apical area of the root (inset). (I and J) Buccal and distal views of the cleared root.

pulp necrosis with symptomatic apical periodontitis was made for tooth root canal was prepared by using Gates-Glidden burs in the coronal
#7, and the treatment plan included root canal treatment of this tooth two thirds and hand Hedstr€om files in the apical third. The first file
along with scaling and root planing for all quadrants. that bound at the working length was #25. An attempt was made to
After the removal of calculus and plaque with ultrasound and prepare an apical stop with a series of instruments of increasing size.
prophy paste in a rubber cup, the tooth was isolated with a rubber The last instrument used for apical preparation was a #55 Hedstr€om
dam, and the operative field was disinfected with 30% H2O2 and 5% file. No patency file was used in any phase of root canal instrumentation.
iodine tincture. All restorative materials and caries were thoroughly Irrigation was performed with copious amounts of 1% sodium
removed. Access preparation was completed, and the working length hypochlorite, which was frequently delivered by a small needle
was established at approximately 1 mm short of the radiographic approximately 3 mm short of the working length. The canal was finally
apex (Fig. 1B). A slight distal curvature was present apically. The irrigated with sterile saline solution, dried with sterile paper points, and

2 Ricucci et al. JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2014

Case Report/Clinical Techniques
filled with a calcium hydroxide paste (Calxyl Radiopaque; Otto & Co, Histologic Observations
Frankfurt, Germany). The paste was placed with a lentulo spiral and Microscopically, sections through the apical canal and in the area
then condensed at the canal orifice with the blunted end of large of the original foramen showed the presence of a mineralized tissue,
paper points. The access cavity was temporized with a reinforced zinc which in most sections wrapped the root tip and seemed to completely
oxide–eugenol cement (IRM; Dentsply International, Milford, DE). fill the apical canal like a well-adapted plug (Fig. 2A and B). However,
After 4 weeks, during which the patient had undergone other sections revealed small openings containing strands of connective
periodontal treatment, tooth #7 was asymptomatic. The canal was tissue (Fig. 2C–E). This tissue exhibited lacunae housing cells,
reaccessed, and the calcium hydroxide paste was carefully removed resembling cellular cementum. In some areas, a lamellar structure
by irrigation and instrumentation. The apical preparation was checked could be discerned. The tissue vaguely resembled bone (Fig. 2D and
with the last apical file, and after a final rinse with sterile saline, the canal E). Dark-stained incremental lines could be observed in the thickness
was dried with sterile paper points. No exudate was observed in the of the newly formed tissue running vertically or horizontally, indicating
apical canal; this was confirmed by the fact that a paper point left for successive periods of tissue apposition (Fig. 2A–E).
60 seconds in the canal 1 mm short of the working length was Observation of the distal apical aspect of the root clearly showed
withdrawn completely dry. The canal was obturated with gutta-percha the extent of the previous severe resorption process, which had
and sealer using cold lateral compaction (Bioseal; Ogna, Milan, Italy) completely destroyed the original cementum layer and most of the
(Fig. 1C). The access and the 2 interproximal cavities were restored dentinal structure, indicated by a sharp irregular line where dentinal
with composite materials. A follow-up radiograph taken after 3 years tubules ended abruptly (Fig. 2H and Fig. 3E). The lost tissue was
showed complete healing of the periradicular radiolucency and replaced by a mineralized tissue, which was atubular in nature and
improvement of the periodontal bone condition (Fig. 1D). The tooth exhibited lacunae with typical canaliculi. Most of these lacunae housed
was asymptomatic and nontender to percussion and palpation. cells. The tissue closely resembled cellular cementum (cellular intrinsic
Periradicular conditions were stable at the 15-year follow-up, and fiber cementum) (Fig. 2G and H and 3A and B). In some areas, the
apposition of mineralized tissue with remodeling of the previously newly formed tissue exhibited a lamellar structure (Fig. 3D and E).
resorbed distal apical region of the root could be radiographically In some portions of the distal apical root area, some remnants of the
observed (Fig. 1E). However, cervical caries was now present on the original cementum layer not completely destroyed by the resorptive
distal aspect of the root (Fig. 1E). The patient decided to postpone process could be observed. These were embedded in the newly formed
the treatment of the new caries. The carious lesion increased in size after cementumlike tissue (Fig. 3A and B). The common feature observed
another 6 years 7 months (21 years 7 months after the root canal was that the cementumlike or bonelike tissue filling the irregularities
treatment). A radiograph taken after restoration of the cavity revealed was lined externally by 1 or more layers of cellular cementum followed
the extent of tooth structure loss on the distal side. Periradicular by a layer of acellular cementum (acellular extrinsic fiber cementum) to
structures had remained radiographically normal (Fig. 1F). The which the periodontal ligament (PDL) fibers attached (Figs. 2G and H
condition was unchanged after 24 years 5 months (Fig. 1G). The patient and 3A, B, D, and E).
presented 7 months after the last follow-up because the crown had More coronally, the transition to the area not affected by
fractured. A radiograph revealed the extent of the fracture. It also resorption could be observed with the presence of a cementum layer
showed that the periradicular conditions were unchanged (Fig. 1H). partly involved by the process and repaired by new cementum
The difference of the apical morphology in this radiograph compared (Fig. 3C and F) and an intact cementum layer more coronally
with that in the preoperative radiograph shown in Figure 1A was (Fig. 3G). Similar features could be observed on the mesial apical
noteworthy. Treatment options including restoration with a post area where the resorbed structures had been repaired by the deposition
and crown or extraction were carefully explained to the patient. He of even thicker layers (Fig. 4A–D). Although only acellular cementum
decided to extract the tooth and replace it with a removable partial was present apically (Fig. 4A and B), several layers of tissues with
denture involving other posterior teeth that had been lost over the years. different morphologic characteristics could be observed coronally
Permission for histologic examination of the tooth was obtained. (Fig. 4C and D).
The fragments of periodontal tissue remaining attached to the
apical surface at extraction were free from inflammation, showing
Tissue Processing only fibroblasts and dense collagen bundles (Fig. 3A, B, D, and G
Immediately after extraction, the tooth was immersed in 10% and Fig. 4B and D). Bacterial staining did not reveal bacteria in the
neutral-buffered formalin for 48 hours. Demineralization was root canal space or dentinal tubules.
performed in an aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of 22.5%
(vol/vol) formic acid and 10% (wt/vol) sodium citrate for 4 weeks.
The end point was determined radiographically. With a sharp razor Discussion
blade, the root was separated from the remaining coronal tissue just Apical periodontitis is a disease caused by intraradicular bacterial
beyond the composite material present at the root canal orifice. The infection usually organized as biofilms adhering to the root canal walls
specimen was washed in running water for 48 hours, dehydrated in (6). Dentinal tubules underneath endodontic biofilm communities are
ascending grades of ethanol, cleared in xylene, infiltrated, and usually penetrated by bacterial cells from the bottom of the biofilm
embedded in paraffin (melting point 56 C) according to standard structure (7, 8). If the cementum layer is lost for any reason (eg,
procedures. Photographs of the root at 90 angles were taken while superficial root resorption because of apical periodontitis lesion or
the specimen was immersed in the clearing agent (Fig. 1I and J). trauma), dentinal tubule infection or bacterial mediators passing
With the microtome set at 4–5 mm, longitudinal serial sections through tubules may stimulate or sustain inflammation in the PDL
were taken on a mesiodistal plane until the specimen was exhausted. and lead to root resorption (9, 10). Effective antimicrobial
Particular care was taken to obtain and locate sections passing through endodontic treatment, including a strategy to disinfect dentinal
the foramen. Sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Selected tubules (long-term calcium hydroxide dressing), halts the
slides were stained with a modified Brown and Brenn technique for inflammatory resorptive process, allowing for periradicular healing.
bacteria. Slides were examined under the light microscope. This is what was observed in the present case.

JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2014 Repair of Apical Resorption 3

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 2. (A and B) The longitudinal section passing approximately through the center of the canal. Progressive magnifications show that the foramen seems
obliterated by newly formed calcified tissue resembling cementum (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 25 and 50). (C–E) Section taken 30 sections
away from that in A. The apical closure is not complete (original magnification 25, 50, and 100). (F) Section close to that in C. Overview (original
magnification 8). (G and H) Progressive magnifications of the distal apical area of the root indicated by the arrows in F. Note that the lost dentin has been
replaced by a tissue that exhibits a lamellar structure and some cellular lacunae. This is lined externally by a darkly stained incremental line and then by a thick
layer of cellular cementum; a thin layer of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum follows to which the PDL attaches (original magnification 50 and 100,
inset 400).

Narrowing of the apical canal by cementum is a common but incomplete apical closures of the apical part of the root canal with
observation after successful endodontic treatment (11). The histologic cementum. Despite the long-term observation periods, no case with
aspects of healing in the foraminal area in the present case fully complete cementum closure could be observed. In the present case,
confirmed the results of a recent in vivo study (12). In a histologic even after a follow-up period of 25 years, apical closure by cementum
analysis of 51 root canal–treated human teeth after long-term follow- seemed complete in most sections, but analysis of serial sections
ups, Ricucci et al (12) concluded that it was common to find significant showed that this plug was actually incomplete, with spaces containing

4 Ricucci et al. JOE — Volume -, Number -, - 2014

Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 3. (A) A detailed view of the distal apical region of the root just coronally to the area indicated by the arrows in Figure 2F. Two layers of repair cementum,
cellular intrinsic, and acellular extrinsic fiber cementum covering the root dentin surface can be seen. Note the 2 small remnants of the original cementum
embedded in the newly formed calcified tissue (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 100). (B) A high-power view of the area demarcated by the rectangle
in A. From right to left: a spicule with some remaining pre-existing dentin (De) and cementum (Ce), a thick layer of cellular intrinsic fiber cementum (CIFC), a
second layer of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum (AEFC), and periodontal ligament (PDL) (original magnification 400). (C) A segment of the distal radicular
region more coronal than that in A (original magnification 16). (D) A detailed view of the area indicated by the upper arrows in C (original magnification 100).
(E) A high-power view of the rectangular area in D. The resorbed dentin appears to have repaired by a bonelike tissue layered externally by acellular extrinsic fiber
cementum (original magnification 400). (F) A high-power view of the area of the distal radicular region demarcated by the rectangle in C. The pre-existing
cementum layer is partly resorbed and repaired by a similar tissue stained less darkly (original magnification 400). (G) A segment of the distal radicular region
more coronal to the area indicated by the lower arrow in C, which was not involved by the resorptive process. Normal-appearing dentin and cementum. The dark
horizontal lines in the cementum are artifacts (folds of the section) (original magnification 100).

strands of vital uninflamed connective tissue (Fig. 2C–E). The formation increased thickening of the canal walls by deposition of cementumlike
of cementumlike tissue in the unfilled apical canal space is similar to the tissue can occur not only in the immature permanent necrotic teeth but
cementumlike tissue formed in many immature permanent teeth with also in the mature necrotic teeth after revitalization/revascularization
necrotic pulp after revitalization/revascularization therapy. Therefore, procedures (13).

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Case Report/Clinical Techniques

Figure 4. (A) Same section as in Figure 2F (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification 16). (B) Magnification of the area of the right apical region demarcated
by the upper square in A. Acellular cementum repairing the defect (original magnification 100). (C) Magnification of the area demarcated by the lower rectangle
in A (original magnification 50). (D) A high-power view of the rectangular area in C. Dentin (De) is lined by overgrowing layers of cementum with different
morphologic characteristics, the so-called ‘‘mixed stratified cementum’’ (original magnification 400).

In the presence of periradicular inflammation, resorption of the bone marrow are not capable of differentiating into odontoblasts
apical structure is a common histologic finding, even though the extent (20, 21). Therefore, the resorbed root dentin caused by the
of the root tissue loss may not be sufficient for resorption to be detected inflammatory process cannot be regenerated by odontoblasts and
on radiographs (2). In apical periodontitis, some apical alveolar bone, dentin formation.
PDL, cementum, and dentin are destroyed and replaced by inflamma- It has been shown histologically that resorbed root dentin is
tory tissue. After the endodontic infection is effectively controlled by repaired by cementum and not by dentin (22, 23). Reparative
nonsurgical treatment, inflammation of the periradicular tissues cementum is characterized by interposed layers of acellular extrinsic
gradually subsides, and the healing process is started. Although and cellular intrinsic fiber cementum called ‘‘cellular mixed stratified
mesenchymal stem cells retain regenerative potential in the inflamed cementum’’ (24). Occasionally, the resorbed root surface may be
periradicular tissues (14), they are not able to differentiate into repaired by bone as dentoalveolar ankylosis or replacement resorption
specific tissue-committed cells needed for repair and regeneration (10). This type of resorption is usually caused by extensive necrosis of
(15). Therefore, infection/inflammation must be controlled for wound PDL because of traumatic injury to the teeth (10).
healing to occur and stem cells to function. The mechanisms of repair by cementum formation, including the
Wound healing is a complex biological process involving cell-cell origin of cementoblasts and the molecules related to their recruitment
and cell-extracellular matrix cross talk and temporal and spatial and differentiation, remain unclear (25, 26). Cementoblast progenitors
expression of growth/differentiation factors and cytokines as well as have their origin in the periodontal ligament (usually in a paravascular
adhesion molecules and other bioactive molecules (16). Periradicular location) or the endosteum (27–29). In periradicular tissue healing,
wound healing requires recruitment of stem/progenitor cells from the PDL cells adjacent to the affected root area may start to proliferate
bone marrow and the PDL to differentiate into osteoblasts, PDL cells, and populate the region in which the PDL and cementum were
and cementoblasts (17) and usually results in regeneration with changed or lost by inflammation. It has been suggested that the
minimal repair because of the availability of progenitor cells. cementum matrix and associated molecules can recruit cementum-
Healing of external root resorption involving cementum and forming stem/progenitor cells in the PDL (25), and dentin matrix might
dentin caused by apical periodontitis also requires the recruitment of also be able to signal progenitor cells in the PDL (26) to differentiate
progenitor cells. Odontoblasts, which produce dentin, can only be into cementoblasts. Initially, cementoblast progenitors have to be
differentiated from the dental pulp stem cells (18) and the stem cells selected possibly by specific integrins and signaling events (25, 29,
from apical papilla (19). In mature teeth with apical periodontitis, 30). Then, the selected cells adhere to the root surface and are
the dental pulp is completely destroyed, and the apical papilla no longer activated by growth factors previously sequestered in the cementum
exists. In addition, stem cells/progenitor cells in the PDL and alveolar and dentin matrix and released as a consequence of root resorption

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Case Report/Clinical Techniques
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