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In my opinion, college success simply means the positive outcome of college education during your
entire studies in the school and also after graduating from the college or university. Success to me is the
positive outcome of any endeavour that one engages himself or herself to, it doesn't always have to be
perfect or so outstanding but a favourable one to the person in question. Success can be in different
forms such as financial, educational, athletic wise, personal or professionally.

I intend to acheive success academically by being as thorough as I can be with my assignments,

discussions, peer to peer assesment, journaling. I inted to set better goals for myself and develop a
strong mindset to never give up no matter how hard it might seems knowing and believing that "the
only easy day was yesterday" Hawaii Five-0 Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2021, from I intend to get a mentor who can hep me reach my greatest
potential as I have realized that every great peson in every field had a mentor they looked up to to guide
them. I am willing to listen to my peers and instructors when they correct or advise me and work on
whatever aspect they have mentioned as they can see my strength and weakness the way I can't.

2. I had initial fears as to time management thinking i wouldn't be able to read, understand and meet up
with my course assignments and learning journals but with the help of my program advisor and the
orientation class, I think I'm getting a hang of it and I am creating ample time to study and also meet up
with the deadlines. It might take a little toll on me i must say but I sure will accept that as the price I have
to pay for greatness.


1. Martial Arts in the Classroom

2. Edward L. Vockell and Han S. Kwak

3. 1990


5. Vockell, E., & Kwak, H. (1990). Martial Arts in the Classroom. The Clearing House, 64(1), 61-63.
Retrieved April 14, 2021, from

6. Vockell, E., & Kwak, H. (1990).

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