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Automotive Materials & Manufacturing Processes

Lecture 4 – Material
Selection II
Ms. Sanjana Dias
How to select a material for any
application using Ashby
•Identify the problem / requirement
•Follow the material selecting
Example 1
• Material selection for a light stiff beam

1. What is the problem or product

Here, the problem is designing a beam
with light and stiff properties and then
identifying the suitable materials.
• Consider a light beam of square section b x b and
length L loaded in bending. It must meet a
constraint on its stiffness S, meaning that 𝛿 it must
not deflect more than under a load F
• Stiffness of a beam is given by
What is the function of this
2. Constraints of the Requirement
A beam is a structural element that
primarily resists loads applied laterally to
the beam's axis.
• Fixed Dimensions: L
• Its mode of deflection is primarily by
bending without failing or extending
elastically by more than 𝛿 deflection .
3. Objective of the Problem
• The beam should be light in weight. Therefore, the
mass of the beam must be reduced but only so far
that the stiffness constraint is still met.
• How we can reduce the mass??
By reducing the Area

Mass of a beam,

Eliminating Area,
Final Design Requirements
• Function: Designing a Beam
• Constraints: A fixed length “L”
Beam must support a bending load F
without deflecting too much, meaning
that the bending stiffness “S” is
• Objective: Light weight or reduction in mass
• Free Variables: Cross-section area
A Choice of material
Material Index
• The performance of a structural element is
determined by three things:
1. the functional requirements
2. the geometry
3. the properties of the material of which it is made
• The performance P of the element is described by
an equation of the form

Gives the
material index
Material Index
How to derive the Material Index (M)???
1. Note down all the provided equations in the material selection
2. Create an equation or select equation provided to determine the
objective of the problem
3. Remove the free variables from the Objective equation and re-
arrange it in terms of functional terms, geometric parameters
and properties.
4. Property block is consisted with a single property/ ratio of two
5. This property block is taken for the M
6. If the objective is to be minimized, you can get the reciprocal of
the property ratio
7. If the objective is to be maximized, depending on the property
behaviors, you take the reciprocal or the property ratio
Example 1 – Material Index
Step 1: Note down the provided equations


b4 A2 --------------(3)
I= =
12 12

Step 2: The Objective is to minimize the mass. Mass can be

determined using equation 2. Therefore, no need to create a
new equation to get the Objective equation, simply you can
select equation 2.
Step 3: Now remove the free variables from equation 2
in order to implement new function for the mass.
Free variable

Using equation 1 & 3;


Now the mass equation is re-arranged as;

12𝑆 2 𝜌 Since the mass is to be
𝑚= 𝐿 minimized, take the
𝐶1 𝐸1/2 reciprocal of property
The specification of function, objective, and constraint leads to
a materials index
Material Selection for the Beam
1. Translation

Function, Constraints, Objective and free

variables are already specified.
To optimize the performance, a suitable
material index is chosen.
2. Screening
Identify and apply Attribute limits
Selection of material which can do the job and
cannot do
• This step can be done with the help of property
charts. You need to select suitable property charts
to remove materials from the selection region.
What is/are the suitable property charts??
❖ Property chart can be found from the derived
𝐸 1/2
Material Index, M =
So the property chart is moduli-density chart
❖Check the limitations.
Suppose the limitations are,
• Other attribute limitations can be assumed and the
limitations depend on the function of the product
• Ex: Corrosion rate, , Wear resistance, Fracture
toughness, Ductility
• Many designers apply attribute limits for fracture
toughness, K1C and ductility 𝜀f insisting on materials
with, as rules of thumb, K1C > 15 MPa.m1/2 and 𝜀f > 2%
in order to guarantee adequate tolerance to stress
• By doing this they eliminate materials that the more
innovative designer is able to use to good purpose (the
limits just cited for K1C and 𝜀f eliminate all polymers and
all ceramics, a rash step too early in the design). At this
stage, keep as many options open as possible.
3. Ranking
The next step is to seek, from the subset of materials
that meet the property limits, those that maximize
the performance of the component.
The material indices can be plotted onto the chart.

✓ Select the suitable guide line.

✓ Draw a line parallel to the correct guide line and
short list the materials.
✓ If the M values is provided, find Y coordinate
referring to a selected X coordinate. Then take
(X,Y) coordinate as the initial point of the line.
A grid of lines for the material index
Observations from the chart
• It is now easy to read off the subset materials that
optimally maximize performance for each loading
• All the materials that lie on a line of constant
perform equally well as a light, stiff beam,
• Those above the line are better
• Those below are worse.
Maximum Margin line

Minimum Margin line

Short Listed Materials ???
4. Support Information
• The last step is to explore their character in depth.
The list of constraints usually contains some that
cannot be expressed as simple attribute limits.
Many of these relate to the behavior of the
material in a given environment, or when in contact
with another material, or to aspects of the ways in
which the material can be shaped, joined, or
• Such information can be found in handbooks,
manufacturers data-sheets, or on the internet
Example 2
•Material Selection for Flywheel
Flywheels store energy. Old steam engines have
flywheels; they are made of cast iron. Cars have
them too to smooth power-transmission. More
recently flywheels have been proposed for power
storage and regenerative braking systems for
vehicles; a few have been built, some of high
strength steel, some of composites. Lead, cast
iron, steel, composites — there is a strange
diversity here.
• An efficient flywheel stores as much energy
per unit weight as possible. As the flywheel
is spun up, increasing its angular velocity, it
stores more energy. The limit is set by failure
caused by centrifugal loading: if the
centrifugal stress exceeds the tensile
strength (or fatigue strength), the flywheel
flies apart.
1. What is the problem or product
• Selecting the best material for a Flywheel to store
Step 1 of Material Selection Process
• Function:???
2: Constraints
• During the selection of Constraints, first think
about the Flywheel parameters/dimensional
parameters that need to be specified or fixed
• Here we have,
R, t, 𝜔 as the main parameters
• What can be the first constraint/s??
• In this scenario, Flywheels must absorb
energy without failing. The main failures of a
Flywheel are cracks and burst. Therefore, it
should be made to withstand the burst and
• Suggest the other constraints, if available??
3: Objective
• In this case, we need to maximize the
energy stored per unit volume/mass at
a constant (specified) angular velocity.
• Objective??

Step 4: Free Variables

Final Design Requirements/Translation
• Function :
Flywheel for energy storage
• Constraints :
Outer radius (R) & 𝑚 are fixed
No Burst:
Adequate toughness to give crack tolerance

• Objective:
Maximize kinetic energy per unit mass

• Free variables :
Choice of material, thickness
Material Index
Energy stored in a Flywheel,

J=polar moment of inertia, U = Energy


Mass of a disk = 2

Max energy stored per unit mass =

• The maximum principal stress in a spinning disk of
uniform thickness,

• Where is Poisson’s ratio ( 1/3). This stress must not

exceed the failure stress 𝜎𝑓 .
• The material index is obtained by eliminating radius
and rotational velocity from the energy equation.

• What is the material index?

M= 𝜌
Screening & Ranking
Identification of Attribute limits
Selection of material which can do the job
and cannot do
The next step is to seek, from the subset of
materials that meet the property limits,
those that maximize the performance of the
What is the suitable property chart to
eliminate unnecessary materials??
Take M1=200kJ/kg and find the short
listed materials
• Candidate materials with high values of
M1 lie in the search region towards the
top left.
• All the other materials that lie below
the grid line can be eliminated.
• Short listed materials
1. Composites – CFRP
2. Ceramics - Al2O3, SiC, Si3N4
3. Metals – Mg, Al, Ti Alloys & Steel
Support Information
By referring standard data sheets, all the additional
properties are discussed in depth.
Material Type Property Specifications Comment
High Strength
Low toughness
Ceramics Eliminate
weak in tension
High tensile Strength
Failure stress(700-1020MPa)
Low density than Ceramics
Cost effective than Ti alloys
and steel Gives best performance and
CFRP Composite
High toughness than steel fits for the requirement
High Energy per mass ratio
than steel
High tensile strength
High toughness
Failure stress(500-1100MPa) About equal performance
Ti Alloys High corrosion resistance to steel but more weight
High density than CFRP than CFRP composite
Low Energy per mass ratio than CFRP
Expensive than Steel & Mg alloys
Mg Alloys High strength and similar to Ti About equal performance
Failure stress(80-500MPa) to steel but better than Ti
High density than CFRP Alloys for the
Low Energy per mass ratio than CFRP requirement
but higher than Ti Alloys
Improves corrosion resistance
High toughness
Steel High tensile strength Fits for the requirement
High fracture toughness but expensive than CFRP
High density than CFRP, Ti & Mg alloys
Low Energy per mass ratio than CFRP
Expensive than CFRP

• CFRP and Steel alloy can be selected to

manufacture flywheel.
• But CFRP composite is the best choice
as it has the highest strength mass ratio
and light in weight compared to steel.
• Steel also can be used for Flywheels
with less rotational speeds
Example 3
• Material Selection for Table Legs
A furniture designer conceives of a lightweight table: a flat sheet of
toughened glass supported on un-braced, cylindrical legs. The legs must be
slender (to make them thin that usual leg size) and as light as possible (to
make the table easier to move). They must support the table top and
whatever is placed upon it without buckling.
What materials could one recommend?
Assume that, E≤ 𝟗𝟎𝑮𝒑𝒂
Example 3
• Mass of the leg is given as,
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 = 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 × 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝑚 = 𝜋𝑟2ℎ𝜌
Subject to the constraint that it supports a load P
without buckling. The elastic buckling load Fcrit of a
column of length L and radius r is:

• Slenderness of a leg that will not buckle is,

1. What is the problem or product

Selecting the best material for Table legs and must support the table top and
whatever is placed upon it without buckling.

1. Function??
Support columns/supportive compressive
2. Constraints
• During the selection of Constraints, first think
about the Leg parameters/dimensional parameters
that need to be specified or fixed
• Here we have,
Length (L), diameter(2r) as the main parameters
• What can be the first constraint/s??
Final Design Requirements/Translation

• Function :
Column (supporting compressive loads)
• Constraints :
Length L specified
Must not buckle under design loads
Must not fracture
Minimize the mass, m
Maximize slenderness
• Free variables :
Choice of material, Diameter
Material Indices
• The material index is obtained by eliminating free
variable (r),
• The load F must not exceed Fcrit. Solving for the free
variable, r, and substituting it into the equation for
m gives,

• What is the first material index?

• Slenderness of a leg that will not buckle is,

• The thinnest leg is that made of the material with

the largest value of the material index.

• Second Material index (M2)??

Screening & Ranking
Identification of Attribute limits
Selection of materials which can do the job and cannot do
Can eliminate polymers, foams as they are not
stiff enough
metals too: they are too heavy (Higher density)
The next step is to seek, from the subset of materials that
meet the property limits, those that maximize the
performance of the component.
What is the suitable property chart to eliminate unnecessary
If M1=5G𝑃𝑎 /(𝑀𝑔𝑚−3 ) and M2=100Gpa, Mark them on
the correct property chart
• Candidate materials with high values of
M1 & M2 lie in the search region
towards the top left.
• All the other materials that lie below
the grid line can be eliminated.
• Short listed materials

1. Composites – CFRP
2. Ceramics - Al2O3, SiC
3. Wood
Support Information
• By referring standard data sheets, all the additional
properties are discussed in depth.
• Eliminate wood even it has higher M1
– less stiffness (E must be higher to attain
large slenderness)
Eliminate Ceramics due to less fracture
CFRP has high fracture toughness
Finally, again the best material is CFRP.
But manufacturing table legs using CFRP is
not the best option if the designer considers
cost effective process.
Example 4
• Deriving Performance Index for Strong light Panel of a
Car. The panel must support loads without bending.
𝛿 = Flexural strength, F = applied load, L = length of the
plate, b = width, d =thickness

Derive the Material index

Mass of the panel m = ρAL = ρbdL

𝜎𝑓 =

𝐿 𝜌
Answer:𝑚 = 3𝐹𝐿
2 𝜎𝑓
Material Selection in Mechanical Design by Michael F.Ashby

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