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 Rodion “Rodya” Raskolnikov –the protagonist of the novel

 Pulcheria Raskolnikov- Rodya’s mother
 Avdotya “Dounia” Romanovna Raskolnikov- Rodya’s sister.
 Luzhin- Dounia’s fiance
 Natasya Petrovna- A servant in the house where Rodya rent
 Dmitri Razumikhin- Rodya’s friend
 Zossimov- Rodya’s doctor
 Semyon Marmeladov- Alcoholic public official whom Rodya meets at the tavern

 Katerina Marmeladov- The wife of Semyon Marmeladov

 Sonya Marmeladov- Marmeladov’s daughter and Raskolnikov’s love
 Polina “Polenka” Marmeladov- The oldest daughter of Katerina Ivanovna from her
former marriage
 Marfa Petrovna- Rich woman whom Dounia works as a governess
 Alyona Ivanovna- Old pawnbroker whom Rodya kills
 Lizaveta Ivanovna- The sister of Alyona Ivanovna.
 Nikolai- A painter working in the apartment next to Alyona’s day of the murder.
 Alexander Zamyotiv- Clerk with the St. Peterburg police department and junior official
who suspects Rodya as the killer of Alyona Ivanovna and Lizaveta
 Pofiry Petrovich- In charge of investigating the murder
 Ilya Petrovich- The police whom Rodya encounters after commiting the murder and
whom he confesses everything at the end of the novel.

The novel takes place in St. Peterburg in Russia. The city is crowded and the atmosphere
feels intense and unsafe.
Rodion Raskolnikov, former student, lives in a tiny apartment in St. Peterburg. He is an
ill man whom dressed in rags. He committed a dreadful crime but it’s not yet clear. Rodion went
to the apartment of an old pawnbroker, Alyona Ivanovna to get money for a watch and to plan
the crime as well. After that, he stops at a tavern and have some drinks. At the tavern, he meets a
man named Marmeladov who is an alcoholic man. He tells his life to Raskolnikov and
everything about his family, about his sick wife, Katerina Ivanovna and his daughter Sonya and
that he’s afraid to return to his home because of how embarrassing he did to his family.
Afterwards, Raskolnikov walks with Marmeladov to Marmeladov’s house, where he meets for
the first time the wife and daughter of Marmeladov and sees the condition in which they live.
The next day, Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother, Pulcheria Raskolnikov
saying that his sister, Dounia, was engaged to Luzhin. After reading the letter he went to tavern
and hears someone talking that the society will be better when an old pawnbroker were dead.
Later on, Raskolnikov hears that the pawnbroker will be alone in her apartment the next evening.
After hearing that, he went home and he sleeps. As he wakes up the next day he looks for an axe
in which he can use as a fake item to distract the pawnbroker. That night he went to the
apartment of the pawnbroker and kills her with an axe. While he’s looking for money through
pawnbroker’s room he heard someone who walks in and that person is Lizaveta, the sister of an
old pawnbroker, and he kills her too. After the murder, he escapes from the apartment without
being seen by anyone else and he went home to his apartment and sits on the sofa.
The next day, Raskolnikov looks for his clothing with traces of blood. He clears all the
murder’s possible evidences. Right after, he receives summon from police he feel nervous but it
seems unrelated to the murder. When he arrived to the police station, he learns that his landlady
is trying to collect money that he owes her. Throughout the conversation, murders became one’s
topic and Raskolnikov faints the reason why Police begin to suspects him. Raskolnikov returns
to his room, he collects all the things he stole from the pawnbroker and buries at the courtyard.
Returning to his apartment, Raskolnikov sleeps fitfully. He became ill and had a delirium. He
wakes up and finds out that Natasya and his friend Razumikhin is taking care of him. He learns
that Doctor, Zossimov has also been visiting him. They noticed that Raskolnikov becomes
uncomfortable everytime they talk about the murder.
Afterwards, he went to a café with Zamyotov whom he almost confesses that he is the
murderer but Zamyotov was shocked and confused.
On his way back home, he discovers that Marmeladov has been run over by a carriage.
Raskolnikov helps him to go back from his home where suddenly Marmeladov dies. At the
apartment he meets Sonya, Marmeladov’s daughter, and gives the twenty roubles that he
receives from his mother.
Returning with Razumikhin, Raskolnikov was fainted discovering that his sister and
mother were there waiting for him.
Raskolnikov becomes annoyed to his mother and sister and ask them out of the room. He
also commands Dounia to break her engagement with Luzhin.
All throughout the conversation, Razumikhin falls in love with Dounia and the next
morning he tries to explain the character of Raskolnikov to two women. The three return to
Raskolnikov’s apartment and there, Zossimov tells them that Raskolnikov’s condition improved.
Raskolnikov apologizes for what behavior he had shown the night before and tells her
mother and sister that he gave some of his money to Marmeladov’s family for funeral. Later on,
he becomes angry and irritable again. At that moment, Sonya enters the room and invites
Raskolnikov to her father’s funeral and he accepts it.
Raskolnikov visits the magistrate in charge of the murder investigation, Porfiry
Petrovich,. Raskolnikov and Porfiry have a tense conversation about the murder and Raskolnikov
starts to believe that Porfiry suspects him. When he returns to his home, he find out that a man
come there looking for him. When he catches the man in the street, the man calls him murderer
and that night Raskolnikov dreams about murder.
Raskolnikov and Razumikhin walk together to meet Pulcheria and Dounia and Luzhin..
Razumikhin tells them that Raskolnikov was being suspected by the police.
Luzhin and Raskolnikov argued that Luzhin offends everyone. Dounia breaks their
engagement and forces him to leave. Raskolnikov leaves as well and Razumikhin chases him.
Razumikhin realizes that though Raskolnikov didn’t utter a word, he is guilty of the murder.
The next morning, Raskolnikov visits Porfiry at the police station. Throughout the
conversation, Raskolnikov starts to feel again that Porfiry suspects him. During the converse
between them Nikolai the painter were being under suspicion for murder, burst to the room and
confesses to the murder.
On the memorial dinner for Marmeladov, Raskolnikov meets the man who called him
murderer and discovers that the man knows little about the case.
After the dinner, Raskolnikov goes to Sonya’s room and confesses the murder to her.
Sonya convinced him to confess to the authority.
Porfiry appears and apologizes for his treatment to Raskolnikov and he does not believe
Nikolai’s confession. He accuses Raskolnikov but the evidences aren’t enough to arrest him.
Raskolnikov visits and tells her mother how much he loves her and then goes back to his
room afterwards. He tells Dounia that he’s planning to confess. On his way to police station, he
stops at Haymarket and kisses the ground. As he glances the police station he almost pullback
but Sonya convinces him to go through with it and there, he confesses everything to Ilya
A year later, Raskolnikov is in prison. Sonya visits him regularly and tries to ease the
heaviest burden that he carries in his entire life.
After the arrest, his mother became delirious and died later on and Razumikhin and
Dounia were married.
After all Raskolnikov remains proud from his humanity and what he did. He eventually
realizes that he truly loves Sonya and expresses deep regret for his crime.
Golden rule and consequences of our actions
The author uses the third person omniscient point of view
The main conflict of the novel is when Raskolnikov kills an old pawnbroker and her
sister Lizaveta.
Raskolnikov finally confesses everything to Ilya Petrovich about the murder and later on
he was imprisoned. At the end of the story he also realize that he really love Sonya and after
what he did he still remain proud for his mankind and he expresses his remorse for his misdeed.
Everything was resolved with Raskolnikov confessing.
The entire story takes place in St. Peterburg in Russia. Knowing the fact that St.Peterburg
is one of the most dangerous places in Russia, just like what happened in the novel different
murder and crimes are happening.
The novel gives an insight into Russian Psychology. Raskolnikov’s is influenced by the
condition of his family and their state became unsafe to predators such as Luzhin and
Svidrigailov. This recalls the parlous state of Russia, the sense of humiliation during and after
the Soviet Union.
In Russia, the economy future is uncertain that’s why there is slow growth that causes
them the poverty.
Fyodor Dostoevsky , author of Crime and Punishment and one of the great novelists lived
in poverty way back then in Russia in which he highlighted the poverty in Russia through his
novel. It’s also very important to remain religious to help out those in need.
Actions are right as they tend to promote happiness and wrong as they tend to produce
the happiness and the greatest good for the great number of people will always tell what is right
to do and wrong not to do.

 Santiago Nasar- the protagonist in the story and killed by Vicario twins
 Pablo Vicario- the twin who insist to kill Santiago Nasar
 Pedro Vicario- the twin of Pablo and it is his idea to kill Santiago
 Angela Vicario- fiancé of Bayardo San Roman and she is the dishonored bride.
 Bayardo San Roman- fiancé of Angela Vicario, wealthy and prestigious man
 Poncio Vicario- Angela’s father
 Purisima Del Carmen- Angela’s mother
 Placida Linero- Santiago’s mother
 Ibrahim Nasar- Santiago’s father
 Clothilde Armenta- owner of milk shop, the place where Vicario brothers wait to kill
 Don Rogelio De La Flor- Clothilde’s husband and eventually died after seeing the brutal
way that the Vicario brothers kill Santiago
 Margot- the one who invites Santiago for breakfast on the morning of his murder
 Father Amador- local priest

SETTING: The novel took place in a small Colombian town

In the morning, the day of his murder, Santiago Nasar woke up and had a bad dream like
he’s covered in bird’s shit. He tells it to his mom Placida Linero known as a famous dream
interpreter and she says that Santiago is just dreaming about trees. Unfortunately, she interpreted
this very important dream as wrong.
Santiago left the house to greet the bishop who supposed to visit their town. He passes
the milk shop that was owned by Clothilde Armenta. Since the bishop never gets off, Santiago
was invited by Margot for breakfast and he accepts it and then joins her.
Bayardo San Roman arrived for the first time in their town to look for someone to marry.
He wins the heart of Vicario’s family because of his wealth and charm and he eventually
succeeds in making her his fiancé.
Prior to the wedding, Angela tells her mother that she is not a virgin but advices her how
to feign her lost virginity so that on their first day as newlywed she can display her stain of
On her wedding night, Bayardo learns that Angela is not a virgin so he returns her to her
parents. At home, Angela is beaten by her mother and her brothers confronted her. She
eventually reveals the name that’s responsible and he is Santiago Nasar.
By that time, the twin brothers plan about what they’re going to do. They went to market
to sharpen their knives. After that, they went at the milk shop, waiting to kill Santiago.
The Vicario brothers take all the chances to announce their intentions saying that they’re going
to kill Santiago. Clothilde, the most concerned, tells her husband Don Rogelio about the murder
and suddenly Santiago was stabbed by Vicario brothers. Don Rogelio has seen what happened
and he died because of the brutal way that the Vicario brother does it. Santiago left and walks
into the back door of his house and collapses in his kitchen.
Meanwhile, Margot learns that Angela has been returned to her parents because she’s not
a virgin but Margot doesn’t know that Santiago is involved. When Margot’s mother heard the
news she sets to warn Placida that her son is in danger but she stops when she discovers that the
Vicario brothers already killed Santiago Nasar.
After what happened, Father Amador performed an autopsy and discovers that the cause
of Santiago’s death was a brutal and massive hemorrhage that brought him seven major wounds.
After the horrid task of Vicario brothers, on that day, Vicario Family leaves the town.
Vicario brothers surrender and then announce that they killed Santiago Nasar but they keep on
telling that they’re innocent because it’s a matter of honor and they tried all they could to have
someone stop them.
After all, the real victim is Bayardo San Roman. He became unconscious and later on as
taken away by his family. On the other hand, Angela Vicario goes crazy but she tries to write
letter for Bayardo.
One day, Bayardo shows up to Angela. He carries a suitcase filled with unopened letters
sent by Angela.
Santiago Nasar’s death remains mystery. He had no idea why he was being killed by
Vicario brothers.

THEME: The novel depicts the honor as well as the virginity of a woman.
POINT OF VIEW: The novel is written in first person point of view from an omniscient point
of view.
CONFLICT: The conflict of the story is when Bayardo discovers that Angela is not a
virgin, she tells it to her mom and confronted by her brothers. When
Angela reveals the name that responsible for it, it is Santiago Nasar so
Vicario brothers murder him.
RESOLUTION: Angela has been returned to her parents and she confesses that Santiago
Nasar is the man who deflowered her. Vicario Brothers killed Santiago
Nasar. Vicario Family leaves the town except Vicario brothers who was
imprisoned. No one in the novel is guilty. They were all a partial victim.
SOCIAL RELEVANCE: In Colombia, family is the most important aspect of life, it has a
major influence on the individual, sense of identity and
community. Aside from that, in Colombia Virgin Mary symbolizes
the epitome of femininity that Colombian women are expected to
embody so virginity is very much important for Colombian
MORAL: Virginity is the most valuable aspect in woman’s life. A woman is
supposed to be virgin until her marriage. So if a woman is no longer a
virgin and having premarital sex, it will bring dishonor to herself and to
her family as well.
Honor is not based on individual beliefs but on religious demands and the
expectations of the society. We cannot escape history. We in this world
will always be remembered in spite of ourselves. The blazing trial we go
through will light us down in honor or dishonor, up to the latest

 Uncle Tom- the protagonist in the story and the man who’s living in the Cabin
 Aunt Chloe- wife of Uncle Tom, cook of Shelby Family
 Eliza- Mr. Shelby’s servant, husband of George Harris
 George Harris- Husband of Eliza
 Harry- Son of Eliza
 Arhur Shelby- Kentucky farmer
 Emily- wife of Mr. Shelby
 George Shelby- son of Mr and Mrs. Shelby
 Haley- a slave trader
 Tom Loker- slave hunter
 Quaker couple- helps Eliza to transport
 Augustine- man living in New Orleans who buys Tom form Haley
 Marie- wife of Augustine
 Eva St. Clare- daughter of Augustine and Marie
 Simon Legree- owner of plantation who buys Tom from Mrs. St. Clare
 Slave overseers- Legree’s slave who was ordered to beat Tom
 Emmeline- sex slave of Simon
 Cassy- Legree’s slave sex and Eliza’s mother.

SETTING: The story takes place in Kentucky, place where Uncle Tom lives in a Cabin and
rural Louisiana where Uncle Tom dies.

In the afternoon, two men were discussing about business transaction, in the town of
Kentucky. Mr. Arthur Shelby, a Kentucky farmer has large debts. Though Mr. Shelby and his
wife Emily were very kind to their slaves Mr. Shelby still decides to sell his two slaves to Mr.
Haley, a slave trader or else he will lose everything he owns. The two slaves were Uncle Tom, a
good, honest and devoted Christians and Harry, the son of Eliza. Mr. Shelby tells it to his wife
but Emily was dismayed because she promised Eliza that Shelby will not sell Harry.
Eliza hears everything about the conversation between Arthur and Emily. After that, she
quickly warns Uncle Tom and his wife, Aunt Chloe. Eliza takes Harry to find their freedom with
her husband George Harris in Canada. It wasn’t easy especially when Haley tries to get her back,
but fortunately the two other slaves of Shelby warn her that they will be in danger so she evades
crossing the Ohio River. Haley hires a slave hunter named Loker with his gang to bring them
back to Kentucky. Eliza and Harry make their way to Quaker where Quaker couple helps them to
transport. Then, Eliza with Harry was reunited with George in Canada.
Meanwhile, Uncle Tom leaves his family and his master George, son of Mr. Shelby.
Haley takes him to a boat to be transported to slave market where Uncle Tom meets a little girl
named Eva. Eva falls to the river so Uncle Tom quickly dives to help and save her. Augustine,
father of Eva agrees to buy Tom from Haley. Uncle Tom travels with St. Clare family to their
home in New Orleans. Tom became close with Eva whom he shares about Christianity.
Uncle Tom lives in New Orleans for about two years. Eva became ill and then dies
eventually. St. Clare decides to set Tom free. Before Tom comes up with his decision, St. Clare
was stabbed while trying to settle his argument and then dies. As he dies, he finds God and was
reunited with his mother in heaven.
Augustine’s wife was so cruel that she eventually sells Uncle Tom to a demonic man who
owned a plantation named Simon Legree. Tom was taken by Simon to rural Louisiana together
with other slaves including Emmeline whom Simon buys to use as a sex slave. Simon dislikes
Tom because he always refuses to lash his fellow slaves as ordered. Tom always receives severe
torture from Simon but Tom resolves it through his faith in God. Tom meets Cassy and hears
everything about her.
Tom’s faith was tested by all his hardships. He renew his spiritual strength that gave him
the courage to stand againsts Simon’s torture. He also encourages Cassy to escape and Cassy did
so together with Emmeline. Simon asks Tom where the two women have gone but Tom refuses
to tell so Simon orders his overseers to beat him hard. When Tom is nearly dying he forgives
Simon and his overseers. Later on George arrives with money to buy Tom’s freedom but he’s too
late after seeing that Tom is nearly to his death.
George Shelby takes Cassy and Emmeline toward their freedom. Cassy realizes that Eliza
is her long lost daughter. They were reunited, travels to France and then moves to Liberia,
African nation that was created for former American slaves.
George returns to Kentucky farm after his father’s death and sets freedom for everyone.
He also encourages everyone to think for all the sacrifices of Tom everytime they look at Uncle
Tom’s Cabin and live in Christianity just like what Uncle Tom did all throughout his life.

THEME: The story is all about the evil of slavery as well as the values of Christian
POINT OF VIEW: The story is told from third person point of view.
CONFLICT: When Uncle Tom lives in rural Louisiana where he suffers severe torture
from Simon Legree that causes his death.
George Shelby returns to Kentucky and sets freedom for everyone in order to honor
Uncle Tom. He also encourages everyone to think that Uncle Tom’s Cabin symbolizes his
sacrifices and to live in Christianity just like what Uncle Tom did.
Just like in the story it shows the abolitionism in America, a historic movement to end the
slavery and sets slaves free.
We are living in two phases of life. A life in which we are oppressed and exploited by
those evil and a life in which we are free of doing what we love. We’re living in this world for us
to be treated the way we deserve to be treated. No one shall be oppressed by anyone else. We’re
all son of God and in fact shall be equal in all aspect but no one is perfect, we make mistakes and
forget about the right thing to do, the most important is for us to change for the better, forgive
and always believe in God.

 Eliza Doolittle- the protagonist in the story, she transformed from being a poor
flower girl to smart independent woman.
 Professor Henry Higgins- professor of phonetics
 Colonel Pickering- He is with Higgins’ experiment in teaching Eliza. He is
courteous and gentleman.
 Alfred Doolittle- Eliza’s father
 Mrs. Higgins- Henry Higgins’ mother
 Mrs. Eynsford Hill- upper middle class lady
 Clara Eynsford Hill- daughter of Mrs. Eynsford
 Freddy Hill- son of Mrs. Hill
 Mrs. Pearce- housekeeper of Professor Henry Higgins

SETTING: This story is set in London at St. Paul’s in Convent Garden.

At the Convent Garden, exactly 11: 15 in the evening, pedestrians are looking for a
shelter in the market and in St. Paul’s church, several people are peering out in the rain including
a young girl Clara and her mother Mrs. Eynsford waiting for his son Freddy , except a man
whom preoccupied with notebook in which he writes busily. That night no one as prepared and
the rain pour heavily. Freddy who’s looking for an available cab collides with a poor flower girl
named Eliza Doolittle, Freddy scatters and damages the flower. Eliza asks Mrs. Hill to pay for
the damaged flowers. Alongside, Eliza notices the presence of Henry Higgins whom she thinks
that he’s a policeman to arrest her so Eliza becomes hysterical. Afterwards, Higgins turns out
recording the speech of Eliza. Higgins boasts that in just three months he can change Eliza, from
flower girl into a duchess. Higgins and Pickering also met each other and dine together to discuss
about phonetics.
The next day, in Higgins’ laboratory, Eliza presented herself at the door. Eliza requests a
lesson from Higgins. Eliza wants to be employed in flower shop instead of just selling flowers in
the street. She wants to learn to speak gentler but she can’t afford it so Pickering claims to pay
for Liza’s lesson and Higgins accepts it. Mrs. Pearce, Higgins’ housekeeper, then begs with him
to consider what will happen to Eliza after the experiment but there’s no answer. Liza agrees and
moves to Higgins’ home. Mrs. Pearce helps Eliza to change from frowzy slut to a clean
respectable girl. Later on, an elderly but vigorous man come and visits Higgins. He wants to see
his daughter Eliza and rescue her. Higgins thought that Alfred want to take Eliza away but that’s
not really the point of Mr. Doolittle after knowing that there will be an opening career for his
daughter Eliza. Pickering explains to Mr. Doolittle that Higgins’ intentions are honorable.
It’s Mrs. Higgins’ at-home day. No one has arrived yet except Henry. Henry bursts with
excitement but his mother scolds him because her mother observes that her friends won’t come
whenever they see Henry. Henry explains that she invited Eliza, the poor flower girl to test her
speech. Later on, Mrs. Eynsford Hill arrived. Their conversation seems uncomfortable just like
what Mrs. Higgins expected. After a while, Liza arrives. She speaks fluently. After the party, all
the guests have gone except Henry and Pickering who were challenged by Mrs. Higgins about
their plan to Eliza. Mrs. Higgins was shocked about their experiment that Eliza will not earn
income but only the manner that disqualify a fine lady from earning her own living.
In the midnight, Higgins, Pickering and Eliza return from the party. In Higgins’
laboratory, Higgins loudly deplored. Liza became frustrated after Higgins continues to complain.
He thank God that it’s over, he didn’t even pay attention to Eliza’s role or even acknowledge her
role in his triumph. Higgins later on complains about not seeing his slippers. He observed that
Eliza did not give it to him directly. Eliza hurls at him with all her force. Higgins asks her what’s
the matter and Eliza answers that nothing was wrong but its Higgins. Higgins already won his
bet and Eliza seems like don’t matter anymore. She doesn’t even know what to do with herself
now that she’s got an upper class accent but no money and nowhere to go. At that point, Higgins
and Eliza had a huge fight. Eliza was very angry and she leaves Higgins’ house.
The next day, Eliza was missing. Henry and Pickering were phoning the police about her
disappearance. Mrs. Higgins rebuked Higgins and Pickering for what they’ve done and for
showing careless manner of treating human. Later on, Mrs. Higgins reveals that Eliza is upstairs
and asks her to go down. She thanks Pickering for treating her with all respect since the first day
they have met and gives credit for her transformation from a poor flower girl to a class lady. Liza
therefore concludes between her now as a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves but how
she’s treated by anyone. Higgins explains that he didn’t treat Eliza badly just because she’s a
flower girl but because he just treats anyone the same and it’s just his way of being fair. Higgins
asks her to return but Eliza refuses to come back and live with Higgins. Eliza even threatens
Henry that she might use her knowledge against him to teach one of Higgins’ competitors. Eliza
finally decides to strike on her own.
THEME: The Pygmalion shows multiple themes such as language, personal
identity, transformation and social status.
POINT OF VIEW: The point of view of Pygmalion is Third person Omniscient.
CONFLICT: The conflict in Pygmalion is when Eliza realizes that doesn’t even know
what to do with herself now that she’s got an upper class accent but no
money and nowhere to go.
RESOLUTION: Liza therefore concludes between her now as a lady and a flower girl is
not how she behaves but how she’s treated by anyone. Higgins asks Eliza
to return but Eliza refuses to come back and live with Higgins. Eliza even
threatens Henry that she might use her knowledge against him to teach one
of Higgins’ competitors and Eliza finally decides to strike on her own and
later on moves her into independence.
SOCIAL RELEVANCE: The play shows the distinction between rich and poor or let say the
transformation from being a poor girl to a class lady. In England a
society is divided by social class. People of the same class can
have access to widely varying resources. Aside from that, for
example is that when Higgins wants Eliza to marry not Freddy but
someone of an even higher class perhaps shows the distinction
between rich and poor.
MORAL: Shaw’s Pygmalion presents audience that our society was changing
at an alarming rate. We should think that issues such as feminism,
social class system and the way we speak affect the rest of our
lives. At the end of the day, we must treat each other equally as we
all deserve to be respected.

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