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2025학년도 수능특강 <영어> 05강 – 함축적 의미


❶ The modern corporation as a child of laissez-faire economics and of the market society) is based on
a creed (whose greatest weakness is the inability to see the need <for status and function) of the
선행사 소유격

소유격 관대 해석법 : 연행사의 명사인 점의 가장를 약점이 ~

individual in society.)

A than B
❷ In the philosophy of the market society델there is ㅇ
no other social criterion 0
than economic reward.
no atrer A +han B : B외엔 다른 미는 없다

❸ Henry Maine's famous epigram [

that the course of modern history has been from status

D to contract
D ] ~


neatly summarizes the belief of the nineteenth century, [

that social status and function should be

V ~>
exclusively the result of economic advancement.


❹ This emphasis was the result of a rebellion against a concept of society which defined human (
position exclusively in terms of politically determined status, and which thus denied equality of

❺ But the rebellion went too far.

❻ In order to establish justice it denied meaning and fulfillment to those(who cannot advance ― that
is, to the majority ―] instead of realizing that the good society must give both justice and status.
deng 가

해석해야 자연스러울까?

기본뜻은 거절하다 가 맞지만 이글에서는 어떻게

★ 무단도용 / 타사이트 게시금지 ★

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