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Niamh Smith

Please find below, details of your daughter’s current academic performance. The data
shown outlines what her subject teacher expects her to achieve at the end of the course if
she continues to work at her current levels.

At the school we try to ensure that our predictions are accurate and so we use fine grading
to identify how confident we are that a pupil will achieve that grade.
The numbers alongside each grade show how secure she is within that grade:

C1 – Very secure C grade, working towards grade B.

C2 – Secure grade C but needs some intervention to guarantee the grade.
C3 – Not secure grade C and will need significant support to guarantee the grade.

This data is used to track Niamh’s performance and identify any areas in which she may
require support or more challenge. We also use colour coding to identify if she is on target
across her subjects.

The colour coding in the table is explained below:

Blue Exceeding target. E.g. Target C, achieved B3, B2, B1, etc.
Green On target. E.g. Target B, achieved B1, B2, B3.
Amber Working towards target. E.g. Target A, achieved B1.
Red Working significantly below target.

Pupils who study BTEC qualifications will receive data that may look unfamiliar. The table
below should help to understand the equivalence to GCSE.

Level 2 (A*-C) Level 1 (D-G)

Distinction* (A*) Distinction (D)
Distinction (A) Merit (E)
Merit (B) Pass (F/G)
Pass (C)

Attitude to Learning Grade

In each subject, Niamh has been assigned a grade from A to E to explain how well she is engaged
in her learning. This takes into account many different aspects such as punctuality to lessons, work
ethic, presentation, behaviour, resilience, quality and quantity of homework and extra-curricular
engagement among other factors. Grade A would show strength and commitment in all areas of
Attitude to Learning, whilst a Grade E would suggest very significant concerns with a learner’s
Attitude to Learning.

Niamh Smith Tracking Report (Autumn 2) AF

Current Expectations:

Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Attitude to Attitude to
Subject Teacher Target Expected Expected
learning learning
Grade Grade
Grade Grade
English Language Mrs S. Bradley C C1 A C1 A
English Literature Mrs S. Bradley C C1 A B3 A
Maths Mrs V. Booton C B1 A B1 A
Numeracy Mrs V. Booton C B1 A B1 A
Double Science Dr C. O'Connell CC AB3 A AB3 A
Drama Mrs R. Jenkins C B2 A B2 A
Health & Social Care Mrs D. Leach C B2 A B2 A
History Mr D. Thomas C B1 A B1 A
Welsh Mr C. McLean C A3 A B1 A
Welsh B1 A
Mrs K. Powell C B2 A

The target that is given in the table is a single grade for all subjects. This is an ASPIRATIONAL
target. All targets are reviewed termly to ensure that all pupils are supported and fully challenged.

Niamh’s current attendance is 90.1%

Please discuss this data with Niamh and ensure that she understands where her strengths
and weaknesses lie. If you would like to discuss any of the information in greater detail,
please contact her subject teacher directly through the school app or email Mr. Mutlow
using the following email:

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