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Name: _________________________________________ Grade and Sec: ______ Score: _________

Directions: Read carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the letter of your chosen answer on the space
provided before the number.

____ 1. Which statement is INCORRECT?

A. Volcanoes give information about inner Earth.
B. Volcanoes can be found on land and ocean floor.
C. Volcanoes show precursory signs before eruption.
D. Volcanoes that do not produce lava is not dangerous.
____ 2. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Active volcanoes do not have magma supply while inactive volcanoes have magma supply.
B. Active volcanoes exhibit volcanic activity within the last 10 000 years while inactive volcanoes have
no record of eruption.
C. Inactive volcanoes are those that erupted recently and showing regular activity while active
volcanoes exhibit no sign of volcanic activity.
D. Inactive volcanoes exhibit sign of emissions of molten materials and gases while active volcanoes
show no sign of emission.
____ 3. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on June 15, 1991, was the second largest of the 20th
century. Its eruption was characterized as an excessively explosive type of eruption of gas and pyroclastic. Which
type of the eruption is this?
A. Phreatic B. Phreatomagmatic C. Plinian D. Strombolian
____ 4. Why are supervolcanoes the most dangerous type of volcano?
I. The eruption significantly increases the global temperature
II. During the eruption, enormous amount of ash is thrown into the atmosphere and encircles the globe
III. The ash from an eruption lower the temperature of the entire planet
IV. The lava that flows during an eruption causes damage to property.
A. I and II only B. II and III only C. II and IV only D. I, II, and III only
____ 5. Several stratovolcanoes like Mt. Mayon of the Philippines, Mt. Fuji of Japan, Mt. Sinabung of Indonesia,
and Mt. Saint Helens of the USA are located in the Ring of Fire. Would you say stratovolcanoes are common in the
Philippines? Why? Or Why not?
A. Yes, because approximately 75% of the World’s volcanoes are found in the Pacific Ring of Fire and
stratovolcanoes are common around the ring of fire.
B. Yes, because all of the world’s active stratovolcanoes are found in the ring of fire
C. Yes, because 100% of stratovolcanoes are located within the Ring of Fire where plate boundaries are
actively subducting.
D. No, because these are other types of volcanoes in the Philippines.
____ 6. Which best describes a dormant volcano?
a. A volcano that is presently not erupting and that is unlikely to do so for a very long time in the future
b. It is currently erupting or shows signs of unrest activities
c. Not presently erupting but has erupted in the past and is likely to erupt again in the future
d. Also called sleeping volcano because it is presently inactive but could erupt again.
____ 7. Viscosity is a measure of a material’s resistance to flow. Which DOES NOT affect the viscosity of
A. location of magma C. chemical composition of the magma
B. temperature of the magma D. presence of dissolved gases in the magma
____ 8. Several kilometers from a volcano, a geologist observes an old lava flow made up of dark- colored basalt
rock. The geologist infers that the lava must have had____________.
A. low viscosity B. high viscosity C. medium viscosity D. high silica content
____ 9. The magma in the chamber of a volcano has a very high amount of silica. If the volcano would erupt,
which might happen?
A. The lava would flow very slowly
B. The volcano would erupt violently
C. The volcano would erupt non-explosively
D. There would be a build-up of pressure below the crater
14. What provides the force that causes magma to erupt to the surface?
A. the gravity in the lithosphere C. the silica in the magma
B. the density of the magma D. the dissolved gases trapped in the magma
15. When compared to andesitic lavas, what characteristics of basaltic lavas will be shown?
A. lower in viscosity and it retains dissolved gases.
B. higher in viscosity and it retains dissolved gases.
C. lower in viscosity and it easily releases dissolved gases.
D. higher in viscosity but it easily releases dissolved gases.
16.Water vapor is one of the dissolved gases released by erupting volcano. It is present in large amounts,
and is considered harmless. When will it become harmful to the living things and environment?
A. when it is in the lower atmosphere C. when it is in the upper atmosphere
B. when it is in the middle atmosphere D. when it combines with other dissolved gases
17. Heat from the volcano can be utilized as energy source. Which energy comes from the volcano?
A. Biomass B. Dendrothermal C. Geothermal D. Hydroelectric
18. Which locations can be good sources of geothermal energy?
A. Ocean, river, sea C. Geyser, hot spring, ocean
B. Geyser, ocean, river D. Geyser, hot spring, steam vents
19. How is geothermal energy harnessed as source of electricity?
A. Wells are drilled on Earth’s surface to pump steam or hot water
B. The steam from hot water spins the turbine to produce electricity
C. The turbines are connected to generators that generates electricity
D. All of the above
20. Although the first geothermally-generated electricity in the world was produced at Lardello, Italy, in
1904, but it is not the top producer as of today. What country is recognized as the top producer of
geothermally-generated electricity in the world today?
a. United States b. Indonesia c. New Zealand d. Russia
21. Which of the following would be the best place to harness geothermal energy?
a. volcanic Iceland c. the rain forests of Brazil
b. dessert place of Arab d. mountainous Switzerland
22. Philippines is one of the largest producers of geothermally-generated electricity in the world. What
could be the reason for this?
a. We have top miners where we can get metals
b. We have abundant natural resources like trees and minerals
c. We belong to the Pacific ring of fire where set of Volcanoes can be found
d. We have abundant water and mineral resources where we can get enough supply for our country.
23. How does using geothermal power plant can cause possible pollution?
a. Since vents are not widely available, man cannot just build geothermal power plant.
b. Geothermal power plants are designed to operate 24 hours a day throughout the whole year.
c. Processes like drilling on Earth’s crust may release some poisonous gas and minerals which could
pose harm to the environment.
d. Installation cost of steam power plant is quite high and there is no guarantee that the amount of
energy to be harnessed could justify the operation cost.
24. After geothermal energy is used to turn turbines, what is done with the leftover water?
a. it is released into rivers c. it is injected back into the hot rock
b. it is used as drinking water d. it is used for irrigation and farming
25. Which of the following is not part of disadvantages in using geothermal energy?
a. Possible Pollution c. Financial Constraint
b. Limited Accessibility d. Helps Developing Countries Grow
26. It refers to the atmospheric condition of a place over a long period of time.
a. Climate b. monsoon c. weather d. topography
27. Look at the picture. Located in Africa is Mount Kilimanjaro. Which of the following factors affects the
climate at the top of the mountain?

a. Latitude b. Altitude c. topography d. all of these

28. Why do mountain climbers bring thick jackets when they go up the mountain?
a. The temperature increases as the altitude increases.
b. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases.
c. The temperature decreases as the altitude decreases.
d. The temperature remains the same as the altitude increases.
29. What happens to the temperature of air when altitude increases?
a. varies b. increases c. decreases d. remains the same
30. City A is surrounded by bodies of water and has a moderate climate. It is located near the equator.
What will most likely affect the climate of the city?
a. Latitude b. altitude c. topography d. all of these
31. Why do places at the same latitude but different altitudes have different climates?
a. The amount of heat received varies. c. The higher altitudes have lower temperature.
b. The amount of precipitation differs. d. The higher altitudes have higher temperature.
32. During summer, many people visit Baguio because of the cold weather. What do you think makes
Baguio cold?
a. The topography b. The distance from the ocean c. the altitude d. all of the above
33. The movement of continents over the earth’s surface influences climate by which of the following?
a. Changing airflow in the atmosphere, causing climate change.
b. It does not affect climate because the landforms don’t change.
c. Causing weather patterns to change, without affecting climate.
d. Changing position on the globe, sometimes by centimeters each year, which we can identify by
observing fossil records.
34. Which of the following is the best practice to reduce the effect of climate change?
A. organic farming B. livestock raising C. burning fossil fuel D. car manufacturing
35. Which is TRUE about greenhouse effect?
A. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the atmosphere.
B. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the earth’s interior.
C. Greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere absorb heat from the outer space.
D. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorb heat from the earth’s surface.
36. Which of the following is NOT likely result of global warming?
A. Rising sea level C. Increased storm frequency and intensity
B. Worsening health effects D. Increased agricultural productivity worldwide
37. Which condition happens during La Niña phenomenon?
A. Trade wind becomes stronger. C. Air pressure in the western Pacific increases.
B. Upwelling of cold water is blocked. D. Air pressure in the eastern Pacific decreases.
38. Which can cause global warming?
A. Deforestation C. Air pollutants due to extraction of natural gas
B. Industrial and agricultural activities D. All of the above
39. Cities and rural communities face some of the same climate issues; these includes
a. the need to upgrade aging infrastructure.
b. there are no enough celebrities focused on climate issues.
c. people can’t identify the needed solutions to take an actions.
d. too many people with the same name slows emergency response.
40. An important example of a “positive feedback loop” in the polar climate system is:
a. Warming ocean waters open new areas for marine species.
b. Scientist in remote places check on each other’s instruments.
c. Warmer winters cause more plant growth, providing more food.
d. Sea ice melts opens more ocean to sunlight, causing more melt.
41. Global climate change has had numerous effects on the Earth. Which of the following has been a
result of global climate change?
a. increase in insect pest population c. increase in coastal flooding
b. rise in infectious tropical diseases d. all of these
42.Which of the following statement is TRUE about constellations?
A. The patterns of asteroids viewed from earth that resembled different images.
B.The earth-based interpretation of two-dimensional star patterns on the sky.
C.The patterns on the sky made up of stars with different brightness and distances from earth.
D.Both B and C.
43. Are all the constellations visible from anywhere on Earth in the entire year?
A. No, because as the Earth revolves around the sun.
B. No, because there are times that stars do not give off light.
C. Yes, because all constellations can be found in a one place.
D. Yes, because all the constellations do not change its position.
44. How do ancient Greeks name stars within the constellation?
A. according to figure C. according to brightness
B. according to distance D. according to their position in the constellation
45. Why are most of the constellations visible at night?
A. Because stars travel at night. C. Because they only appear at night.
B. Because the sun is too bright. D. Because of the motion of earth in its orbit around the sun.
46. Can you see the same stars every night?
A. Yes, stars do not change position.
B. Yes, we are seeing the same stars every night.
C. No, the stars travel from one place to another.
D. No, as the earth rotates the part of the sky you can see changes.
47. Why are some constellations not seen in certain months?
A. Because the earth revolves around the sun.
B. Because the brightness of the sun outshines their visibility.
C. Because of the gravity that affects the rotation and revolution of the earth.
D. Because of the tidal waves attracting each other, creating a huge tsunami that washed out the
48. Is the sun the biggest factor why there are less visible constellations during daytime?
A. No, because the sun has nothing to do with it.
B. Yes, because it is closer, and brighter as seen on earth.
C. Yes, because it helps transform them into other celestial bodies.
D. No, because the sun is the one responsible to give light to the moon.
49. Which determines a good view of constellation from earth?
A. The position of the earth in its orbit C. The movement of the earth
B. The location of the person D. None of the above
50. What is the reason why you can see different constellations on different parts of the year?
a. The motion of Earth in its orbit around the Sun.
b. The motion of Earth around its axis.
c. The motion of the stars projected in the celestial sphere around Earth.
d. The motion of the constellations around the Sun.

1. D 26. A
2. A 27. B
3. B 28. B
4. D 29. C
5. C 30. D
6. C 31. C
7. D 32.D
8. C 33. D
9. A 34. A
10. C 35. A
11. A 36. D
12. A 37. D
13. C 38. D
14. D 39. A
15. C 40. D
16. D 41. D

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