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Philippine GUARDIANS Brotherhood, Incorporated

SEC Registry Nr A200008885

Ibajay, Aklan Chapter
Barangay Agbago, Ibajauy, Aklana

Hon. Haresco, Teodorico Jr. T.

District Representative
Aklan, 2nd District

Dear Sir,

We the Philippine Guardians Brotherhood, Inc. (PGBI) a non-profit and Non-

Government Organization so passionate to own a poultry (layer chicken) to rear
chickens and egg production in our community. The Organization intention is to
establish this agro-allied for the benefits of the organization and community.

The poultry project is design to be an agro-allied with excellence,

professionalism and integrity in our organization and community. Being a non-profit
organization, there is therefore the organization needs to have funds to use in the
projects planned by the organization and for the members to get benefits.

We, therefore saddled with the responsibility of providing meat and egg as a
sources of animal protein so as to improve the protein intake of customer
satisfaction, time management and discipline are our core. The business location is
opportunity and also customer demands

The vision of our poultry is to become a major producer of poultry products

in our community through the provision of healthy chicken and chicken products.

We have a mission to improve the health of the people through supplies of

good quality chicken meat, eggs and to make young people appreciate agriculture.

This amount is needed to procure the equipment and raise the poultry house
structure, initial stock of birds and operating expense/working capital.

Help us reaching the organization goals by donating as little you can please.
God bless as you help me.

Arvin Orencio Begaso

Mun. Vice Chairman
PGBI Ibajay Aklan Chapter

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