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Contemporary art is define to artworks

created between 1945 and the present
day.Contemporary artworks are simply
refers by time period regardless of the
style medium like (sculpture, painting,
photography, drawing, or printing), or
artistic movement they belong to.
Contemporary art refers to the art created in
the current era, which encompasses the
second half of the 20th century and the 21st
century. It is a dynamic field where artists
work in a globally influenced, culturally
diverse, and technologically advancing world.

Contemporary art is a period that is generally

considered to span from the post-war period
to present day. It encompasses numerous
different styles, genres and artistic
approaches, and so is difficult to fully
Contemporary, in the broader sense of
the word, means belonging to the same
time. In the case of the visual arts, this
definition quickly becomes troublesome
because works labelled as contemporary
can be from a wide range of decades and
are therefore not necessarily from the
same time period.
The term contemporary art should therefore
not be understood purely from a chronological
viewpoint but viewed as a desire and goal
shared by contemporary artists to challenge
the artistic canons in the same way that
modern art had tried to do, but to go further in
this approach and put an end to the canonical
nature of art Modern art succeeded in turning
away from figurative art, and had begun to ask
important questions about the very nature of
Contemporary art is that it must be an
artwork which either relates to practices
and aesthetic designs that convey ideas
or concepts (such as conceptual art),
transcends boundaries between art and
what traditionally is not considered art
(for instance performance art), or that
goes beyond the borders of art as they
are understood by modern and classical
One characteristic of contemporary art is its
diversity, which extends to the integration of
various artistic mediums and technologies,
creating a rich and interactive artistic
experience. Contemporary artists frequently
blend different mediums and technologies,
including video, performance, installations,
and digital media, to craft immersive and
multidimensional experiences.
The conceptual focus of contemporary
art is characterized by an emphasis on
ideas, concepts, and intellectual
exploration, often prioritizing the
underlying meaning over traditional
aesthetic considerations.
Therefore, you would find that most contemporary art
encourages viewer engagement and participation,
making the viewer a part of the work. Contemporary
artists believe that ideas are more important than
craftsmanship, prioritizing the conceptual aspect of
their work. This shift challenges conventional ideas
about artistic expertise. Moreover, the conceptual
focus often allows for multiple interpretations,
encouraging viewers to bring their own perspectives
and experiences to the artwork, contributing to a
diverse range of meanings and understandings.

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