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Why are you learning English?

Presented by: Eregen Enlik

Global Language
Career Opportunities
Academic Advancements
Cultural Exchange
International Travel
Technology and Innovation
There are many reasons why I study English. It plays a very important role in
Highlight English as a Mention its prevalence Discuss how proficiency Provide examples of
in business, academia, in English enhances job multinational
global lingua franca,
and international prospects globally. companies where
spoken by millions communication. English is a key
worldwide. requirement.
Academic Advancements

The role of English in Around 46,736 academic journals are In the present time, English becomes the most
accessing higher education published worldwide every year, with important and vivid means of
and research opportunities over 75.04% of them published in the global communication whicһ prevents our
should be emphasized English language. The number of isolation from the world, and a
window to the rapid progress and development
academic journals published per year has
in all spheres of life
grown 28.7% over the last 10 years
Cultural Exchange

Learning English can provide When children learn English, they are Learning English can be a powerful
English language classes often include
opportunities for cultural exchange exposed to different cultures and discussions and activities that focus on cultural
tool for building bridges between
and understanding perspectives, which can help them differences, which can help children different cultures and promoting
develop empathy and respect for appreciate and understand different ways of cross-cultural communication
others thinking and living
Understanding English
English proficiency can
allows you to access and use
enable you to participate in
these resources to navigate
guided tours, workshops,
unfamiliar destinations, find
and cultural events that may
accommodations, and
be conducted in English
discover local attractions.

If you're a long-term traveler, having

English language skills can open doors to
job opportunities in various countries,
such as teaching English as a foreign
Many travel guidebooks, maps, and travel-
language or working in the tourism
related apps are available in English
Speaking English when traveling has several advantages. For initial reasons, it
makes interaction with locals easier. Even if you don't speak the native
tongue, you'll be able to communicate in English with the locals. English is
typically the language of tourism; many tourist locations have English-
speaking employees.

Proficiency in English is essential for navigating the online world, accessing

digital resources, and participating in global online communities

01 02
It is the language of science, AS A FIRST OR
aviation, computers, diplomacy
and tourism. Last but not least, it
is the language of international BY APPROXIMATELY
communication, the media and 400 MILLION PEOPLE
the internet
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