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NGEC 5 Purposive Communication


Communication Aids and Strategies: Image Analysis

Write an analysis of the image below. Follow the format that has been provided to you. Provide
a caption.

“Begging for help: How Filipino

Laborers Struggle to Survive”

Majority of the Filipinos still live below the poverty line.
People are forced to break their backs in order to survive in this capitalist world, worse children are
forced to do labor in the young age. This essay analyzes how people are desperate and left no
choice but to stretched their dirty hands to beg for help.
The Caption, "Begging for help: How the Filipino Laborers
Struggle to Survive”, expresses the agony of the Filipinos who are suffering from unfair labor policies
and demands. The word "Begging" both symbolizes the hands in the image, begging (probably for
money) and the situation of laborers as they ask for help in the society.
This image is intended for the public, especially the adults
and businessman who has the capacity to help ordinary filipino workers. Politicians and Union
leaders are may also be the target as they are the persons who can actually make a difference for
these people. However, since everyone is affected, families of the workers and their peers may also
take interest especially because the livelihood of the family member is at stake.
Visual and Technical Analysis
The photo shows a striking image of hands covered in dirt.
The black stains in the hands is similar to the black background which may mean that the stains
come from the environment he lives/works in. The image highlights and is focused on the brown
hand covered in clack stains. There are also numerous colors in the background that appears to be
blurry, probably emphasizing dirt or trashes.
The image is clear and focused on the hands. The lines
made by the black stain are very visible and traces the features of the hand like the veins, nails, and
The photo is sharp and clear as it focused on the hands
and blurred the background. It even shows a very detailed feature of a human hand with the texture
and sensitivity. It even captured the roughness of the hands which may mean that it belong to an old
person or someone who is working diligently.
The image shows the reality of life in the society. The hands
symbolizing a person asking for help in desperation. It reflects on how people work so diligently yet
do not receive the right compensation they deserve. People begging and poverty aren’t new, yet this
problem has remained rooted in the country due to selfishness and various social problems.
We all live in the same world. Since we don’t know the
stories of all people, the only thing we can do is be considerate of others to help them. It best to offer
our hands to other as they ask for help to sustain living in this world.
The image accurately portrays the reality of people and the
problem in the society. The hands conveys a message of desperateness and extreme despair as
they aim to survive.

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