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Introduction to Physics

David Nyirenda

Malawi University of Science and Technology

David Nyirenda (Malawi University of Science and Technology)

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Definition of Physics

Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and

properties of matter and energy.
It deals with a wide variety of physical phenomena and their
interactions, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest

David Nyirenda (Malawi University of Science and Technology)

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Importance of Physics

Physics plays a crucial role in understanding the fundamental

principles of the universe.
It forms the basis for all other branches of science and technology.
Many of the technological advancements that have shaped the
modern world, such as electricity, magnetism, and
telecommunications, are rooted in principles of physics.

David Nyirenda (Malawi University of Science and Technology)

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Studying Physics

Physics is studied through a combination of theoretical principles,

mathematical models, and experimental observations.
Theoretical physics involves the development of mathematical
frameworks and conceptual models to describe physical phenomena.
Experimental physics involves conducting experiments to test
theoretical predictions and gather empirical data.

David Nyirenda (Malawi University of Science and Technology)

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Branches of Physics
Classical Mechanics: Deals with the motion of objects and the
forces acting on them, based on Newton’s laws of motion.
Electromagnetism: Studies the interaction between electrically
charged particles and magnetic fields.
Thermodynamics: Focuses on the relationships between heat, work,
and energy transfer in physical systems.
Quantum Mechanics: Describes the behavior of particles at the
atomic and subatomic levels, where classical mechanics no longer
Relativity: Explores the nature of space, time, and gravity, as
described by Einstein’s theory of relativity.
Astrophysics: Investigates the properties and behavior of celestial
objects and phenomena, such as stars, galaxies, and the universe as a
Nuclear Physics: Studies the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei
and the particles that compose them.
David Nyirenda (Malawi University of Science and Technology)
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Physics is a vast and diverse field that encompasses a wide range of topics
and phenomena. By exploring its various branches, we gain deeper insights
into the workings of the natural world and develop technologies that shape
our lives. It is a fundamental science that continues to push the
boundaries of human knowledge and understanding.

David Nyirenda (Malawi University of Science and Technology)

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