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ENGR221 Analog Circuits Laboratory

Laboratory Report Guidelines

Spring 2024


This document contains laboratory report writing guidelines for experiments in

ENGR221, Spring 2022. The specific organization and format for the report may differ by
instructor and semester, although the general format is typically the same. Therefore, it will be
vital that you follow the instructors’ guidelines for each laboratory course that you take. Project
reports differ from laboratory reports because projects are typically more open-ended.
Furman [1] provides good general laboratory guidelines, while Astatke [2] gives
additional detailed explanations. These sources have contributed to developing the guidelines for
this course. Other helpful information on describing the various sections of laboratory reports
can be found at Colorado State University [3], and the University of Connecticut has some
beneficial information on prose style and punctuation [4]. In addition to format, the mechanics of
writing a report are fundamental. A section on report mechanics is given in this document as

Formal Report Format

• Title Page
• Introduction
• Theory
• Equipment and Set-Up
• Experimental Procedures
• Results
• Discussion and Data Analysis
• Conclusion
• References (as appropriate)
• Appendices (or Appendix as appropriate)

Use these as a checklist to ensure you include each section in your report.
Title Page
• University, Department, Course Number and Name; Experiment Number (Times Roman
o Each should be on a separate line
• Title of the Experiment (Times Roman 14pt, bold)
• Author(s) (font: Times Roman 12pt)
o list first author and then group member(s)
• Experiment Performed Date (Times Roman 12pt)
• Report Submission Date (Times Roman 12pt)

Sample Title Page

Virginia State University

Computer Engineering
ENGR221 Analog Circuits Laboratory
Experiment 1

Measurement of Currents and Voltages

in Simple Circuits

Judy E. Williams and Karl J. Stevens

Experiment Performed: February 2, 2019

Report Submitted: February 9, 2019

• Give some background on the problem your experiment investigated.
• Explain the objectives and motivation for the experiment

• Theoretical models, equations, physical principles
The “theory provides a background, using your own words, that allows the reader to
completely comprehend the theoretical background required to understand the purpose
and the goals of the design project or lab. You can use figures from your project or lab
handout in your report,” if needed; however, “you cannot copy sentences or
paragraphs from the lab handout.”1

Equipment and Set-Up

• List all equipment you used, including model numbers of instrumentation
• Describe the experimental setup

Experimental Procedures (detailed)

• Step-by-step process that describes what YOU did
• Use diagrams, sketches, photographs, etc. to show the procedure's layout, wiring
connections, and all other aspects.
The “procedure describes the process in chronological order. Please number all the
steps in your procedure. Using a clear paragraph structure, explain all steps in the order
they happened, not as they were supposed to happen. If your professor says you can
simply state that you followed the procedure in the manual, be sure you still document
occasions when you did not follow that exactly (e.g., "At step 4, we performed four
repetitions instead of three, and ignored the data from the second repetition"). If you've
done it right, another person should be able to duplicate your experiment.”1

• Report what you found.
• Summarize the data using figures and tables
o All figures and tables must be numbered and have a short descriptive title
(ex. Figure 1. Thevenin Equivalent Circuit)
o The words “Figure” and “Table” should not be abbreviated but written out
o “Figure …” goes below and centered about the figure, while “Table…” goes
above the table and is centered about the table. Graphs should be completely
o Use Times Roman 9pt or 10pt font for figures and tables.
• Provide ALL CALCULATIONS [i.e. show THEORETICAL RESULTS-the process
or steps (typed)]
• “Include ALL theoretical and measured results in one or more tables that make it
easy for the reader to compare and understand your results. Don’t forget to include %
error calculations to prove your results are correct.”1

• When using PSpice, you should so the simulation (PSpice) results as well.

Discussion and Data Analysis

• Discuss the meaning and importance of the experimental results.
• Compare the results to theoretical predictions and simulation results.
• Describe the accuracy of the results.
• Address discrepancies.

“Discussion (or Analysis) is the most important part of your report because here, you
show that you understand the experiment beyond the simple level of completing it.
Explain. Analyze. Interpret. Some people like to think of this as the "subjective" part of
the report. By that, they mean this is what is not readily observable. This part of the lab
focuses on understanding: "What is the significance or meaning of the results? To
answer this question, use both aspects of the discussion:

o Analysis: What do the results indicate clearly? What have you found? Explain
what you know with certainty based on your results and draw conclusions
o Interpretation: What is the significance of the results? What ambiguities exist?
What questions might we raise? Find logical explanations for problems in the

More particularly, focus your discussion with strategies like these:

o Compare expected results with those obtained.
If there were differences, how can you account for them? Saying "human error"
implies you're incompetent. Be specific; for example, the instruments could not
measure precisely, the sample was not pure or contaminated, or the calculated
values did not consider friction.
o Analyze experimental error.
Was it avoidable? Was it a result of equipment? If an experiment was within the
tolerances, you can still account for the difference from the ideal. If the flaws
result from the experimental design, explain how the design might be improved.
o Explain your results in terms of theoretical issues.
Labs are often intended to illustrate critical physical laws, such as Kirchhoff's
voltage law, or energy conservation. Usually, you will have discussed these in the
introduction. In this section, we move from the results to the theory. How well has
the theory been illustrated?
o Relate results to your experimental objective(s).
If you set out to identify an unknown metal by finding its lattice parameter and its
atomic structure, you'd better know the metal and its attributes.
o Compare your results to similar investigations.
Sometimes, it is legitimate to compare outcomes with classmates, not to change
your answer, but to look for any anomalies between the groups and discuss those.
o Analyze the strengths and limitations of your experimental design.
This is particularly useful if you designed the thing you're testing (e.g. a circuit).
o Include any extra-credit work or results here.”1

• Conclude in regards to the objectives of the experiment
• Comment on any problems with the measurements and what they mean concerning the
objectives of the experiment
• Recommendations for the next steps that could be taken in subsequent experiments or

The “conclusion can be very short in most laboratories or projects. Simply state what
you know now or have learned due to the lab.

o Minimum Requirements
Clearly state what you have learned from the lab/project, and justify your answer.
o Additional requirements (if needed)
Suggest any new recommendations or procedures that you will do to improve the

• List all literature (books, articles, papers, etc.), catalogs, interviews, figures, photographs,
etc., directly used or referred to in your experimental work and report.

• Include the lab experiment data sheet in the appendix. It should be labeled
Appendix I or Appendix A.
Report Mechanics

1. Use a page size of 8.5” x 11”

2. Font throughout the report is Times Roman, 12 pt., unless otherwise specified
3. Spacing used can be the default setting in Microsoft WORD (“multiple” lines at 1.15). Note
that it definitely should be more than just single spaced). Increase spacing before major
4. One inch Margins at the top, bottom, left side, and right sides
5. Paragraphs should be indented and indent them by 0.5 inches.
6. The headings (Introduction, Theory, etc.) are in bold and left justified.
7. The laboratory reports must be individually done. Even though you and your group member
have the same data, your report must not be the same. Two people writing reports will not
use the same words or do calculations exactly.
8. Your report MUST include your signed data sheets. Reports are not acceptable otherwise.
9. Your report must be done using a word processor.
10. Sections are to be written in narrative form. You should not just throw in figures and tables
without writing a narrative to describe them.
11. Do not just throw in bullets.
12. Do not use abbreviations in the report (use “do not” instead of don’t in formal writing)
13. Do not use “lingo.”
14. Ensure that you watch your grammar, punctuation, spelling, subject/verb agreement, and all
other aspects of writing using the appropriate writing knowledge you’ve learned in your
English courses. Effective written and oral communications is essential for this course. This
will be graded as well.
15. Use “spell-check” for assisting in proofing your report.

Ensure that your report looks aesthetically pleasing.

It should be neat and look professional.

1. BJ Furman, Laboratory Report Guidelines, San Jose State University, November 2011,
2. Yacob Astatke, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Lab/Project Report
Guidelines, Morgan State University, Fall 2010, Modified from the original source at the
University of Toronto.


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